Add support for wxAuiNotebook to XRC.
[wxWidgets.git] / docs / doxygen / overviews / xrc_format.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: xrc_format.h
3 // Purpose: XRC format specification
4 // Author: Vaclav Slavik
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 /*
11 NOTE: To make doxygen happy about <custom-tags> we're forced to
12 escape all < and > symbols which appear inside a doxygen comment.
13 Also, don't use < and > symbols in section titles.
14 */
17 /**
19 @page overview_xrcformat XRC File Format
21 Table of contents:
22 - @ref overview_xrcformat_overview
23 - @ref overview_xrcformat_root
24 - @ref overview_xrcformat_objects
25 - @ref overview_xrcformat_object
26 - @ref overview_xrcformat_object_ref
27 - @ref overview_xrcformat_datatypes
28 - @ref overview_xrcformat_windows
29 - @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props
30 - @ref overview_xrcformat_controls
31 - @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers
32 - @ref overview_xrcformat_other_objects
33 - @ref overview_xrcformat_platform
34 - @ref overview_xrcformat_idranges
35 - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending
36 - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_subclass
37 - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_unknown
38 - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_custom
39 - @ref overview_xrcformat_packed
40 - @ref overview_xrcformat_oldversions
42 This document describes the format of XRC resource files, as used by wxXmlResource.
45 <hr>
48 @section overview_xrcformat_overview Overview
50 XRC file is a XML file with all of its elements in the
51 @c namespace. For backward compatibility,
52 @c namespace is accepted as well (and treated
53 as identical to @c, but it shouldn't be used
54 in new XRC files.
56 XRC file contains definitions for one or more @em objects -- typically
57 windows. The objects may themselves contain child objects.
59 Objects defined at the top level, under the
60 @ref overview_xrcformat_root "root element", can be accessed using
61 wxXmlResource::LoadDialog() and other LoadXXX methods. They must have
62 @c name attribute that is used as LoadXXX's argument (see
63 @ref overview_xrcformat_object for details).
65 Child objects are not directly accessible via wxXmlResource, they can only
66 be accessed using XRCCTRL().
69 @section overview_xrcformat_root Resource Root Element
71 The root element is always @c \<resource\>. It has one optional attribute, @c
72 version. If set, it specifies version of the file. In absence of @c version
73 attribute, the default is @c "".
75 The version consists of four integers separated by periods. The first three
76 components are major, minor and release number of the wxWidgets release when
77 the change was introduced, the last one is revision number and is 0 for the
78 first incompatible change in given wxWidgets release, 1 for the second and so
79 on. The version changes only if there was an incompatible change introduced;
80 merely adding new kind of objects does not constitute incompatible change.
82 At the time of writing, the latest version is @c "".
84 Note that even though @c version attribute is optional, it should always be
85 specified to take advantage of the latest capabilities:
87 @code
88 <?xml version="1.0"?>
89 <resource xmlns="" version="">
90 ...
91 </resource>
92 @endcode
94 @c \<resource\> may have arbitrary number of
95 @ref overview_xrcformat_objects "object elements" as its children; they are referred
96 to as @em toplevel objects in the rest of this document. Unlike objects defined
97 deeper in the hierarchy, toplevel objects @em must have their @c name attribute
98 set and it must be set to a value unique among root's children.
102 @section overview_xrcformat_objects Defining Objects
104 @subsection overview_xrcformat_object Object Element
106 The @c \<object\> element represents a single object (typically a GUI element)
107 and it usually maps directly to a wxWidgets class instance. It has one
108 mandatory attribute, @c class, and optional @c name and @c subclass attributes.
110 The @c class attribute must always be present, it tells XRC what wxWidgets
111 object should be created and by which wxXmlResourceHandler.
113 @c name is the identifier used to identify the object. This name serves three
114 purposes:
116 -# It is used by wxXmlResource's various LoadXXX() methods to find the
117 resource by name passed as argument.
118 -# wxWindow's name (see wxWindow::GetName()) is set to it.
119 -# Numeric ID of a window or menu item is derived from the name.
120 If the value represents an integer (in decimal notation), it is used for
121 the numeric ID unmodified. If it is one of the wxID_XXX literals defined
122 by wxWidgets (see @ref page_stockitems), its respective value is used.
123 Otherwise, the name is transformed into dynamically generated ID. See
124 wxXmlResource::GetXRCID() for more information.
126 Name attributes must be unique at the top level (where the name is used to
127 load resources) and should be unique among all controls within the same
128 toplevel window (wxDialog, wxFrame).
130 The @c subclass attribute optional name of class whose constructor will be
131 called instead of the constructor for "class".
132 See @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_subclass for more details.
134 @c \<object\> element may -- and almost always do -- have children elements.
135 These come in two varieties:
137 -# Object's properties. A @em property is a value describing part of object's
138 behaviour, for example the "label" property on wxButton defines its label.
139 In the most common form, property is a single element with text content
140 ("\<label\>Cancel\</label\>"), but they may use nested subelements too (e.g.
141 @ref overview_xrcformat_type_font "font property"). A property can only be
142 listed once in an object's definition.
143 -# Child objects. Window childs, sizers, sizer items or notebook pages
144 are all examples of child objects. They are represented using nested
145 @c \<object\> elements and are can be repeated more than once. The specifics
146 of which object classes are allowed as children are class-specific and
147 are documented below in @ref overview_xrcformat_controls.
149 Example:
150 @code
151 <object class="wxDialog" name="example_dialog">
152 <!-- properties: -->
153 <title>Non-Derived Dialog Example</title>
154 <centered>1</centered>
155 <!-- child objects: -->
156 <object class="wxBoxSizer">
157 <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient>
158 <cols>1</cols>
159 <rows>0</rows>
160 ...
161 </object>
162 </object>
163 @endcode
166 @subsection overview_xrcformat_object_ref Object References
168 Anywhere an @c \<object\> element can be used, @c \<object_ref\> may be used
169 instead. @c \<object_ref\> is a @em reference to another named (i.e. with the
170 @c name attribute) @c \<object\> element. It has one mandatory attribute,
171 @c ref, with value containing the name of a named @c \<object\> element. When an
172 @c \<object_ref\> is encountered, a copy of the referenced @c \<object\> element
173 is made in place of @c \<object_ref\> occurrence and processed as usual.
175 For example, the following code:
176 @code
177 <object class="wxDialog" name="my_dlg">
178 ...
179 </object>
180 <object_ref name="my_dlg_alias" ref="my_dlg"/>
181 @endcode
182 is equivalent to
183 @code
184 <object class="wxDialog" name="my_dlg">
185 ...
186 </object>
187 <object class="wxDialog" name="my_dlg_alias">
188 ... <!-- same as in my_dlg -->
189 </object>
190 @endcode
192 Additionally, it is possible to override some parts of the referenced object
193 in the @c \<object_ref\> pointing to it. This is useful for putting repetitive
194 parts of XRC definitions into a template that can be reused and customized in
195 several places. The two parts are merged as follows:
197 -# The referred object is used as the initial content.
198 -# All attributes set on @c \<object_ref\> are added to it.
199 -# All child elements of @c \<object_ref\> are scanned. If an element with
200 the same name (and, if specified, the @c name attribute too) is found
201 in the referred object, they are recursively merged.
202 -# Child elements in @c \<object_ref\> that do not have a match in the referred
203 object are appended to the list of children of the resulting element by
204 default. Optionally, they may have @c insert_at attribute with two possible
205 values, "begin" or "end". When set to "begin", the element is prepended to
206 the list of children instead of appended.
208 For example, "my_dlg" in this snippet:
209 @code
210 <object class="wxDialog" name="template">
211 <title>Dummy dialog</title>
212 <size>400,400</size>
213 </object>
214 <object_ref ref="template" name="my_dlg">
215 <title>My dialog</title>
216 <centered>1</centered>
217 </object_ref>
218 @endcode
219 is identical to:
220 @code
221 <object class="wxDialog" name="my_dlg">
222 <title>My dialog</title>
223 <size>400,400</size>
224 <centered>1</centered>
225 </object>
226 @endcode
229 @section overview_xrcformat_datatypes Data Types
231 There are several property data types that are frequently reused by different
232 properties. Rather than describing their format in the documentation of
233 every property, we list commonly used types in this section and document
234 their format.
237 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_bool Boolean
239 Boolean values are expressed using either "1" literal (true) or "0" (false).
242 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_float Floating-point value
244 Floating point values use POSIX (C locale) formatting -- decimal separator
245 is "." regardless of the locale.
248 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_colour Colour
250 Colour specification can be either any string colour representation accepted
251 by wxColour::Set() or any wxSYS_COLOUR_XXX symbolic name accepted by
252 wxSystemSettings::GetColour(). In particular, the following forms are supported:
254 @li named colours from wxColourDatabase
255 @li HTML-like "#rrggbb" syntax (but not "#rgb")
256 @li CSS-style "rgb(r,g,b)" and "rgba(r,g,b,a)"
257 @li wxSYS_COLOUR_XXX symbolic names
259 Some examples:
260 @code
261 <fg>red</fg>
262 <fg>#ff0000</fg>
263 <fg>rgb(255,0,0)</fg>
265 @endcode
268 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_size Size
270 Sizes and positions have the form of string with two comma-separated integer
271 components, with optional "d" suffix. Semi-formally:
273 size := x "," y ["d"]
275 where x and y are integers. Either of the components (or both) may be "-1" to
276 signify default value. As a shortcut, empty string is equivalent to "-1,-1"
277 (= wxDefaultSize or wxDefaultPosition).
