"]" L C F(tk::CloseBracket, hi::Structure);
/* }}} */
/* Keyword {{{ */
-"@error" L C F(tk::AtError, hi::Error);
+"@error" L C F(tk::At_error_, hi::Error);
@begin Java
-"@class" L C F(tk::AtClass, hi::Meta);
+"@class" L C F(tk::At_class_, hi::Meta);
@begin C
-"@encode" L C F(tk::AtEncode, hi::Meta);
+"@encode" L C F(tk::At_encode_, hi::Meta);
@begin ObjectiveC
-"@end" L C F(tk::AtEnd, hi::Meta);
-"@false" L C F(tk::AtFalse, hi::Constant);
-"@implementation" L C F(yyextra->no_.AtImplementation ? tk::AtImplementation_ : tk::AtImplementation, hi::Meta);
-"@import" L C F(tk::AtImport, hi::Special);
-"@NO" L C F(tk::AtNo, hi::Constant);
-"@null" L C F(tk::AtNull, hi::Constant);
-"@selector" L C F(tk::AtSelector, hi::Meta);
-"@true" L C F(tk::AtTrue, hi::Constant);
-"@YES" L C F(tk::AtYes, hi::Constant);
+"@end" L C F(tk::At_end_, hi::Meta);
+"@false" L C F(tk::At_false_, hi::Constant);
+"@implementation" L C F(yyextra->no_.AtImplementation ? tk::At_implementation__ : tk::At_implementation_, hi::Meta);
+"@import" L C F(tk::At_import_, hi::Special);
+"@NO" L C F(tk::At_NO_, hi::Constant);
+"@null" L C F(tk::At_null_, hi::Constant);
+"@selector" L C F(tk::At_selector_, hi::Meta);
+"@true" L C F(tk::At_true_, hi::Constant);
+"@YES" L C F(tk::At_YES_, hi::Constant);
@({UnicodeStart}{UnicodeScrap}|{UnicodeFail}) L E("invalid keyword")
/* }}} */
/* Highlight {{{ */
-"undefined" L C I(identifier, Identifier("undefined"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Operator);
+"undefined" L C F(tk::_undefined_, hi::Operator);
@begin ObjectiveC
-"bool" L C I(identifier, Identifier("bool"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Type);
-"BOOL" L C I(identifier, Identifier("BOOL"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Type);
-"id" L C I(identifier, Identifier("id"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Type);
-"nil" L C I(identifier, Identifier("nil"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Constant);
-"NULL" L C I(identifier, Identifier("NULL"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Constant);
-"SEL" L C I(identifier, Identifier("SEL"), tk::Identifier_, hi::Type);
+"bool" L C F(tk::_bool_, hi::Type);
+"BOOL" L C F(tk::_BOOL_, hi::Type);
+"id" L C F(tk::_id_, hi::Type);
+"nil" L C F(tk::_nil_, hi::Constant);
+"NULL" L C F(tk::_NULL_, hi::Constant);
+"SEL" L C F(tk::_SEL_, hi::Type);
/* }}} */
/* Reserved {{{ */
-"abstract" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Abstract, hi::Meta);
-"await" L C /*II?*/ F(tk::Await, hi::Meta);
-"boolean" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Boolean, hi::Type);
-"break" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::Break, hi::Control);
-"byte" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Byte, hi::Type);
-"case" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Case, hi::Control);
-"catch" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Catch, hi::Control);
-"char" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Char, hi::Type);
-"class" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::Class, hi::Meta);
-"const" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::Const, hi::Meta);
-"continue" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::Continue, hi::Control);
-"debugger" L C /*FKK*/ F(tk::Debugger, hi::Meta);
-"default" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Default, hi::Control);
-"delete" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Delete, hi::Operator);
-"do" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Do, hi::Control);
-"double" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Double, hi::Type);
-"else" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Else, hi::Control);
-"enum" L C /*FFF*/ F(tk::Enum, hi::Meta);
-"export" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::Export, hi::Meta);
-"extends" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::Extends, hi::Meta);
-"false" L C /*LLL*/ F(tk::False, hi::Constant);
-"final" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Final, hi::Meta);
-"finally" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Finally, hi::Control);
-"float" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Float, hi::Type);
-"for" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::For, hi::Control);
-"function" L C /*KKK*/ F(yyextra->no_.Function ? tk::Function_ : tk::Function, hi::Meta);
-"goto" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Goto, hi::Control);
-"if" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::If, hi::Control);
-"implements" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::Implements, hi::Meta);
-"import" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::Import, hi::Meta);
-"in" L C /*KKK*/ F(yyextra->in_.top() ? tk::In_ : tk::In, hi::Operator);
-"instanceof" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::InstanceOf, hi::Operator);
