]> git.saurik.com Git - hfs.git/blob - fsck_hfs/dfalib/fsck_journal.c
Separate dataExtents / rsrcExtents (gcc noticed).
[hfs.git] / fsck_hfs / dfalib / fsck_journal.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include <stddef.h>
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <limits.h>
34 #include <err.h>
35 #include <errno.h>
36 #include <fcntl.h>
37 #include <unistd.h>
38 #include <stdarg.h>
39 #include <sys/types.h>
40 #include <sys/param.h>
41 #include <sys/stat.h>
42 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
43 #include <sys/disk.h>
44 #include <sys/param.h>
46 #include "../fsck_hfs.h"
47 #include "fsck_journal.h"
49 extern char debug;
51 #include <hfs/hfs_format.h>
52 #include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
54 typedef struct SwapType {
55 const char *name;
56 uint16_t (*swap16)(uint16_t);
57 uint32_t (*swap32)(uint32_t);
58 uint64_t (*swap64)(uint64_t);
59 } swapper_t;
61 uint16_t ident16(uint16_t x) { return x; }
62 uint32_t ident32(uint32_t x) { return x; }
63 uint64_t ident64(uint64_t x) { return x; }
65 static swapper_t nativeEndian = {
66 "native endian",
67 &ident16,
68 &ident32,
69 &ident64,
70 };
72 static swapper_t swappedEndian = {
73 "swapped endian",
74 &_OSSwapInt16,
75 &_OSSwapInt32,
76 &_OSSwapInt64,
77 };
79 typedef int (__lambda_ journal_write_block_t)(off_t, void *, size_t);
81 //
82 // this isn't a great checksum routine but it will do for now.
83 // we use it to checksum the journal header and the block list
84 // headers that are at the start of each transaction.
85 //
86 static uint32_t
87 calc_checksum(char *ptr, int len)
88 {
89 int i;
90 uint32_t cksum = 0;
92 // this is a lame checksum but for now it'll do
93 for(i = 0; i < len; i++, ptr++) {
94 cksum = (cksum << 8) ^ (cksum + *(unsigned char *)ptr);
95 }
97 return (~cksum);
98 }
100 typedef struct JournalIOInfo {
101 int jfd; // File descriptor for journal buffer
102 int wrapCount; // Incremented when it wraps around.
103 size_t bSize; // Block size. I/O needs to be done in that amount.
104 uint64_t base; // Base offset of journal buffer, past the header
105 uint64_t size; // Size of the journal, minus the header size
106 uint64_t end; // End of the journal (initially the "end" field from the journal header)
107 uint64_t current; // Current offset; starts at "start"
108 } JournalIOInfo_t;
110 /*
111 * Attempt to read <length> bytes from the journal buffer.
112 * Since this is a wrapped buffer, it may have to start at the
113 * beginning. info->{base, size, end} are read-only; info->current
114 * is updated with the current offset. It returns the number of bytes
115 * it read, or -1 on error.
116 */
117 static ssize_t
118 journalRead(JournalIOInfo_t *info, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
119 {
120 size_t nread = 0;
121 uint8_t *ptr = buffer;
123 // fprintf(stderr, "%s(%p, %p, %zu)\n", __FUNCTION__, info, buffer, length);
124 if (info->wrapCount > 1) {
125 fplog(stderr, "%s(%p, %p, %zu): journal buffer wrap count = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, info, buffer, length, info->wrapCount);
126 return -1;
127 }
128 while (nread < length) {
129 off_t end;
130 size_t amt;
131 ssize_t n;
133 if (info->end < info->current) {
134 // It wraps, so we max out at bse+size
135 end = info->base + info->size;
136 } else {
137 end = info->end;
138 }
139 amt = MIN((length - nread), (end - info->current));
140 if (amt == 0) {
141 if (debug) {
142 fplog(stderr, "Journal read amount is 0, is that right?\n");
143 }
144 goto done;
145 }
147 n = pread(info->jfd, ptr, amt, info->current);
148 if (n == -1) {
149 warn("pread(%d, %p, %zu, %"PRIu64")", info->jfd, ptr, amt, info->current);
150 goto done;
151 }
152 if (n != amt) {
153 if (debug) {
154 fplog(stderr, "%s(%d): Wanted to read %zu, but only read %zd\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, amt, n);
155 }
156 }
157 nread += n;
158 ptr += n;
159 info->current += n;
160 if (info->current == (info->base + info->size)) {
161 info->current = info->base;
162 info->wrapCount++;
163 }
164 }
165 done:
166 return nread;
167 }
169 /*
170 * Read a transaction from the journal buffer.
