]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blob - tests/test_helper.tcl
Jemalloc updated to version 3.2.0.
[redis.git] / tests / test_helper.tcl
1 # Redis test suite. Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez@gmail.com
2 # This softare is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
3 # more information.
5 set tcl_precision 17
6 source tests/support/redis.tcl
7 source tests/support/server.tcl
8 source tests/support/tmpfile.tcl
9 source tests/support/test.tcl
10 source tests/support/util.tcl
12 set ::all_tests {
13 unit/printver
14 unit/dump
15 unit/auth
16 unit/protocol
17 unit/basic
18 unit/type/list
19 unit/type/list-2
20 unit/type/list-3
21 unit/type/set
22 unit/type/zset
23 unit/type/hash
24 unit/sort
25 unit/expire
26 unit/other
27 unit/multi
28 unit/quit
29 unit/aofrw
30 integration/replication
31 integration/replication-2
32 integration/replication-3
33 integration/replication-4
34 integration/aof
35 integration/rdb
36 integration/convert-zipmap-hash-on-load
37 unit/pubsub
38 unit/slowlog
39 unit/scripting
40 unit/maxmemory
41 unit/introspection
42 unit/limits
43 unit/obuf-limits
44 unit/bitops
45 }
46 # Index to the next test to run in the ::all_tests list.
47 set ::next_test 0
49 set ::host
50 set ::port 21111
51 set ::traceleaks 0
52 set ::valgrind 0
53 set ::verbose 0
54 set ::quiet 0
55 set ::denytags {}
56 set ::allowtags {}
57 set ::external 0; # If "1" this means, we are running against external instance
58 set ::file ""; # If set, runs only the tests in this comma separated list
59 set ::curfile ""; # Hold the filename of the current suite
60 set ::accurate 0; # If true runs fuzz tests with more iterations
61 set ::force_failure 0
63 # Set to 1 when we are running in client mode. The Redis test uses a
64 # server-client model to run tests simultaneously. The server instance
65 # runs the specified number of client instances that will actually run tests.
66 # The server is responsible of showing the result to the user, and exit with
67 # the appropriate exit code depending on the test outcome.
68 set ::client 0
69 set ::numclients 16
71 proc execute_tests name {
72 set path "tests/$name.tcl"
73 set ::curfile $path
74 source $path
75 send_data_packet $::test_server_fd done "$name"
76 }
78 # Setup a list to hold a stack of server configs. When calls to start_server
79 # are nested, use "srv 0 pid" to get the pid of the inner server. To access
80 # outer servers, use "srv -1 pid" etcetera.
81 set ::servers {}
82 proc srv {args} {
83 set level 0
84 if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
85 set level [lindex $args 0]
86 set property [lindex $args 1]
87 } else {
88 set property [lindex $args 0]
89 }
90 set srv [lindex $::servers end+$level]
91 dict get $srv $property
92 }
94 # Provide easy access to the client for the inner server. It's possible to
95 # prepend the argument list with a negative level to access clients for
96 # servers running in outer blocks.
97 proc r {args} {
98 set level 0
99 if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
100 set level [lindex $args 0]
101 set args [lrange $args 1 end]
102 }
103 [srv $level "client"] {*}$args
104 }
106 proc reconnect {args} {
107 set level [lindex $args 0]
108 if {[string length $level] == 0 || ![string is integer $level]} {
109 set level 0
110 }
112 set srv [lindex $::servers end+$level]
113 set host [dict get $srv "host"]
114 set port [dict get $srv "port"]
115 set config [dict get $srv "config"]
116 set client [redis $host $port]
117 dict set srv "client" $client
119 # select the right db when we don't have to authenticate
120 if {![dict exists $config "requirepass"]} {
121 $client select 9
122 }
124 # re-set $srv in the servers list
125 lset ::servers end+$level $srv
126 }
128 proc redis_deferring_client {args} {
129 set level 0
130 if {[llength $args] > 0 && [string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
131 set level [lindex $args 0]
132 set args [lrange $args 1 end]
133 }
135 # create client that defers reading reply
136 set client [redis [srv $level "host"] [srv $level "port"] 1]
138 # select the right db and read the response (OK)
139 $client select 9
140 $client read
141 return $client
142 }
144 # Provide easy access to INFO properties. Same semantic as "proc r".