279 When the "d" suffix is used, integer values are interpreted as
280 @ref wxWindow::ConvertDialogToPixels() "dialog units" in the parent window.
282 Examples:
283 @code
284 42,-1
285 100,100
286 100,50d
287 @endcode
289 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_pos Position
291 Same as @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size.
294 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_dimension Dimension
296 Similarly to @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size "sizes", dimensions are expressed
297 as integers with optional "d" suffix. When "d" suffix is used, the integer
298 preceding it is interpreted as dialog units in the parent window.
301 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_text Text
303 String properties use several escape sequences that are translated according to
304 the following table:
305 @beginDefList
306 @itemdef{ "_", "&" (used for accelerators in wxWidgets) }
307 @itemdef{ "__", "_" }
308 @itemdef{ "\n", line break }
309 @itemdef{ "\r", carriage return }
310 @itemdef{ "\t", tab }
311 @itemdef{ "\\", "\" }
312 @endDefList
314 By default, the text is translated using wxLocale::GetTranslation() before
315 it is used. This can be disabled either globally by not passing
316 wxXRC_USE_LOCALE to wxXmlResource constructor, or by setting the @c translate
317 attribute on the property node to "0":
318 @code
319 <!-- this is not translated: -->
320 <label translate="0">_Unix</label>
321 <!-- but this is: -->
322 <help>Use Unix-style newlines</help>
323 @endcode
325 @note Even though the "_" character is used instead of "&" for accelerators,
326 it is still possible to use "&". The latter has to be encoded as "&amp;",
327 though, so using "_" is more convenient.
329 @see @ref overview_xrcformat_pre_v2530, @ref overview_xrcformat_pre_v2301
332 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_text_notrans Non-Translatable Text
334 Like @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text, but the text is never translated and
335 @c translate attribute cannot be used.
338 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_string String
340 An unformatted string. Unlike with @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text, no escaping
341 or translations are done.
344 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_url URL
346 Any URL accepted by wxFileSystem (typically relative to XRC file's location,
347 but can be absolute too). Unlike with @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text, no escaping
348 or translations are done.
351 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap Bitmap
353 Bitmap properties contain specification of a single bitmap or icon. In the most
354 basic form, their text value is simply a relative filename (or another
355 wxFileSystem URL) of the bitmap to use. For example:
356 @code
357 <object class="tool" name="wxID_NEW">
358 <tooltip>New</tooltip>
359 <bitmap>new.png</bitmap>
360 </object>
361 @endcode
362 The value is interpreted as path relative to the location of XRC file where the
363 reference occurs.
365 Alternatively, it is possible to specify the bitmap using wxArtProvider IDs.
366 In this case, the property element has no textual value (filename) and instead
367 has the @c stock_id XML attribute that contains stock art ID as accepted by
368 wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(). This can be either custom value (if the app uses
369 app-specific art provider) or one of the predefined wxART_XXX constants.
371 Optionally, @c stock_client attribute may be specified too and contain one of
372 the predefined wxArtClient values. If it is not specified, the default client
373 ID most appropriate in the context where the bitmap is referenced will be used.
374 In most cases, specifying @c stock_client is not needed.
376 Examples of stock bitmaps usage:
377 @code
378 <bitmap stock_id="fixed-width"/> <!-- custom app-specific art -->
379 <bitmap stock_id="wxART_FILE_OPEN"/> <!-- standard art -->
380 @endcode
382 Specifying the bitmap directly and using @c stock_id are mutually exclusive.
385 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_style Style
387 Style properties (such as window's style or sizer flags) use syntax similar to
388 C++: the style value is OR-combination of individual flags. Symbolic names
389 identical to those used in C++ code are used for the flags. Flags are separated
390 with "|" (whitespace is allowed but not required around it).
392 The flags that are allowed for a given property are context-dependent.
394 Examples:
395 @code
396 <style>wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxRESIZE_BORDER</style>
397 <exstyle>wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP</exstyle>
398 @endcode
401 @subsection overview_xrcformat_type_font Font
403 XRC uses similar, but more flexible, abstract description of fonts to that
404 used by wxFont class. A font can be described either in terms of its elementary
405 properties, or it can be derived from one of system fonts or the parent window
406 font.
408 The font property element is "composite" element: unlike majority of
409 properties, it doesn't have text value but contains several child elements
410 instead. These children are handled in the same way as object properties
411 and can be one of the following "sub-properties":
413 @beginTable
414 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
415 @row3col{size, unsigned integer,
416 Pixel size of the font (default: wxNORMAL_FONT's size or @c sysfont's
417 size if the @c sysfont property is used or the current size of the font
418 of the enclosing control if the @c inherit property is used.}
419 @row3col{style, enum,
420 One of "normal", "italic" or "slant" (default: normal).}
421 @row3col{weight, enum,
422 One of "normal", "bold" or "light" (default: normal).}
423 @row3col{family, enum,
424 One of "roman", "script", "decorative", "swiss", "modern" or "teletype"
425 (default: roman).}
426 @row3col{underlined, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
427 Whether the font should be underlined (default: 0).}
428 @row3col{face, ,
429 Comma-separated list of face names; the first one available is used
430 (default: unspecified).}
431 @row3col{encoding, ,
432 Charset of the font, unused in Unicode build), as string
433 (default: unspecified).}
434 @row3col{sysfont, ,
435 Symbolic name of system standard font(one of wxSYS_*_FONT constants).}
436 @row3col{inherit, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
437 If true, the font of the enclosing control is used. If this property and the
438 @c sysfont property are specified the @c sysfont property takes precedence.}
439 @row3col{relativesize, float,
440 Float, font size relative to chosen system font's or inherited font's size;
441 can only be used when 'sysfont' or 'inherit' is used and when 'size' is not
442 used.}
443 @endTable
445 All of them are optional, if they are missing, appropriate wxFont default is
446 used. If the @c sysfont or @c inherit property is used, then the defaults are
447 taken from it instead.
449 Examples:
450 @code
451 <font>
452 <!-- fixed font: Arial if available, fall back to Helvetica -->
453 <face>arial,helvetica</face>
454 <size>12</size>
455 </font>
457 <font>
458 <!-- enlarged, enboldened standard font: -->
459 <sysfont>wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT</sysfont>
460 <weight>bold</weight>
461 <relativesize>1.5</relativesize>
462 </font>
463 @endcode
465 @note You cannot use @c inherit for a font that gets used before the enclosing
466 control is created, e.g. if the control gets the font passed as parameter
467 for its constructor, or if the control is not derived from wxWindow.
470 @section overview_xrcformat_windows Controls and Windows
472 This section describes support wxWindow-derived classes in XRC format.
474 @subsection overview_xrcformat_std_props Standard Properties
476 The following properties are always (unless stated otherwise in
477 control-specific docs) available for @em windows objects. They are omitted
478 from properties lists below.
480 @beginTable
481 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
482 @row3col{pos, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_pos,
483 Initial position of the window (default: wxDefaultPosition).}
484 @row3col{size, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
485 Initial size of the window (default: wxDefaultSize).}
486 @row3col{style, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
487 Window style for this control. The allowed values depend on what
488 window is being created, consult respective class' constructor
489 documentation for details (default: window-dependent default, usually
490 wxFOO_DEFAULT_STYLE if defined for class wxFoo, 0 if not).}
491 @row3col{exstyle, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
492 Extra style for the window, if any. See wxWindow::SetExtraStyle()
493 (default: not set).}
494 @row3col{fg, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
495 Foreground colour of the window (default: window's default).}
496 @row3col{ownfg, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
497 Non-inheritable foreground colour of the window, see
498 wxWindow::SetOwnForegroundColour() (default: none).}
499 @row3col{bg, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
500 Background colour of the window (default: window's default).}
501 @row3col{ownbg, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
502 Non-inheritable background colour of the window, see
503 wxWindow::SetOwnBackgroundColour() (default: none).}
504 @row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
505 If set to 0, the control is disabled (default: 1).}
506 @row3col{hidden, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
507 If set to 1, the control is created hidden (default: 0).}
508 @row3col{tooltip, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
509 Tooltip to use for the control (default: not set).}
510 @row3col{font, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_font,
511 Font to use for the control (default: window's default).}
512 @row3col{ownfont, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_font,
513 Non-inheritable font to use for the control, see
514 wxWindow::SetOwnFont() (default: none).}
515 @row3col{help, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
516 Context-sensitive help for the control, used by wxHelpProvider
517 (default: not set).}
518 @endTable
520 All of these properties are optional.
523 @subsection overview_xrcformat_controls Supported Controls
525 This section lists all controls supported by default. For each control, its
526 control-specific properties are listed. If the control can have child objects,
527 it is documented there too; unless said otherwise, XRC elements for these
528 controls cannot have children.
530 @subsubsection xrc_wxanimationctrl wxAnimationCtrl
532 @beginTable
533 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
534 @row3col{animation, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_url,
535 Animation file to load into the control (required).}
536 @endTable
539 @subsubsection xrc_wxauinotebook wxAuiNotebook
541 A wxAuiNotebook can have one or more child objects of the @c notebookpage
542 pseudo-class.
543 @c notebookpage objects have the following properties:
545 @beginTable
546 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
547 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
548 Page label (required).}
549 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
550 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
551 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
552 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
553 @endTable
555 Each @c notebookpage must have exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
557 Example:
558 @code
559 <object class="wxAuiNotebook">
560 <style>wxBK_BOTTOM</style>
561 <object class="notebookpage">
562 <label>Page 1</label>
563 <bitmap>bitmap.png</bitmap>
564 <object class="wxPanel" name="page_1">
565 ...
