]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blob - src/t_set.c
top level Makefile added, so you do not need to cd src
[redis.git] / src / t_set.c
1 #include "redis.h"
3 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 * Set Commands
5 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7 void saddCommand(redisClient *c) {
8 robj *set;
10 set = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
11 if (set == NULL) {
12 set = createSetObject();
13 dbAdd(c->db,c->argv[1],set);
14 } else {
15 if (set->type != REDIS_SET) {
16 addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
17 return;
18 }
19 }
20 if (dictAdd(set->ptr,c->argv[2],NULL) == DICT_OK) {
21 incrRefCount(c->argv[2]);
22 server.dirty++;
23 addReply(c,shared.cone);
24 } else {
25 addReply(c,shared.czero);
26 }
27 }
29 void sremCommand(redisClient *c) {
30 robj *set;
32 if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
33 checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
35 if (dictDelete(set->ptr,c->argv[2]) == DICT_OK) {
36 server.dirty++;
37 if (htNeedsResize(set->ptr)) dictResize(set->ptr);
38 if (dictSize((dict*)set->ptr) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
39 addReply(c,shared.cone);
40 } else {
41 addReply(c,shared.czero);
42 }
43 }
45 void smoveCommand(redisClient *c) {
46 robj *srcset, *dstset;
48 srcset = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
49 dstset = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[2]);
51 /* If the source key does not exist return 0, if it's of the wrong type
52 * raise an error */
53 if (srcset == NULL || srcset->type != REDIS_SET) {
54 addReply(c, srcset ? shared.wrongtypeerr : shared.czero);
55 return;
56 }
57 /* Error if the destination key is not a set as well */
58 if (dstset && dstset->type != REDIS_SET) {
59 addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
60 return;
61 }
62 /* Remove the element from the source set */
63 if (dictDelete(srcset->ptr,c->argv[3]) == DICT_ERR) {
64 /* Key not found in the src set! return zero */
65 addReply(c,shared.czero);
66 return;
67 }
68 if (dictSize((dict*)srcset->ptr) == 0 && srcset != dstset)
69 dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
70 server.dirty++;
71 /* Add the element to the destination set */
72 if (!dstset) {
73 dstset = createSetObject();
74 dbAdd(c->db,c->argv[2],dstset);
75 }
76 if (dictAdd(dstset->ptr,c->argv[3],NULL) == DICT_OK)
77 incrRefCount(c->argv[3]);
78 addReply(c,shared.cone);
79 }
81 void sismemberCommand(redisClient *c) {
82 robj *set;
84 if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
85 checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
87 if (dictFind(set->ptr,c->argv[2]))
88 addReply(c,shared.cone);
89 else
90 addReply(c,shared.czero);
91 }
93 void scardCommand(redisClient *c) {
94 robj *o;
95 dict *s;
97 if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
98 checkType(c,o,REDIS_SET)) return;
100 s = o->ptr;
101 addReplyUlong(c,dictSize(s));
102 }
104 void spopCommand(redisClient *c) {
105 robj *set;
106 dictEntry *de;
108 if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.nullbulk)) == NULL ||
109 checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
111 de = dictGetRandomKey(set->ptr);
112 if (de == NULL) {
113 addReply(c,shared.nullbulk);
114 } else {
115 robj *ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
117 addReplyBulk(c,ele);
118 dictDelete(set->ptr,ele);
119 if (htNeedsResize(set->ptr)) dictResize(set->ptr);
120 if (dictSize((dict*)set->ptr) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
121 server.dirty++;
122 }
123 }
125 void srandmemberCommand(redisClient *c) {
126 robj *set;
127 dictEntry *de;
129 if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.nullbulk)) == NULL ||
130 checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
132 de = dictGetRandomKey(set->ptr);
133 if (de == NULL) {
134 addReply(c,shared.nullbulk);
135 } else {
136 robj *ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
138 addReplyBulk(c,ele);
139 }
140 }
142 int qsortCompareSetsByCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
143 dict **d1 = (void*) s1, **d2 = (void*) s2;
145 return dictSize(*d1)-dictSize(*d2);
146 }
148 void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, unsigned long setsnum, robj *dstkey) {
149 dict **dv = zmalloc(sizeof(dict*)*setsnum);
150 dictIterator *di;
151 dictEntry *de;
152 robj *lenobj = NULL, *dstset = NULL;
153 unsigned long j, cardinality = 0;
155 for (j = 0; j < setsnum; j++) {
156 robj *setobj;
158 setobj = dstkey ?
159 lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setskeys[j]) :
160 lookupKeyRead(c->db,setskeys[j]);
161 if (!setobj) {
162 zfree(dv);
163 if (dstkey) {
164 if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey))
165 server.dirty++;
166 addReply(c,shared.czero);
167 } else {
168 addReply(c,shared.emptymultibulk);
169 }
170 return;
171 }
172 if (setobj->type != REDIS_SET) {
173 zfree(dv);
174 addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
175 return;
176 }
177 dv[j] = setobj->ptr;
178 }
179 /* Sort sets from the smallest to largest, this will improve our
180 * algorithm's performace */
181 qsort(dv,setsnum,sizeof(dict*),qsortCompareSetsByCardinality);
183 /* The first thing we should output is the total number of elements...