-"int" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Int, hi::Type);
-"interface" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::Interface, hi::Meta);
-"let" L C /*IS?*/ F(tk::Let, hi::Meta);
-"long" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Long, hi::Type);
-"native" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Native, hi::Meta);
-"new" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::New, hi::Operator);
-"null" L C /*LLL*/ F(tk::Null, hi::Constant);
-"package" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::Package, hi::Meta);
-"private" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::Private, hi::Meta);
-"protected" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::Protected, hi::Meta);
-"public" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::Public, hi::Meta);
-"return" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::Return, hi::Control);
-"short" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Short, hi::Type);
-"static" L C /*FS?*/ F(tk::Static, hi::Meta);
-"super" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::Super, hi::Constant);
-"switch" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Switch, hi::Control);
-"synchronized" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Synchronized, hi::Meta);
-"this" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::This, hi::Constant);
-"throw" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::Throw, hi::Control);
-"throws" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Throws, hi::Meta);
-"transient" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Transient, hi::Meta);
-"true" L C /*LLL*/ F(tk::True, hi::Constant);
-"try" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Try, hi::Control);
-"typeof" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::TypeOf, hi::Operator);
-"var" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Var, hi::Meta);
-"void" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::Void, hi::Operator);
-"volatile" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::Volatile, hi::Meta);
-"while" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::While, hi::Control);
-"with" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::With, hi::Control);
-"yield" L R /*IS?*/ F(tk::Yield, hi::Control);
-"auto" L C F(tk::Auto, hi::Meta);
-"each" L C F(tk::Each, hi::Control);
-"of" L C F(tk::Of, hi::Operator);
+"abstract" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_abstract_, hi::Meta);
+"await" L C /*II?*/ F(tk::_await_, hi::Meta);
+"boolean" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_boolean_, hi::Type);
+"break" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::_break_, hi::Control);
+"byte" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_byte_, hi::Type);
+"case" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_case_, hi::Control);
+"catch" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_catch_, hi::Control);
+"char" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_char_, hi::Type);
+"class" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::_class_, hi::Meta);
+"const" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::_const_, hi::Meta);
+"continue" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::_continue_, hi::Control);
+"debugger" L C /*FKK*/ F(tk::_debugger_, hi::Meta);
+"default" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_default_, hi::Control);
+"delete" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_delete_, hi::Operator);
+"do" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_do_, hi::Control);
+"double" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_double_, hi::Type);
+"else" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_else_, hi::Control);
+"enum" L C /*FFF*/ F(tk::_enum_, hi::Meta);
+"export" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::_export_, hi::Meta);
+"extends" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::_extends_, hi::Meta);
+"false" L C /*LLL*/ F(tk::_false_, hi::Constant);
+"final" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_final_, hi::Meta);
+"finally" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_finally_, hi::Control);
+"float" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_float_, hi::Type);
+"for" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_for_, hi::Control);
+"function" L C /*KKK*/ F(yyextra->no_.Function ? tk::_function__ : tk::_function_, hi::Meta);
+"goto" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_goto_, hi::Control);
+"if" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_if_, hi::Control);
+"implements" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::_implements_, hi::Meta);
+"import" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::_import_, hi::Meta);
+"in" L C /*KKK*/ F(yyextra->in_.top() ? tk::_in__ : tk::_in_, hi::Operator);
+"instanceof" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_instanceof_, hi::Operator);