566 </object>
567 </object>
568 </object>
569 @endcode
571 Notice that wxAuiNotebook support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
572 later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
573 @code
574 #include <wx/xrc/xh_auinotbk.h>
576 AddHandler(new wxAuiNotebookXmlHandler);
577 @endcode
578 to use it.
581 @subsubsection xrc_wxbannerwindow wxBannerWindow
583 @beginTable
584 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
585 @row3col{direction, @c wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM,
586 The side along which the banner will be positioned.}
587 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
588 Bitmap to use as the banner background.}
589 @row3col{title, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
590 Banner title, should be single line.}
591 @row3col{message, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
592 Possibly multi-line banner message.}
593 @row3col{gradient-start, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
594 Starting colour of the gradient used as banner background. Can't be used if
595 a valid bitmap is specified.}
596 @row3col{gradient-end, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
597 End colour of the gradient used as banner background. Can't be used if
598 a valid bitmap is specified.}
599 @endTable
602 @subsubsection xrc_wxbitmapbutton wxBitmapButton
604 @beginTable
605 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
606 @row3col{default, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
607 Should this button be the default button in dialog (default: 0)?}
608 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
609 Bitmap to show on the button (required).}
610 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
611 Bitmap to show when the button is selected (default: none, same as @c bitmap).}
612 @row3col{focus, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
613 Bitmap to show when the button has focus (default: none, same as @c bitmap).}
614 @row3col{disabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
615 Bitmap to show when the button is disabled (default: none, same as @c bitmap).}
616 @row3col{hover, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
617 Bitmap to show when mouse cursor hovers above the bitmap (default: none, same as @c bitmap).}
618 @endTable
621 @subsubsection xrc_wxbitmapcombobox wxBitmapComboBox
623 @beginTable
624 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
625 @row3col{selection, integer,
626 Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: -1).}
627 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
628 Initial value in the control (doesn't have to be one of @ content values;
629 default: empty).}
630 @endTable
632 If both @c value and @c selection are specified and @c selection is not -1,
633 then @c selection takes precedence.
635 A wxBitmapComboBox can have one or more child objects of the @c ownerdrawnitem
636 pseudo-class. @c ownerdrawnitem objects have the following properties:
638 @beginTable
639 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
640 @row3col{text, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
641 Item's label (required).}
642 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
643 Item's bitmap (default: no bitmap).}
644 @endTable
646 Example:
647 @code
648 <object class="wxBitmapComboBox">
649 <selection>1</selection>
650 <object class="ownerdrawnitem">
651 <text>Foo</text>
652 <bitmap>foo.png</bitmap>
653 </object>
654 <object class="ownerdrawnitem">
655 <text>Bar</text>
656 <bitmap>bar.png</bitmap>
657 </object>
658 </object>
659 @endcode
662 @subsubsection xrc_wxbitmaptogglebutton wxBitmapToggleButton
664 @beginTable
665 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
666 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
667 Label to display on the button (required).}
668 @row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
669 Should the button be checked/pressed initially (default: 0)?}
670 @endTable
673 @subsubsection xrc_wxbutton wxButton
675 @beginTable
676 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
677 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
678 Label to display on the button (may be empty if only bitmap is used).}
679 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
680 Bitmap to display in the button (optional).}
681 @row3col{bitmapposition, @c wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM,
682 Position of the bitmap in the button, see wxButton::SetBitmapPosition().}
683 @row3col{default, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
684 Should this button be the default button in dialog (default: 0)?}
685 @endTable
688 @subsubsection xrc_wxcalendarctrl wxCalendarCtrl
690 No additional properties.
693 @subsubsection xrc_wxcheckbox wxCheckBox
695 @beginTable
696 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
697 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
698 Label to use for the checkbox (required).}
699 @row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
700 Should the checkbox be checked initially (default: 0)?}
701 @endTable
704 @subsubsection xrc_wxchecklistbox wxCheckListBox
706 @beginTable
707 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
708 @row3col{content, items,
709 Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
710 elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
711 (default: empty).}
712 @endTable
714 The @c \<item\> elements have listbox items' labels as their text values. They
715 can also have optional @c checked XML attribute -- if set to "1", the value is
716 initially checked.
718 Example:
719 @code
720 <object class="wxCheckListBox">
721 <content>
722 <item checked="1">Download library</item>
723 <item checked="1">Compile samples</item>
724 <item checked="1">Skim docs</item>
725 <item checked="1">Finish project</item>
726 <item>Wash car</item>
727 </content>
728 </object>
729 @endcode
732 @subsubsection xrc_wxchoice wxChoice
734 @beginTable
735 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
736 @row3col{selection, integer,
737 Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: -1).}
738 @row3col{content, items,
739 Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
740 elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
741 (default: empty).}
742 @endTable
744 Example:
745 @code
746 <object class="wxChoice" name="controls_choice">
747 <content>
748 <item>See</item>
749 <item>Hear</item>
750 <item>Feel</item>
751 <item>Smell</item>
752 <item>Taste</item>
753 <item>The Sixth Sense!</item>
754 </content>
755 </object>
756 @endcode
759 @subsubsection xrc_wxchoicebook wxChoicebook
761 A choicebook can have one or more child objects of the @c choicebookpage
762 pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
763 @c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
764 @c choicebookpage objects have the following properties:
766 @beginTable
767 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
768 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
769 Sheet page's title (required).}
770 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
771 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
772 @row3col{image, integer,
773 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
774 into the image list.}
775 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
776 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
777 @endTable
779 Each @c choicebookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
782 @subsubsection xrc_wxcommandlinkbutton wxCommandLinkButton
784 The wxCommandLinkButton contains a main title-like @c label and an optional
785 @c note for longer description. The main @c label and the @c note can be
786 concatenated into a single string using a new line character between them
787 (notice that the @c note part can have more new lines in it).
789 @beginTable
790 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
791 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
792 First line of text on the button, typically the label of an action that
793 will be made when the button is pressed. }
794 @row3col{note, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
795 Second line of text describing the action performed when the button is pressed. }
796 @endTable
799 @subsubsection xrc_wxcollapsiblepane wxCollapsiblePane
801 @beginTable
802 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
803 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
804 Label to use for the collapsible section (required).}
805 @row3col{collapsed, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
806 Should the pane be collapsed initially (default: 0)?}
807 @endTable
809 wxCollapsiblePane may contain single optional child object of the @c panewindow
810 pseudo-class type. @c panewindow itself must contain exactly one child that
811 is a @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" or a non-toplevel window
812 object.
815 @subsubsection xrc_wxcolourpickerctrl wxColourPickerCtrl
817 @beginTable
818 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
819 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
820 Initial value of the control (default: wxBLACK).}
821 @endTable
824 @subsubsection xrc_wxcombobox wxComboBox
826 @beginTable
827 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
828 @row3col{selection, integer,
829 Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: not used).}
830 @row3col{content, items,
831 Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
832 elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
833 (default: empty).}
834 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
835 Initial value in the control (doesn't have to be one of @ content values;
836 default: empty).}
837 @endTable
839 If both @c value and @c selection are specified and @c selection is not -1,
840 then @c selection takes precedence.
842 Example:
843 @code
844 <object class="wxComboBox" name="controls_combobox">
845 <style>wxCB_DROPDOWN</style>
846 <value>nedit</value>
847 <content>
848 <item>vim</item>
849 <item>emacs</item>
850 <item>notepad.exe</item>
851 <item>bbedit</item>
852 </content>
853 </object>
854 @endcode
856 @subsubsection xrc_wxdatepickerctrl wxDatePickerCtrl
858 No additional properties.
861 @subsubsection xrc_wxdialog wxDialog
863 @beginTable
864 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
865 @row3col{title, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
866 Dialog's title (default: empty).}
867 @row3col{icon, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
868 Dialog's icon (default: not used).}
869 @row3col{centered, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
870 Whether the dialog should be centered on the screen (default: 0).}
871 @endTable
873 wxDialog may have optional children: either exactly one
874 @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
875 objects. If sizer child is used, it sets
876 @ref wxSizer::SetSizeHints() "size hints" too.
878 @subsubsection xrc_wxdirpickerctrl wxDirPickerCtrl
880 @beginTable
881 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
882 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
883 Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
884 @row3col{message, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
885 Message shown to the user in wxDirDialog shown by the control (required).}
886 @endTable
889 @subsubsection xrc_wxfilectrl wxFileCtrl
891 @beginTable
892 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
893 @row3col{defaultdirectory, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
894 Sets the current directory displayed in the control. }
895 @row3col{defaultfilename, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
896 Selects a certain file.}
897 @row3col{wildcard, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
898 Sets the wildcard, which can contain multiple file types, for example:
899 "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF files (*.gif)|*.gif".}
900 @endTable
903 @subsubsection xrc_wxfilepickerctrl wxFilePickerCtrl
905 @beginTable
906 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
907 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
908 Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
909 @row3col{message, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
910 Message shown to the user in wxDirDialog shown by the control (required).}
911 @row3col{wildcard, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
912 Sets the wildcard, which can contain multiple file types, for example:
913 "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF files (*.gif)|*.gif".}
914 @endTable
917 @subsubsection xrc_wxfontpickerctrl wxFontPickerCtrl
919 @beginTable
920 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
921 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_font,
922 Initial value of the control (default: wxNORMAL_FONT).}
923 @endTable
925 @subsubsection xrc_wxfrane wxFrame
927 @beginTable
928 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
929 @row3col{title, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
930 Frame's title (default: empty).}
931 @row3col{icon, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
932 Frame's icon (default: not used).}
933 @row3col{centered, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
934 Whether the frame should be centered on the screen (default: 0).}
935 @endTable
937 wxFrame may have optional children: either exactly one
938 @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
939 objects. If sizer child is used, it sets
940 @ref wxSizer::SetSizeHints() "size hints" too.
