Add wxAnyScrollHelperBase to reduce code duplication in wxVarScrollHelperBase.
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / scrolwin.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: wx/scrolwin.h
3 // Purpose: wxScrolledWindow, wxScrolledControl and wxScrollHelper
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 30.08.00
7 // Copyright: (c) 2000 Vadim Zeitlin <>
8 // Licence: wxWindows licence
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 #ifndef _WX_SCROLWIN_H_BASE_
12 #define _WX_SCROLWIN_H_BASE_
14 #include "wx/panel.h"
16 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxScrollHelperEvtHandler;
17 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxTimer;
19 // default scrolled window style: scroll in both directions
20 #define wxScrolledWindowStyle (wxHSCROLL | wxVSCROLL)
22 // values for the second argument of wxScrollHelper::ShowScrollbars()
23 enum wxScrollbarVisibility
24 {
25 wxSHOW_SB_NEVER = -1, // never show the scrollbar at all
26 wxSHOW_SB_DEFAULT, // show scrollbar only if it is needed
27 wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS // always show scrollbar, even if not needed
28 };
30 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 // The hierarchy of scrolling classes is a bit complicated because we want to
32 // put as much functionality as possible in a mix-in class not deriving from
33 // wxWindow so that other classes could derive from the same base class on all
34 // platforms irrespectively of whether they are native controls (and hence
35 // don't use our scrolling) or not.
36 //
37 // So we have
38 //
39 // wxAnyScrollHelperBase
40 // |
41 // |
42 // \|/
43 // wxScrollHelperBase
44 // |
45 // |
46 // \|/
47 // wxWindow wxScrollHelper
48 // | \ / /
49 // | \ / /
50 // | _| |_ /
51 // | wxScrolledWindow /
52 // | /
53 // \|/ /
54 // wxControl /
55 // \ /
56 // \ /
57 // _| |_
58 // wxScrolledControl
59 //
60 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 // This class allows reusing some of wxScrollHelperBase functionality in
63 // wxVarScrollHelperBase in wx/vscroll.h without duplicating its code.
64 class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxAnyScrollHelperBase
65 {
66 public:
67 wxEXPLICIT wxAnyScrollHelperBase(wxWindow* win);
69 // Simple accessor for the window that is really being scrolled.
70 wxWindow *GetTargetWindow() const { return m_targetWindow; }
72 protected:
73 // the window that receives the scroll events and the window to actually
74 // scroll, respectively
75 wxWindow *m_win,
76 *m_targetWindow;
77 };
79 // This is the class containing the guts of (uniform) scrolling logic.
80 class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxScrollHelperBase : public wxAnyScrollHelperBase
81 {
82 public:
83 // ctor must be given the associated window
84 wxScrollHelperBase(wxWindow *winToScroll);
85 virtual ~wxScrollHelperBase();
87 // configure the scrolling
88 virtual void SetScrollbars(int pixelsPerUnitX, int pixelsPerUnitY,
89 int noUnitsX, int noUnitsY,
90 int xPos = 0, int yPos = 0,
91 bool noRefresh = false );
93 // scroll to the given (in logical coords) position
94 //
95 // notice that for backwards compatibility reasons Scroll() is virtual as
96 // the existing code could override it but new code should override
97 // DoScroll() instead
98 virtual void Scroll(int x, int y) { DoScroll(x, y); }
99 virtual void Scroll(const wxPoint& pt) { DoScroll(pt.x, pt.y); }
101 // get/set the page size for this orientation (wxVERTICAL/wxHORIZONTAL)
102 int GetScrollPageSize(int orient) const;
103 void SetScrollPageSize(int orient, int pageSize);
105 // get the number of lines the window can scroll,
106 // returns 0 if no scrollbars are there.
107 int GetScrollLines( int orient ) const;
109 // Set the x, y scrolling increments.
110 void SetScrollRate( int xstep, int ystep );
112 // get the size of one logical unit in physical ones
113 void GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(int *pixelsPerUnitX, int *pixelsPerUnitY) const;
115 // Set scrollbar visibility: it is possible to show scrollbar only if it is
116 // needed (i.e. if our virtual size is greater than the current size of the
117 // associated window), always (as wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB style does) or never (in
118 // which case you should provide some other way to scroll the window as the
119 // user wouldn't be able to do it at all)
120 void ShowScrollbars(wxScrollbarVisibility horz, wxScrollbarVisibility vert)
121 {
122 DoShowScrollbars(horz, vert);
123 }
125 // Test whether the specified scrollbar is shown.
