]> git.saurik.com Git - iphone-api.git/blob - MediaPlayer/MPVideoView.h
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[iphone-api.git] / MediaPlayer / MPVideoView.h
1 /*
2 * Generated by class-dump 3.1.2.
3 *
4 * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2007 by Steve Nygard.
5 */
7 #import <UIKit/UIView.h>
9 @class CALayer, MPVideoBufferLayerContainer, MovieSnapshotController, NSString, UIMovieSubtitlesView;
11 @interface MPVideoView : UIView
12 {
13 UIView *_videoBufferContainerView;
14 MPVideoBufferLayerContainer *_videoBufferContainerLayer;
15 CALayer *_videoBufferLayer;
16 UIMovieSubtitlesView *_subtitlesView;
17 struct CGSize _subtitlesMargin;
18 MovieSnapshotController *_snapshotController;
19 NSString *_moviePath;
20 NSString *_movieSubtitle;
21 NSString *_movieTitle;
22 unsigned int _scaleMode;
23 unsigned int _effectiveScaleMode;
24 unsigned int _disableFudgingScaleToFullScreen:1;
25 }
27 - (id)initWithFrame:(struct CGRect)fp8;
28 - (void)dealloc;
29 - (BOOL)canChangeScaleMode;
30 - (id)moviePath;
31 - (id)movieSubtitle;
32 - (void)prepareAVControllerQueue;
33 - (void)setMovieWithPath:(id)fp8;
34 - (void)playFromBeginning;
35 - (void)setScaleMode:(unsigned int)fp8;
36 - (void)setScaleMode:(unsigned int)fp8 animated:(BOOL)fp12;
37 - (void)setSubtitlesMargin:(struct CGSize)fp8;
38 - (void)setSubtitlesPadding:(struct CGSize)fp8;
39 - (struct CGSize)subtitlesPadding;
40 - (void)toggleScaleMode:(BOOL)fp8;
41 - (void)_bufferingStateChangedNotification:(id)fp8;
42 - (void)_itemWillChangeNotification:(id)fp8;
43 - (void)_playbackStateChangedNotification:(id)fp8;
44 - (void)_sizeDidChangedNotification:(id)fp8;
45 - (void)_validityChangedNotification:(id)fp8;
46 - (void)subtitlesDidClear:(id)fp8;
47 - (void)subtitlesDidUpdate:(id)fp8;
48 - (void)cancelSnapshots;
49 - (void)scheduleThumbnailWithSize:(struct CGSize)fp8 orientation:(int)fp16 time:(float)fp20 delegate:(id)fp24;
50 - (id)_avController;
51 - (BOOL)_isCloseToFullScreenWithTransform:(struct CGAffineTransform)fp8;
52 - (void)_layoutSublayers;
53 - (void)_layoutSubtitleLayers;
54 - (void)_layoutVideoLayers:(BOOL)fp8;
55 - (void)insertSubview:(id)fp8 atIndex:(unsigned int)fp12;
56 - (void)exchangeSubviewAtIndex:(unsigned int)fp8 withSubviewAtIndex:(unsigned int)fp12;
57 - (void)addSubview:(id)fp8;
58 - (void)bringSubviewToFront:(id)fp8;
59 - (void)insertSubview:(id)fp8 below:(id)fp12;
60 - (id)viewWithTag:(int)fp8;
61 - (id)hitTest:(struct CGPoint)fp8 forEvent:(struct __GSEvent *)fp16;
62 - (id)hitTest:(struct CGPoint)fp8 withEvent:(id)fp16;
63 - (void)setFrame:(struct CGRect)fp8;
64 - (void)setNeedsDisplay;
65 - (void)setNeedsDisplayInRect:(struct CGRect)fp8;
66 - (struct CGSize)subtitlesMargin;
67 - (unsigned int)effectiveScaleMode;
68 - (void)setEffectiveScaleMode:(unsigned int)fp8;
69 - (unsigned int)scaleMode;
70 - (id)movieTitle;
71 - (void)setMovieTitle:(id)fp8;
72 - (void)setMovieSubtitle:(id)fp8;
74 @end