943 @subsubsection xrc_wxgauge wxGauge
945 @beginTable
946 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
947 @row3col{range, integer,
948 Maximum value of the gauge (default: 100).}
949 @row3col{value, integer,
950 Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
951 @row3col{shadow, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
952 Rendered shadow size (default: none; ignored by most platforms).}
953 @row3col{bezel, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
954 Rendered bezel size (default: none; ignored by most platforms).}
955 @endTable
957 @subsubsection xrc_wxgenericdirctrl wxGenericDirCtrl
959 @beginTable
960 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
961 @row3col{defaultfolder, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
962 Initial folder (default: empty).}
963 @row3col{filter, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
964 Filter string, using the same syntax as used by wxFileDialog, e.g.
965 "All files (*.*)|*.*|JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg" (default: empty).}
966 @row3col{defaultfilter, integer,
967 Zero-based index of default filter (default: 0).}
968 @endTable
970 @subsubsection xrc_wxgrid wxGrid
972 No additional properties.
975 @subsubsection xrc_wxhtmlwindow wxHtmlWindow
977 @beginTable
978 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
979 @row3col{url, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_url,
980 Page to display in the window.}
981 @row3col{htmlcode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
982 HTML markup to display in the window.}
983 @row3col{borders, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
984 Border around HTML content (default: 0).}
985 @endTable
987 At most one of @c url and @c htmlcode properties may be specified, they are
988 mutually exclusive. If neither is set, the window is initialized to show empty
989 page.
992 @subsubsection xrc_wxhyperlinkctrl wxHyperlinkCtrl
994 @beginTable
995 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
996 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
997 Label to display on the control (required).}
998 @row3col{url, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_url,
999 URL to open when the link is clicked (required).}
1000 @endTable
1003 @subsubsection xrc_wximagelist wxImageList
1005 The imagelist can be used as a child object for the following classes:
1006 - @ref xrc_wxchoicebook
1007 - @ref xrc_wxlistbook
1008 - @ref xrc_wxlistctrl
1009 - @ref xrc_wxnotebook
1010 - @ref xrc_wxtreebook
1011 - @ref xrc_wxtreectrl
1013 The available properties are:
1015 @beginTable
1016 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1017 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1018 Adds a new image by keeping its optional mask bitmap (see below).}
1019 @row3col{mask, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1020 If masks should be created for all images (default: true).}
1021 @row3col{size, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1022 The size of the images in the list (default: the size of the first bitmap).}
1023 @endTable
1025 Example:
1026 @code
1027 <imagelist>
1028 <size>32,32</size>
1029 <bitmap stock_id="wxART_QUESTION"/>
1030 <bitmap stock_id="wxART_INFORMATION"/>
1031 </imagelist>
1032 @endcode
1034 In the specific case of the @ref xrc_wxlistctrl, the tag can take the name
1035 @c \<imagelist-small\> to define the 'small' image list, related to the flag
1036 @c wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL (see wxListCtrl documentation).
1039 @subsubsection xrc_wxlistbox wxListBox
1041 @beginTable
1042 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1043 @row3col{selection, integer,
1044 Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: -1).}
1045 @row3col{content, items,
1046 Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
1047 elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
1048 (default: empty).}
1049 @endTable
1051 Example:
1052 @code
1053 <object class="wxListBox" name="controls_listbox">
1054 <size>250,160</size>
1055 <style>wxLB_SINGLE</style>
1056 <content>
1057 <item>Milk</item>
1058 <item>Pizza</item>
1059 <item>Bread</item>
1060 <item>Orange juice</item>
1061 <item>Paper towels</item>
1062 </content>
1063 </object>
1064 @endcode
1067 @subsubsection xrc_wxlistbook wxListbook
1069 A listbook can have one or more child objects of the @c listbookpage
1070 pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
1071 @c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
1072 @c listbookpage objects have the following properties:
1074 @beginTable
1075 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1076 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1077 Sheet page's title (required).}
1078 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1079 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
1080 @row3col{image, integer,
1081 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1082 into the image list.}
1083 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1084 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
1085 @endTable
1087 Each @c listbookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
1090 @subsubsection xrc_wxlistctrl wxListCtrl
1092 A list control can have one or more child objects of the class @ref xrc_wxlistitem
1093 and one or more objects of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class. The latter is
1094 defined either using @c \<imagelist\> tag for the control with @c wxLC_ICON
1095 style or using @c \<imagelist-small\> tag for the control with @c
1096 wxLC_SMALL_ICON style.
1098 Report mode list controls (i.e. created with @c wxLC_REPORT style) can in
1099 addition have one or more @ref xrc_wxlistcol child elements.
1101 @paragraph xrc_wxlistcol listcol
1103 The @c listcol class can only be used for wxListCtrl children. It can have the
1104 following properties:
1105 @beginTable
1106 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1107 @row3col{align, wxListColumnFormat,
1108 The alignment for the item.
1109 Can be one of @c wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, @c wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT or
1111 @row3col{text, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1112 The title of the column. }
1113 @row3col{width, integer,
1114 The column width. }
1115 @row3col{image, integer,
1116 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item in the 'small' image list. }
1117 @endTable
1119 The columns are appended to the control in order of their appearance and may be
1120 referenced by 0-based index in the @c col attributes of subsequent @c listitem
1121 objects.
1123 @paragraph xrc_wxlistitem listitem
1125 The @c listitem is a child object for the class @ref xrc_wxlistctrl.
1126 It can have the following properties:
1128 @beginTable
1129 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1130 @row3col{align, wxListColumnFormat,
1131 The alignment for the item.
1132 Can be one of @c wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, @c wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT or
1134 @row3col{bg, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
1135 The background color for the item.}
1136 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1137 Add a bitmap to the (normal) @ref xrc_wximagelist associated with the
1138 @ref xrc_wxlistctrl parent and associate it with this item.
1139 If the imagelist is not defined it will be created implicitly.}
1140 @row3col{bitmap-small, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1141 Add a bitmap in the 'small' @ref xrc_wximagelist associated with the
1142 @ref xrc_wxlistctrl parent and associate it with this item.
1143 If the 'small' imagelist is not defined it will be created implicitly.}
1144 @row3col{col, integer,
1145 The zero-based column index.}
1146 @row3col{image, integer,
1147 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1148 in the (normal) image list.}
1149 @row3col{image-small, integer,
1150 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1151 in the 'small' image list.}
1152 @row3col{data, integer,
1153 The client data for the item.}
1154 @row3col{font, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_font,
1155 The font for the item.}
1156 @row3col{image, integer,
1157 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1158 into the image list.}
1159 @row3col{state, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
1160 The item state. Can be any combination of the following values:
1161 - @c wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED: The item has the focus.
1162 - @c wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED: The item is selected.}
1163 @row3col{text, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1164 The text label for the item. }
1165 @row3col{textcolour, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
1166 The text colour for the item. }
1167 @endTable
1169 Notice that the item position can't be specified here, the items are appended
1170 to the list control in order of their appearance.
1173 @subsubsection xrc_wxmdiparentframe wxMDIParentFrame
1175 wxMDIParentFrame supports the same properties that @ref xrc_wxfrane does.
1177 wxMDIParentFrame may have optional children. When used, the child objects
1178 must be of wxMDIChildFrame type.
1181 @subsubsection xrc_wxmdichildframe wxMDIChildFrame
1183 wxMDIChildFrame supports the same properties that @ref xrc_wxfrane and
1184 @ref xrc_wxmdiparentframe do.
1186 wxMDIChildFrame can only be used as as immediate child of @ref
1187 xrc_wxmdiparentframe.
1189 wxMDIChildFrame may have optional children: either exactly one
1190 @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
1191 objects. If sizer child is used, it sets
1192 @ref wxSizer::SetSizeHints() "size hints" too.
1195 @subsubsection xrc_wxmenu wxMenu
1197 @beginTable
1198 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1199 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1200 Menu's label (default: empty, but required for menus other
1201 than popup menus).}
1202 @row3col{help, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1203 Help shown in statusbar when the menu is selected (only for submenus
1204 of another wxMenu, default: none).}
1205 @row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1206 Is the submenu item enabled (only for submenus of another wxMenu,
1207 default: 1)?}
1208 @endTable
1210 Note that unlike most controls, wxMenu does @em not have
1211 @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props.
1213 A menu object can have one or more child objects of the wxMenuItem or wxMenu
1214 classes or @c break or @c separator pseudo-classes.
1216 The @c separator pseudo-class is used to insert separators into the menu and
1217 has neither properties nor children. Likewise, @c break inserts a break (see
1218 wxMenu::Break()).
