]> git.saurik.com Git - iphone-api.git/blob - UIKit/UITextView.h
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[iphone-api.git] / UIKit / UITextView.h
1 /*
2 * Generated by class-dump 3.1.2.
3 *
4 * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2007 by Steve Nygard.
5 */
7 #import <UIKit/UIScrollView.h>
9 #import <UIKit/UITextInputTraits-Protocol.h>
11 @class DOMHTMLElement, UIColor, UIDelayedAction, UIFont, UITouch, UIWebDocumentView, WebCoreFrameBridge, WebFrame;
13 /*XXX:*/typedef struct {
14 char _field1;
15 union {
16 struct {
17 id _field1;
18 id _field2;
19 } _field1;
20 struct __GSEvent *_field2;
21 } _field2;
22 } CDAnonymousStruct14;
24 @interface UITextView : UIScrollView <UITextInputTraits>
25 {
26 WebFrame *m_frame;
27 WebCoreFrameBridge *m_bridge;
28 DOMHTMLElement *m_body;
29 int m_marginTop;
30 UIDelayedAction *m_selectionTimer;
31 UIDelayedAction *m_longPressAction;
32 struct CGPoint m_touchPoint;
33 struct CGPoint m_touchOffset;
34 UITouch *m_syntheticTouch;
35 BOOL m_selecting;
36 BOOL m_handlingMouse;
37 BOOL m_sentMouseDown;
38 BOOL m_passMouseDownToOther;
39 BOOL m_scrollOnMouseUp;
40 UIWebDocumentView *m_webView;
41 UIFont *m_font;
42 UIColor *m_textColor;
43 int m_textAlignment;
44 struct _NSRange m_selectedRange;
45 BOOL m_editable;
46 }
48 - (id)initWithFrame:(struct CGRect)fp8;
49 - (id)initWithFrame:(struct CGRect)fp8 webView:(id)fp24;
50 - (id)initWithCoder:(id)fp8;
51 - (void)_populateArchivedSubviews:(id)fp8;
52 - (void)encodeWithCoder:(id)fp8;
53 - (void)commonInitWithWebDocumentView:(id)fp8 isDecoding:(BOOL)fp12;
54 - (void)dealloc;
55 - (void)registerForEditingDelegateNotification:(id)fp8 selector:(SEL)fp12;
56 - (BOOL)_alwaysHandleScrollerMouseEvent;
57 - (struct CGSize)tileSizeForSize:(struct CGSize)fp8;
58 - (id)styleString;
59 - (void)recalculateStyle;
60 - (void)didMoveToSuperview;
61 - (void)updateWebViewObjects;
62 - (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder;
63 - (BOOL)resignFirstResponder;
64 - (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder;
65 - (BOOL)canResignFirstResponder;
66 - (void)ensureSelection;
67 - (struct CGPoint)constrainedPoint:(struct CGPoint)fp8;
68 - (void)textLoupeTimerAction;
69 - (id)_syntheticTouch;
70 - (void)callSuperTouchBegan:(CDAnonymousStruct14 *)fp8;
71 - (void)callSuperTouchMoved:(CDAnonymousStruct14 *)fp8;
72 - (void)callSuperTouchEnded:(CDAnonymousStruct14 *)fp8;
73 - (void)touchBegan:(CDAnonymousStruct14 *)fp8 atLocation:(struct CGPoint)fp12;
74 - (void)touchMoved:(CDAnonymousStruct14 *)fp8 atLocation:(struct CGPoint)fp12;
75 - (void)touchEnded:(CDAnonymousStruct14 *)fp8 atLocation:(struct CGPoint)fp12 loupeActive:(BOOL)fp20 loupeTerminalPoint:(struct CGPoint)fp24;
76 - (void)touchesBegan:(id)fp8 withEvent:(id)fp12;
77 - (void)touchesMoved:(id)fp8 withEvent:(id)fp12;
78 - (void)touchesEnded:(id)fp8 withEvent:(id)fp12;
79 - (void)touchesCancelled:(id)fp8 withEvent:(id)fp12;
80 - (id)hitTest:(struct CGPoint)fp8 withEvent:(id)fp16;
81 - (void)mouseDown:(struct __GSEvent *)fp8;
82 - (void)mouseDragged:(struct __GSEvent *)fp8;
83 - (void)mouseUp:(struct __GSEvent *)fp8;
84 - (void)scrollRectToVisible:(struct CGRect)fp8 animated:(BOOL)fp24;
85 - (void)webViewDidChange:(id)fp8;
86 - (void)performBecomeEditableTasks;
87 - (void)setFrame:(struct CGRect)fp8;
88 - (void)setSelectionWithPoint:(struct CGPoint)fp8;
89 - (void)setSelectionToStart;
90 - (void)setSelectionToEnd;
91 - (struct CGRect)rectForSelection:(struct _NSRange)fp8;
92 - (void)scrollToMakeCaretVisible:(BOOL)fp8;
93 - (void)setContentToHTMLString:(id)fp8;
94 - (id)contentAsHTMLString;
95 - (id)textInputTraits;
96 - (void)forwardInvocation:(id)fp8;
97 - (id)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)fp8;
98 - (id)font;
99 - (void)setFont:(id)fp8;
100 - (id)textColor;
101 - (void)setTextColor:(id)fp8;
102 - (BOOL)hasText;
103 - (id)text;
104 - (void)setText:(id)fp8;
105 - (int)textAlignment;
106 - (void)setTextAlignment:(int)fp8;
107 - (struct _NSRange)selectedRange;
108 - (void)setSelectedRange:(struct _NSRange)fp8;
109 - (BOOL)isEditable;
110 - (void)setEditable:(BOOL)fp8;
111 - (int)marginTop;
112 - (void)setMarginTop:(int)fp8;
113 - (struct CGRect)visibleRect;
114 - (struct CGRect)visibleTextRect;
115 - (id)webView;
116 - (void)scrollRangeToVisible:(struct _NSRange)fp8;
117 - (BOOL)keyboardInput:(id)fp8 shouldReplaceTextInRange:(struct _NSRange)fp12 replacementText:(id)fp20;
118 - (BOOL)keyboardInput:(id)fp8 shouldInsertText:(id)fp12 isMarkedText:(BOOL)fp16;
119 - (BOOL)keyboardInputShouldDelete:(id)fp8;
120 - (BOOL)keyboardInputChanged:(id)fp8;
121 - (void)keyboardInputChangedSelection:(id)fp8;
122 - (id)keyboardInputOverlayContainer:(id)fp8;
123 - (int)keyboardInput:(id)fp8 positionForAutocorrection:(id)fp12;
124 - (void)setBottomBufferHeight:(float)fp8;
125 - (float)bottomBufferHeight;
126 - (void)setShowScrollerIndicators:(BOOL)fp8;
127 - (BOOL)showScrollerIndicators;
128 - (void)displayScrollerIndicators;
129 - (void)setOffset:(struct CGPoint)fp8;
130 - (struct CGPoint)offset;
131 - (void)setAllowsRubberBanding:(BOOL)fp8;
132 - (void)setScrollingEnabled:(BOOL)fp8;
133 - (BOOL)scrollingEnabled;
134 - (void)setAllowsFourWayRubberBanding:(BOOL)fp8;
135 - (void)setScrollerIndicatorSubrect:(struct CGRect)fp8;
137 @end