171 * A transaction is a list of block_list_headers, and their
172 * associated data. It needs to read all of the block_lists in
173 * a transaction, or it fails. It returns NULL if there are
174 * no transactions, and on error. (Maybe that should change?)
175 */
176 static block_list_header *
177 getJournalTransaction(JournalIOInfo_t *jinfo, swapper_t *swap)
178 {
179 block_list_header *retval = NULL;
180 uint8_t block[jinfo->bSize];
181 block_list_header *hdr = (void*)&block;
182 ssize_t nread;
183 ssize_t amt;
185 memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
186 nread = journalRead(jinfo, block, sizeof(block));
187 if (nread == -1 ||
188 (size_t)nread != sizeof(block)) {
189 if (debug)
190 plog("%s: wanted %zd, got %zd\n", __FUNCTION__, sizeof(block), nread);
191 return NULL;
192 }
193 if (swap->swap32(hdr->num_blocks) == 0) {
194 /*
195 * Either there really are no blocks, or this is not a valid
196 * transaction. Either way, there's nothing for us to do here.
197 */
198 if (debug)
199 fplog(stderr, "%s(%d): hdr->num_blocks == 0\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
200 return NULL;
201 }
202 /*
203 * Now we check the checksum to see if this is a valid header.
204 * Note that we verify the checksum before reading any more -- if
205 * it's not a valid header, we don't want to read more than a block
206 * size.
207 */
208 uint32_t tmpChecksum = swap->swap32(hdr->checksum);
209 uint32_t compChecksum;
210 hdr->checksum = 0;
211 compChecksum = calc_checksum((void*)hdr, sizeof(*hdr));
212 hdr->checksum = swap->swap32(tmpChecksum);
214 if (compChecksum != tmpChecksum) {
215 if (debug)
216 fplog(stderr, "%s(%d): hdr has bad checksum, returning NULL\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
217 return NULL;
218 }
220 if (swap->swap32(hdr->bytes_used) < sizeof(block)) {
221 if (debug) {
222 fplog(stderr, "%s(%d): hdr has bytes_used (%u) less than sizeof block (%zd)\n",
223 __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, swap->swap32(hdr->bytes_used), sizeof(block));
224 }
225 return NULL;
226 }
228 retval = malloc(swap->swap32(hdr->bytes_used));
229 if (retval == NULL)
230 return NULL;
232 memset(retval, 0, swap->swap32(hdr->bytes_used));
233 memcpy(retval, block, sizeof(block));
234 amt = swap->swap32(hdr->bytes_used) - sizeof(block);
235 nread = journalRead(jinfo, ((uint8_t*)retval) + sizeof(block), amt);
236 if (nread != amt) {
237 free(retval);
238 return NULL;
239 }
241 return retval;
242 }
244 /*
245 * Replay a transaction.
246 * Transactions have a blockListSize amount of block_list_header, and
247 * are then followed by data. We read it in, verify the checksum, and
248 * if it's good, we call the block that was passed in to do something
249 * with it. Maybe write it out. Maybe laugh about it.
250 *
251 * It returns -1 if there was an error before it wrote anything out,
252 * and -2 if there was an error after it wrote something out.
253 *
254 * The arguments are:
255 * txn -- a block_list_header pointer, which has the description and data
256 * to be replayed.
257 * blSize -- the size of the block_list for this journal. (The data
258 * are after the block_list, but part of the same buffer.)
259 * blkSize -- The block size used to convert block numbers to offsets. This
260 * is defined to be the size of the journal header.
261 * swap -- A pointer to a swapper_t used to swap journal data structure elements.
262 * writer -- A block-of-code that does writing.
263 *
264 * "writer" should return -1 to stop the replay (this propagates an error up).