1220 wxMenuItem objects support the following properties:
1222 @beginTable
1223 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1224 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1225 Item's label (required).}
1226 @row3col{accel, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text_notrans,
1227 Item's accelerator (default: none).}
1228 @row3col{radio, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1229 Item's kind is wxITEM_RADIO (default: 0)?}
1230 @row3col{checkable, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1231 Item's kind is wxITEM_CHECK (default: 0)?}
1232 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1233 Bitmap to show with the item (default: none).}
1234 @row3col{bitmap2, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1235 Bitmap for the checked state (wxMSW, if checkable; default: none).}
1236 @row3col{help, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1237 Help shown in statusbar when the item is selected (default: none).}
1238 @row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1239 Is the item enabled (default: 1)?}
1240 @row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1241 Is the item checked initially (default: 0)?}
1242 @endTable
1244 Example:
1245 @code
1246 <object class="wxMenu" name="menu_edit">
1247 <style>wxMENU_TEAROFF</style>
1248 <label>_Edit</label>
1249 <object class="wxMenuItem" name="wxID_FIND">
1250 <label>_Find...</label>
1251 <accel>Ctrl-F</accel>
1252 </object>
1253 <object class="separator"/>
1254 <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_fuzzy">
1255 <label>Translation is _fuzzy</label>
1256 <checkable>1</checkable>
1257 </object>
1258 <object class="wxMenu" name="submenu">
1259 <label>A submenu</label>
1260 <object class="wxMenuItem" name="foo">...</object>
1261 ...
1262 </object>
1263 <object class="separator" platform="unix"/>
1264 <object class="wxMenuItem" name="wxID_PREFERENCES" platform="unix">
1265 <label>_Preferences</label>
1266 </object>
1267 </object>
1268 @endcode
1270 @subsubsection xrc_wxmenubar wxMenuBar
1272 No properties. Note that unlike most controls, wxMenuBar does @em not have
1273 @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props.
1275 A menubar can have one or more child objects of the @ref xrc_wxmenu "wxMenu"
1276 class.
1279 @subsubsection xrc_wxnotebook wxNotebook
1281 A notebook can have one or more child objects of the @c notebookpage
1282 pseudo-class and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
1283 @c notebookpage objects have the following properties:
1285 @beginTable
1286 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1287 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1288 Page's title (required).}
1289 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1290 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
1291 @row3col{image, integer,
1292 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1293 into the image list.}
1294 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1295 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
1296 @endTable
1298 Each @c notebookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
1300 Example:
1301 @code
1302 <object class="wxNotebook">
1303 <style>wxBK_BOTTOM</style>
1304 <object class="notebookpage">
1305 <label>Page 1</label>
1306 <object class="wxPanel" name="page_1">
1307 ...
1308 </object>
1309 </object>
1310 <object class="notebookpage">
1311 <label>Page 2</label>
1312 <object class="wxPanel" name="page_2">
1313 ...
1314 </object>
1315 </object>
1316 </object>
1317 @endcode
1320 @subsubsection xrc_wxownerdrawncombobox wxOwnerDrawnComboBox
1322 wxOwnerDrawnComboBox has the same properties as
1323 @ref xrc_wxcombobox "wxComboBox", plus the following additional properties:
1325 @beginTable
1326 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1327 @row3col{buttonsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1328 Size of the dropdown button (default: default).}
1329 @endTable
1332 @subsubsection xrc_wxpanel wxPanel
1334 No additional properties.
1336 wxPanel may have optional children: either exactly one
1337 @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
1338 objects.
1341 @subsubsection xrc_wxpropertysheetdialog wxPropertySheetDialog
1343 @beginTable
1344 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1345 @row3col{title, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1346 Dialog's title (default: empty).}
1347 @row3col{icon, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1348 Dialog's icon (default: not used).}
1349 @row3col{centered, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1350 Whether the dialog should be centered on the screen (default: 0).}
1351 @row3col{buttons, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
1352 Buttons to show, combination of flags accepted by
1353 wxPropertySheetDialog::CreateButtons() (default: 0).}
1354 @endTable
1356 A sheet dialog can have one or more child objects of the @c propertysheetpage
1357 pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
1358 @c notebookpage). @c propertysheetpage objects have the following properties:
1360 @beginTable
1361 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1362 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1363 Sheet page's title (required).}
1364 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1365 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
1366 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1367 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
1368 @endTable
1370 Each @c propertysheetpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
1373 @subsubsection xrc_wxradiobutton wxRadioButton
1375 @beginTable
1376 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1377 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1378 Label shown on the radio button (required).}
1379 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1380 Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
1381 @endTable
1384 @subsubsection xrc_wxradiobox wxRadioBox
1386 @beginTable
1387 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1388 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1389 Label for the whole box (required).}
1390 @row3col{dimension, integer,
1391 Specifies the maximum number of rows (if style contains
1392 @c wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS) or columns (if style contains @c wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS)
1393 for a two-dimensional radiobox (default: 1).}
1394 @row3col{selection, integer,
1395 Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: -1).}
1396 @row3col{content, items,
1397 Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
1398 elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
1399 (see below; default: empty).}
1400 @endTable
1402 The @c \<item\> elements have radio buttons' labels as their text values. They
1403 can also have some optional XML @em attributes (not properties!):
1405 @beginTable
1406 @hdr3col{attribute, type, description}
1407 @row3col{tooltip, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1408 Tooltip to show over this ratio button (default: none).}
1409 @row3col{helptext, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1410 Contextual help for this radio button (default: none).}
1411 @row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1412 Is the button enabled (default: 1)?}
1413 @row3col{hidden, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1414 Is the button hidden initially (default: 0)?}
1415 @endTable
1417 Example:
1418 @code
1419 <object class="wxRadioBox" name="controls_radiobox">
1420 <style>wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS</style>
1421 <label>Radio stations</label>
1422 <dimension>1</dimension>
1423 <selection>0</selection>
1424 <content>
1425 <item tooltip="Powerful radio station" helptext="This station is for amateurs of hard rock and heavy metal">Power 108</item>
1426 <item tooltip="Disabled radio station" enabled="0">Power 0</item>
1427 <item tooltip="">WMMS 100.7</item>
1428 <item tooltip="E=mc^2">Energy 98.3</item>
1429 <item helptext="Favourite chukcha's radio">CHUM FM</item>
1430 <item>92FM</item>
1431 <item hidden="1">Very quit station</item>
1432 </content>
1433 </object>
1434 @endcode
1437 @subsubsection xrc_wxrichtextctrl wxRichTextCtrl
1439 @beginTable
1440 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1441 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1442 Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
1443 @row3col{maxlength, integer,
1444 Maximum length of the text entered (default: unlimited).}
1445 @endTable
1447 Notice that wxRichTextCtrl support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
1448 later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
1449 @code
1450 #include <wx/xrc/xh_richtext.h>
1452 AddHandler(new wxRichTextCtrl);
1453 @endcode
1454 to use it.
1457 @subsubsection xrc_wxscrollbar wxScrollBar
1459 @beginTable
1460 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1461 @row3col{value, integer,
1462 Initial position of the scrollbar (default: 0).}
1463 @row3col{range, integer,
1464 Maximum value of the gauge (default: 10).}
1465 @row3col{thumbsize, integer,
1466 Size of the thumb (default: 1).}
1467 @row3col{pagesize, integer,
1468 Page size (default: 1).}
1469 @endTable
1471 @subsubsection xrc_wxscrolledwindow wxScrolledWindow
1473 @beginTable
1474 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1475 @row3col{scrollrate, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1476 Scroll rate in @em x and @em y directions (default: not set;
1477 required if the window has a sizer child).}
1478 @endTable
1480 wxScrolledWindow may have optional children: either exactly one
1481 @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
1482 objects. If sizer child is used, wxSizer::FitInside() is used (instead of
1483 wxSizer::Fit() as usual) and so the children don't determine scrolled window's
1484 minimal size, they only affect @em virtual size. Usually, both @c scrollrate
1485 and either @c size or @c minsize on containing sizer item should be used
1486 in this case.
1489 @subsubsection xrc_wxsimplehtmllistbox wxSimpleHtmlListBox
1491 wxSimpleHtmlListBox has same properties as @ref xrc_wxlistbox "wxListBox".
1492 The only difference is that the text contained in @c \<item\> elements is
1493 HTML markup. Note that the markup has to be escaped:
1495 @code
1496 <object class="wxSimpleHtmlListBox">
1497 <content>
1498 <item>&lt;b&gt;Bold&lt;/b&gt; Milk</item>
1499 </content>
1500 </object>
1501 @endcode
1503 (X)HTML markup elements cannot be included directly:
1505 @code
1506 <object class="wxSimpleHtmlListBox">
1507 <content>
1508 <!-- This is incorrect, doesn't work! -->
1509 <item><b>Bold</b> Milk</item>
1510 </content>
1511 </object>
1512 @endcode
1515 @subsubsection xrc_wxslider wxSlider
1517 @beginTable
1518 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1519 @row3col{value, integer,
1520 Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
1521 @row3col{min, integer,
1522 Minimum allowed value (default: 0).}
1523 @row3col{max, integer,
1524 Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
1525 @row3col{pagesize, integer,
1526 Page size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
1527 pages up or down (default: unset).}
1528 @row3col{linesize, integer,
1529 Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it
1530 up or down a line (default: unset).}
1531 @row3col{tickfreq, integer,
1532 Tick marks frequency (Windows only; default: unset).}
1533 @row3col{tick, integer,
1534 Tick position (Windows only; default: unset).}
1535 @row3col{thumb, integer,
1536 Thumb length (Windows only; default: unset).}
1537 @row3col{selmin, integer,
1538 Selection start position (Windows only; default: unset).}
1539 @row3col{selmax, integer,
1540 Selection end position (Windows only; default: unset).}
1541 @endTable
1544 @subsubsection xrc_wxspinbutton wxSpinButton
1546 @beginTable
1547 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1548 @row3col{value, integer,
1549 Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
1550 @row3col{min, integer,
1551 Minimum allowed value (default: 0).}
1552 @row3col{max, integer,
1553 Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
1554 @endTable
1557 @subsubsection xrc_wxspinctrl wxSpinCtrl
1559 wxSpinCtrl supports the same properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton and, since
1560 wxWidgets 2.9.5, another one:
1561 @beginTable
1562 @row3col{base, integer,
1563 Numeric base, currently can be only 10 or 16 (default: 10).}
1564 @endTable
1567 @subsubsection xrc_wxsplitterwindow wxSplitterWindow
1569 @beginTable
1570 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1571 @row3col{orientation, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1572 Orientation of the splitter, either "vertical" or "horizontal" (default: horizontal).}
1573 @row3col{sashpos, integer,
1574 Initial position of the sash (default: 0).}
1575 @row3col{minsize, integer,
1576 Minimum child size (default: not set).}
1577 @row3col{gravity, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_float,
1578 Sash gravity, see wxSplitterWindow::SetSashGravity() (default: not set).}
1579 @endTable
1581 wxSplitterWindow must have one or two children that are non-toplevel window
1582 objects. If there's only one child, it is used as wxSplitterWindow's only
1583 visible child. If there are two children, the first one is used for left/top
1584 child and the second one for right/bottom child window.
