+ // XXX: maybe this should only be messages that return something?
if (SEL sel = sel_getUid(string))
if (CYImplements(self, _class, sel, true))
return CYSendMessage(pool, context, self, NULL, sel, 0, NULL, false, exception);
} CYPoolCatch(NULL)
} CYCatch return /*XXX*/ NULL; }
+static void Instance_getPropertyNames_message(JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef names, objc_method *method) {
+ const char *name(sel_getName(method_getName(method)));
+ if (strchr(name, ':') != NULL)
+ return;
+ const char *type(method_getTypeEncoding(method));
+ if (type == NULL || *type == '\0' || *type == 'v')
+ return;
+ JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName(names, CYJSString(name));
static void Instance_getPropertyNames(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef names) {
Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
id self(internal->GetValue());
+ unsigned int size;
+ objc_method **data(class_copyMethodList(_class, &size));
+ for (size_t i(0); i != size; ++i)
+ Instance_getPropertyNames_message(names, data[i]);
+ free(data);
+ for (objc_method_list *methods(_class->methods); methods != NULL; methods = methods->method_next)
+ for (int i(0); i != methods->method_count; ++i)
+ Instance_getPropertyNames_message(names, &methods->method_list[i]);
CYPoolTry {
// XXX: this is an evil hack to deal with NSProxy; fix elsewhere
if (CYImplements(self, _class, @selector(cy$getPropertyNames:inContext:), false))