]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blob - tests/support/test.tcl
test adapted to run with diskstore, and a few bugs fixed
[redis.git] / tests / support / test.tcl
1 set ::num_tests 0
2 set ::num_passed 0
3 set ::num_failed 0
4 set ::tests_failed {}
6 proc assert {condition} {
7 if {![uplevel 1 expr $condition]} {
8 error "assertion:Expected '$value' to be true"
9 }
10 }
12 proc assert_match {pattern value} {
13 if {![string match $pattern $value]} {
14 error "assertion:Expected '$value' to match '$pattern'"
15 }
16 }
18 proc assert_equal {expected value} {
19 if {$expected ne $value} {
20 error "assertion:Expected '$value' to be equal to '$expected'"
21 }
22 }
24 proc assert_error {pattern code} {
25 if {[catch {uplevel 1 $code} error]} {
26 assert_match $pattern $error
27 } else {
28 error "assertion:Expected an error but nothing was catched"
29 }
30 }
32 proc assert_encoding {enc key} {
33 # Swapped out values don't have an encoding, so make sure that
34 # the value is swapped in before checking the encoding.
35 set dbg [r debug object $key]
36 while {[string match "* swapped at:*" $dbg]} {
37 r debug swapin $key
38 set dbg [r debug object $key]
39 }
40 assert_match "* encoding:$enc *" $dbg
41 }
43 proc assert_type {type key} {
44 assert_equal $type [r type $key]
45 }
47 # This is called before starting the test
48 proc announce_test {s} {
49 if {[info exists ::env(TERM)] && [string match $::env(TERM) xterm]} {
50 puts -nonewline "$s\033\[0K"
51 flush stdout
52 set ::backward_count [string length $s]
53 }
54 }
56 # This is called after the test finished
57 proc colored_dot {tags passed} {
58 if {[info exists ::env(TERM)] && [string match $::env(TERM) xterm]} {
59 # Go backward and delete what announc_test function printed.
60 puts -nonewline "\033\[${::backward_count}D\033\[0K\033\[J"
62 # Print a coloured char, accordingly to test outcome and tags.
63 if {[lsearch $tags list] != -1} {
64 set colorcode {31}
65 set ch L
66 } elseif {[lsearch $tags hash] != -1} {
67 set colorcode {32}
68 set ch H
69 } elseif {[lsearch $tags set] != -1} {
70 set colorcode {33}
71 set ch S
72 } elseif {[lsearch $tags zset] != -1} {
73 set colorcode {34}
74 set ch Z
75 } elseif {[lsearch $tags basic] != -1} {
76 set colorcode {35}
77 set ch B
78 } else {
79 set colorcode {37}
80 set ch .
81 }
82 if {$colorcode ne {}} {
83 if {$passed} {
84 puts -nonewline "\033\[0;${colorcode};40m"
85 } else {
86 puts -nonewline "\033\[7;${colorcode};40m"
87 }
88 puts -nonewline $ch
89 puts -nonewline "\033\[0m"
90 flush stdout
91 }
92 } else {
93 if {$passed} {
94 puts -nonewline .
95 } else {
96 puts -nonewline F
97 }
98 }
99 }
101 proc test {name code {okpattern undefined}} {
102 # abort if tagged with a tag to deny
103 foreach tag $::denytags {
104 if {[lsearch $::tags $tag] >= 0} {
105 return
106 }
107 }
109 # check if tagged with at least 1 tag to allow when there *is* a list
110 # of tags to allow, because default policy is to run everything
111 if {[llength $::allowtags] > 0} {
112 set matched 0
113 foreach tag $::allowtags {
114 if {[lsearch $::tags $tag] >= 0} {
115 incr matched
116 }
117 }
118 if {$matched < 1} {
119 return
120 }
121 }
123 incr ::num_tests
124 set details {}
125 lappend details $::curfile
126 lappend details $::tags
127 lappend details $name
129 if {$::verbose} {
130 puts -nonewline [format "#%03d %-68s " $::num_tests $name]
131 flush stdout
132 } else {
133 announce_test $name
134 }
136 if {[catch {set retval [uplevel 1 $code]} error]} {
137 if {[string match "assertion:*" $error]} {
138 set msg [string range $error 10 end]
139 lappend details $msg
140 lappend ::tests_failed $details
142 incr ::num_failed
143 if {$::verbose} {
144 puts "FAILED"
145 puts "$msg\n"
146 } else {
147 colored_dot $::tags 0
148 }
149 } else {
150 # Re-raise, let handler up the stack take care of this.
151 error $error $::errorInfo
152 }
153 } else {
154 if {$okpattern eq "undefined" || $okpattern eq $retval || [string match $okpattern $retval]} {
155 incr ::num_passed
156 if {$::verbose} {
157 puts "PASSED"
158 } else {
159 colored_dot $::tags 1
160 }
161 } else {
162 set msg "Expected '$okpattern' to equal or match '$retval'"
163 lappend details $msg
164 lappend ::tests_failed $details
166 incr ::num_failed
167 if {$::verbose} {
168 puts "FAILED"
169 puts "$msg\n"
170 } else {
171 colored_dot $::tags 0
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 flush stdout
177 if {$::traceleaks} {
178 set output [exec leaks redis-server]
179 if {![string match {*0 leaks*} $output]} {
180 puts "--- Test \"$name\" leaked! ---"
181 puts $output
182 exit 1
183 }
184 }
185 }