126 virtual bool IsScrollbarShown(int orient) const = 0;
128 // Enable/disable Windows scrolling in either direction. If true, wxWidgets
129 // scrolls the canvas and only a bit of the canvas is invalidated; no
130 // Clear() is necessary. If false, the whole canvas is invalidated and a
131 // Clear() is necessary. Disable for when the scroll increment is used to
132 // actually scroll a non-constant distance
133 //
134 // Notice that calling this method with a false argument doesn't disable
135 // scrolling the window in this direction, it just changes the mechanism by
136 // which it is implemented to not use wxWindow::ScrollWindow().
137 virtual void EnableScrolling(bool x_scrolling, bool y_scrolling);
139 // Disable use of keyboard keys for scrolling. By default cursor movement
140 // keys (including Home, End, Page Up and Down) are used to scroll the
141 // window appropriately. If the derived class uses these keys for something
142 // else, e.g. changing the currently selected item, this function can be
143 // used to disable this behaviour as it's not only not necessary then but
144 // can actually be actively harmful if another object forwards a keyboard
145 // event corresponding to one of the above keys to us using
146 // ProcessWindowEvent() because the event will always be processed which
147 // can be undesirable.
148 void DisableKeyboardScrolling() { m_kbdScrollingEnabled = false; }
150 // Get the view start
151 void GetViewStart(int *x, int *y) const { DoGetViewStart(x, y); }
153 wxPoint GetViewStart() const
154 {
155 wxPoint pt;
156 DoGetViewStart(&pt.x, &pt.y);
157 return pt;
158 }
160 // Set the scale factor, used in PrepareDC
161 void SetScale(double xs, double ys) { m_scaleX = xs; m_scaleY = ys; }
162 double GetScaleX() const { return m_scaleX; }
163 double GetScaleY() const { return m_scaleY; }
165 // translate between scrolled and unscrolled coordinates
166 void CalcScrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const
167 { DoCalcScrolledPosition(x, y, xx, yy); }
168 wxPoint CalcScrolledPosition(const wxPoint& pt) const
169 {
170 wxPoint p2;
171 DoCalcScrolledPosition(pt.x, pt.y, &p2.x, &p2.y);
172 return p2;
173 }
175 void CalcUnscrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const
176 { DoCalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y, xx, yy); }
177 wxPoint CalcUnscrolledPosition(const wxPoint& pt) const
178 {
179 wxPoint p2;
180 DoCalcUnscrolledPosition(pt.x, pt.y, &p2.x, &p2.y);
181 return p2;
182 }
184 void DoCalcScrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const;
185 void DoCalcUnscrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const;
187 // Adjust the scrollbars
188 virtual void AdjustScrollbars() = 0;
190 // Calculate scroll increment
191 int CalcScrollInc(wxScrollWinEvent& event);
193 // Normally the wxScrolledWindow will scroll itself, but in some rare
194 // occasions you might want it to scroll [part of] another window (e.g. a
195 // child of it in order to scroll only a portion the area between the
196 // scrollbars (spreadsheet: only cell area will move).
197 void SetTargetWindow(wxWindow *target);
199 void SetTargetRect(const wxRect& rect) { m_rectToScroll = rect; }
200 wxRect GetTargetRect() const { return m_rectToScroll; }
202 // Override this function to draw the graphic (or just process EVT_PAINT)
203 virtual void OnDraw(wxDC& WXUNUSED(dc)) { }
205 // change the DC origin according to the scroll position.
206 virtual void DoPrepareDC(wxDC& dc);
208 // are we generating the autoscroll events?
