-/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* Cycript - The Truly Universal Scripting Language
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jay Freeman (saurik)
/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
/* }}} */
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <JavaVM/jni.h>
#include <jni.h>
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+// XXX: this is deprecated?!?!?!?!?!?!
+#include <sys/system_properties.h>
+#include "cycript.hpp"
+#include "Error.hpp"
+#include "Execute.hpp"
+#include "Internal.hpp"
+#include "JavaScript.hpp"
+#include "Pooling.hpp"
+#define _jnicall(expr) ({ \
+ jint _value(expr); \
+ if (_value != JNI_OK) \
+ CYThrow("_jnicall(%s) == %d", #expr, _value); \
+#define _envcall(jni, expr) ({ \
+ __typeof__(jni->expr) _value(jni->expr); \
+ if (jthrowable _error = jni->ExceptionOccurred()) { \
+ jni->ExceptionClear(); \
+ throw CYJavaError(CYJavaLocal<jthrowable>(jni, _error)); \
+ } \
+_value; })
+#define _envcallv(jni, expr) do { \
+ jni->expr; \
+ if (jthrowable _error = jni->ExceptionOccurred()) { \
+ jni->ExceptionClear(); \
+ throw CYJavaError(CYJavaLocal<jthrowable>(jni, _error)); \
+ } \
+} while (false)
+#define CYJavaTry \
+ CYJavaEnv jni(env); \
+ auto &protect(*reinterpret_cast<CYProtect *>(jprotect)); \
+ _disused JSContextRef context(protect); \
+ _disused JSObjectRef object(protect); \
+ try
+#define CYJavaCatch(value) \
+ catch (const CYException &error) { \
+ jni->Throw(CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, error.CastJSValue(context, "Error")).cast<jthrowable>()); \
+ return value; \
+ }
+static JNIEnv *GetJNI(JSContextRef context);
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(Z, z, Boolean, Boolean, boolean) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(B, b, Byte, Byte, byte) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(C, c, Char, Character, char) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(S, s, Short, Short, short) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(I, i, Int, Integer, int) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(J, j, Long, Long, long) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(F, f, Float, Float, float) \
+ CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(D, d, Double, Double, double)
+enum CYJavaPrimitive : char {
+ CYJavaPrimitiveObject,
+ CYJavaPrimitiveVoid,
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ CYJavaPrimitive ## Type,
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+template <typename Type_>
+struct IsJavaPrimitive { static const bool value = false; };
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ template <> \
+ struct IsJavaPrimitive<j ## type> { static const bool value = true; };
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+// Java References {{{
+template <typename Value_>
+struct CYJavaRef {
+ JNIEnv *jni_;
+ Value_ value_;
+ _finline CYJavaRef(JNIEnv *jni, Value_ value) :
+ jni_(jni),
+ value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ _finline operator Value_() const {
+ return value_;
+ }
+ _finline JNIEnv *jni() const {
+ return jni_;
+ }
+ // XXX: this is only needed to support CYJavaEnv relying on C variadics
+ _finline Value_ get() const {
+ return value_;
+ }
+ template <typename Other_>
+ _finline CYJavaRef<Other_> cast() const {
+ return {jni_, static_cast<Other_>(value_)};
+ }
+ // XXX: this should be tied into CYJavaFrame
+ Value_ leak() {
+ Value_ value(value_);
+ value_ = NULL;
+ return value;
+ }
+template <typename Value_, void (JNIEnv::*Delete_)(jobject)>
+struct CYJavaDelete :
+ CYJavaRef<Value_>
+ _finline CYJavaDelete(JNIEnv *jni, Value_ value) :
+ CYJavaRef<Value_>(jni, value)
+ {
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ if (this->value_ != NULL)
+ (this->jni_->*Delete_)(this->value_);
+ this->value_ = NULL;
+ }
+ ~CYJavaDelete() {
+ clear();
+ }
+template <typename Value_>
+struct CYJavaGlobal :
+ CYJavaDelete<Value_, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef>
+ typedef CYJavaDelete<Value_, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef> CYJavaBase;
+ CYJavaGlobal() :
+ CYJavaBase(NULL, NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename Other_>
+ CYJavaGlobal(const CYJavaRef<Other_> &other) :
+ CYJavaBase(other.jni_, static_cast<Other_>(other.jni_->NewGlobalRef(other.value_)))
+ {
+ }
+ CYJavaGlobal(const CYJavaGlobal<Value_> &other) :
+ CYJavaGlobal(static_cast<const CYJavaRef<Value_> &>(other))
+ {
+ }
+ CYJavaGlobal(CYJavaGlobal &&value) :
+ CYJavaBase(value.jni_, value.value_)
+ {
+ value.value_ = NULL;
+ }
+template <typename Value_>
+struct CYJavaLocal :
+ CYJavaDelete<Value_, &JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef>
+ typedef CYJavaDelete<Value_, &JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef> CYJavaBase;
+ CYJavaLocal() :
+ CYJavaBase(NULL, NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal(JNIEnv *jni, Value_ value) :
+ CYJavaBase(jni, value)
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename Other_>
+ CYJavaLocal(const CYJavaRef<Other_> &other) :
+ CYJavaLocal(other.jni_, static_cast<Other_>(other.jni_->NewLocalRef(other.value_)))
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename Other_>
+ CYJavaLocal(CYJavaRef<Other_> &&other) :
+ CYJavaLocal(other.jni_, other.value_)
+ {
+ other.value_ = NULL;
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal(CYJavaLocal &&other) :
+ CYJavaLocal(static_cast<CYJavaRef<Value_> &&>(other))
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename Other_>
+ CYJavaLocal &operator =(CYJavaLocal<Other_> &&other) {
+ this->clear();
+ this->jni_ = other.jni_;
+ this->value_ = other.value_;
+ other.value_ = NULL;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// }}}
+// Java Strings {{{
+static CYJavaLocal<jstring> CYCastJavaString(const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value);
+class CYJavaUTF8String :
+ public CYUTF8String
+ private:
+ const CYJavaRef<jstring> *value_;
+ public:
+ CYJavaUTF8String(const CYJavaRef<jstring> &value) :
+ value_(&value)
+ {
+ _assert(value);
+ JNIEnv *jni(value.jni());
+ size = jni->GetStringUTFLength(value);
+ data = jni->GetStringUTFChars(value, NULL);
+ }
+ CYJavaUTF8String(const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value) :
+ CYJavaUTF8String(CYCastJavaString(value))
+ {
+ }
+ ~CYJavaUTF8String() {
+ if (value_ != NULL) {
+ JNIEnv *jni(value_->jni());
+ jni->ReleaseStringUTFChars(*value_, data);
+ }
+ }
+ CYJavaUTF8String(const CYJavaUTF8String &) = delete;
+ CYJavaUTF8String(CYJavaUTF8String &&rhs) :
+ value_(rhs.value_)
+ {
+ rhs.value_ = NULL;
+ }
+CYJavaUTF8String CYCastUTF8String(const CYJavaRef<jstring> &value) {
+ return CYJavaUTF8String(value);
+JSStringRef CYCopyJSString(const CYJavaRef<jstring> &value) {
+ return CYCopyJSString(CYCastUTF8String(value));
+// }}}
+// Java Error {{{
+struct CYJavaError :
+ CYException
+ CYJavaGlobal<jthrowable> value_;
+ CYJavaError(const CYJavaRef<jthrowable> &value) :
+ value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual const char *PoolCString(CYPool &pool) const {