145 proc s {args} {
146 set level 0
147 if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
148 set level [lindex $args 0]
149 set args [lrange $args 1 end]
150 }
151 status [srv $level "client"] [lindex $args 0]
152 }
154 proc cleanup {} {
155 if {!$::quiet} {puts -nonewline "Cleanup: may take some time... "}
156 flush stdout
157 catch {exec rm -rf {*}[glob tests/tmp/redis.conf.*]}
158 catch {exec rm -rf {*}[glob tests/tmp/server.*]}
159 if {!$::quiet} {puts "OK"}
160 }
162 proc find_available_port start {
163 for {set j $start} {$j < $start+1024} {incr j} {
164 if {[catch {
165 set fd [socket $j]
166 }]} {
167 return $j
168 } else {
169 close $fd
170 }
171 }
172 if {$j == $start+1024} {
173 error "Can't find a non busy port in the $start-[expr {$start+1023}] range."
174 }
175 }
177 proc test_server_main {} {
178 cleanup
179 # Open a listening socket, trying different ports in order to find a
180 # non busy one.
181 set port [find_available_port 11111]
182 if {!$::quiet} {
183 puts "Starting test server at port $port"
184 }
185 socket -server accept_test_clients $port
187 # Start the client instances
188 set ::clients_pids {}
189 set start_port [expr {$::port+100}]
190 for {set j 0} {$j < $::numclients} {incr j} {
191 set start_port [find_available_port $start_port]
192 set p [exec tclsh8.5 [info script] {*}$::argv \
193 --client $port --port $start_port &]
194 lappend ::clients_pids $p
195 incr start_port 10
196 }
198 # Setup global state for the test server
199 set ::idle_clients {}
200 set ::active_clients {}
201 array set ::clients_start_time {}
202 set ::clients_time_history {}
203 set ::failed_tests {}
205 # Enter the event loop to handle clients I/O
206 after 100 test_server_cron
207 vwait forever
208 }
210 # This function gets called 10 times per second, for now does nothing but
211 # may be used in the future in order to detect test clients taking too much
212 # time to execute the task.
213 proc test_server_cron {} {
214 }
216 proc accept_test_clients {fd addr port} {
217 fileevent $fd readable [list read_from_test_client $fd]
218 }
220 # This is the readable handler of our test server. Clients send us messages
221 # in the form of a status code such and additional data. Supported
222 # status types are:
223 #
224 # ready: the client is ready to execute the command. Only sent at client
225 # startup. The server will queue the client FD in the list of idle
226 # clients.
227 # testing: just used to signal that a given test started.
228 # ok: a test was executed with success.
229 # err: a test was executed with an error.
230 # exception: there was a runtime exception while executing the test.
231 # done: all the specified test file was processed, this test client is
232 # ready to accept a new task.
233 proc read_from_test_client fd {
234 set bytes [gets $fd]
235 set payload [read $fd $bytes]
236 foreach {status data} $payload break
237 if {$status eq {ready}} {
238 if {!$::quiet} {
239 puts "\[$status\]: $data"
240 }
241 signal_idle_client $fd
242 } elseif {$status eq {done}} {
243 set elapsed [expr {[clock seconds]-$::clients_start_time($fd)}]
244 set all_tests_count [llength $::all_tests]
245 set running_tests_count [expr {[llength $::active_clients]-1}]
246 set completed_tests_count [expr {$::next_test-$running_tests_count}]
247 puts "\[$completed_tests_count/$all_tests_count [colorstr yellow $status]\]: $data ($elapsed seconds)"
248 lappend ::clients_time_history $elapsed $data
249 signal_idle_client $fd
250 } elseif {$status eq {ok}} {
251 if {!$::quiet} {
252 puts "\[[colorstr green $status]\]: $data"
253 }
254 } elseif {$status eq {err}} {
255 set err "\[[colorstr red $status]\]: $data"
256 puts $err
257 lappend ::failed_tests $err
258 } elseif {$status eq {exception}} {
259 puts "\[[colorstr red $status]\]: $data"
260 foreach p $::clients_pids {
261 catch {exec kill -9 $p}
262 }
263 exit 1
264 } elseif {$status eq {testing}} {
265 # No op
266 } else {
267 if {!$::quiet} {
268 puts "\[$status\]: $data"
269 }
270 }
271 }
273 # A new client is idle. Remove it from the list of active clients and
274 # if there are still test units to run, launch them.
275 proc signal_idle_client fd {
276 # Remove this fd from the list of active clients.
277 set ::active_clients \
278 [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $::active_clients $fd]
279 # New unit to process?
280 if {$::next_test != [llength $::all_tests]} {
281 if {!$::quiet} {
282 puts [colorstr bold-white "Testing [lindex $::all_tests $::next_test]"]
283 }
284 set ::clients_start_time($fd) [clock seconds]
285 send_data_packet $fd run [lindex $::all_tests $::next_test]
286 lappend ::active_clients $fd
287 incr ::next_test
288 } else {
289 lappend ::idle_clients $fd
290 if {[llength $::active_clients] == 0} {
291 the_end
292 }
293 }
294 }
296 # The the_end funciton gets called when all the test units were already
297 # executed, so the test finished.
