unicode identifier support (native and \u)
support unions (right now 0-1 fields parsed as struct)
look into what String is, and whether to bridge it
Object_callAsFunction_toCYON should be implemented
[NSString stringWithString:""] crashes, on linux, not on mac
+GS #defines should be _finline
replace procmod g+s with gdb's macosx_get_task_for_pid_rights
+non-local return prologue is not being Replace()d: multipass compiler!
+interpretation of documentation comments should be compiler-only and off by default
+don't ever generate $ CYWith, in particular for CYLet... use CYFunctionExpression
+semi-colin insertion warings should mark after the previous token, not on the current one: makes a /lot/ more sense
+new for pools should take a reference, not a pointer
+output errors during Trampoline to some kind of log file
+cy# ["" <TAB> -> {message:"'undefined' is not an object (evaluating '\"\".$cyi.isa')",line:1,sourceId:30583072,name:"TypeError"}
+ now: cy# ["" <TAB> -> *** _assert(false):Console.cpp(214):ParseExpression [errno=12]
+there is a reinterpret_cast<> that I replaced with an old-style cast on the output of dladdr
+why do I never deallocate ffi closures?
+cy# (function() { for each (var index in [1, 3]) system.print(index); })()
+(function(){with({$cys:[1,3],$cyt:undefined})for($cyt in $cys){index=$cys[$cyt];system.print(index)}})()
+cy# (function() { var index; for each (var index in [1, 3]) system.print(index); })()
+(function(){var e;;with({$cys:[1,3],$cyt:undefined})for($cyt in $cys){e=$cys[$cyt];system.print(e)}})()
+make a reference holder for namearrays
+rename names to accumulator when it is a name accumulator, and retake names for subset
+I believe calls to mutableCopy will leak memory
+consider pointerTo instead of toPointer
+store the last exception in a variable
+should WebUndefined be @undefined?
+if something is a function, it should be output differently
+evaluate usages of CYTry in ObjectiveC/Library for CYObjectiveTry
+verify name targets of "incorrect number of arguments to"