209 bool IsAutoScrolling() const { return m_timerAutoScroll != NULL; }
211 // stop generating the scroll events when mouse is held outside the window
212 void StopAutoScrolling();
214 // this method can be overridden in a derived class to forbid sending the
215 // auto scroll events - note that unlike StopAutoScrolling() it doesn't
216 // stop the timer, so it will be called repeatedly and will typically
217 // return different values depending on the current mouse position
218 //
219 // the base class version just returns true
220 virtual bool SendAutoScrollEvents(wxScrollWinEvent& event) const;
222 // the methods to be called from the window event handlers
223 void HandleOnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event);
224 void HandleOnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
225 void HandleOnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
226 void HandleOnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
227 void HandleOnMouseEnter(wxMouseEvent& event);
228 void HandleOnMouseLeave(wxMouseEvent& event);
230 void HandleOnMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent& event);
231 #endif // wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL
232 void HandleOnChildFocus(wxChildFocusEvent& event);
236 void OnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event) { HandleOnScroll(event); }
237 )
238 #endif // WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8
240 protected:
241 // get pointer to our scroll rect if we use it or NULL
242 const wxRect *GetScrollRect() const
243 {
244 return m_rectToScroll.width != 0 ? &m_rectToScroll : NULL;
245 }
247 // get the size of the target window
248 wxSize GetTargetSize() const
249 {
250 return m_rectToScroll.width != 0 ? m_rectToScroll.GetSize()
251 : m_targetWindow->GetClientSize();
252 }
254 void GetTargetSize(int *w, int *h) const
255 {
256 wxSize size = GetTargetSize();
257 if ( w )
258 *w = size.x;
259 if ( h )
260 *h = size.y;
261 }
263 // implementation of public methods with the same name
264 virtual void DoGetViewStart(int *x, int *y) const;
265 virtual void DoScroll(int x, int y) = 0;
266 virtual void DoShowScrollbars(wxScrollbarVisibility horz,
267 wxScrollbarVisibility vert) = 0;
269 // implementations of various wxWindow virtual methods which should be
270 // forwarded to us (this can be done by WX_FORWARD_TO_SCROLL_HELPER())
271 bool ScrollLayout();
272 void ScrollDoSetVirtualSize(int x, int y);
273 wxSize ScrollGetBestVirtualSize() const;
275 // change just the target window (unlike SetWindow which changes m_win as
276 // well)
277 void DoSetTargetWindow(wxWindow *target);
279 // delete the event handler we installed
280 void DeleteEvtHandler();
282 // this function should be overridden to return the size available for
283 // m_targetWindow inside m_win of the given size
284 //
285 // the default implementation is only good for m_targetWindow == m_win
286 // case, if we're scrolling a subwindow you must override this method
287 virtual wxSize GetSizeAvailableForScrollTarget(const wxSize& size)
288 {
289 // returning just size from here is wrong but it was decided that it is
290 // not wrong enough to break the existing code (which doesn't override
291 // this recently added function at all) by adding this assert
292 //
293 // wxASSERT_MSG( m_targetWindow == m_win, "must be overridden" );
295 return size;
296 }
299 double m_scaleX;
300 double m_scaleY;
302 wxRect m_rectToScroll;
304 wxTimer *m_timerAutoScroll;
306 // The number of pixels to scroll in horizontal and vertical directions
307 // respectively.
308 //
309 // If 0, means that the scrolling in the given direction is disabled.
310 int m_xScrollPixelsPerLine;
311 int m_yScrollPixelsPerLine;
312 int m_xScrollPosition;
313 int m_yScrollPosition;
314 int m_xScrollLines;
315 int m_yScrollLines;
316 int m_xScrollLinesPerPage;
317 int m_yScrollLinesPerPage;
319 bool m_xScrollingEnabled;
320 bool m_yScrollingEnabled;
322 bool m_kbdScrollingEnabled;
325 int m_wheelRotation;
326 #endif // wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL
328 wxScrollHelperEvtHandler *m_handler;
330 wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxScrollHelperBase);
331 };
333 // this macro can be used in a wxScrollHelper-derived class to forward wxWindow
334 // methods to corresponding wxScrollHelper methods
336 public: \
337 virtual void PrepareDC(wxDC& dc) { DoPrepareDC(dc); } \
338 virtual bool Layout() { return ScrollLayout(); } \
339 virtual bool CanScroll(int orient) const \
340 { return IsScrollbarShown(orient); } \
341 virtual void DoSetVirtualSize(int x, int y) \
342 { ScrollDoSetVirtualSize(x, y); } \
343 virtual wxSize GetBestVirtualSize() const \
344 { return ScrollGetBestVirtualSize(); }
346 // include the declaration of the real wxScrollHelper
347 #if defined(__WXGTK20__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
348 #include "wx/gtk/scrolwin.h"
349 #elif defined(__WXGTK__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
350 #include "wx/gtk1/scrolwin.h"
351 #else
353 #include "wx/generic/scrolwin.h"
354 #endif
356 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 // wxScrolled<T>: a wxWindow which knows how to scroll
358 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 // helper class for wxScrolled<T> below
361 struct WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxScrolledT_Helper
362 {
363 static wxSize FilterBestSize(const wxWindow *win,
364 const wxScrollHelper *helper,
365 const wxSize& origBest);
366 #ifdef __WXMSW__
367 static WXLRESULT FilterMSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXLRESULT origResult);
368 #endif
369 };
371 // Scrollable window base on window type T. This used to be wxScrolledWindow,
372 // but wxScrolledWindow includes wxControlContainer functionality and that's
373 // not always desirable.