265 */
266 static int
267 replayTransaction(block_list_header *txn, size_t blSize, size_t blkSize, swapper_t *swap, journal_write_block_t writer)
268 {
269 uint32_t i;
270 uint8_t *endPtr = ((uint8_t*)txn) + swap->swap32(txn->bytes_used);
271 uint8_t *dataPtr = ((uint8_t*)txn) + blSize;
272 int retval = -1;
273 for (i = 1; i < swap->swap32(txn->num_blocks); i++) {
274 if (debug)
275 plog("\tBlock %d: blkNum %llu, size %u, data offset = %zd\n", i, swap->swap64(txn->binfo[i].bnum), swap->swap32(txn->binfo[i].bsize), dataPtr - (uint8_t*)txn);
276 /*
277 * XXX
278 * Check with security types on these checks. Need to ensure
279 * that the fields don't take us off into the dark scary woods.
280 * It's mostly the second one that I am unsure about.
281 */
282 if (dataPtr > endPtr) {
283 if (debug)
284 plog("\tData out of range for block_list_header\n");
285 return retval;
286 }
287 if ((endPtr - dataPtr) < swap->swap32(txn->binfo[i].bsize)) {
288 if (debug)
289 plog("\tData size for block %d out of range for block_list_header\n", i);
290 return retval;
291 }
292 if ((dataPtr + swap->swap32(txn->binfo[i].bsize)) > endPtr) {
293 if (debug)
294 plog("\tData end out of range for block_list_header\n");
295 return retval;
296 }
297 // Just for debugging
298 if (debug) {
299 if (swap->swap64(txn->binfo[i].bnum) == 2) {
300 HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vp = (void*)dataPtr;
301 plog("vp->signature = %#x, version = %#x\n", vp->signature, vp->version);
302 }
303 }
304 // It's in the spec, and I saw it come up once on a live volume.
305 if (swap->swap64(txn->binfo[i].bnum) == ~(uint64_t)0) {
306 if (debug)
307 plog("\tSkipping this block due to magic skip number\n");
308 } else {
309 // Should we set retval to -2 here?
310 if (writer) {
311 if ((writer)(swap->swap64(txn->binfo[i].bnum) * blkSize, dataPtr, swap->swap32(txn->binfo[i].bsize)) == -1)
312 return retval;
313 }
314 }
315 dataPtr += swap->swap32(txn->binfo[i].bsize);
316 retval = -2;
317 }
318 return 0;
319 }
321 /*
322 * Read a journal header in from the journal device.
323 */
324 static int
325 loadJournalHeader(int jfd, off_t offset, size_t blockSize, journal_header *jhp)
326 {
327 uint8_t buffer[blockSize];
328 ssize_t nread;
330 nread = pread(jfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), offset);
331 if (nread == -1 ||
332 (size_t)nread != sizeof(buffer)) {
333 warn("tried to read %zu for journal header buffer, got %zd", sizeof(buffer), nread);
334 return -1;
335 }
336 *jhp = *(journal_header*)buffer;
337 return 0;
338 }
340 /*
341 * Replay a journal (called "journal_open" because you have to
342 * to replay it as part of opening it). At this point, all it
343 * is useful for is replaying the journal.
344 *
345 * It is passed in:
346 * jfd -- file descriptor for the journal device
347 * offset -- offset (in bytes) of the journal on the journal device
348 * journal_size -- size of the jorunal (in bytes)
349 * min_fs_blksize -- Blocksize of the data filesystem
350 * flags -- unused for now
351 * jdev_name -- string name for the journal device. used for logging.
352 * do_write_b -- a block which does the actual writing.
353 *
354 * Currently, for fsck_hfs, the do_write_b block writes to the cache. It could also
355 * just print out the block numbers, or just check their integrity, as much as is
356 * possible.
357 *
358 * The function works by loading the journal header. From there, it then starts
359 * loading transactions, via block_list_header groups. When it gets to the end
360 * of the journal, it tries continuing, in case there were transactions that
361 * didn't get updated in the header (this apparently happens).
362 *
363 * It returns 0 on success, and -1 on error. Note that there's not a lot
364 * fsck_hfs can probably do in the event of error.