+"int" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_int_, hi::Type);
+"interface" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::_interface_, hi::Meta);
+"let" L C /*IS?*/ F(tk::_let_, hi::Meta);
+"long" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_long_, hi::Type);
+"native" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_native_, hi::Meta);
+"new" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_new_, hi::Operator);
+"null" L C /*LLL*/ F(tk::_null_, hi::Constant);
+"package" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::_package_, hi::Meta);
+"private" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::_private_, hi::Meta);
+"protected" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::_protected_, hi::Meta);
+"public" L C /*FSS*/ F(tk::_public_, hi::Meta);
+"return" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::_return_, hi::Control);
+"short" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_short_, hi::Type);
+"static" L C /*FS?*/ F(tk::_static_, hi::Meta);
+"super" L C /*FFK*/ F(tk::_super_, hi::Constant);
+"switch" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_switch_, hi::Control);
+"synchronized" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_synchronized_, hi::Meta);
+"this" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_this_, hi::Constant);
+"throw" L R /*KKK*/ F(tk::_throw_, hi::Control);
+"throws" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_throws_, hi::Meta);
+"transient" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_transient_, hi::Meta);
+"true" L C /*LLL*/ F(tk::_true_, hi::Constant);
+"try" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_try_, hi::Control);
+"typeof" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_typeof_, hi::Operator);
+"var" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_var_, hi::Meta);
+"void" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_void_, hi::Operator);
+"volatile" L C /*FII*/ F(tk::_volatile_, hi::Meta);
+"while" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_while_, hi::Control);
+"with" L C /*KKK*/ F(tk::_with_, hi::Control);
+"yield" L R /*IS?*/ F(tk::_yield_, hi::Control);
+"auto" L C F(tk::_auto_, hi::Meta);
+"each" L C F(tk::_each_, hi::Control);
+"of" L C F(tk::_of_, hi::Operator);
@begin C
-"extern" L C F(tk::Extern, hi::Type);
-"signed" L C F(tk::Signed, hi::Type);
-"typedef" L C F(tk::Typedef, hi::Meta);
-"unsigned" L C F(tk::Unsigned, hi::Type);
+"extern" L C F(tk::_extern_, hi::Type);
+"signed" L C F(tk::_signed_, hi::Type);
+"typedef" L C F(tk::_typedef_, hi::Meta);
+"unsigned" L C F(tk::_unsigned_, hi::Type);
@begin ObjectiveC
-"NO" L C F(tk::No, hi::Constant);
-"YES" L C F(tk::Yes, hi::Constant);
+"NO" L C F(tk::_NO_, hi::Constant);
+"YES" L C F(tk::_YES_, hi::Constant);
@begin E4X
-"namespace" L C F(tk::Namespace, hi::Meta);
-"xml" L C F(tk::XML, hi::Meta);
+"namespace" L C F(tk::_namespace_, hi::Meta);
+"xml" L C F(tk::_xml_, hi::Meta);
/* }}} */
/* Identifier {{{ */
%token OpenBracket "["
%token CloseBracket "]"
-%token AtError "@error"
+%token At_error_ "@error"
@begin Java
-%token AtClass "@class"
+%token At_class_ "@class"
@begin C
-%token Typedef "typedef"
-%token Unsigned "unsigned"
-%token Signed "signed"
-%token Extern "extern"
+%token _typedef_ "typedef"
+%token _unsigned_ "unsigned"
+%token _signed_ "signed"
+%token _extern_ "extern"
@begin C
-%token AtEncode "@encode"
+%token At_encode_ "@encode"
@begin ObjectiveC
-%token AtImplementation "@implementation"
-%token AtImplementation_ ";@implementation"
-%token AtImport "@import"
-%token AtEnd "@end"
-%token AtSelector "@selector"
-%token AtNull "@null"
-%token AtYes "@YES"
-%token AtNo "@NO"
-%token AtTrue "@true"
-%token AtFalse "@false"
-%token Yes "YES"
-%token No "NO"
+%token At_implementation_ "@implementation"
+%token At_implementation__ ";@implementation"
+%token At_import_ "@import"
+%token At_end_ "@end"
+%token At_selector_ "@selector"
+%token At_null_ "@null"
+%token At_YES_ "@YES"
+%token At_NO_ "@NO"
+%token At_true_ "@true"
+%token At_false_ "@false"
+%token _YES_ "YES"
+%token _NO_ "NO"
-%token False "false"
-%token Null "null"
-%token True "true"
-%token Break "break"
-%token Case "case"
-%token Catch "catch"
-%token Class "class"
-%token Const "const"
-%token Continue "continue"
-%token Debugger "debugger"
-%token Default "default"
-%token Delete "delete"
-%token Do "do"
-%token Else "else"
-%token Enum "enum"
-%token Export "export"
-%token Extends "extends"
-%token Finally "finally"
-%token For "for"
-%token Function "function"
-%token Function_ ";function"
-%token If "if"
-%token Import "import"
-%token In "in"
-%token In_ "!in"
-%token InstanceOf "instanceof"
-%token New "new"
-%token Return "return"
-%token Super "super"
-%token Switch "switch"
-%token This "this"
-%token Throw "throw"
-%token Try "try"
-%token TypeOf "typeof"
-%token Var "var"
-%token Void "void"