298 proc the_end {} {
299 # TODO: print the status, exit with the rigth exit code.
300 puts "\n The End\n"
301 puts "Execution time of different units:"
302 foreach {time name} $::clients_time_history {
303 puts " $time seconds - $name"
304 }
305 if {[llength $::failed_tests]} {
306 puts "\n[colorstr bold-red {!!! WARNING}] The following tests failed:\n"
307 foreach failed $::failed_tests {
308 puts "*** $failed"
309 }
310 cleanup
311 exit 1
312 } else {
313 puts "\n[colorstr bold-white {\o/}] [colorstr bold-green {All tests passed without errors!}]\n"
314 cleanup
315 exit 0
316 }
317 }
319 # The client is not even driven (the test server is instead) as we just need
320 # to read the command, execute, reply... all this in a loop.
321 proc test_client_main server_port {
322 set ::test_server_fd [socket localhost $server_port]
323 send_data_packet $::test_server_fd ready [pid]
324 while 1 {
325 set bytes [gets $::test_server_fd]
326 set payload [read $::test_server_fd $bytes]
327 foreach {cmd data} $payload break
328 if {$cmd eq {run}} {
329 execute_tests $data
330 } else {
331 error "Unknown test client command: $cmd"
332 }
333 }
334 }
336 proc send_data_packet {fd status data} {
337 set payload [list $status $data]
338 puts $fd [string length $payload]
339 puts -nonewline $fd $payload
340 flush $fd
341 }
343 proc print_help_screen {} {
344 puts [join {
345 "--valgrind Run the test over valgrind."
346 "--accurate Run slow randomized tests for more iterations."
347 "--quiet Don't show individual tests."
348 "--single <unit> Just execute the specified unit (see next option)."
349 "--list-tests List all the available test units."
350 "--clients <num> Number of test clients (16)."
351 "--force-failure Force the execution of a test that always fails."
352 "--help Print this help screen."
353 } "\n"]
354 }
356 # parse arguments
357 for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $argv]} {incr j} {
358 set opt [lindex $argv $j]
359 set arg [lindex $argv [expr $j+1]]
360 if {$opt eq {--tags}} {
361 foreach tag $arg {
362 if {[string index $tag 0] eq "-"} {
363 lappend ::denytags [string range $tag 1 end]
364 } else {
365 lappend ::allowtags $tag
366 }
367 }
368 incr j
369 } elseif {$opt eq {--valgrind}} {
370 set ::valgrind 1
371 } elseif {$opt eq {--quiet}} {
372 set ::quiet 1
373 } elseif {$opt eq {--host}} {
374 set ::external 1
375 set ::host $arg
376 incr j
377 } elseif {$opt eq {--port}} {
378 set ::port $arg
379 incr j
380 } elseif {$opt eq {--accurate}} {
381 set ::accurate 1
382 } elseif {$opt eq {--force-failure}} {
383 set ::force_failure 1
384 } elseif {$opt eq {--single}} {
385 set ::all_tests $arg
386 incr j
387 } elseif {$opt eq {--list-tests}} {
388 foreach t $::all_tests {
389 puts $t
390 }
391 exit 0
392 } elseif {$opt eq {--client}} {
393 set ::client 1
394 set ::test_server_port $arg
395 incr j
396 } elseif {$opt eq {--clients}} {
397 set ::numclients $arg
398 incr j
399 } elseif {$opt eq {--help}} {
400 print_help_screen
401 exit 0
402 } else {
403 puts "Wrong argument: $opt"
404 exit 1
405 }
406 }
408 # With the parallel test running multiple Redis instances at the same time
409 # we need a fast enough computer, otherwise a lot of tests may generate
410 # false positives.
411 # If the computer is too slow we revert the sequetial test without any
412 # parallelism, that is, clients == 1.
413 proc is_a_slow_computer {} {
414 set start [clock milliseconds]
415 for {set j 0} {$j < 1000000} {incr j} {}
416 set elapsed [expr [clock milliseconds]-$start]
417 expr {$elapsed > 200}
418 }
420 if {$::client} {
421 if {[catch { test_client_main $::test_server_port } err]} {
422 set estr "Executing test client: $err.\n$::errorInfo"
423 if {[catch {send_data_packet $::test_server_fd exception $estr}]} {
424 puts $estr
425 }
426 exit 1
427 }
428 } else {
429 if {[is_a_slow_computer]} {
430 puts "** SLOW COMPUTER ** Using a single client to avoid false positives."
431 set ::numclients 1
432 }
434 if {[catch { test_server_main } err]} {
435 if {[string length $err] > 0} {
436 # only display error when not generated by the test suite
437 if {$err ne "exception"} {
438 puts $::errorInfo
439 }
440 exit 1
441 }
442 }
443 }