/* }}} */
#include "cycript.hpp"
-#include "Parser.hpp"
#include <sstream>
+#include "Syntax.hpp"
void CYOutput::Terminate() {
operator ()(';');
mode_ = NoMode;
void CYBoolean::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- out << (Value() ? "true" : "false");
+ out << '!' << (Value() ? "0" : "1");
+ if ((flags & CYNoInteger) != 0)
+ out << '.';
void CYBreak::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
} }
-void CYComment::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- out << '\r';
- out(value_);
- out.right_ = true;
- out << '\r';
+void CYClassExpression::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ bool protect((flags & CYNoClass) != 0);
+ if (protect)
+ out << '(';
+ out << "class";
+ if (name_ != NULL)
+ out << ' ' << *name_;
+ out << *tail_;;
+ if (protect)
+ out << ')';
+void CYClassStatement::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ out << "class" << ' ' << *name_ << *tail_;
+void CYClassTail::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ if (extends_ == NULL)
+ out << ' ';
+ else {
+ out << '\n';
+ ++out.indent_;
+ out << "extends" << ' ';
+ extends_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_ - 1, CYNoFlags);
+ out << '\n';
+ --out.indent_;
+ }
+ out << '{' << '\n';
+ ++out.indent_;
+ --out.indent_;
+ out << '}';
void CYCompound::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+void CYComputed::PropertyName(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << '[';
+ expression_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
+ out << ']';
void CYCondition::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
test_->Output(out, Precedence() - 1, CYLeft(flags));
out << ' ' << '?' << ' ';
out << "while" << ' ' << '(' << *test_ << ')';
-void CYElement::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+void CYElementSpread::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << "..." << value_;
+void CYElementValue::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
if (value_ != NULL)
value_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
if (next_ != NULL || value_ == NULL) {
out << ',';
- if (next_ != NULL && next_->value_ != NULL)
+ if (next_ != NULL && !next_->Elision())
out << ' ';
if (next_ != NULL)
void CYExpress::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- expression_->Output(out, flags | CYNoBF);
+ expression_->Output(out, flags | CYNoBFC);
out << ';';
-void CYExpression::ClassName(CYOutput &out, bool object) const {
- Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
void CYExpression::ForIn(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
Output(out, flags | CYNoRightHand);
void CYForOfComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << "for" << ' ' << "each" << ' ' << '(' << *name_ << ' ' << "in" << ' ' << *set_ << ')' << next_;
+ out << "for" << ' ' << "each" << ' ' << '(';
+ declaration_->Output(out, CYNoIn);
+ out << ' ' << "in" << ' ' << *set_ << ')' << next_;
void CYForIn::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
void CYForInComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << "for" << ' ' << '(' << *name_ << ' ' << "in" << ' ' << *set_ << ')';
+ out << "for" << ' ' << '(';
+ declaration_->Output(out, CYNoIn);
+ out << ' ' << "in" << ' ' << *set_ << ')';
-void CYFunction::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- // XXX: one could imagine using + here to save a byte
- bool protect((flags & CYNoFunction) != 0);
- if (protect)
- out << '(';
- out << "function";
- if (name_ != NULL)
- out << ' ' << *name_;
+void CYFunction::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
out << '(' << parameters_ << ')' << ' ';
out << '{' << '\n';
out << code_;
out << '\t' << '}';
- if (protect)
- out << ')';
void CYFunctionExpression::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- CYFunction::Output(out, flags);
+ // XXX: one could imagine using + here to save a byte
+ bool protect((flags & CYNoFunction) != 0);
+ if (protect)
+ out << '(';
+ out << "function";
+ if (name_ != NULL)
+ out << ' ' << *name_;
+ CYFunction::Output(out);
+ if (protect)
+ out << ')';
void CYFunctionStatement::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- CYFunction::Output(out, flags);
+ out << "function" << ' ' << *name_;
+ CYFunction::Output(out);
void CYFunctionParameter::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+void CYTemplate::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ _assert(false);
void CYTypeArrayOf::Output(CYOutput &out, CYIdentifier *identifier) const {
next_->Output(out, Precedence(), identifier);
out << '[';
out << "typedef" << ' ' << *typed_;
-void CYLetStatement::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- out << "let" << ' ' << '(' << *declarations_ << ')';
- code_->Single(out, CYRight(flags), CYCompactShort);
+void CYLet::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ out << "let" << ' ';
+ declarations_->Output(out, flags); // XXX: flags
+ out << ';';
void CYModule::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
} }
void CYNull::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- CYWord::Output(out);
+ out << "null";
void CYNumber::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
rhs_->Output(out, Precedence(), CYRight(flags));
-void CYProgram::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+void CYScript::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
out << code_;
void CYProperty::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ if (next_ != NULL || out.pretty_)
+ out << ',';
+ out << '\n' << next_;
+void CYPropertyGetter::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << "get" << ' ';
+ name_->PropertyName(out);
+ CYFunction::Output(out);
+ CYProperty::Output(out);
+void CYPropertyMethod::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ name_->PropertyName(out);
+ CYFunction::Output(out);
+ CYProperty::Output(out);
+void CYPropertySetter::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << "set" << ' ';
+ name_->PropertyName(out);
+ CYFunction::Output(out);
+ CYProperty::Output(out);
+void CYPropertyValue::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
out << '\t';
out << ':' << ' ';
value_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
- if (next_ != NULL)
- out << ',' << '\n' << *next_;
- else
- out << '\n';
+ CYProperty::Output(out);
void CYRegEx::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
void CYRubyProc::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- // XXX: this is not outputting the parameters
- out << '{' << '\n';
+ out << '{' << ' ' << '|' << parameters_ << '|' << '\n';
out << code_;
return value;
+void CYSuperAccess::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ out << "super";
+ if (const char *word = property_->Word())
+ out << '.' << word;
+ else
+ out << '[' << *property_ << ']';
+void CYSuperCall::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ out << "super" << '(' << arguments_ << ')';
void CYSwitch::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "switch" << ' ' << '(' << *value_ << ')' << ' ' << '{' << '\n';
void CYThis::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- CYWord::Output(out);
+ out << "this";
namespace cy {
void CYVar::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "var" << ' ';
- declarations_->Output(out, flags);
+ declarations_->Output(out, flags); // XXX: flags
out << ';';
code_->Single(out, CYRight(flags), CYCompactShort);
-void CYWord::ClassName(CYOutput &out, bool object) const {
- if (object)
- out << "objc_getClass(";
- out << '"' << Word() << '"';
- if (object)
- out << ')';
void CYWord::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
out << Word();
if (out.options_.verbose_) {