1587 @subsubsection xrc_wxsearchctrl wxSearchCtrl
1589 @beginTable
1590 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1591 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1592 Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
1593 @endTable
1596 @subsubsection xrc_wxstatusbar wxStatusBar
1598 @beginTable
1599 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1600 @row3col{fields, integer,
1601 Number of status bar fields (default: 1).}
1602 @row3col{widths, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1603 Comma-separated list of @em fields integers. Each value specifies width
1604 of one field; the values are interpreted using the same convention used
1605 by wxStatusBar::SetStatusWidths().}
1606 @row3col{styles, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
1607 Comma-separated list of @em fields flags. Each value specifies status bar
1608 fieldd style and can be one of @c wxSB_NORMAL, @c wxSB_FLAT or
1609 @c wxSB_RAISED. See wxStatusBar::SetStatusStyles() for their description.}
1610 @endTable
1614 @subsubsection xrc_wxstaticbitmap wxStaticBitmap
1616 @beginTable
1617 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1618 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1619 Bitmap to display (required).}
1620 @endTable
1622 @subsubsection xrc_wxstaticbox wxStaticBox
1624 @beginTable
1625 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1626 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1627 Static box's label (required).}
1628 @endTable
1631 @subsubsection xrc_wxstaticline wxStaticLine
1633 No additional properties.
1636 @subsubsection xrc_wxstatictext wxStaticText
1638 @beginTable
1639 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1640 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1641 Label to display (required).}
1642 @row3col{wrap, integer,
1643 Wrap the text so that each line is at most the given number of pixels, see
1644 wxStaticText::Wrap() (default: no wrap).}
1645 @endTable
1647 @subsubsection xrc_wxtextctrl wxTextCtrl
1649 @beginTable
1650 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1651 @row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1652 Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
1653 @row3col{maxlength, integer,
1654 Maximum length of the text which can be entered by user (default: unlimited).}
1655 @endTable
1658 @subsubsection xrc_wxtimepickerctrl wxTimePickerCtrl
1660 No additional properties.
1663 @subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebutton wxToggleButton
1665 @beginTable
1666 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1667 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1668 Label to display on the button (required).}
1669 @row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1670 Should the button be checked/pressed initially (default: 0)?}
1671 @endTable
1673 @subsubsection xrc_wxtoolbar wxToolBar
1675 @beginTable
1676 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1677 @row3col{bitmapsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1678 Size of toolbar bitmaps (default: not set).}
1679 @row3col{margins, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1680 Margins (default: platform default).}
1681 @row3col{packing, integer,
1682 Packing, see wxToolBar::SetToolPacking() (default: not set).}
1683 @row3col{separation, integer,
1684 Default separator size, see wxToolBar::SetToolSeparation() (default: not set).}
1685 @row3col{dontattachtoframe, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1686 If set to 0 and the toolbar object is child of a wxFrame,
1687 wxFrame::SetToolBar() is called; otherwise, you have to add it to a frame
1688 manually. The toolbar is attached by default, you have to set this property
1689 to 1 to disable this behaviour (default: 0).}
1690 @endTable
1692 A toolbar can have one or more child objects of any wxControl-derived class or
1693 one of two pseudo-classes: @c separator or @c tool.
1695 The @c separator pseudo-class is used to insert separators into the toolbar and
1696 has neither properties nor children. Similarly, the @c space pseudo-class is
1697 used for stretchable spaces (see wxToolBar::AddStretchableSpace(), new since
1698 wxWidgets 2.9.1).
1700 The @c tool pseudo-class objects specify toolbar buttons and have the following
1701 properties:
1703 @beginTable
1704 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1705 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1706 Tool's bitmap (required).}
1707 @row3col{bitmap2, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1708 Bitmap for disabled tool (default: derived from @c bitmap).}
1709 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1710 Label to display on the tool (default: no label).}
1711 @row3col{radio, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1712 Item's kind is wxITEM_RADIO (default: 0)?}
1713 @row3col{toggle, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1714 Item's kind is wxITEM_CHECK (default: 0)?}
1715 @row3col{dropdown, see below,
1716 Item's kind is wxITEM_DROPDOWN (default: 0)? (only available since wxWidgets 2.9.0)}
1717 @row3col{tooltip, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1718 Tooltip to use for the tool (default: none).}
1719 @row3col{longhelp, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1720 Help text shown in statusbar when the mouse is on the tool (default: none).}
1721 @row3col{disabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1722 Is the tool initially disabled (default: 0)?}
1723 @row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1724 Is the tool initially checked (default: 0)? (only available since wxWidgets 2.9.3)}
1725 @endTable
1727 The presence of a @c dropdown property indicates that the tool is of type
1728 wxITEM_DROPDOWN. It must be either empty or contain exactly one @ref
1729 xrc_wxmenu child object defining the drop-down button associated menu.
1731 Notice that @c radio, @c toggle and @c dropdown are mutually exclusive.
1733 Children that are neither @c tool nor @c separator must be instances of classes
1734 derived from wxControl and are added to the toolbar using
1735 wxToolBar::AddControl().
1737 Example:
1738 @code
1739 <object class="wxToolBar">
1740 <style>wxTB_FLAT|wxTB_NODIVIDER</style>
1741 <object class="tool" name="foo">
1742 <bitmap>foo.png</bitmap>
1743 <label>Foo</label>
1744 </object>
1745 <object class="tool" name="bar">
1746 <bitmap>bar.png</bitmap>
1747 <label>Bar</label>
1748 </object>
1749 <object class="separator"/>
1750 <object class="tool" name="view_auto">
1751 <bitmap>view.png</bitmap>
1752 <label>View</label>
1753 <dropdown>
1754 <object class="wxMenu">
1755 <object class="wxMenuItem" name="view_as_text">
1756 <label>View as text</label>
1757 </object>
1758 <object class="wxMenuItem" name="view_as_hex">
1759 <label>View as binary</label>
1760 </object>
1761 </object>
1762 </dropdown>
1763 </object>
1764 <object class="space"/>
1765 <object class="wxComboBox">
1766 <content>
1767 <item>Just</item>
1768 <item>a combobox</item>
1769 <item>in the toolbar</item>
1770 </content>
1771 </object>
1772 </object>
1774 @endcode
1777 @subsubsection xrc_wxtoolbook wxToolbook
1779 A toolbook can have one or more child objects of the @c toolbookpage
1780 pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
1781 @c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
1782 @c toolbookpage objects have the following properties:
1784 @beginTable
1785 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1786 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1787 Sheet page's title (required).}
1788 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1789 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
1790 @row3col{image, integer,
1791 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1792 into the image list.}
1793 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1794 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
1795 @endTable
1797 Each @c toolbookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
1800 @subsubsection xrc_wxtreectrl wxTreeCtrl
1802 A treectrl can have one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
1804 No additional properties.
1807 @subsubsection xrc_wxtreebook wxTreebook
1809 A treebook can have one or more child objects of the @c treebookpage
1810 pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
1811 @c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
1812 @c treebookpage objects have the following properties:
1814 @beginTable
1815 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1816 @row3col{depth, integer,
1817 Page's depth in the labels tree (required; see below).}
1818 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
1819 Sheet page's title (required).}
1820 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1821 Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
1822 @row3col{image, integer,
1823 The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
1824 into the image list.}
1825 @row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1826 Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
1827 @row3col{expanded, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
1828 If set to 1, the page is initially expanded. By default all pages are
1829 initially collapsed.}
1830 @endTable
1832 Each @c treebookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
1834 The tree of labels is not described using nested @c treebookpage objects, but
1835 using the @em depth property. Toplevel pages have depth 0, their child pages
1836 have depth 1 and so on. A @c treebookpage's label is inserted as child of
1837 the latest preceding page with depth equal to @em depth-1. For example, this
1838 XRC markup:
1840 @code
1841 <object class="wxTreebook">
1842 ...
