+/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/* }}} */
+#include "cycript.hpp"
+#include "Driver.hpp"
+#include "Cycript.tab.hh"
+#include "Replace.hpp"
+#include "String.hpp"
+static CYExpression *ParseExpression(CYUTF8String code) {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << '(' << code << ')';
+ CYDriver driver(stream);
+ cy::parser parser(driver);
+ if (parser.parse() != 0 || !driver.errors_.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ CYOptions options;
+ CYContext context(options);
+ CYStatement *statement(driver.program_->code_);
+ _assert(statement != NULL);
+ _assert(statement->next_ == NULL);
+ CYExpress *express(dynamic_cast<CYExpress *>(driver.program_->code_));
+ _assert(express != NULL);
+ CYParenthetical *parenthetical(dynamic_cast<CYParenthetical *>(express->expression_));
+ _assert(parenthetical != NULL);
+ return parenthetical->expression_;
+_visible char **CYComplete(const char *word, const std::string &line, CYUTF8String (*run)(CYPool &pool, const std::string &)) {
+ CYLocalPool pool;
+ std::istringstream stream(line);
+ CYDriver driver(stream);
+ driver.auto_ = true;
+ cy::parser parser(driver);
+ if (parser.parse() != 0 || !driver.errors_.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ if (driver.mode_ == CYDriver::AutoNone)
+ return NULL;
+ CYExpression *expression;
+ CYOptions options;
+ CYContext context(options);
+ std::ostringstream prefix;
+ switch (driver.mode_) {
+ case CYDriver::AutoPrimary:
+ expression = $ CYThis();
+ break;
+ case CYDriver::AutoDirect:
+ expression = driver.context_;
+ break;
+ case CYDriver::AutoIndirect:
+ expression = $ CYIndirect(driver.context_);
+ break;
+ case CYDriver::AutoMessage: {
+ CYDriver::Context &thing(driver.contexts_.back());
+ expression = $M($C1($V("object_getClass"), thing.context_), $S("messages"));
+ for (CYDriver::Context::Words::const_iterator part(thing.words_.begin()); part != thing.words_.end(); ++part)
+ prefix << (*part)->word_ << ':';
+ } break;
+ default:
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+ std::string begin(prefix.str());
+ driver.program_ = $ CYProgram($ CYExpress($C3(ParseExpression(
+ " function(object, prefix, word) {\n"
+ " var names = [];\n"
+ " var before = prefix.length;\n"
+ " prefix += word;\n"
+ " var entire = prefix.length;\n"
+ " for (var name in object)\n"
+ " if (name.substring(0, entire) == prefix)\n"
+ " names.push(name.substr(before));\n"
+ " return names;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ ), expression, $S(begin.c_str()), $S(word))));
+ driver.program_->Replace(context);
+ std::stringbuf str;
+ CYOutput out(str, options);
+ out << *driver.program_;
+ std::string code(str.str());
+ CYUTF8String json(run(pool, code));
+ // XXX: if this fails we should not try to parse it
+ CYExpression *result(ParseExpression(json));
+ if (result == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ CYArray *array(dynamic_cast<CYArray *>(result->Primitive(context)));
+ if (array == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // XXX: use an std::set?
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> Completions;
+ Completions completions;
+ std::string common;
+ bool rest(false);
+ CYForEach (element, array->elements_) {
+ CYString *string(dynamic_cast<CYString *>(element->value_));
+ _assert(string != NULL);
+ std::string completion;
+ if (string->size_ != 0)
+ completion.assign(string->value_, string->size_);
+ else if (driver.mode_ == CYDriver::AutoMessage)
+ completion = "]";
+ else
+ continue;
+ completions.push_back(completion);
+ if (!rest) {
+ common = completion;
+ rest = true;
+ } else {
+ size_t limit(completion.size()), size(common.size());
+ if (size > limit)
+ common = common.substr(0, limit);
+ else
+ limit = size;
+ for (limit = 0; limit != size; ++limit)
+ if (common[limit] != completion[limit])
+ break;
+ if (limit != size)
+ common = common.substr(0, limit);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t count(completions.size());
+ if (count == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ size_t colon(common.find(':'));
+ if (colon != std::string::npos)
+ common = common.substr(0, colon + 1);
+ if (completions.size() == 1)
+ common += ' ';
+ char **results(reinterpret_cast<char **>(malloc(sizeof(char *) * (count + 2))));
+ results[0] = strdup(common.c_str());
+ size_t index(0);
+ for (Completions::const_iterator i(completions.begin()); i != completions.end(); ++i)
+ results[++index] = strdup(i->c_str());
+ results[count + 1] = NULL;
+ return results;