2 test
- don't
set timeouts multiple times
} {
11 test
- It should be still possible to
read 'x'
} {
15 test
- After
6 seconds the key should no longer be here
} {
17 list [r get x
] [r exists x
20 test
- Delete on write policy
} {
28 test
- Check
for EXPIRE alike behavior
} {
31 r expireat x
[expr [clock seconds
35 test
- Set
+ Expire combo operation. Check
for TTL
} {
40 test
- Check value
} {
44 test
- Overwrite old key
} {
49 test
- Wait
for the key to expire
} {
54 test
- Wrong
time parameter
} {
55 catch {r setex z
-10 foo
} e