+ return CYPoolCString(pool, CYJavaUTF8String(value_.cast<jobject>()));
+ }
+ virtual JSValueRef CastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const char *name) const;
+// }}}
+struct CYJavaFrame {
+ JNIEnv *jni_;
+ CYJavaFrame(JNIEnv *jni, jint capacity) :
+ jni_(jni)
+ {
+ _assert(jni->PushLocalFrame(capacity) == 0);
+ }
+ ~CYJavaFrame() {
+ operator ()(NULL);
+ }
+ operator JNIEnv *() const {
+ return jni_;
+ }
+ jobject operator ()(jobject object) {
+ JNIEnv *jni(jni_);
+ jni_ = NULL;
+ return jni->PopLocalFrame(object);
+ }
+struct CYJavaEnv {
+ private:
+ JNIEnv *jni;
+ public:
+ CYJavaEnv(JNIEnv *jni) :
+ jni(jni)
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename Other_>
+ CYJavaEnv(const CYJavaRef<Other_> &value) :
+ jni(value.jni())
+ {
+ }
+ operator JNIEnv *() const {
+ return jni;
+ }
+ JNIEnv *operator ->() const {
+ return jni;
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal<jclass> FindClass(const char *name) const {
+ return {jni, _envcall(jni, FindClass(name))};
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal<jclass> GetObjectClass(jobject object) const {
+ return {jni, _envcall(jni, GetObjectClass(object))};
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal<jclass> GetSuperclass(jclass _class) const {
+ return {jni, _envcall(jni, GetSuperclass(_class))};
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal<jobject> NewObject(jclass _class, jmethodID method, ...) const {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, method);
+ jobject object(_envcall(jni, NewObjectV(_class, method, args)));
+ va_end(args);
+ return {jni, object};
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal<jobject> NewObjectA(jclass _class, jmethodID method, jvalue *args) const {
+ return {jni, _envcall(jni, NewObjectA(_class, method, args))};
+ }
+ CYJavaLocal<jstring> NewString(const jchar *data, jsize size) const {
+ return {jni, _envcall(jni, NewString(data, size))};
+ }
+#define CYJavaEnv_(Code) \
+ template <typename... Args_> \
+ void Code(Args_ &&... args) const { \
+ _envcallv(jni, Code(cy::Forward<Args_>(args)...)); \
+ }
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(Get ## Typ ## ArrayRegion) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(Set ## Typ ## Field) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(SetStatic ## Typ ## Field)
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallVoidMethod)
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallStaticVoidMethod)
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallVoidMethodA)
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallStaticVoidMethodA)
+ CYJavaEnv_(SetObjectArrayElement)
+ CYJavaEnv_(SetObjectField)
+ CYJavaEnv_(SetStaticObjectField)
+#undef CYJavaEnv_
+#define CYJavaEnv_(Code) \
+ template <typename... Args_> \
+ auto Code(Args_ &&... args) const -> decltype(jni->Code(cy::Forward<Args_>(args)...)) { \
+ return _envcall(jni, Code(cy::Forward<Args_>(args)...)); \
+ }
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(Call ## Typ ## Method) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallStatic ## Typ ## Method) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(Call ## Typ ## MethodA) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallStatic ## Typ ## MethodA) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(Get ## Typ ## Field) \
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetStatic ## Typ ## Field)
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ CYJavaEnv_(FromReflectedField)
+ CYJavaEnv_(FromReflectedMethod)
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetArrayLength)
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetMethodID)
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetStaticMethodID)
+ CYJavaEnv_(IsSameObject)
+ CYJavaEnv_(RegisterNatives)
+#undef CYJavaEnv_
+#define CYJavaEnv_(Code) \
+ template <typename Other_, typename... Args_> \
+ auto Code(Args_ &&... args) const -> CYJavaLocal<Other_> { \
+ return {jni, static_cast<Other_>(_envcall(jni, Code(cy::Forward<Args_>(args)...)))}; \
+ }
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallObjectMethod)
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallStaticObjectMethod)
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallObjectMethodA)
+ CYJavaEnv_(CallStaticObjectMethodA)
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetObjectArrayElement)
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetObjectField)
+ CYJavaEnv_(GetStaticObjectField)
+#undef CYJavaEnv_
+static CYJavaLocal<jstring> CYCastJavaString(const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value) {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(value);
+ auto Object$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/Object"));
+ auto Object$toString(jni.GetMethodID(Object$, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
+ return jni.CallObjectMethod<jstring>(value, Object$toString);
+template <typename Internal_, typename Value_>
+struct CYJavaValue :
+ CYPrivate<Internal_>
+ CYJavaGlobal<Value_> value_;
+ CYJavaValue(const CYJavaRef<Value_> &value) :
+ value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ CYJavaValue(const CYJavaValue &) = delete;
+static JSValueRef CYCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value);
+template <typename Other_>
+static _finline JSValueRef CYCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<Other_> &value) {
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, value.template cast<jobject>());
+template <typename Type_>
+static _finline JSValueRef CYJavaCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, Type_ value) {
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, value);
+static _finline JSValueRef CYJavaCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, jboolean value) {
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, static_cast<bool>(value));
+JSValueRef CYJavaError::CastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const char *name) const {
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, value_);
+static std::map<std::string, CYJavaPrimitive> Primitives_;
+static CYJavaPrimitive CYJavaGetPrimitive(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jclass> &type, jmethodID Class$get$$Name) {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(type);
+ auto string(jni.CallObjectMethod<jstring>(type, Class$get$$Name));
+ _assert(string);
+ CYJavaUTF8String name(string);
+ auto primitive(Primitives_.find(name));
+ return primitive != Primitives_.end() ? primitive->second : CYJavaPrimitiveObject;
+typedef std::vector<CYJavaPrimitive> CYJavaShorty;
+static CYJavaShorty CYJavaGetShorty(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jobjectArray> &types, jmethodID Class$get$$Name) {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(types);
+ size_t count(jni.GetArrayLength(types));
+ CYJavaShorty shorty(count);
+ for (size_t index(0); index != count; ++index)
+ shorty[index] = CYJavaGetPrimitive(context, jni.GetObjectArrayElement<jclass>(types, index), Class$get$$Name);
+ return shorty;
+struct CYJavaField {
