+ std::vector<JavaVMOption> options;
+ {
+ std::ostringstream option;
+ option << "-Djava.class.path=";
+ option << CYPoolLibraryPath(pool) << "/libcycript.jar";
+ if (const char *classpath = getenv("CLASSPATH"))
+ option << ':' << classpath;
+ options.push_back(JavaVMOption{pool.strdup(option.str().c_str()), NULL});
+ }
+ // To use libnativehelper to access JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs, you need JniInvocation.
+ // ...but there can only be one JniInvocation, and assuradely the other VM has it.
+ // Essentially, this API makes no sense. We need it for AndroidRuntime, though :/.
+ if (void *libnativehelper = dlopen("libnativehelper.so", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL)) {
+ class JniInvocation$;
+ JniInvocation$ *(*JniInvocation$$init$)(JniInvocation$ *self)(NULL);
+ bool (*JniInvocation$Init)(JniInvocation$ *self, const char *library)(NULL);
+ JniInvocation$ *(*JniInvocation$finalize)(JniInvocation$ *self)(NULL);
+ dlset(JniInvocation$$init$, "_ZN13JniInvocationC1Ev", libnativehelper);
+ dlset(JniInvocation$Init, "_ZN13JniInvocation4InitEPKc", libnativehelper);
+ dlset(JniInvocation$finalize, "_ZN13JniInvocationD1Ev", libnativehelper);
+ if (JniInvocation$$init$ == NULL)
+ dlclose(libnativehelper);
+ else {
+ // XXX: we should attach a pool to the VM itself and deallocate this there
+ //auto invocation(pool.calloc<JniInvocation$>(1, 1024));
+ //_assert(JniInvocation$finalize != NULL);
+ //pool.atexit(reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void *)>(JniInvocation$finalize), invocation);
+ auto invocation(static_cast<JniInvocation$ *>(calloc(1, 1024)));
+ JniInvocation$$init$(invocation);
+ _assert(JniInvocation$Init != NULL);
+ JniInvocation$Init(invocation, NULL);
+ dlset($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs", libnativehelper);
+ if (JNIEnv *jni = CYGetCreatedJava($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs))
+ return jni;
+ }
+ }
+ if (void *libandroid_runtime = dlopen("libandroid_runtime.so", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL)) {
+ class AndroidRuntime$;
+ AndroidRuntime$ *(*AndroidRuntime$$init$)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, char *args, unsigned int size)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$startVm)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, JavaVM **jvm, JNIEnv **jni)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$startReg)(JNIEnv *jni)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$addOption)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, const char *option, void *extra)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, int, const char *const argv[])(NULL);
+ AndroidRuntime$ *(*AndroidRuntime$finalize)(AndroidRuntime$ *self)(NULL);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$$init$, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntimeC1EPcj", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$startVm, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime7startVmEPP7_JavaVMPP7_JNIEnv", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$startReg, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime8startRegEP7_JNIEnv", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$addOption, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime9addOptionEPKcPv", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime14addVmArgumentsEiPKPKc", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$finalize, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntimeD1Ev", libandroid_runtime);
+ // XXX: it would also be interesting to attach this to a global pool
+ AndroidRuntime$ *runtime(pool.calloc<AndroidRuntime$>(1, 1024));
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$$init$ != NULL);
+ AndroidRuntime$$init$(runtime, NULL, 0);
+ if (AndroidRuntime$addOption == NULL) {
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments != NULL);
+ std::vector<const char *> arguments;
+ for (const auto &option : options)
+ arguments.push_back(option.optionString);
+ AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments(runtime, arguments.size(), arguments.data());
+ } else for (const auto &option : options)
+ AndroidRuntime$addOption(runtime, option.optionString, option.extraInfo);
+ int failure;
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$startVm != NULL);
+ failure = AndroidRuntime$startVm(runtime, &jvm, &jni);
+ _assert(failure == 0);
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$startReg != NULL);
+ failure = AndroidRuntime$startReg(jni);
+ _assert(failure == 0);
+ return jni;
+ }
+ jint (*$JNI_CreateJavaVM)(JavaVM **jvm, void **, void *);
+ dlset($JNI_CreateJavaVM, "JNI_CreateJavaVM", handle);
+ JavaVMInitArgs args;
+ memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+ args.version = CYJavaVersion;
+ args.nOptions = options.size();
+ args.options = options.data();
+ _jnicall($JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&jni), &args));
+ return jni;