1 # TODO # test pipelining
3 source client-libraries
8 proc test
{name code okpattern
} {
9 puts -nonewline [format "%-70s " $name]
11 set retval
[uplevel 1 $code]
12 if {$okpattern eq
$retval ||
[string match
$okpattern $retval]} {
16 puts "!! ERROR expected\n'$okpattern'\nbut got\n'$retval'"
21 proc main
{server port
} {
22 set r
$server $port]
25 # The following AUTH test should be enabled only when requirepass
26 # <PASSWORD> is set in redis.conf and redis-server was started with
27 # redis.conf as the first argument.
29 #test {AUTH with requirepass in redis.conf} {
33 test
{DEL all keys to start with a clean DB
} {
34 foreach key
[$r keys
*] {$r del
38 test
{SET and GET an item
} {
43 test
{DEL against a single item
} {
48 test
{KEYS with pattern
} {
49 foreach key
{key_x key_y key_z foo_a foo_b foo_c
} {
55 test
{KEYS to get all keys
} {
57 } {foo_a foo_b foo_c key_x key_y key_z
64 foreach key
[$r keys
*] {$r del
68 test
{Very big payload in GET
} {
69 set buf
[string repeat
"abcd" 1000000]
72 } [string repeat
"abcd" 1000000]
74 test
10000 numeric keys and access all them in reverse order
} {
75 for {set x
0} {$x < 10000} {incr x
} {
79 for {set x
9999} {$x >= 0} {incr x
-1} {
85 test
{DBSIZE should be
10001 now
} {
89 test
{INCR against non existing key
} {
91 append res
[$r incr novar
92 append res
[$r get novar
95 test
{INCR against key created by
incr itself
} {
99 test
{INCR against key originally
set with SET
} {
104 test
{SETNX target key missing
} {
105 $r setnx novar2 foobared
109 test
{SETNX target key exists
} {
110 $r setnx novar2 blabla
117 append res
[$r exists newkey
119 append res
[$r exists newkey
122 test
{Zero length value in key. SET
} {
124 set res
[$r get emptykey
125 append res
[$r exists emptykey
127 append res
[$r exists emptykey
130 test
{Commands pipelining
} {
132 puts -nonewline $fd "SET k1 4\r\nxyzk\r\nGET k1\r\nPING\r\n"
135 append res
[string match OK
* [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]]
136 append res
[::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]
137 append res
[string match PONG
* [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]]
141 test
{Non existing command
} {
142 catch {$r foobaredcommand
} err
143 string match ERR
* $err
146 test
{Basic LPUSH
} {
150 set res
[$r llen mylist
151 append res
[$r lindex mylist
152 append res
[$r lindex mylist
153 append res
[$r lindex mylist
161 test
{Create a long
list and check every single element with LINDEX
} {
163 for {set i
0} {$i < 1000} {incr i
} {
166 for {set i
0} {$i < 1000} {incr i
} {
167 if {[$r lindex mylist
$i] eq
$i} {incr ok
168 if {[$r lindex mylist
[expr (-$i)-1]] eq
[expr 999-$i]} {
175 test
{Test elements with LINDEX in random access
} {
177 for {set i
0} {$i < 1000} {incr i
} {
178 set rint
[expr int
179 if {[$r lindex mylist
$rint] eq
$rint} {incr ok
180 if {[$r lindex mylist
[expr (-$rint)-1]] eq
[expr 999-$rint]} {
187 test
{LLEN against non-list value
error} {
190 catch {$r llen mylist
} err
194 test
{LINDEX against non-list value
error} {
195 catch {$r lindex mylist
0} err
199 test
{LPUSH against non-list value
error} {
200 catch {$r lpush mylist
0} err
204 test
{RPUSH against non-list value
error} {
205 catch {$r rpush mylist
0} err
209 test
{RENAME basic usage
} {
211 $r rename mykey mykey1
212 $r rename mykey1 mykey2
216 test
source key should no longer exist
} {
220 test
{RENAME against already existing key
} {
223 $r rename mykey2 mykey
224 set res
[$r get mykey
225 append res
[$r exists mykey2