+ jfieldID field_;
+ CYJavaPrimitive primitive_;
+typedef std::map<std::string, CYJavaField> CYJavaFieldMap;
+struct CYJavaSignature {
+ CYJavaGlobal<jobject> reflected_;
+ jmethodID method_;
+ CYJavaPrimitive primitive_;
+ CYJavaShorty shorty_;
+ CYJavaSignature(const CYJavaRef<jobject> &reflected, jmethodID method, CYJavaPrimitive primitive, const CYJavaShorty &shorty) :
+ reflected_(reflected),
+ method_(method),
+ primitive_(primitive),
+ shorty_(shorty)
+ {
+ }
+ CYJavaSignature(unsigned count) :
+ shorty_(count)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator <(const CYJavaSignature &rhs) const {
+ return shorty_.size() < rhs.shorty_.size();
+ }
+typedef std::multiset<CYJavaSignature> CYJavaOverload;
+struct CYJavaMethod :
+ CYPrivate<CYJavaMethod>
+ CYJavaOverload overload_;
+ CYJavaMethod(const CYJavaOverload &overload) :
+ overload_(overload)
+ {
+ }
+struct CYJavaStaticMethod :
+ CYPrivate<CYJavaStaticMethod>
+ CYJavaOverload overload_;
+ CYJavaStaticMethod(const CYJavaOverload &overload) :
+ overload_(overload)
+ {
+ }
+struct CYJavaClass :
+ CYJavaValue<CYJavaClass, jclass>
+ bool interface_;
+ CYJavaFieldMap static_;
+ CYJavaFieldMap instance_;
+ CYJavaOverload overload_;
+ CYJavaClass(const CYJavaRef<jclass> &value, bool interface) :
+ CYJavaValue(value),
+ interface_(interface)
+ {
+ }
+static JSObjectRef CYGetJavaClass(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jclass> &_class);
+struct CYJavaObject :
+ CYJavaValue<CYJavaObject, jobject>
+ CYJavaClass *table_;
+ CYJavaObject(const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value, CYJavaClass *table) :
+ CYJavaValue(value),
+ table_(table)
+ {
+ }
+ JSValueRef GetPrototype(JSContextRef context) const;
+struct CYJavaInterior :
+ CYJavaValue<CYJavaInterior, jobject>
+ CYJavaClass *table_;
+ CYJavaInterior(const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value, CYJavaClass *table) :
+ CYJavaValue(value),
+ table_(table)
+ {
+ }
+struct CYJavaStaticInterior :
+ CYJavaValue<CYJavaStaticInterior, jclass>
+ CYJavaClass *table_;
+ CYJavaStaticInterior(const CYJavaRef<jclass> &value, CYJavaClass *table) :
+ CYJavaValue(value),
+ table_(table)
+ {
+ }
+struct CYJavaArray :
+ CYJavaValue<CYJavaArray, jarray>
+ CYJavaPrimitive primitive_;
+ CYJavaArray(const CYJavaRef<jarray> &value, CYJavaPrimitive primitive) :
+ CYJavaValue(value),
+ primitive_(primitive)
+ {
+ }
+ JSValueRef GetPrototype(JSContextRef context) const;
+struct CYJavaPackage :
+ CYPrivate<CYJavaPackage>
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> Path;
+ Path package_;
+ _finline CYJavaPackage(const Path &package) :
+ package_(package)
+ {
+ }
+JSValueRef CYJavaObject::GetPrototype(JSContextRef context) const {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(value_);
+ return CYGetProperty(context, CYGetJavaClass(context, jni.GetObjectClass(value_)), prototype_s);
+JSValueRef CYJavaArray::GetPrototype(JSContextRef context) const {
+ return CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Array_prototype"));
+static JSValueRef CYCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value) {
+ if (!value)
+ return CYJSNull(context);
+ CYJavaEnv jni(value);
+ auto _class(jni.GetObjectClass(value));
+ if (jni.IsSameObject(_class, jni.FindClass("java/lang/String")))
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(value.cast<jstring>()));
+ auto Class$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/Class"));
+ auto Class$isArray(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "isArray", "()Z"));
+ if (jni.CallBooleanMethod(_class, Class$isArray)) {
+ auto Class$getComponentType(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getComponentType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;"));
+ auto component(jni.CallObjectMethod<jclass>(_class, Class$getComponentType));
+ auto Class$getName(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
+ return CYJavaArray::Make(context, value.cast<jarray>(), CYJavaGetPrimitive(context, component, Class$getName));
+ }
+ auto Wrapper$(jni.FindClass("Cycript$Wrapper"));
+ if (jni.IsSameObject(_class, Wrapper$)) {
+ auto Wrapper$getProtect(jni.GetMethodID(Wrapper$, "getProtect", "()J"));
+ auto &protect(*reinterpret_cast<CYProtect *>(jni.CallLongMethod(value, Wrapper$getProtect)));
+ return protect;
+ }
+ CYJavaClass *table(reinterpret_cast<CYJavaClass *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(CYGetJavaClass(context, _class))));
+ return CYJavaObject::Make(context, value, table);
+static _finline JSObjectRef CYCastJSObject(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jobject> &value) {
+ return CYCastJSObject(context, CYCastJSValue(context, value));
+static CYJavaLocal<jstring> CYCastJavaString(const CYJavaEnv &jni, JSContextRef context, CYUTF16String value) {
+ return jni.NewString(value.data, value.size);
+static CYJavaLocal<jstring> CYCastJavaString(const CYJavaEnv &jni, JSContextRef context, JSStringRef value) {
+ return CYCastJavaString(jni, context, CYCastUTF16String(value));
+#define CYCastJava$(T, Type, jtype, Cast) \
+_disused static CYJavaLocal<jobject> CYCastJava ## Type(const CYJavaEnv &jni, JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value) { \
+ auto Type$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/" #Type)); \
+ auto Type$init$(jni.GetMethodID(Type$, "<init>", "(" #T ")V")); \
+ return jni.NewObject(Type$, Type$init$, static_cast<jtype>(Cast(context, value))); \
+CYCastJava$(Z, Boolean, jboolean, CYCastBool)
+CYCastJava$(B, Byte, jbyte, CYCastDouble)
+CYCastJava$(C, Character, jchar, CYCastDouble)
+CYCastJava$(S, Short, jshort, CYCastDouble)
+CYCastJava$(I, Integer, jint, CYCastDouble)
+CYCastJava$(J, Long, jlong, CYCastDouble)
+CYCastJava$(F, Float, jfloat, CYCastDouble)
+CYCastJava$(D, Double, jdouble, CYCastDouble)
+static CYJavaClass *CYGetJavaTable(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object) {
+ if (!JSValueIsObjectOfClass(context, object, CYJavaClass::Class_))
+ return NULL;
+ return reinterpret_cast<CYJavaClass *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object));
+static CYJavaObject *CYGetJavaObject(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object) {
+ if (!JSValueIsObjectOfClass(context, object, CYJavaObject::Class_))
+ return NULL;
+ return reinterpret_cast<CYJavaObject *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object));
+static CYJavaLocal<jobject> CYCastJavaObject(const CYJavaEnv &jni, JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef value) {
+ if (CYJavaObject *internal = CYGetJavaObject(context, value))
+ return internal->value_;
+ auto Wrapper$(jni.FindClass("Cycript$Wrapper"));
+ auto Wrapper$$init$(jni.GetMethodID(Wrapper$, "<init>", "(J)V"));
+ CYProtect *protect(new CYProtect(context, value));
+ return jni.NewObject(Wrapper$, Wrapper$$init$, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(protect));
+static CYJavaLocal<jobject> CYCastJavaObject(const CYJavaEnv &jni, JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value) {
+ switch (JSValueGetType(context, value)) {
+ case kJSTypeNull:
+ return {jni, NULL};