1843 <object class="treebookpage">
1844 <depth>0</depth>
1845 <label>Page 1</label>
1846 <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
1847 </object>
1848 <object class="treebookpage">
1849 <depth>1</depth>
1850 <label>Subpage 1A</label>
1851 <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
1852 </object>
1853 <object class="treebookpage">
1854 <depth>2</depth>
1855 <label>Subsubpage 1</label>
1856 <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
1857 </object>
1858 <object class="treebookpage">
1859 <depth>1</depth>
1860 <label>Subpage 1B</label>
1861 <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
1862 </object>
1863 <object class="treebookpage">
1864 <depth>2</depth>
1865 <label>Subsubpage 2</label>
1866 <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
1867 </object>
1868 <object class="treebookpage">
1869 <depth>0</depth>
1870 <label>Page 2</label>
1871 <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
1872 </object>
1873 </object>
1874 @endcode
1876 corresponds to the following tree of labels:
1878 - Page 1
1879 - Subpage 1A
1880 - Subsubpage 1
1881 - Subpage 1B
1882 - Subsubpage 2
1883 - Page 2
1886 @subsubsection xrc_wxwizard wxWizard
1888 @beginTable
1889 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1890 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1891 Bitmap to display on the left side of the wizard (default: none).}
1892 @endTable
1894 A wizard object can have one or more child objects of the wxWizardPage or
1895 wxWizardPageSimple classes. They both support the following properties
1896 (in addition to @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props):
1898 @beginTable
1899 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1900 @row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
1901 Page-specific bitmap (default: none).}
1902 @endTable
1904 wxWizardPageSimple pages are automatically chained together; wxWizardPage pages
1905 transitions must be handled programmatically.
1908 @section overview_xrcformat_sizers Sizers
1910 Sizers are handled slightly differently in XRC resources than they are in
1911 wxWindow hierarchy. wxWindow's sizers hierarchy is parallel to the wxWindow
1912 children hierarchy: child windows are children of their parent window and
1913 the sizer (or sizers) form separate hierarchy attached to the window with
1914 wxWindow::SetSizer().
1916 In XRC, the two hierarchies are merged together: sizers are children of other
1917 sizers or windows and they can contain child window objects.
1919 If a sizer is child of a window object in the resource, it must be the only
1920 child and it will be attached to the parent with wxWindow::SetSizer().
1921 Additionally, if the window doesn't have its size explicitly set,
1922 wxSizer::Fit() is used to resize the window. If the parent window is
1923 toplevel window, wxSizer::SetSizeHints() is called to set its hints.
1925 A sizer object can have one or more child objects of one of two pseudo-classes:
1926 @c sizeritem or @c spacer (see @ref overview_xrcformat_wxstddialogbuttonsizer for
1927 an exception). The former specifies an element (another sizer or a window)
1928 to include in the sizer, the latter adds empty space to the sizer.
1930 @c sizeritem objects have exactly one child object: either another sizer
1931 object, or a window object. @c spacer objects don't have any children, but
1932 they have one property:
1934 @beginTable
1935 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1936 @row3col{size, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size, Size of the empty space (required).}
1937 @endTable
1939 Both @c sizeritem and @c spacer objects can have any of the following
1940 properties:
1942 @beginTable
1943 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
1944 @row3col{option, integer,
1945 The "option" value for sizers. Used by wxBoxSizer to set proportion of
1946 the item in the growable direction (default: 0).}
1947 @row3col{flag, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
1948 wxSizerItem flags (default: 0).}
1949 @row3col{border, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
1950 Size of the border around the item (directions are specified in flags)
1951 (default: 0).}
1952 @row3col{minsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1953 Minimal size of this item (default: no min size).}
1954 @row3col{ratio, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1955 Item ratio, see wxSizer::SetRatio() (default: no ratio).}
1956 @row3col{cellpos, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_pos,
1957 (wxGridBagSizer only) Position, see wxGBSizerItem::SetPos() (required). }
1958 @row3col{cellspan, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
1959 (wxGridBagSizer only) Span, see wxGBSizerItem::SetSpan() (required). }
1960 @endTable
1962 Example of sizers XRC code:
1963 @code
1964 <object class="wxDialog" name="derived_dialog">
1965 <title>Derived Dialog Example</title>
1966 <centered>1</centered>
1967 <!-- this sizer is set to be this dialog's sizer: -->
1968 <object class="wxFlexGridSizer">
1969 <cols>1</cols>
1970 <rows>0</rows>
1971 <vgap>0</vgap>
1972 <hgap>0</hgap>
1973 <growablecols>0:1</growablecols>
1974 <growablerows>0:1</growablerows>
1975 <object class="sizeritem">
1976 <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
1977 <border>5</border>
1978 <object class="wxButton" name="my_button">
1979 <label>My Button</label>
1980 </object>
1981 </object>
1982 <object class="sizeritem">
1983 <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
1984 <border>5</border>
1985 <object class="wxBoxSizer">
1986 <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
1987 <object class="sizeritem">
1988 <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
1989 <border>5</border>
1990 <object class="wxCheckBox" name="my_checkbox">
1991 <label>Enable this text control:</label>
1992 </object>
1993 </object>
1994 <object class="sizeritem">
1995 <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
1996 <border>5</border>
1997 <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="my_textctrl">
1998 <size>80,-1</size>
1999 <value></value>
2000 </object>
2001 </object>
2002 </object>
2003 </object>
2004 ...
2005 </object>
2006 </object>
2007 @endcode
2009 The sizer classes that can be used are listed below, together with their
2010 class-specific properties. All classes support the following properties:
2012 @beginTable
2013 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2014 @row3col{minsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
2015 Minimal size that this sizer will have, see wxSizer::SetMinSize()
2016 (default: no min size).}
2017 @endTable
2019 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxboxsizer wxBoxSizer
2021 @beginTable
2022 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2023 @row3col{orient, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2024 Sizer orientation, "wxHORIZONTAL" or "wxVERTICAL" (default: wxHORIZONTAL).}
2025 @endTable
2027 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxstaticsboxizer wxStaticBoxSizer
2029 @beginTable
2030 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2031 @row3col{orient, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2032 Sizer orientation, "wxHORIZONTAL" or "wxVERTICAL" (default: wxHORIZONTAL).}
2033 @row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
2034 Label to be used for the static box around the sizer (required).}
2035 @endTable
2037 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxgridsizer wxGridSizer
2039 @beginTable
2040 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2041 @row3col{rows, integer, Number of rows in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
2042 @row3col{cols, integer, Number of columns in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
2043 @row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
2044 @row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
2045 @endTable
2047 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxflexgridsizer wxFlexGridSizer
2049 @beginTable
2050 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2051 @row3col{rows, integer, Number of rows in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
2052 @row3col{cols, integer, Number of columns in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
2053 @row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
2054 @row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
2055 @row3col{flexibledirection, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2056 Flexible direction, @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL or @c wxBOTH (default).
2057 This property is only available since wxWidgets 2.9.5.}
2058 @row3col{nonflexiblegrowmode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2059 Grow mode in the non-flexible direction,
2062 This property is only available since wxWidgets 2.9.5.}
2063 @row3col{growablerows, comma-separated integers list,
2064 Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable (none by default).
2065 Since wxWidgets 2.9.5 optional proportion can be appended to each number
2066 after a colon (@c :).}
2067 @row3col{growablecols, comma-separated integers list,
2068 Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable (none by default).
2069 Since wxWidgets 2.9.5 optional proportion can be appended to each number
2070 after a colon (@c :).}
2071 @endTable
2073 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxgridbagsizer wxGridBagSizer
2075 @beginTable
2076 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2077 @row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
2078 @row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
2079 @row3col{flexibledirection, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2080 Flexible direction, @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL, @c wxBOTH (default: @c wxBOTH).}
2081 @row3col{nonflexiblegrowmode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2082 Grow mode in the non-flexible direction,
2084 (default: @c wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED).}
2085 @row3col{growablerows, comma-separated integers list,
2086 Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable,
2087 optionally the proportion can be appended after each number
2088 separated by a @c :
2089 (default: none).}
2090 @row3col{growablecols, comma-separated integers list,
2091 Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable,
2092 optionally the proportion can be appended after each number
2093 separated by a @c :
2094 (default: none).}
2095 @endTable
2097 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxwrapsizer wxWrapSizer
2099 @beginTable
2100 @hdr3col{property, type, description}
2101 @row3col{orient, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
2102 Sizer orientation, "wxHORIZONTAL" or "wxVERTICAL" (required).}
2103 @row3col{flag, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style, wxWrapSizer flags (default: 0).}
2104 @endTable
2106 @subsection overview_xrcformat_wxstddialogbuttonsizer wxStdDialogButtonSizer
2108 Unlike other sizers, wxStdDialogButtonSizer has neither @c sizeritem
2109 nor @c spacer children. Instead, it has one or more children of the
2110 @c button pseudo-class. @c button objects have no properties and they must
2111 always have exactly one child of the @c wxButton class or a class derived from
2112 wxButton.
2114 Example:
2115 @code
2116 <object class="wxStdDialogButtonSizer">
2117 <object class="button">
2118 <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_OK">
2119 <label>OK</label>
2120 </object>
2121 </object>
2122 <object class="button">
2123 <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_CANCEL">
2124 <label>Cancel</label>
2125 </object>
2126 </object>
2127 </object>
2128 @endcode
2132 @section overview_xrcformat_other_objects Other Objects
2134 In addition to describing UI elements, XRC files can contain non-windows
2135 objects such as bitmaps or icons. This is a concession to Windows developers
2136 used to storing them in Win32 resources.
2138 Note that unlike Win32 resources, bitmaps included in XRC files are @em not
2139 embedded in the XRC file itself. XRC file only contains a reference to another
2140 file with bitmap data.