365 *
366 */
367 int
368 journal_open(int jfd,
369 off_t offset, // Offset of journal
370 off_t journal_size, // Size, in bytes, of the entire journal
371 size_t min_fs_blksize, // Blocksize of the data filesystem, journal blocksize must be at least this size
372 uint32_t flags __unused, // Not used in this implementation
373 const char *jdev_name, // The name of the journal device, for logging
374 int (__lambda_ do_write_b)(off_t, void*, size_t))
375 {
376 journal_header jhdr = { 0 };
377 swapper_t *jnlSwap; // Used to swap fields of the journal
378 uint32_t tempCksum; // Temporary checksum value
379 uint32_t jBlkSize = 0;
381 if (ioctl(jfd, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &jBlkSize) == -1) {
382 jBlkSize = min_fs_blksize;
383 } else {
384 if (jBlkSize < min_fs_blksize) {
385 fplog(stderr, "%s: journal block size %u < min block size %zu for %s\n", __FUNCTION__, jBlkSize, min_fs_blksize, jdev_name);
386 return -1;
387 }
388 if ((jBlkSize % min_fs_blksize) != 0) {
389 fplog(stderr, "%s: journal block size %u is not a multiple of fs block size %zu for %s\n", __FUNCTION__, jBlkSize, min_fs_blksize, jdev_name);
390 return -1;
391 }
392 }
393 if (loadJournalHeader(jfd, offset, jBlkSize, &jhdr) != 0) {
394 fplog(stderr, "%s: unable to load journal header from %s\n", __FUNCTION__, jdev_name);
395 return -1;
396 }
398 /*
399 * Unlike the rest of the filesystem, the journal can be in native or
400 * non-native byte order. Barring moving a filesystem from one host
401 * to another, it'll almost always be in native byte order.
402 */
403 if (jhdr.endian == ENDIAN_MAGIC) {
404 jnlSwap = &nativeEndian;
405 } else if (OSSwapInt32(jhdr.endian) == ENDIAN_MAGIC) {
406 jnlSwap = &swappedEndian;
407 } else {
408 fplog(stderr, "%s: Unknown journal endian magic number %#x from %s\n", __FUNCTION__, jhdr.endian, jdev_name);
409 return -1;
410 }
411 /*
412 * Two different magic numbers are valid.
413 * Do they mean different thigs, though?
414 */
415 if (jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.magic) != JOURNAL_HEADER_MAGIC &&
416 jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.magic) != OLD_JOURNAL_HEADER_MAGIC) {
417 fplog(stderr, "%s: Unknown journal header magic number %#x from %s\n", __FUNCTION__, jhdr.magic, jdev_name);
418 return -1;
419 }
421 /*
422 * Checksums have to be done with the checksum field set to 0.
423 * So we have to stash it aside for a bit, and set the field to
424 * 0, before we can compare. Afterwards, if it compares correctly,
425 * we put the original (swapped, if necessary) value back, just
426 * in case.
427 */
428 tempCksum = jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.checksum);
429 jhdr.checksum = 0;
430 if (jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.magic) == JOURNAL_HEADER_MAGIC &&
431 (calc_checksum((void*)&jhdr, JOURNAL_HEADER_CKSUM_SIZE) != tempCksum)) {
432 fplog(stderr, "%s: Invalid journal checksum from %s\n", __FUNCTION__, jdev_name);
433 return -1;
434 }
435 jhdr.checksum = jnlSwap->swap32(tempCksum);
437 /*
438 * Set up information about the journal which we use to do the I/O.
439 * The journal is a circular buffer. However, the start of the journal
440 * buffer is past the journal header. See the JournalIOInfo structure above.
441 */
442 off_t startOffset = jnlSwap->swap64(jhdr.start);
443 off_t endOffset =jnlSwap->swap64(jhdr.end);
444 off_t journalStart = offset + jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.jhdr_size);
446 /*
447 * The journal code was updated to be able to read past the "end" of the journal,
448 * to see if there were any valid transactions there. If we are peeking past the
449 * end, we don't care if we have checksum errors -- that just means they're not
450 * valid transactions.
451 *
452 */
453 int into_the_weeds = 0;
454 uint32_t last_sequence_number = 0;
456 JournalIOInfo_t jinfo = { 0 };
458 if (debug)
459 plog("Journal start sequence number = %u\n", jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.sequence_num));
461 /*
462 * Now set up the JournalIOInfo object with the file descriptor,
463 * the block size, start and end of the journal buffer, and where
464 * the journal pointer currently is.