+ case kJSTypeBoolean:
+ return CYCastJavaBoolean(jni, context, value);
+ case kJSTypeNumber:
+ return CYCastJavaDouble(jni, context, value);
+ case kJSTypeString:
+ return CYCastJavaString(jni, context, CYJSString(context, value));
+ case kJSTypeObject:
+ return CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, CYCastJSObject(context, value));
+ case kJSTypeUndefined:
+ // XXX: I am currently relying on this for dynamic proxy of void method
+ return {jni, NULL};
+ default:
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+static JSObjectRef CYGetJavaClass(JSContextRef context, const CYJavaRef<jclass> &value) {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(value);
+ CYJavaFrame frame(jni, 64);
+ JSObjectRef global(CYGetGlobalObject(context));
+ JSObjectRef cy(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, cy_s)));
+ auto Class$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/Class"));
+ auto Class$getName(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
+ CYJSString name(jni.CallObjectMethod<jstring>(value, Class$getName));
+ JSValueRef cached(CYGetProperty(context, cy, name));
+ if (!JSValueIsUndefined(context, cached))
+ return CYCastJSObject(context, cached);
+ JSObjectRef constructor;
+ JSObjectRef prototype;
+ {
+ auto Class$isInterface(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "isInterface", "()Z"));
+ auto Class$getDeclaredConstructors(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getDeclaredConstructors", "()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;"));
+ auto Class$getDeclaredFields(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getDeclaredFields", "()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;"));
+ auto Class$getDeclaredMethods(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getDeclaredMethods", "()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;"));
+ auto Constructor$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Constructor"));
+ //auto Constructor$getModifiers(jni.GetMethodID(Constructor$, "getModifiers", "()I"));
+ auto Constructor$getParameterTypes(jni.GetMethodID(Constructor$, "getParameterTypes", "()[Ljava/lang/Class;"));
+ auto Field$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Field"));
+ auto Field$getModifiers(jni.GetMethodID(Field$, "getModifiers", "()I"));
+ auto Field$getName(jni.GetMethodID(Field$, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
+ auto Field$getType(jni.GetMethodID(Field$, "getType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;"));
+ auto Method$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Method"));
+ auto Method$getModifiers(jni.GetMethodID(Method$, "getModifiers", "()I"));
+ auto Method$getName(jni.GetMethodID(Method$, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
+ auto Method$getParameterTypes(jni.GetMethodID(Method$, "getParameterTypes", "()[Ljava/lang/Class;"));
+ auto Method$getReturnType(jni.GetMethodID(Method$, "getReturnType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;"));
+ auto Modifier$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Modifier"));
+ auto Modifier$isStatic(jni.GetStaticMethodID(Modifier$, "isStatic", "(I)Z"));
+ auto interface(jni.CallBooleanMethod(value, Class$isInterface));
+ auto table(new CYJavaClass(value, interface));
+ for (CYJavaLocal<jclass> prototype(value); prototype; prototype = jni.GetSuperclass(prototype)) {
+ auto fields(jni.CallObjectMethod<jobjectArray>(prototype, Class$getDeclaredFields));
+ for (jsize i(0), e(jni.GetArrayLength(fields)); i != e; ++i) {
+ auto field(jni.GetObjectArrayElement<jobject>(fields, e - i - 1));
+ auto modifiers(jni.CallIntMethod(field, Field$getModifiers));
+ auto instance(!jni.CallStaticBooleanMethod(Modifier$, Modifier$isStatic, modifiers));
+ auto &map(instance ? table->instance_ : table->static_);
+ CYJavaUTF8String name(jni.CallObjectMethod<jstring>(field, Field$getName));
+ auto id(jni.FromReflectedField(field));
+ auto type(jni.CallObjectMethod<jclass>(field, Field$getType));
+ map.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(name), CYJavaField{id, CYJavaGetPrimitive(context, type, Class$getName)}));
+ }
+ }
+ constructor = JSObjectMake(context, CYJavaClass::Class_, table);
+ prototype = JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL);
+ CYSetProperty(context, constructor, prototype_s, prototype, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
+ auto constructors(jni.CallObjectMethod<jobjectArray>(value, Class$getDeclaredConstructors));
+ for (jsize i(0), e(jni.GetArrayLength(constructors)); i != e; ++i) {
+ auto constructor(jni.GetObjectArrayElement<jobject>(constructors, i));
+ auto parameters(jni.CallObjectMethod<jobjectArray>(constructor, Constructor$getParameterTypes));
+ CYJavaShorty shorty(CYJavaGetShorty(context, parameters, Class$getName));
+ auto id(jni.FromReflectedMethod(constructor));
+ table->overload_.insert(CYJavaSignature(constructor, id, CYJavaPrimitiveObject, shorty));
+ }
+ auto methods(jni.CallObjectMethod<jobjectArray>(value, Class$getDeclaredMethods));
+ std::map<std::pair<bool, std::string>, CYJavaOverload> entries;
+ for (jsize i(0), e(jni.GetArrayLength(methods)); i != e; ++i) {
+ auto method(jni.GetObjectArrayElement<jobject>(methods, i));
+ auto modifiers(jni.CallIntMethod(method, Method$getModifiers));
+ auto instance(!jni.CallStaticBooleanMethod(Modifier$, Modifier$isStatic, modifiers));
+ CYJavaUTF8String name(jni.CallObjectMethod<jstring>(method, Method$getName));
+ auto parameters(jni.CallObjectMethod<jobjectArray>(method, Method$getParameterTypes));
+ CYJavaShorty shorty(CYJavaGetShorty(context, parameters, Class$getName));
+ auto type(jni.CallObjectMethod<jclass>(method, Method$getReturnType));
+ auto primitive(CYJavaGetPrimitive(context, type, Class$getName));
+ auto id(jni.FromReflectedMethod(method));
+ entries[std::make_pair(instance, std::string(name))].insert(CYJavaSignature(method, id, primitive, shorty));
+ }
+ for (const auto &entry : entries) {
+ bool instance(entry.first.first);
+ CYJSString name(entry.first.second);
+ auto &overload(entry.second);
+ if (instance)
+ CYSetProperty(context, prototype, name, CYJavaMethod::Make(context, overload), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete);
+ else
+ CYSetProperty(context, constructor, name, CYJavaStaticMethod::Make(context, overload), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete);
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX: for some reason kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum doesn't work if there's already a property with the same name
+ // by not linking the prototypes until after we set the properties, we hide the parent property from this issue :(
+ if (auto super = jni.GetSuperclass(value)) {
+ JSObjectRef parent(CYGetJavaClass(context, super));
+ CYSetPrototype(context, constructor, parent);
+ CYSetPrototype(context, prototype, CYGetProperty(context, parent, prototype_s));
+ }
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, name, constructor);
+ return constructor;
+static void CYCastJavaNumeric(jvalue &value, CYJavaPrimitive primitive, JSContextRef context, JSValueRef argument) {