228 test
{RENAMENX basic usage
} {
232 $r renamenx mykey mykey2
233 set res
[$r get mykey2
234 append res
[$r exists mykey
237 test
{RENAMENX against already existing key
} {
240 $r renamenx mykey mykey2
243 test
{RENAMENX against already existing key
(2)} {
244 set res
[$r get mykey
245 append res
[$r get mykey2
248 test
{RENAME against non existing
source key
} {
249 catch {$r rename nokey foobar
} err
253 test
{RENAME where
source and dest key is the same
} {
254 catch {$r rename mykey mykey
} err
258 test
{DEL all keys again
0)} {
259 foreach key
[$r keys
*] {
265 test
{DEL all keys again
1)} {
267 foreach key
[$r keys
*] {
275 test
{MOVE basic usage
} {
279 lappend res
[$r exists mykey
280 lappend res
[$r dbsize
282 lappend res
[$r get mykey
283 lappend res
[$r dbsize
286 } [list 0 0 foobar
288 test
{MOVE against key existing in the target DB
} {
293 test
/GET keys in different DBs
} {
301 lappend res
[$r get a
302 lappend res
[$r get b
304 lappend res
[$r get a
305 lappend res
[$r get b
308 } {hello world foo bared
310 test
{Basic LPOP
} {
315 list [$r lpop mylist
] [$r rpop mylist
] [$r lpop mylist
] [$r llen mylist
318 test
/RPOP against empty
list} {
322 test
{LPOP against non
list value
} {
324 catch {$r lpop notalist
} err
328 test
} {
330 for {set i
0} {$i < 1000} {incr i
} {
335 for {set i
0} {$i < 500} {incr i
} {
336 incr sum2
[$r lpop mylist
337 incr sum2
[$r rpop mylist
342 test
{LRANGE basics
} {
343 for {set i
0} {$i < 10} {incr i
} {
346 list [$r lrange mylist
1 -2] \
347 [$r lrange mylist
-3 -1] \
348 [$r lrange mylist
4 4]
349 } {{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} {7 8 9} 4}
351 test
{LRANGE inverted indexes
} {
355 test
{LRANGE out of range indexes including the full
list} {
356 $r lrange mylist
-1000 1000
357 } {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
359 test
{LRANGE against non existing key
} {
360 $r lrange nosuchkey
0 1
363 test
{LTRIM basics
} {
365 for {set i
0} {$i < 100} {incr i
} {
369 $r lrange mylist
0 -1
374 $r lset mylist
-1 bar
375 $r lrange mylist
0 -1
378 test
{LSET out of range index
} {
379 catch {$r lset mylist
10 foo
} err
383 test
{LSET against non existing key
} {
384 catch {$r lset nosuchkey
10 foo
} err
388 test
{LSET against non
list value
} {
390 catch {$r lset nolist
0 foo
} err
394 test
, SMEMBERS basics
} {
397 list [$r scard myset
] [$r sismember myset foo
] \
398 [$r sismember myset bar
] [$r sismember myset bla
] \
399 [lsort [$r smembers myset
400 } {2 1 1 0 {bar foo
402 test
{SADD adding the same element multiple times
} {
409 test
{SADD against non
set} {
410 catch {$r sadd mylist foo
} err
417 lsort [$r smembers myset
420 test
{Mass SADD and SINTER with two sets
} {
421 for {set i
0} {$i < 1000} {incr i
} {
423 $r sadd set2
[expr $i+995]
425 lsort [$r sinter set1 set2
426 } {995 996 997 998 999}
428 test
{SINTERSTORE with two sets
} {
429 $r sinterstore setres set1 set2
430 lsort [$r smembers setres
431 } {995 996 997 998 999}
433 test
{SINTER against three sets
} {
438 lsort [$r sinter set1 set2 set3
441 test
{SINTERSTORE with three sets
} {
442 $r sinterstore setres set1 set2 set3
443 lsort [$r smembers setres
446 test
- make sure there are all the types as values
} {
447 $r lpush mysavelist hello
448 $r lpush mysavelist world
450 $r set mynormalkey
454 test
{Create a random
list} {
456 array set seenrand
457 for {set i
0} {$i < 10000} {incr i
} {
459 # Make sure all the weights are different because
460 # Redis does not use a stable sort but Tcl does.
