return this;
+CYExpression *CYCall::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ CYArgument **argument(&arguments_);
+ while (*argument != NULL)
+ argument = &(*argument)->next_;
+ *argument = $ CYArgument(value);
+ return this;
CYExpression *CYCall::Replace(CYContext &context) {
namespace Syntax {
void Catch::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
+ CYScope scope(CYScopeCatch, context, code_.statements_);
+ context.Replace(name_);
+ context.scope_->Declare(context, name_, CYIdentifierCatch);
+ scope.Close();
} }
return this;
+void CYContext::NonLocal(CYStatement *&statements) {
+ CYContext &context(*this);
+ if (nextlocal_ != NULL && nextlocal_->identifier_ != NULL) {
+ CYIdentifier *cye($I("$cye")->Replace(context));
+ CYIdentifier *unique(nextlocal_->identifier_->Replace(context));
+ CYStatement *declare(
+ $ CYVar($L1($L(unique, $ CYObject()))));
+ cy::Syntax::Catch *rescue(
+ $ cy::Syntax::Catch(cye, $$->*
+ $ CYIf($ CYIdentical($M($V(cye), $S("$cyk")), $V(unique)), $$->*
+ $ CYReturn($M($V(cye), $S("$cyv"))))->*
+ $ cy::Syntax::Throw($V(cye))));
+ declare = declare->Replace(context);
+ rescue->Replace(context);
+ statements = $$->*
+ declare->*
+ $ cy::Syntax::Try(statements, rescue, NULL);
+ }
+CYIdentifier *CYContext::Unique() {
+ return $ CYIdentifier(apr_psprintf($pool, "$cy%u", unique_++));
CYStatement *CYContinue::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
CYExpression *CYDeclaration::ForEachIn(CYContext &context) {
- return $ CYVariable(identifier_);
+ return $V(identifier_);
CYExpression *CYDeclaration::Replace(CYContext &context) {
context.scope_->Declare(context, identifier_, CYIdentifierVariable);
- return $ CYVariable(identifier_);
+ return $V(identifier_);
CYProperty *CYDeclarations::Property(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
return this;
+CYExpression *CYExpression::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ return $C1(this, value);
CYExpression *CYExpression::ClassName(CYContext &context, bool object) {
return this;
CYStatement *CYForInComprehension::Replace(CYContext &context, CYStatement *statement) const {
- return $ CYForIn($ CYVariable(name_), set_, CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement));
+ return $ CYForIn($V(name_), set_, CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement));
CYStatement *CYForEachIn::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- CYVariable *cys($V("$cys")), *cyt($V("$cyt"));
+ CYIdentifier *cys($I("$cys")), *cyt($I("$cyt"));
- return $ CYLet($L2($L($I("$cys"), set_), $L($I("$cyt"))), $$->*
- $ CYForIn(cyt, cys, $ CYBlock($$->*
- $E($ CYAssign(initialiser_->ForEachIn(context), $M(cys, cyt)))->*
+ return $ CYLet($L2($L(cys, set_), $L(cyt)), $$->*
+ $ CYForIn($V(cyt), $V(cys), $ CYBlock($$->*
+ $E($ CYAssign(initialiser_->ForEachIn(context), $M($V(cys), $V(cyt))))->*
CYStatement *CYForEachInComprehension::Replace(CYContext &context, CYStatement *statement) const {
- CYVariable *cys($V("$cys")), *name($ CYVariable(name_));
+ CYIdentifier *cys($I("cys"));
return $E($C0($F(NULL, $P1("$cys"), $$->*
- $E($ CYAssign(cys, set_))->*
- $ CYForIn(name, cys, $ CYBlock($$->*
- $E($ CYAssign(name, $M(cys, name)))->*
+ $E($ CYAssign($V(cys), set_))->*
+ $ CYForIn($V(name_), $V(cys), $ CYBlock($$->*
+ $E($ CYAssign($V(name_), $M($V(cys), $V(name_))))->*
CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement)
if (outer)
- parent_ = context.scope_;
- context.scope_ = this;
+ CYScope scope(CYScopeFunction, context, code_.statements_);
+ CYNonLocal *nonlocal(context.nonlocal_);
+ CYNonLocal *nextlocal(context.nextlocal_);
+ bool localize;
+ if (nonlocal_ != NULL) {
+ localize = false;
+ context.nonlocal_ = nonlocal_;
+ } else {
+ localize = true;
+ nonlocal_ = $ CYNonLocal();
+ context.nextlocal_ = nonlocal_;
+ }
if (!outer && name_ != NULL)
- parameters_->Replace(context);
+ if (parameters_ != NULL)
+ parameters_ = parameters_->Replace(context, code_);
- context.scope_ = parent_;