+ switch (primitive) {
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ value.t = static_cast<j ## type>(CYCastDouble(context, argument)); \
+ break;
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default:
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+static bool CYCastJavaArguments(const CYJavaFrame &frame, const CYJavaShorty &shorty, JSContextRef context, const JSValueRef arguments[], jvalue *array) {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(frame);
+ for (size_t index(0); index != shorty.size(); ++index) {
+ JSValueRef argument(arguments[index]);
+ JSType type(JSValueGetType(context, argument));
+ jvalue &value(array[index]);
+ switch (CYJavaPrimitive primitive = shorty[index]) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ // XXX: figure out a way to tie this in to the CYJavaFrame
+ value.l = CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, argument).leak();
+ break;
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveBoolean:
+ if (type != kJSTypeBoolean)
+ return false;
+ value.z = CYCastBool(context, argument);
+ break;
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveCharacter:
+ if (type == kJSTypeNumber)
+ CYCastJavaNumeric(value, primitive, context, argument);
+ else if (type != kJSTypeString)
+ return false;
+ else {
+ CYJSString string(context, argument);
+ if (JSStringGetLength(string) != 1)
+ return false;
+ else
+ value.c = JSStringGetCharactersPtr(string)[0];
+ }
+ break;
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveByte:
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveShort:
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveInteger:
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveLong:
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveFloat:
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveDouble:
+ if (type != kJSTypeNumber)
+ return false;
+ CYCastJavaNumeric(value, primitive, context, argument);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static JSValueRef JavaMethod_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaMethod::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaObject *self(CYGetJavaObject(context, _this));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(self->value_);
+ CYJavaSignature bound(count);
+ for (auto overload(internal->overload_.lower_bound(bound)), e(internal->overload_.upper_bound(bound)); overload != e; ++overload) {
+ CYJavaFrame frame(jni, count + 16);
+ jvalue array[count];
+ if (!CYCastJavaArguments(frame, overload->shorty_, context, arguments, array))
+ continue;
+ jvalue *values(array);
+ switch (overload->primitive_) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, jni.CallObjectMethodA<jobject>(self->value_, overload->method_, values));
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveVoid:
+ jni.CallVoidMethodA(self->value_, overload->method_, values);
+ return CYJSUndefined(context);
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ return CYJavaCastJSValue(context, jni.Call ## Typ ## MethodA(self->value_, overload->method_, values));
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ CYThrow("invalid method call");
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaStaticMethod_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaStaticMethod::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(CYGetJavaTable(context, _this));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(table->value_);
+ CYJavaSignature bound(count);
+ for (auto overload(internal->overload_.lower_bound(bound)), e(internal->overload_.upper_bound(bound)); overload != e; ++overload) {
+ CYJavaFrame frame(jni, count + 16);
+ jvalue array[count];
+ if (!CYCastJavaArguments(frame, overload->shorty_, context, arguments, array))
+ continue;
+ jvalue *values(array);
+ switch (overload->primitive_) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, jni.CallStaticObjectMethodA<jobject>(table->value_, overload->method_, values));
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveVoid:
+ jni.CallStaticVoidMethodA(table->value_, overload->method_, values);
+ return CYJSUndefined(context);
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ return CYJavaCastJSValue(context, jni.CallStatic ## Typ ## MethodA(table->value_, overload->method_, values));
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ CYThrow("invalid method call");
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSObjectRef JavaClass_callAsConstructor(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto table(CYJavaClass::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(table->value_);
+ jclass _class(table->value_);
+ if (table->interface_ && count == 1) {
+ auto Cycript$(jni.FindClass("Cycript"));
+ auto Cycript$Make(jni.GetStaticMethodID(Cycript$, "proxy", "(Ljava/lang/Class;LCycript$Wrapper;)Ljava/lang/Object;"));
+ return CYCastJSObject(context, jni.CallObjectMethod<jobject>(Cycript$, Cycript$Make, _class, CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, CYCastJSObject(context, arguments[0])).get()));
+ }
+ CYJavaSignature bound(count);
+ for (auto overload(table->overload_.lower_bound(bound)), e(table->overload_.upper_bound(bound)); overload != e; ++overload) {
+ CYJavaFrame frame(jni, count + 16);
+ jvalue array[count];
+ if (!CYCastJavaArguments(frame, overload->shorty_, context, arguments, array))
+ continue;
+ jvalue *values(array);
+ auto object(jni.NewObjectA(_class, overload->method_, values));
+ return CYCastJSObject(context, object);
+ }
+ CYThrow("invalid constructor call");
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static bool JavaStaticInterior_hasProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property) {
+ auto internal(CYJavaStaticInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ auto name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
+ auto field(table->static_.find(name));
+ if (field == table->static_.end())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static JSValueRef JavaStaticInterior_getProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaStaticInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ CYJavaEnv jni(table->value_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ auto name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
+ auto field(table->static_.find(name));
+ if (field == table->static_.end())
+ return NULL;
+ switch (field->second.primitive_) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, jni.GetStaticObjectField<jobject>(table->value_, field->second.field_));
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ return CYJavaCastJSValue(context, jni.GetStatic ## Typ ## Field(table->value_, field->second.field_));
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static bool JavaStaticInterior_setProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaStaticInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ CYJavaEnv jni(table->value_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ auto name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
+ auto field(table->static_.find(name));
