b) doing the following crazy stunts:
- i) install Cydia Substrate (in beta)
- ii) install Fink (the only sane choice)
- iii) activate Fink (. /sw/bin/init.sh)
- iv) fink install bash ldid tar wget
- v) run ./sysroot.sh and wait a bit
+ i) install Fink (the only sane choice)
+ ii) activate Fink (. /sw/bin/init.sh)
+ ii) fink install bash ldid tar wget xz
+ iv) run ./sysroot.sh and wait a bit
3) type "make" to compile the executable
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s nullglob
rm -rf sysroot
mkdir sysroot
cd sysroot
+declare -A dpkgz
wget -qO- "${repository}dists/${distribution}/${component}/binary-${architecture}/Packages.bz2" | bzcat | {
regex='^([^ \t]*): *(.*)'
declare -A fields
if [[ ${package} == *(apr|apr-lib|apt7|apt7-lib|coreutils|mobilesubstrate|pcre) ]]; then
wget -O "${package}.deb" "${repository}${filename}"
- dpkg-deb -x "${package}.deb" .
+ for z in lzma gz; do
+ compressed=data.tar.${z}
+ if ar -x "${package}.deb" "${compressed}" 2>/dev/null; then
+ ${dpkgz[${z}]} "${compressed}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! [[ -e data.tar ]]; then
+ echo "unable to extract package" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ls -la data.tar
+ tar -xf ./data.tar
+ rm -f data.tar
unset fields