-%token While "while"
-%token With "with"
-%token Abstract "abstract"
-%token Await "await"
-%token Boolean "boolean"
-%token Byte "byte"
-%token Char "char"
-%token Double "double"
-%token Final "final"
-%token Float "float"
-%token Goto "goto"
-%token Implements "implements"
-%token Int "int"
-%token Interface "interface"
-%token Let "let"
-%token Long "long"
-%token Native "native"
-%token Package "package"
-%token Private "private"
-%token Protected "protected"
-%token Public "public"
-%token Short "short"
-%token Static "static"
-%token Synchronized "synchronized"
-%token Throws "throws"
-%token Transient "transient"
-%token Volatile "volatile"
-%token Yield "yield"
-%token Auto "auto"
-%token Each "each"
-%token Of "of"
+%token _false_ "false"
+%token _null_ "null"
+%token _true_ "true"
+%token _break_ "break"
+%token _case_ "case"
+%token _catch_ "catch"
+%token _class_ "class"
+%token _const_ "const"
+%token _continue_ "continue"
+%token _debugger_ "debugger"
+%token _default_ "default"
+%token _delete_ "delete"
+%token _do_ "do"
+%token _else_ "else"
+%token _enum_ "enum"
+%token _export_ "export"
+%token _extends_ "extends"
+%token _finally_ "finally"
+%token _for_ "for"
+%token _function_ "function"
+%token _function__ ";function"
+%token _if_ "if"
+%token _import_ "import"
+%token _in_ "in"
+%token _in__ "!in"
+%token _instanceof_ "instanceof"
+%token _new_ "new"
+%token _return_ "return"
+%token _super_ "super"
+%token _switch_ "switch"
+%token _this_ "this"
+%token _throw_ "throw"
+%token _try_ "try"
+%token _typeof_ "typeof"
+%token _var_ "var"
+%token _void_ "void"
+%token _while_ "while"
+%token _with_ "with"
+%token _abstract_ "abstract"
+%token _await_ "await"
+%token _boolean_ "boolean"
+%token _byte_ "byte"
+%token _char_ "char"
+%token _double_ "double"
+%token _final_ "final"
+%token _float_ "float"
+%token _goto_ "goto"
+%token _implements_ "implements"
+%token _int_ "int"
+%token _interface_ "interface"
+%token _let_ "let"
+%token _long_ "long"
+%token _native_ "native"
+%token _package_ "package"
+%token _private_ "private"
+%token _protected_ "protected"
+%token _public_ "public"
+%token _short_ "short"
+%token _static_ "static"
+%token _synchronized_ "synchronized"
+%token _throws_ "throws"
+%token _transient_ "transient"
+%token _volatile_ "volatile"
+%token _yield_ "yield"
+%token _undefined_ "undefined"
+@begin ObjectiveC
+%token _bool_ "bool"
+%token _BOOL_ "BOOL"
+%token _id_ "id"
+%token _nil_ "nil"
+%token _NULL_ "NULL"
+%token _SEL_ "SEL"
+%token _auto_ "auto"
+%token _each_ "each"
+%token _of_ "of"
@begin E4X
-%token Namespace "namespace"
-%token XML "xml"
+%token _namespace_ "namespace"
+%token _xml_ "xml"
%token AutoComplete
- : { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.Function = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::Function)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::Function_); }
+ : { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.Function = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::_function_)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::_function__); }
LexNoAtImplementation :
@begin ObjectiveC
- { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.AtImplementation = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::AtImplementation)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::AtImplementation_); }
+ { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.AtImplementation = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::At_implementation_)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::At_implementation__); }
| "each" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("each"); }
| "of" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("of"); }
+@begin ObjectiveC
+ | "bool" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("bool"); }
+ | "BOOL" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("BOOL"); }
+ | "id" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("id"); }
+ | "SEL" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("SEL"); }
| "int" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("int"); }
| "long" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("long"); }
| "short" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("short"); }
+ | "undefined" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("undefined"); }
| "volatile" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("volatile"); }
@begin C
| "extern" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("extern"); }
| "unsigned" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("unsigned"); }
@begin ObjectiveC
+ | "nil" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("nil"); }
| "NO" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("NO"); }
+ | "NULL" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("NULL"); }
| "YES" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("YES"); }