+ if (field == table->static_.end())
+ return false;
+ switch (field->second.primitive_) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ jni.SetStaticObjectField(table->value_, field->second.field_, CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, value));
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ jni.SetStatic ## Typ ## Field(table->value_, field->second.field_, CYCastDouble(context, value)); \
+ break;
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+ return true;
+} CYCatch(false) }
+static void JavaStaticInterior_getPropertyNames(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef names) {
+ auto internal(CYJavaStaticInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ for (const auto &field : table->static_)
+ JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName(names, CYJSString(field.first));
+static JSValueRef JavaClass_getProperty_class(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto table(CYJavaClass::Get(context, object));
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, table->value_);
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static bool JavaInterior_hasProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property) {
+ auto internal(CYJavaInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ auto name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
+ auto field(table->instance_.find(name));
+ if (field == table->instance_.end())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static JSValueRef JavaInterior_getProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(internal->value_);
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ auto name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
+ auto field(table->instance_.find(name));
+ if (field == table->instance_.end())
+ return NULL;
+ switch (field->second.primitive_) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, jni.GetObjectField<jobject>(internal->value_, field->second.field_));
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ return CYJavaCastJSValue(context, jni.Get ## Typ ## Field(internal->value_, field->second.field_));
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static bool JavaInterior_setProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(internal->value_);
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ auto name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
+ auto field(table->instance_.find(name));
+ if (field == table->instance_.end())
+ return false;
+ switch (field->second.primitive_) {
+ case CYJavaPrimitiveObject:
+ jni.SetObjectField(table->value_, field->second.field_, CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, value));
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: \
+ jni.Set ## Typ ## Field(table->value_, field->second.field_, CYCastDouble(context, value)); \
+ break;
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+ return true;
+} CYCatch(false) }
+static void JavaInterior_getPropertyNames(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef names) {
+ auto internal(CYJavaInterior::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaClass *table(internal->table_);
+ for (const auto &field : table->instance_)
+ JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName(names, CYJSString(field.first));
+static JSValueRef JavaObject_getProperty_constructor(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaObject::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(internal->value_);
+ return CYGetJavaClass(context, jni.GetObjectClass(internal->value_));
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaClass_getProperty_$cyi(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaClass::Get(context, object));
+ return CYJavaStaticInterior::Make(context, internal->value_, internal);
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaObject_getProperty_$cyi(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaObject::Get(context, object));
+ return CYJavaInterior::Make(context, internal->value_, internal->table_);
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaClass_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaClass::Get(context, _this));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(internal->value_);
+ auto Class$(jni.FindClass("java/lang/Class"));
+ auto Class$getCanonicalName(jni.GetMethodID(Class$, "getCanonicalName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(jni.CallObjectMethod<jstring>(internal->value_, Class$getCanonicalName)));
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaMethod_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ std::ostringstream cyon;
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(cyon.str()));
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaStaticMethod_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ std::ostringstream cyon;
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(cyon.str()));
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef JavaArray_getProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaArray::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(internal->value_);
+ if (JSStringIsEqual(property, length_s))
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, jni.GetArrayLength(internal->value_));
+ CYPool pool;
+ ssize_t offset;
+ if (!CYGetOffset(pool, context, property, offset))
+ return NULL;
+ if (internal->primitive_ == CYJavaPrimitiveObject)
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, jni.GetObjectArrayElement<jobject>(static_cast<jobjectArray>(internal->value_.value_), offset));
+ else switch (internal->primitive_) {
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: { \
+ j ## type element; \
+ jni.Get ## Typ ## ArrayRegion(static_cast<j ## type ## Array>(internal->value_.value_), offset, 1, &element); \
+ return CYJavaCastJSValue(context, element); \
+ } break;
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static bool JavaArray_setProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaArray::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaEnv jni(internal->value_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ ssize_t offset;
+ if (!CYGetOffset(pool, context, property, offset))
+ return false;
+ if (internal->primitive_ == CYJavaPrimitiveObject)
+ jni.SetObjectArrayElement(static_cast<jobjectArray>(internal->value_.value_), offset, CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, value));
+ else switch (internal->primitive_) {
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ case CYJavaPrimitive ## Type: { \
+ j ## type element; \
+ jni.Get ## Typ ## ArrayRegion(static_cast<j ## type ## Array>(internal->value_.value_), offset, 1, &element); \
+ return CYJavaCastJSValue(context, element); \
+ } break;
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ default: _assert(false);
+ }
+ return true;
+} CYCatch(false) }
+static JSValueRef JavaPackage_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaPackage::Get(context, _this));
+ std::ostringstream name;
+ for (auto &package : internal->package_)
+ name << package << '.';
+ name << '*';
