]> git.saurik.com Git - iphone-api.git/blob - AddressBookUI/ABCardController.h
Supporting the latest builds of Cycorder.
[iphone-api.git] / AddressBookUI / ABCardController.h
1 /*
2 * Generated by class-dump 3.1.2.
3 *
4 * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2007 by Steve Nygard.
5 */
7 #import <AddressBookUI/ABContentController.h>
9 @class ABActionsController, ABCardTableController, ABCardTitleView, NSString;
11 @interface ABCardController : ABContentController
12 {
13 ABActionsController *_phoneActionsController;
14 NSString *_tagLine;
15 void *_displayedPerson;
16 struct __CFArray *_cardViewerDisplayedProperties;
17 id _cardViewerDelegate;
18 id _contentBuildingDelegate;
19 BOOL _enableActions;
20 ABCardTitleView *_noPropertiesView;
21 unsigned int _reloadSuspendCount;
22 struct {
23 unsigned int isEditing:1;
24 unsigned int isDeleting:1;
25 unsigned int isEndingEditing:1;
26 unsigned int isAnimating:1;
27 unsigned int needsReload:1;
28 unsigned int isModifying:1;
29 unsigned int reloadSuspended:1;
30 unsigned int reserved:25;
31 } _cardControllerFlags;
32 float _editingProgress;
33 float _contentHeight;
34 float _normalHeight;
35 float _editingHeight;
36 ABCardTableController *_cardTableController;
37 }
39 + (struct __CFArray *)copyAllProperties;
40 + (struct __CFArray *)copyDefaultDisplayedProperties;
41 + (struct __CFArray *)copyOptionalProperties;
42 + (struct __CFArray *)copyNameProperties;
43 + (BOOL)isNameProperty:(int)fp8;
44 + (struct __CFArray *)copyOptionalNameProperties;
45 + (id)defaultCardNavigationBarTitle;
46 - (id)initWithContentControllerDelegate:(id)fp8 addressBook:(void *)fp12;
47 - (void)dealloc;
48 - (void)favoritesListChanged:(id)fp8;
49 - (void)buildContentLayerWithTable:(id)fp8 tableController:(id)fp12;
50 - (id)personImageView;
51 - (id)itemViewForPerson:(void *)fp8 property:(int)fp12 identifier:(int)fp16;
52 - (void)preloadController;
53 - (id)contentView;
54 - (void)reflowForPickerSize:(struct CGSize)fp8;
55 - (struct CGRect)_visibleRectForAnimation;
56 - (void)setNeedsReloadData:(BOOL)fp8;
57 - (void)reloadDataIfNeeded;
58 - (void)editProperty:(int)fp8 withIdentifier:(int)fp12 isNew:(BOOL)fp16;
59 - (void)clickedProperty:(int)fp8 identifier:(int)fp12 actionsController:(id)fp16;
60 - (void)showOptionalProperties:(struct __CFArray *)fp8;
61 - (void)propertyPicker:(id)fp8 selectedProperty:(int)fp12;
62 - (BOOL)shouldShowActions;
63 - (BOOL)allowsActions;
64 - (void)setAllowsActions:(BOOL)fp8;
65 - (BOOL)performDefaultActionForPerson:(void *)fp8 property:(int)fp12 identifier:(int)fp16;
66 - (void)mapsCardViewerAddToBookmarksClicked:(id)fp8;
67 - (void)mapsCardViewerDirectionsToClicked:(id)fp8;
68 - (void)mapsCardViewerDirectionsFromClicked:(id)fp8;
69 - (BOOL)isCardPartiallyFilled;
70 - (BOOL)isPhonePropertyDisplayed;
71 - (void)presentDifferentiationSheet:(id)fp8;
72 - (void)dismissDifferentiationSheet:(id)fp8;
73 - (void)doDelayedAnimationStart:(id)fp8;
74 - (BOOL)allowsCardEditing;
75 - (void)setAllowsCardDeletion:(BOOL)fp8;
76 - (BOOL)allowsCardDeletion;
77 - (void)setIsEditable:(BOOL)fp8 animate:(BOOL)fp12;
78 - (BOOL)isEditable;
79 - (void)setEditingProgress:(float)fp8;
80 - (float)editingProgress;
81 - (BOOL)isModifying;
82 - (void)setModifying:(BOOL)fp8;
83 - (BOOL)isAnimating;
84 - (void)makeDelegateShowEditorForItems:(id)fp8 navTitle:(id)fp12 displayMode:(int)fp16 isNameParts:(BOOL)fp20 isNew:(BOOL)fp24;
85 - (void)showNameEditorForPerson:(void *)fp8 withNameControl:(id)fp12;
86 - (void)editNameWithNameControl:(id)fp8;
87 - (void)tappedImageView;
88 - (void)deleteCard;
89 - (void)setCardViewerDelegate:(id)fp8;
90 - (id)cardViewerDelegate;
91 - (void)setDisplayedPerson:(void *)fp8 andScrollToTop:(BOOL)fp12;
92 - (void)setDisplayedPerson:(void *)fp8;
93 - (void *)displayedPerson;
94 - (void)setCardViewerDisplayedProperties:(struct __CFArray *)fp8;
95 - (struct __CFArray *)displayedProperties;
96 - (void)setCardViewerTagLine:(id)fp8;
97 - (id)cardViewerTagLine;
98 - (void)manageRingtones;
99 - (void)back:(BOOL)fp8 save:(BOOL)fp12;
100 - (void)reload;
101 - (void)suspendReloads;
102 - (void)resumeReloads;
103 - (void)reloadNameData;
105 @end