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[redis.git] / deps / hiredis / README.md
3 Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the [Redis](http://redis.io/) database.
5 It is minimalistic because it just adds minimal support for the protocol, but
6 at the same time it uses an high level printf-alike API in order to make it
7 much higher level than otherwise suggested by its minimal code base and the
8 lack of explicit bindings for every Redis command.
10 Apart from supporting sending commands and receiving replies, it comes with
11 a reply parser that is decoupled from the I/O layer. It
12 is a stream parser designed for easy reusability, which can for instance be used
13 in higher level language bindings for efficient reply parsing.
15 Hiredis only supports the binary-safe Redis protocol, so you can use it with any
16 Redis version >= 1.2.0.
18 The library comes with multiple APIs. There is the
19 *synchronous API*, the *asynchronous API* and the *reply parsing API*.
23 Version 0.9.0 is a major overhaul of hiredis in every aspect. However, upgrading existing
24 code using hiredis should not be a big pain. The key thing to keep in mind when
25 upgrading is that hiredis >= 0.9.0 uses a `redisContext*` to keep state, in contrast to
26 the stateless 0.0.1 that only has a file descriptor to work with.
28 ## Synchronous API
30 To consume the synchronous API, there are only a few function calls that need to be introduced:
32 redisContext *redisConnect(const char *ip, int port);
33 void *redisCommand(redisContext *c, const char *format, ...);
34 void freeReplyObject(void *reply);
36 ### Connecting
38 The function `redisConnect` is used to create a so-called `redisContext`. The context is where
39 Hiredis holds state for a connection. The `redisContext` struct has an `error` field that is
40 non-NULL when the connection is in an error state. It contains a string with a textual
41 representation of the error. After trying to connect to Redis using `redisConnect` you should
42 check the `error` field to see if establishing the connection was successful:
44 redisContext *c = redisConnect("", 6379);
45 if (c->error != NULL) {
46 printf("Error: %s\n", c->error);
47 // handle error
48 }
50 ### Sending commands
52 There are several ways to issue commands to Redis. The first that will be introduced is
53 `redisCommand`. This function takes a format similar to printf. In the simplest form,
54 it is used like this:
56 reply = redisCommand(context, "SET foo bar");
58 The specifier `%s` interpolates a string in the command, and uses `strlen` to
59 determine the length of the string:
61 reply = redisCommand(context, "SET foo %s", value);
63 When you need to pass binary safe strings in a command, the `%b` specifier can be
64 used. Together with a pointer to the string, it requires a `size_t` length argument
65 of the string:
67 reply = redisCommand(context, "SET foo %b", value, valuelen);
69 Internally, Hiredis splits the command in different arguments and will
70 convert it to the protocol used to communicate with Redis.
71 One or more spaces separates arguments, so you can use the specifiers
72 anywhere in an argument:
74 reply = redisCommand("SET key:%s %s", myid, value);
76 ### Using replies
78 The return value of `redisCommand` holds a reply when the command was
79 successfully executed. When the return value is `NULL`, the `error` field
80 in the context can be used to find out what was the cause of failure.
81 Once an error is returned the context cannot be reused and you should set up
82 a new connection.
84 The standard replies that `redisCommand` are of the type `redisReply`. The
85 `type` field in the `redisReply` should be used to test what kind of reply
86 was received:
89 * The command replied with a status reply. The status string can be accessed using `reply->str`.
90 The length of this string can be accessed using `reply->len`.
93 * The command replied with an error. The error string can be accessed identical to `REDIS_REPLY_STATUS`.
96 * The command replied with an integer. The integer value can be accessed using the
97 `reply->integer` field of type `long long`.
99 * **`REDIS_REPLY_NIL`**:
100 * The command replied with a **nil** object. There is no data to access.
103 * A bulk (string) reply. The value of the reply can be accessed using `reply->str`.
104 The length of this string can be accessed using `reply->len`.
106 * **`REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY`**:
107 * A multi bulk reply. The number of elements in the multi bulk reply is stored in
108 `reply->elements`. Every element in the multi bulk reply is a `redisReply` object as well
109 and can be accessed via `reply->elements[..index..]`.
110 Redis may reply with nested arrays but this is fully supported.
112 Replies should be freed using the `freeReplyObject()` function.
113 Note that this function will take care of freeing sub-replies objects
114 contained in arrays and nested arrays, so there is no need for the user to
115 free the sub replies (it is actually harmful and will corrupt the memory).
117 ### Cleaning up
119 To disconnect and free the context the following function can be used:
121 void redisFree(redisContext *c);
123 This function immediately closes the socket and then free's the allocations done in
124 creating the context.
126 ### Sending commands (cont'd)
128 Together with `redisCommand`, the function `redisCommandArgv` can be used to issue commands.
129 It has the following prototype:
131 void *redisCommandArgv(redisContext *c, int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen);
133 It takes the number of arguments `argc`, an array of strings `argv` and the lengths of the
134 arguments `argvlen`. For convenience, `argvlen` may be set to `NULL` and the function will
135 use `strlen(3)` on every argument to determine its length. Obviously, when any of the arguments
136 need to be binary safe, the entire array of lengths `argvlen` should be provided.
138 The return value has the same semantic as `redisCommand`.
140 ### Pipelining
142 To explain how Hiredis supports pipelining in a blocking connection, there needs to be
143 understanding of the internal execution flow.
145 When any of the functions in the `redisCommand` family is called, Hiredis first formats the
146 command according to the Redis protocol. The formatted command is then put in the output buffer
147 of the context. This output buffer is dynamic, so it can hold any number of commands.