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(name.str()));
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static bool CYJavaPackage_hasProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property) {
+ return true;
+static JSValueRef CYJavaPackage_getProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ auto internal(CYJavaPackage::Get(context, object));
+ CYJavaPackage::Path package(internal->package_);
+ CYPool pool;
+ const char *next(CYPoolCString(pool, context, property));
+ std::ostringstream name;
+ for (auto &package : internal->package_)
+ name << package << '/';
+ name << next;
+ JNIEnv *jni(GetJNI(context));
+ if (auto _class = jni->FindClass(name.str().c_str()))
+ return CYGetJavaClass(context, CYJavaLocal<jclass>(jni, _class));
+ jni->ExceptionClear();
+ package.push_back(next);
+ return CYJavaPackage::Make(context, package);
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static void Cycript_delete(JNIEnv *env, jclass api, jlong jprotect) { CYJavaTry {
+ delete &protect;
+} CYJavaCatch() }
+static jobject Cycript_handle(JNIEnv *env, jclass api, jlong jprotect, jstring property, jobjectArray jarguments) { CYJavaTry {
+ JSValueRef function(CYGetProperty(context, object, CYJSString(CYJavaRef<jstring>(jni, property))));
+ if (JSValueIsUndefined(context, function))
+ return NULL;
+ size_t count(jarguments == NULL ? 0 : jni.GetArrayLength(jarguments));
+ JSValueRef arguments[count];
+ for (size_t index(0); index != count; ++index)
+ arguments[index] = CYCastJSValue(context, jni.GetObjectArrayElement<jobject>(jarguments, index));
+ return CYCastJavaObject(jni, context, CYCallAsFunction(context, CYCastJSObject(context, function), object, count, arguments)).leak();
+} CYJavaCatch(NULL) }
+static JNINativeMethod Cycript_[] = {
+ {(char *) "delete", (char *) "(J)V", (void *) &Cycript_delete},
+ {(char *) "handle", (char *) "(JLjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", (void *) &Cycript_handle},
+template <typename Type_>
+static _finline void dlset(Type_ &function, const char *name, void *handle) {
+ function = reinterpret_cast<Type_>(dlsym(handle, name));
+jint CYJavaVersion(JNI_VERSION_1_4);
+static JNIEnv *CYGetCreatedJava(jint (*$JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs)(JavaVM **, jsize, jsize *)) {
+ jsize capacity(16);
+ JavaVM *jvms[capacity];
+ jsize size;
+ _jnicall($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(jvms, capacity, &size));
+ if (size == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ JavaVM *jvm(jvms[0]);
+ JNIEnv *jni;
+ _jnicall(jvm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&jni), CYJavaVersion));
+ return jni;
+static JNIEnv *GetJNI_(JSContextRef context) {
+ static JavaVM *jvm(NULL);
+ static JNIEnv *jni(NULL);
+ if (jni != NULL)
+ return jni;
+ CYPool pool;
+ void *handle(RTLD_DEFAULT);
+ std::string library;
+ jint (*$JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs)(JavaVM **jvms, jsize capacity, jsize *size);
+ dlset($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs", handle);
+ if ($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs != NULL) {
+ if (JNIEnv *jni = CYGetCreatedJava($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs))
+ return jni;
+ } else {
+ std::vector<const char *> guesses;
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ char android[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
+ if (__system_property_get("persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib", android) != 0)
+ guesses.push_back(android);
+ guesses.push_back("libart.so");
+ guesses.push_back("libdvm.so");
+ guesses.push_back("libjvm.so");
+ for (const char *guess : guesses) {
+ handle = dlopen(guess, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
+ if (handle != NULL) {
+ library = guess;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _assert(library.size() != 0);
+ dlset($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs", handle);
+ if (JNIEnv *jni = CYGetCreatedJava($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs))
+ return jni;
+ }
+ std::vector<JavaVMOption> options;
+ {
+ std::ostringstream option;
+ option << "-Djava.class.path=";
+ option << CYPoolLibraryPath(pool) << "/libcycript.jar";
+ if (const char *classpath = getenv("CLASSPATH"))
+ option << ':' << classpath;
+ options.push_back(JavaVMOption{pool.strdup(option.str().c_str()), NULL});
+ }
+ // To use libnativehelper to access JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs, you need JniInvocation.
+ // ...but there can only be one JniInvocation, and assuradely the other VM has it.
+ // Essentially, this API makes no sense. We need it for AndroidRuntime, though :/.
+ if (void *libnativehelper = dlopen("libnativehelper.so", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL)) {
+ class JniInvocation$;
+ JniInvocation$ *(*JniInvocation$$init$)(JniInvocation$ *self)(NULL);
+ bool (*JniInvocation$Init)(JniInvocation$ *self, const char *library)(NULL);
+ JniInvocation$ *(*JniInvocation$finalize)(JniInvocation$ *self)(NULL);
+ dlset(JniInvocation$$init$, "_ZN13JniInvocationC1Ev", libnativehelper);
+ dlset(JniInvocation$Init, "_ZN13JniInvocation4InitEPKc", libnativehelper);
+ dlset(JniInvocation$finalize, "_ZN13JniInvocationD1Ev", libnativehelper);
+ if (JniInvocation$$init$ == NULL)
+ dlclose(libnativehelper);
+ else {
+ // XXX: we should attach a pool to the VM itself and deallocate this there
+ //auto invocation(pool.calloc<JniInvocation$>(1, 1024));
+ //_assert(JniInvocation$finalize != NULL);
+ //pool.atexit(reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void *)>(JniInvocation$finalize), invocation);
+ auto invocation(static_cast<JniInvocation$ *>(calloc(1, 1024)));
+ JniInvocation$$init$(invocation);
+ _assert(JniInvocation$Init != NULL);
+ JniInvocation$Init(invocation, NULL);
+ dlset($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs", libnativehelper);
+ if (JNIEnv *jni = CYGetCreatedJava($JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs))
+ return jni;
+ }
+ }
+ if (void *libandroid_runtime = dlopen("libandroid_runtime.so", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL)) {
+ class AndroidRuntime$;
+ AndroidRuntime$ *(*AndroidRuntime$$init$)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, char *args, unsigned int size)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$startVm)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, JavaVM **jvm, JNIEnv **jni)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$startReg)(JNIEnv *jni)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$addOption)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, const char *option, void *extra)(NULL);
+ int (*AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments)(AndroidRuntime$ *self, int, const char *const argv[])(NULL);