374 template<class T>
375 class wxScrolled : public T,
376 public wxScrollHelper,
377 private wxScrolledT_Helper
378 {
379 public:
380 wxScrolled() : wxScrollHelper(this) { }
381 wxScrolled(wxWindow *parent,
382 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
383 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
384 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
385 long style = wxScrolledWindowStyle,
386 const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr)
387 : wxScrollHelper(this)
388 {
389 Create(parent, winid, pos, size, style, name);
390 }
392 bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
393 wxWindowID winid,
394 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
395 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
396 long style = wxScrolledWindowStyle,
397 const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr)
398 {
399 m_targetWindow = this;
401 #ifdef __WXMAC__
402 this->MacSetClipChildren(true);
403 #endif
405 // by default, we're scrollable in both directions (but if one of the
406 // styles is specified explicitly, we shouldn't add the other one
407 // automatically)
408 if ( !(style & (wxHSCROLL | wxVSCROLL)) )
409 style |= wxHSCROLL | wxVSCROLL;
411 #ifdef __WXOSX__
412 bool retval = T::Create(parent, winid, pos, size, style, name);
413 if ( retval && (style & wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB) )
414 ShowScrollbars(wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS, wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS);
415 return retval;
416 #else
417 if ( style & wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB )
418 ShowScrollbars(wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS, wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS);
420 return T::Create(parent, winid, pos, size, style, name);
421 #endif
422 }
424 #ifdef __WXMSW__
425 // we need to return a special WM_GETDLGCODE value to process just the
426 // arrows but let the other navigation characters through
427 virtual WXLRESULT MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
428 {
429 return FilterMSWWindowProc(nMsg, T::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam));
430 }
432 // Take into account the scroll origin.
433 virtual void MSWAdjustBrushOrg(int* xOrg, int* yOrg) const
434 {
435 CalcUnscrolledPosition(*xOrg, *yOrg, xOrg, yOrg);
436 }
437 #endif // __WXMSW__
441 protected:
442 virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const
443 {
444 return FilterBestSize(this, this, T::DoGetBestSize());
445 }
447 private:
448 // VC++ 6 gives warning for the declaration of template member function
449 // without definition
450 #ifndef __VISUALC6__
451 wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxScrolled);
452 #endif
453 };
455 #ifdef __VISUALC6__
456 // disable the warning about non dll-interface class used as base for
457 // dll-interface class: it's harmless in this case
458 #pragma warning(push)
459 #pragma warning(disable:4275)
460 #endif
462 // for compatibility with existing code, we provide wxScrolledWindow
463 // "typedef" for wxScrolled<wxPanel>. It's not a real typedef because we
464 // want wxScrolledWindow to show in wxRTTI information (the class is widely
465 // used and likelihood of its wxRTTI information being used too is high):
466 class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxScrolledWindow : public wxScrolled<wxPanel>
467 {
468 public:
469 wxScrolledWindow() : wxScrolled<wxPanel>() {}
470 wxScrolledWindow(wxWindow *parent,
471 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
472 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
473 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
474 long style = wxScrolledWindowStyle,
475 const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr)
476 : wxScrolled<wxPanel>(parent, winid, pos, size, style, name) {}
479 };
481 typedef wxScrolled<wxWindow> wxScrolledCanvas;
483 #ifdef __VISUALC6__
484 #pragma warning(pop)
485 #endif
487 #endif // _WX_SCROLWIN_H_BASE_