465 */
466 jinfo.jfd = jfd;
467 jinfo.bSize = jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.jhdr_size);
468 jinfo.base = journalStart;
469 jinfo.size = journal_size - jinfo.bSize;
470 jinfo.end = offset + endOffset;
471 jinfo.current = offset + startOffset;
473 const char *state = "";
474 int bad_journal = 0;
475 block_list_header *txn = NULL;
477 /*
478 * Loop while getting transactions. We exit when we hit a checksum
479 * error, or when the sequence number for a transaction doesn't match
480 * what we expect it to. (That's the trickiest part -- the into_the_weeds
481 * portion of the code. It doesn't match the TN11150 documentation, so
482 * I've had to go by both my experience with real-world journals and by
483 * looking at the kernel code.)
484 */
485 while (1) {
486 int rv;
488 if (jinfo.current == jinfo.end && into_the_weeds == 0) {
489 /*
490 * This is a bit weird, but it works: if current == end, but gone_into_weeds is 1,
491 * then this code will not execute. If it does execute, it'll go to get a transaction.
492 * That will put the pointer past end.
493 */
494 if (jhdr.sequence_num == 0) {
495 /*
496 * XXX
497 * I am not sure about this; this behaviour is not in TN1150 at all,
498 * but I _think_ this is what the kernel is doing.
499 */
500 plog("Journal sequence number is 0, is going into the end okay?\n");
501 }
502 into_the_weeds = 1;
503 if (debug)
504 plog("Attempting to read past stated end of journal\n");
505 state = "tentative ";
506 jinfo.end = (jinfo.base + startOffset - jinfo.bSize);
507 continue;
508 }
509 if (debug)
510 plog("Before getting %stransaction: jinfo.current = %llu\n", state, jinfo.current);
511 /*
512 * Note that getJournalTransaction verifies the checksum on the block_list_header, so
513 * if it's bad, it'll return NULL.
514 */
515 txn = getJournalTransaction(&jinfo, jnlSwap);
516 if (txn == NULL) {
517 if (debug)
518 plog("txn is NULL, jinfo.current = %llu\n", jinfo.current);
519 if (into_the_weeds) {
520 if (debug)
521 plog("\tBut we do not care, since it is past the end of the journal\n");
522 } else {
523 bad_journal = 1;
524 }
525 break;
526 }
527 if (debug) {
528 plog("After getting %stransaction: jinfo.current = %llu\n", state, jinfo.current);
529 plog("%stxn = { %u max_blocks, %u num_blocks, %u bytes_used, binfo[0].next = %u }\n", state, jnlSwap->swap32(txn->max_blocks), jnlSwap->swap32(txn->num_blocks), jnlSwap->swap32(txn->bytes_used), jnlSwap->swap32(txn->binfo[0].next));
530 }
531 if (into_the_weeds) {
532 /*
533 * This seems to be what the kernel was checking: if the
534 * last_sequence_number was set, and the txn sequence number
535 * is set, and the txn sequence number doesn't match either
536 * last_sequence_number _or_ an incremented version of it, then
537 * the transaction isn't worth looking at, and we've reached
538 * the end of the journal.
539 */
540 if (last_sequence_number != 0 &&
541 txn->binfo[0].next != 0 &&
542 jnlSwap->swap32(txn->binfo[0].next) != last_sequence_number &&
543 jnlSwap->swap32(txn->binfo[0].next) != (last_sequence_number + 1)) {
544 // Probably not a valid transaction
545 if (debug)
546 plog("\tTentative txn sequence %u is not expected %u, stopping journal replay\n", jnlSwap->swap32(txn->binfo[0].next), last_sequence_number + 1);
547 break;
548 }
549 }
550 /*
551 * If we've got a valid transaction, then we replay it.
552 * If there was an error, we're done with the journal replay.
553 * (If the error occurred after the "end," then we don't care,
554 * and it's not a bad journal.)
555 */
556 rv = replayTransaction(txn,
557 jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.blhdr_size),
558 jnlSwap->swap32(jhdr.jhdr_size),
559 jnlSwap,
560 do_write_b);
562 if (rv < 0) {
563 if (debug)
564 plog("\tTransaction replay failed, returned %d\n", rv);
565 if (into_the_weeds) {
566 if (debug)
567 plog("\t\tAnd we don't care\n");
568 } else {
569 bad_journal = 1;
570 }
571 break;
572 }
573 last_sequence_number = jnlSwap->swap32(txn->binfo[0].next);
574 free(txn);
575 txn = NULL;
576 }
577 if (txn)
578 free(txn);
579 if (bad_journal) {
580 if (debug)
581 plog("Journal was bad, stopped replaying\n");
582 return -1;
583 }
585 return 0;
586 }