+ AndroidRuntime$ *(*AndroidRuntime$finalize)(AndroidRuntime$ *self)(NULL);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$$init$, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntimeC1EPcj", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$startVm, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime7startVmEPP7_JavaVMPP7_JNIEnv", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$startReg, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime8startRegEP7_JNIEnv", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$addOption, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime9addOptionEPKcPv", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime14addVmArgumentsEiPKPKc", libandroid_runtime);
+ dlset(AndroidRuntime$finalize, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntimeD1Ev", libandroid_runtime);
+ // XXX: it would also be interesting to attach this to a global pool
+ AndroidRuntime$ *runtime(pool.calloc<AndroidRuntime$>(1, 1024));
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$$init$ != NULL);
+ AndroidRuntime$$init$(runtime, NULL, 0);
+ if (AndroidRuntime$addOption == NULL) {
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments != NULL);
+ std::vector<const char *> arguments;
+ for (const auto &option : options)
+ arguments.push_back(option.optionString);
+ AndroidRuntime$addVmArguments(runtime, arguments.size(), arguments.data());
+ } else for (const auto &option : options)
+ AndroidRuntime$addOption(runtime, option.optionString, option.extraInfo);
+ int failure;
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$startVm != NULL);
+ failure = AndroidRuntime$startVm(runtime, &jvm, &jni);
+ _assert(failure == 0);
+ _assert(AndroidRuntime$startReg != NULL);
+ failure = AndroidRuntime$startReg(jni);
+ _assert(failure == 0);
+ return jni;
+ }
+ jint (*$JNI_CreateJavaVM)(JavaVM **jvm, void **, void *);
+ dlset($JNI_CreateJavaVM, "JNI_CreateJavaVM", handle);
+ JavaVMInitArgs args;
+ memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+ args.version = CYJavaVersion;
+ args.nOptions = options.size();
+ args.options = options.data();
+ _jnicall($JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&jni), &args));
+ return jni;
+static JNIEnv *GetJNI(JSContextRef context) {
+ CYJavaEnv jni(GetJNI_(context));
+ auto Cycript$(jni.FindClass("Cycript"));
+ jni.RegisterNatives(Cycript$, Cycript_, sizeof(Cycript_) / sizeof(Cycript_[0]));
+ return jni;
+static JSStaticValue JavaClass_staticValues[3] = {
+ {"class", &JavaClass_getProperty_class, NULL, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {"$cyi", &JavaClass_getProperty_$cyi, NULL, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+static JSStaticFunction JavaClass_staticFunctions[2] = {
+ {"toCYON", &JavaClass_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static JSStaticValue JavaObject_staticValues[3] = {
+ {"constructor", &JavaObject_getProperty_constructor, NULL, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {"$cyi", &JavaObject_getProperty_$cyi, NULL, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+static JSStaticFunction JavaMethod_staticFunctions[2] = {
+ {"toCYON", &JavaMethod_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static JSStaticFunction JavaStaticMethod_staticFunctions[2] = {
+ {"toCYON", &JavaStaticMethod_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static JSStaticFunction JavaPackage_staticFunctions[2] = {
+ {"toCYON", &JavaPackage_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+void CYJava_Initialize() {
+ Primitives_.insert(std::make_pair("void", CYJavaPrimitiveVoid));
+#define CYJavaForEachPrimitive_(T, t, Typ, Type, type) \
+ Primitives_.insert(std::make_pair(#type, CYJavaPrimitive ## Type));
+#undef CYJavaForEachPrimitive_
+ JSClassDefinition definition;
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.className = "JavaClass";
+ definition.staticValues = JavaClass_staticValues;
+ definition.staticFunctions = JavaClass_staticFunctions;
+ definition.callAsConstructor = &JavaClass_callAsConstructor;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaClass::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.attributes = kJSClassAttributeNoAutomaticPrototype;
+ definition.className = "JavaInterior";
+ definition.hasProperty = &JavaInterior_hasProperty;
+ definition.getProperty = &JavaInterior_getProperty;
+ definition.setProperty = &JavaInterior_setProperty;
+ definition.getPropertyNames = &JavaInterior_getPropertyNames;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaInterior::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.className = "JavaMethod";
+ definition.staticFunctions = JavaMethod_staticFunctions;
+ definition.callAsFunction = &JavaMethod_callAsFunction;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaMethod::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.className = "JavaStaticMethod";
+ definition.staticFunctions = JavaStaticMethod_staticFunctions;
+ definition.callAsFunction = &JavaStaticMethod_callAsFunction;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaStaticMethod::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.attributes = kJSClassAttributeNoAutomaticPrototype;
+ definition.className = "JavaObject";
+ definition.staticValues = JavaObject_staticValues;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaObject::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.className = "JavaArray";
+ definition.getProperty = &JavaArray_getProperty;
+ definition.setProperty = &JavaArray_setProperty;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaArray::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.className = "JavaPackage";
+ definition.staticFunctions = JavaPackage_staticFunctions;
+ definition.hasProperty = &CYJavaPackage_hasProperty;
+ definition.getProperty = &CYJavaPackage_getProperty;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaPackage::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
+ definition.attributes = kJSClassAttributeNoAutomaticPrototype;
+ definition.className = "JavaStaticInterior";
+ definition.hasProperty = &JavaStaticInterior_hasProperty;
+ definition.getProperty = &JavaStaticInterior_getProperty;
+ definition.setProperty = &JavaStaticInterior_setProperty;
+ definition.getPropertyNames = &JavaStaticInterior_getPropertyNames;
+ definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
+ CYJavaStaticInterior::Class_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+void CYJava_SetupContext(JSContextRef context) {
+ JSObjectRef global(CYGetGlobalObject(context));
+ //JSObjectRef cy(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, cy_s)));
+ JSObjectRef cycript(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("Cycript"))));
+ JSObjectRef all(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("all"))));
+ //JSObjectRef alls(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("alls"))));
+ JSObjectRef Java(JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("Java"), Java);
+ JSObjectRef Packages(CYJavaPackage::Make(context, CYJavaPackage::Path()));
+ CYSetProperty(context, all, CYJSString("Packages"), Packages);
+ for (auto name : (const char *[]) {"java", "javax", "android", "com", "net", "org"}) {
+ CYJSString js(name);
+ CYSetProperty(context, all, js, CYGetProperty(context, Packages, js));
+ }
+static CYHook CYJavaHook = {
+ &CYJava_Initialize,
+ &CYJava_SetupContext,
+CYRegisterHook CYJava(&CYJavaHook);