184 * since this is a multi-bulk write, but at this stage we don't know
185 * the intersection set size, so we use a trick, append an empty object
186 * to the output list and save the pointer to later modify it with the
187 * right length */
188 if (!dstkey) {
189 lenobj = createObject(REDIS_STRING,NULL);
190 addReply(c,lenobj);
191 decrRefCount(lenobj);
192 } else {
193 /* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
194 * create this key with an empty set inside */
195 dstset = createSetObject();
196 }
198 /* Iterate all the elements of the first (smallest) set, and test
199 * the element against all the other sets, if at least one set does
200 * not include the element it is discarded */
201 di = dictGetIterator(dv[0]);
203 while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
204 robj *ele;
206 for (j = 1; j < setsnum; j++)
207 if (dictFind(dv[j],dictGetEntryKey(de)) == NULL) break;
208 if (j != setsnum)
209 continue; /* at least one set does not contain the member */
210 ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
211 if (!dstkey) {
212 addReplyBulk(c,ele);
213 cardinality++;
214 } else {
215 dictAdd(dstset->ptr,ele,NULL);
216 incrRefCount(ele);
217 }
218 }
219 dictReleaseIterator(di);
221 if (dstkey) {
222 /* Store the resulting set into the target, if the intersection
223 * is not an empty set. */
224 dbDelete(c->db,dstkey);
225 if (dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr) > 0) {
226 dbAdd(c->db,dstkey,dstset);
227 addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr));
228 } else {
229 decrRefCount(dstset);
230 addReply(c,shared.czero);
231 }
232 server.dirty++;
233 } else {
234 lenobj->ptr = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"*%lu\r\n",cardinality);
235 }
236 zfree(dv);
237 }
239 void sinterCommand(redisClient *c) {
240 sinterGenericCommand(c,c->argv+1,c->argc-1,NULL);
241 }
243 void sinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
244 sinterGenericCommand(c,c->argv+2,c->argc-2,c->argv[1]);
245 }
247 void sunionDiffGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, int setsnum, robj *dstkey, int op) {
248 dict **dv = zmalloc(sizeof(dict*)*setsnum);
249 dictIterator *di;
250 dictEntry *de;
251 robj *dstset = NULL;
252 int j, cardinality = 0;
254 for (j = 0; j < setsnum; j++) {
255 robj *setobj;
257 setobj = dstkey ?
258 lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setskeys[j]) :
259 lookupKeyRead(c->db,setskeys[j]);
260 if (!setobj) {
261 dv[j] = NULL;
262 continue;
263 }
264 if (setobj->type != REDIS_SET) {
265 zfree(dv);
266 addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
267 return;
268 }
269 dv[j] = setobj->ptr;
270 }
272 /* We need a temp set object to store our union. If the dstkey
273 * is not NULL (that is, we are inside an SUNIONSTORE operation) then
274 * this set object will be the resulting object to set into the target key*/
275 dstset = createSetObject();
277 /* Iterate all the elements of all the sets, add every element a single
278 * time to the result set */
279 for (j = 0; j < setsnum; j++) {
280 if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && j == 0 && !dv[j]) break; /* result set is empty */
281 if (!dv[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */
283 di = dictGetIterator(dv[j]);
285 while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
286 robj *ele;
288 /* dictAdd will not add the same element multiple times */
289 ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
290 if (op == REDIS_OP_UNION || j == 0) {
291 if (dictAdd(dstset->ptr,ele,NULL) == DICT_OK) {
292 incrRefCount(ele);
293 cardinality++;
294 }
295 } else if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF) {
296 if (dictDelete(dstset->ptr,ele) == DICT_OK) {
297 cardinality--;
298 }
299 }
300 }
301 dictReleaseIterator(di);
303 /* result set is empty? Exit asap. */
304 if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && cardinality == 0) break;
305 }
307 /* Output the content of the resulting set, if not in STORE mode */
308 if (!dstkey) {
309 addReplySds(c,sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"*%d\r\n",cardinality));
310 di = dictGetIterator(dstset->ptr);
311 while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
312 robj *ele;
314 ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
315 addReplyBulk(c,ele);
316 }
317 dictReleaseIterator(di);
318 decrRefCount(dstset);
319 } else {
320 /* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
321 * create this key with the result set inside */
322 dbDelete(c->db,dstkey);
323 if (dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr) > 0) {
324 dbAdd(c->db,dstkey,dstset);
325 addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr));
326 } else {
327 decrRefCount(dstset);
328 addReply(c,shared.czero);
329 }
330 server.dirty++;
331 }
332 zfree(dv);
333 }
335 void sunionCommand(redisClient *c) {
336 sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+1,c->argc-1,NULL,REDIS_OP_UNION);
337 }
339 void sunionstoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
340 sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+2,c->argc-2,c->argv[1],REDIS_OP_UNION);
341 }
343 void sdiffCommand(redisClient *c) {
344 sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+1,c->argc-1,NULL,REDIS_OP_DIFF);
345 }
347 void sdiffstoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
348 sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+2,c->argc-2,c->argv[1],REDIS_OP_DIFF);
349 }