148 After the command is put in the output buffer, `redisGetReply` is called. This function has the
149 following two execution paths:
151 1. The input buffer is non-empty:
152 * Try to parse a single reply from the input buffer and return it
153 * If no reply could be parsed, continue at *2*
154 2. The input buffer is empty:
155 * Write the **entire** output buffer to the socket
156 * Read from the socket until a single reply could be parsed
158 The function `redisGetReply` is exported as part of the Hiredis API and can be used when a reply
159 is expected on the socket. To pipeline commands, the only things that needs to be done is
160 filling up the output buffer. For this cause, two commands can be used that are identical
161 to the `redisCommand` family, apart from not returning a reply:
163 void redisAppendCommand(redisContext *c, const char *format, ...);
164 void redisAppendCommandArgv(redisContext *c, int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen);
166 After calling either function one or more times, `redisGetReply` can be used to receive the
167 subsequent replies. The return value for this function is either `REDIS_OK` or `REDIS_ERR`, where
168 the latter means an error occurred while reading a reply. Just as with the other commands,
169 the `error` field in the context can be used to find out what the cause of this error is.
171 The following examples shows a simple pipeline (resulting in only a single call to `write(2)` and
172 a single call to `write(2)`):
174 redisReply *reply;
175 redisAppendCommand(context,"SET foo bar");
176 redisAppendCommand(context,"GET foo");
177 redisGetReply(context,&reply); // reply for SET
178 freeReplyObject(reply);
179 redisGetReply(context,&reply); // reply for GET
180 freeReplyObject(reply);
182 This API can also be used to implement a blocking subscriber:
184 reply = redisCommand(context,"SUBSCRIBE foo");
185 freeReplyObject(reply);
186 while(redisGetReply(context,&reply) == REDIS_OK) {
187 // consume message
188 freeReplyObject(reply);
189 }
191 ## Asynchronous API
193 Hiredis comes with an asynchronous API that works easily with any event library.
194 Examples are bundled that show using Hiredis with [libev](http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html)
195 and [libevent](http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent/).
197 ### Connecting
199 The function `redisAsyncConnect` can be used to establish a non-blocking connection to
200 Redis. It returns a pointer to the newly created `redisAsyncContext` struct. The `error` field
201 should be checked after creation to see if there were errors creating the connection.
202 Because the connection that will be created is non-blocking, the kernel is not able to
203 instantly return if the specified host and port is able to accept a connection.
205 redisAsyncContext *c = redisAsyncConnect("", 6379);
206 if (c->error != NULL) {
207 printf("Error: %s\n", c->error);
208 // handle error
209 }
211 The asynchronous context can hold a disconnect callback function that is called when the
212 connection is disconnected (either because of an error or per user request). This function should
213 have the following prototype:
215 void(const redisAsyncContext *c, int status);
217 On a disconnect, the `status` argument is set to `REDIS_OK` when disconnection was initiated by the
218 user, or `REDIS_ERR` when the disconnection was caused by an error. When it is `REDIS_ERR`, the `error`
219 field in the context can be accessed to find out the cause of the error.
221 The context object is always free'd after the disconnect callback fired. When a reconnect is needed,
222 the disconnect callback is a good point to do so.
224 Setting the disconnect callback can only be done once per context. For subsequent calls it will
225 return `REDIS_ERR`. The function to set the disconnect callback has the following prototype:
227 int redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(redisAsyncContext *ac, redisDisconnectCallback *fn);
229 ### Sending commands and their callbacks
231 In an asynchronous context, commands are automatically pipelined due to the nature of an event loop.
232 Therefore, unlike the synchronous API, there is only a single way to send commands.
233 Because commands are sent to Redis asynchronously, issuing a command requires a callback function
234 that is called when the reply is received. Reply callbacks should have the following prototype:
236 void(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata);
238 The `privdata` argument can be used to curry arbitrary data to the callback from the point where
239 the command is initially queued for execution.
241 The functions that can be used to issue commands in an asynchronous context are:
243 int redisAsyncCommand(
244 redisAsyncContext *ac, redisCallbackFn *fn, void *privdata,
245 const char *format, ...);
246 int redisAsyncCommandArgv(
247 redisAsyncContext *ac, redisCallbackFn *fn, void *privdata,
248 int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen);
250 Both functions work like their blocking counterparts. The return value is `REDIS_OK` when the command
251 was successfully added to the output buffer and `REDIS_ERR` otherwise. Example: when the connection
252 is being disconnected per user-request, no new commands may be added to the output buffer and `REDIS_ERR` is
253 returned on calls to the `redisAsyncCommand` family.
255 If the reply for a command with a `NULL` callback is read, it is immediately free'd. When the callback
256 for a command is non-`NULL`, it is responsible for cleaning up the reply.
258 All pending callbacks are called with a `NULL` reply when the context encountered an error.
260 ### Disconnecting
262 An asynchronous connection can be terminated using:
264 void redisAsyncDisconnect(redisAsyncContext *ac);
266 When this function is called, the connection is **not** immediately terminated. Instead, new
267 commands are no longer accepted and the connection is only terminated when all pending commands
268 have been written to the socket, their respective replies have been read and their respective
269 callbacks have been executed. After this, the disconnection callback is executed with the
270 `REDIS_OK` status and the context object is free'd.
272 ### Hooking it up to event library *X*
274 There are a few hooks that need to be set on the context object after it is created.
275 See the `adapters/` directory for bindings to *libev* and *libevent*.
277 ## Reply parsing API
279 To be done.
281 ## AUTHORS
283 Hiredis was written by Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez at gmail) and
284 Pieter Noordhuis (pcnoordhuis at gmail) and is released under the BSD license.