2142 @subsection overview_xrcformat_bitmap wxBitmap
2144 Bitmaps are stored in @c \<object\> element with class set to @c wxBitmap. Such
2145 bitmaps can then be loaded using wxXmlResource::LoadBitmap(). The content of
2146 the element is exactly same as in the case of
2147 @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap "bitmap properties", except that toplevel
2148 @c \<object\> is used.
2150 For example, instead of:
2151 @code
2152 <bitmap>mybmp.png</bitmap>
2153 <bitmap stock_id="wxART_NEW"/>
2154 @endcode
2155 toplevel wxBitmap resources would look like:
2156 @code
2157 <object class="wxBitmap" name="my_bitmap">mybmp.png</object>
2158 <object class="wxBitmap" name="my_new_bitmap" stock_id="wxART_NEW"/>
2159 @endcode
2162 @subsection overview_xrcformat_icon wxIcon
2164 wxIcon resources are identical to @ref overview_xrcformat_bitmap "wxBitmap ones",
2165 except that the class is @c wxIcon.
2168 @section overview_xrcformat_platform Platform Specific Content
2170 It is possible to conditionally process parts of XRC files on some platforms
2171 only and ignore them on other platforms. @em Any element in XRC file, be it
2172 toplevel or arbitrarily nested one, can have the @c platform attribute. When
2173 used, @c platform contains |-separated list of platforms that this element
2174 should be processed on. It is filtered out and ignored on any other platforms.
2176 Possible elemental values are:
2177 @beginDefList
2178 @itemdef{ @c win, Windows }
2179 @itemdef{ @c mac, Mac OS X (or Mac Classic in wxWidgets version supporting it) }
2180 @itemdef{ @c unix, Any Unix platform @em except OS X }
2181 @itemdef{ @c os2, OS/2 }
2182 @endDefList
2184 Examples:
2185 @code
2186 <label platform="win">Windows</label>
2187 <label platform="unix">Unix</label>
2188 <label platform="mac">Mac OS X</label>
2189 <help platform="mac|unix">Not a Windows machine</help>
2190 @endcode
2194 @section overview_xrcformat_idranges ID Ranges
2196 Usually you won't care what value the XRCID macro returns for the ID of an
2197 object. Sometimes though it is convenient to have a range of IDs that are
2198 guaranteed to be consecutive. An example of this would be connecting a group of
2199 similar controls to the same event handler.
2201 The following XRC fragment 'declares' an ID range called @em foo and another
2202 called @em bar; each with some items.
2204 @code
2205 <object class="wxButton" name="foo[start]">
2206 <object class="wxButton" name="foo[end]">
2207 <object class="wxButton" name="foo[2]">
2208 ...
2209 <object class="wxButton" name="bar[0]">
2210 <object class="wxButton" name="bar[2]">
2211 <object class="wxButton" name="bar[1]">
2212 ...
2213 <ids-range name="foo" />
2214 <ids-range name="bar" size="30" start="10000" />
2215 @endcode
2217 For the range foo, no @em size or @em start parameters were given, so the size
2218 will be calculated from the number of range items, and IDs allocated by
2219 wxWindow::NewControlId (so they'll be negative). Range bar asked for a size of
2220 30, so this will be its minimum size: should it have more items, the range will
2221 automatically expand to fit them. It specified a start ID of 10000, so
2222 XRCID("bar[0]") will be 10000, XRCID("bar[1]") 10001 etc. Note that if you
2223 choose to supply a start value it must be positive, and it's your
2224 responsibility to avoid clashes.
2226 For every ID range, the first item can be referenced either as
2227 <em>rangename</em>[0] or <em>rangename</em>[start]. Similarly
2228 <em>rangename</em>[end] is the last item. Using [start] and [end] is more
2229 descriptive in e.g. a Bind() event range or a @em for loop, and they don't have
2230 to be altered whenever the number of items changes.
2232 Whether a range has positive or negative IDs, [start] is always a smaller
2233 number than [end]; so code like this works as expected:
2235 @code
2236 for (int n=XRCID("foo[start]"); n <= XRCID("foo[end]"); ++n)
2237 ...
2238 @endcode
2240 ID ranges can be seen in action in the <em>objref</em> dialog section of the
2241 @sample{xrc}.
2243 @note
2244 @li All the items in an ID range must be contained in the same XRC file.
2245 @li You can't use an ID range in a situation where static initialisation
2246 occurs; in particular, they won't work as expected in an event table. This is
2247 because the event table's IDs are set to their integer values before the XRC
2248 file is loaded, and aren't subsequently altered when the XRCID value changes.
2250 @since 2.9.2
2252 @section overview_xrcformat_extending Extending the XRC Format
2254 The XRC format is designed to be extensible and allows specifying and loading
2255 custom controls. The three available mechanisms are described in the rest of
2256 this section in the order of increasing complexity.
2258 @subsection overview_xrcformat_extending_subclass Subclassing
2260 The simplest way to add custom controls is to set the @c subclass attribute
2261 of @c \<object\> element:
2263 @code
2264 <object name="my_value" class="wxTextCtrl" subclass="MyTextCtrl">
2265 <style>wxTE_MULTILINE</style>
2266 ...etc., setup wxTextCtrl as usual...
2267 </object>
2268 @endcode
2270 In that case, wxXmlResource will create an instance of the specified subclass
2271 (@c MyTextCtrl in the example above) instead of the class (@c wxTextCtrl above)
2272 when loading the resource. However, the rest of the object's loading (calling
2273 its Create() method, setting its properties, loading any children etc.)
2274 will proceed in @em exactly the same way as it would without @c subclass
2275 attribute. In other words, this approach is only sufficient when the custom
2276 class is just a small modification (e.g. overridden methods or customized
2277 events handling) of an already supported classes.
2279 The subclass must satisfy a number of requirements:
2281 -# It must be derived from the class specified in @c class attribute.
2282 -# It must be visible in wxWidget's pseudo-RTTI mechanism, i.e. there must be
2283 a DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS() entry for it.
2284 -# It must support two-phase creation. In particular, this means that it has
2285 to have default constructor.
2286 -# It cannot provide custom Create() method and must be constructible using
2287 base @c class' Create() method (this is because XRC will call Create() of
2288 @c class, not @c subclass). In other words, @em creation of the control
2289 must not be customized.
2292 @subsection overview_xrcformat_extending_unknown Unknown Objects
2294 A more flexible solution is to put a @em placeholder in the XRC file and
2295 replace it with custom control after the resource is loaded. This is done by
2296 using the @c unknown pseudo-class:
2298 @code
2299 <object class="unknown" name="my_placeholder"/>
2300 @endcode
2302 The placeholder is inserted as dummy wxPanel that will hold custom control in
2303 it. At runtime, after the resource is loaded and a window created from it
2304 (using e.g. wxXmlResource::LoadDialog()), use code must call
2305 wxXmlResource::AttachUnknownControl() to insert the desired control into
2306 placeholder container.
2308 This method makes it possible to insert controls that are not known to XRC at
2309 all, but it's also impossible to configure the control in XRC description in
2310 any way. The only properties that can be specified are
2311 the @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props "standard window properties".
2313 @note @c unknown class cannot be combined with @c subclass attribute,
2314 they are mutually exclusive.
2317 @subsection overview_xrcformat_extending_custom Adding Custom Classes
2319 Finally, XRC allows adding completely new classes in addition to the ones
2320 listed in this document. A class for which wxXmlResourceHandler is implemented
2321 can be used as first-class object in XRC simply by passing class name as the
2322 value of @c class attribute:
2324 @code
2325 <object name="my_ctrl" class="MyWidget">
2326 <my_prop>foo</my_prop>
2327 ...etc., whatever MyWidget handler accepts...
2328 </object>
2329 @endcode
2331 The only requirements on the class are that
2332 -# the class must derive from wxObject
2333 -# it must support wxWidget's pseudo-RTTI mechanism
2335 Child elements of @c \<object\> are handled by the custom handler and there are
2336 no limitations on them imposed by XRC format.
2338 This is the only mechanism that works for toplevel objects -- custom controls
2339 are accessible using the type-unsafe wxXmlResource::LoadObject() method.
2343 @section overview_xrcformat_packed Packed XRC Files
2345 In addition to plain XRC files, wxXmlResource supports (if wxFileSystem support
2346 is compiled in) compressed XRC resources. Compressed resources have either
2347 .zip or .xrs extension and are simply ZIP files that contain arbitrary
2348 number of XRC files and their dependencies (bitmaps, icons etc.).
2352 @section overview_xrcformat_oldversions Older Format Versions
2354 This section describes differences in older revisions of XRC format (i.e.
2355 files with older values of @c version attribute of @c \<resource\>).
2358 @subsection overview_xrcformat_pre_v2530 Versions Before
2360 Version introduced C-like handling of "\\" in text. In older versions,
2361 "\n", "\t" and "\r" escape sequences were replaced with respective characters
2362 in the same matter it's done in C, but "\\" was left intact instead of being
2363 replaced with single "\", as one would expect. Starting with, all of
2364 them are handled in C-like manner.
2367 @subsection overview_xrcformat_pre_v2301 Versions Before
2369 Prior to version, "$" was used for accelerators instead of "_"
2370 or "&amp;". For example,
2371 @code
2372 <label>$File</label>
2373 @endcode
2374 was used in place of current version's
2375 @code
2376 <label>_File</label>
2377 @endcode
2378 (or "&amp;File").
2380 */