461 set rint
[expr int
462 if {![info exists seenrand
($rint)]} break
464 set seenrand
($rint) x
466 $r set weight_
$i $rint
467 lappend tosort
[list $i $rint]
469 set sorted
[lsort -index 1 -real $tosort]
471 for {set i
0} {$i < 10000} {incr i
} {
472 lappend res
[lindex $sorted $i 0]
477 test
{SORT with BY against the newly created
list} {
478 $r sort tosort
{BY weight_
481 test
{SORT direct
, numeric
, against the newly created
list} {
483 } [lsort -integer $res]
485 test
{SORT decreasing sort
} {
486 $r sort tosort
487 } [lsort -decreasing -integer $res]
489 test
{SORT speed
, sorting
10000 elements
list using BY
, 100 times
} {
490 set start
[clock clicks
491 for {set i
0} {$i < 100} {incr i
} {
492 set sorted
[$r sort tosort
{BY weight_
0 10}]
494 set elapsed
[expr [clock clicks
495 puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
500 test
{SORT speed
, sorting
10000 elements
list directly
, 100 times
} {
501 set start
[clock clicks
502 for {set i
0} {$i < 100} {incr i
} {
503 set sorted
[$r sort tosort
0 10}]
505 set elapsed
[expr [clock clicks
506 puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
511 test
{SORT speed
, pseudo-sorting
10000 elements
list, BY
>, 100 times
} {
512 set start
[clock clicks
513 for {set i
0} {$i < 100} {incr i
} {
514 set sorted
[$r sort tosort
{BY nokey LIMIT
0 10}]
516 set elapsed
[expr [clock clicks
517 puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
522 test
{SORT regression
for issue
#19, sorting floats} {
524 foreach x
{1.1 5.10 3.10 7.44 2.1 5.75 6.12 0.25 1.15} {
528 } [lsort -real {1.1 5.10 3.10 7.44 2.1 5.75 6.12 0.25 1.15}]
530 test
, remove all the occurrences
} {
534 $r rpush mylist foobar
535 $r rpush mylist foobared
540 set res
[$r lrem mylist
0 bar
541 list [$r lrange mylist
0 -1] $res
542 } {{foo foobar foobared zap test foo
} 2}
544 test
, remove the first occurrence
} {
545 set res
[$r lrem mylist
1 foo
546 list [$r lrange mylist
0 -1] $res
547 } {{foobar foobared zap test foo
} 1}
549 test
, remove non existing element
} {
550 set res
[$r lrem mylist
1 nosuchelement
551 list [$r lrange mylist
0 -1] $res
552 } {{foobar foobared zap test foo
} 0}
554 test
, starting from tail with negative count
} {
558 $r rpush mylist foobar
559 $r rpush mylist foobared
565 set res
[$r lrem mylist
-1 bar
566 list [$r lrange mylist
0 -1] $res
567 } {{foo bar foobar foobared zap test foo foo
} 1}
569 test
, starting from tail with negative count
(2)} {
570 set res
[$r lrem mylist
-2 foo
571 list [$r lrange mylist
0 -1] $res
572 } {{foo bar foobar foobared zap test
} 2}
581 test
{MGET against non existing key
} {
582 $r mget foo baazz bar
585 test
{MGET against non-string key
} {
588 $r mget foo baazz bar myset
597 for {set i
0} {$i < 100} {incr i
} {
598 set rkey
[$r randomkey
599 if {$rkey eq
}} {
602 if {$rkey eq
}} {
606 list $foo_seen $bar_seen
609 test
{RANDOMKEY against empty DB
} {
614 # Leave the user with a clean DB before to exit
620 puts "\n[expr $::passed+$::failed] tests, $::passed passed, $::failed failed"
622 puts "\n*** WARNING!!! $::failed FAILED TESTS ***\n"
631 set randkey
[expr int
632 set randval
[expr int
633 set randidx0
[expr int
634 set randidx1
[expr int
635 set cmd
[expr int
637 if {$cmd == 0} {$r set $randkey $randval}
638 if {$cmd == 1} {$r get
639 if {$cmd == 2} {$r incr $randkey}
640 if {$cmd == 3} {$r lpush
$randkey $randval}
641 if {$cmd == 4} {$r rpop
642 if {$cmd == 5} {$r del
643 if {$cmd == 6} {$r lrange $randkey $randidx0 $randidx1}
644 if {$cmd == 7} {$r ltrim
$randkey $randidx0 $randidx1}
645 if {$cmd == 8} {$r lindex $randkey $randidx0}
646 if {$cmd == 9} {$r lset $randkey $randidx0 $randval}
653 if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
655 } elseif
{[llength $argv] == 1 && [lindex $argv 0] eq
}} {
658 main
[lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]