- Scope(context, code_.statements_);
+ if (localize)
+ context.NonLocal(code_.statements_);
+ context.nextlocal_ = nextlocal;
+ context.nonlocal_ = nonlocal;
+ scope.Close();
CYExpression *CYFunctionExpression::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
-void CYFunctionParameter::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
+CYFunctionParameter *CYFunctionParameter::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBlock &code) {
name_ = name_->Replace(context);
context.scope_->Declare(context, name_, CYIdentifierArgument);
- next_->Replace(context);
+ if (next_ != NULL)
+ next_ = next_->Replace(context, code);
+ return this;
CYStatement *CYFunctionStatement::Replace(CYContext &context) {
-CYExpression *CYNew::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+namespace cy {
+namespace Syntax {
+CYExpression *New::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ CYArgument **argument(&arguments_);
+ while (*argument != NULL)
+ argument = &(*argument)->next_;
+ *argument = $ CYArgument(value);
+ return this;
+CYExpression *New::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
+} }
CYNumber *CYNull::Number(CYContext &context) {
return $D(0);
CYString *CYNumber::String(CYContext &context) {
// XXX: there is a precise algorithm for this
- return $S(apr_psprintf(context.pool_, "%.17g", Value()));
+ return $S(apr_psprintf($pool, "%.17g", Value()));
CYExpression *CYObject::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
+CYFunctionParameter *CYOptionalFunctionParameter::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBlock &code) {
+ CYFunctionParameter *parameter($ CYFunctionParameter(name_, next_));
+ parameter = parameter->Replace(context, code);
+ initializer_ = initializer_->Replace(context);
+ CYVariable *name($V(name_));
+ code.AddPrev($ CYIf($ CYIdentical($ CYTypeOf(name), $S("undefined")), $$->*
+ $E($ CYAssign(name, initializer_))
+ ));
+ return parameter;
CYExpression *CYPostfix::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
#define MappingSet "0etnirsoalfucdphmgyvbxTwSNECAFjDLkMOIBPqzRH$_WXUVGYKQJZ"
//#define MappingSet "0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_"
-void CYProgram::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- parent_ = context.scope_;
- CYProgram *program(context.program_);
+namespace {
+ struct IdentifierUsageLess :
+ std::binary_function<CYIdentifier *, CYIdentifier *, bool>
+ {
+ _finline bool operator ()(CYIdentifier *lhs, CYIdentifier *rhs) const {
+ if (lhs->usage_ != rhs->usage_)
+ return lhs->usage_ > rhs->usage_;
+ return lhs < rhs;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::set<CYIdentifier *, IdentifierUsageLess> IdentifierUsages;
- context.scope_ = this;
- context.program_ = this;
+void CYProgram::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYScope scope(CYScopeProgram, context, statements_);
+ context.nextlocal_ = $ CYNonLocal();
statements_ = statements_->ReplaceAll(context);
+ context.NonLocal(statements_);
- context.scope_ = parent_;
- context.program_ = program;
- Scope(context, statements_);
+ scope.Close();
size_t offset(0);
CYCStringSet external;
- for (CYIdentifierValueSet::const_iterator i(identifiers_.begin()); i != identifiers_.end(); ++i)
+ for (CYIdentifierValueSet::const_iterator i(scope.identifiers_.begin()); i != scope.identifiers_.end(); ++i)
+ IdentifierUsages usages;
+ if (offset < context.rename_.size())
+ for (CYIdentifier *i(context.rename_[offset].identifier_); i != NULL; i = i->next_)
+ usages.insert(i);
// XXX: totalling the probable occurrences and sorting by them would improve the result
- for (CYIdentifierAddressVector::const_iterator i(rename_.begin()); i != rename_.end(); ++i, ++offset) {
+ for (CYIdentifierUsageVector::const_iterator i(context.rename_.begin()); i != context.rename_.end(); ++i, ++offset) {
//std::cout << *i << ":" << (*i)->offset_ << std::endl;
const char *name;
if (context.options_.verbose_)
- name = apr_psprintf(context.pool_, "$%"APR_SIZE_T_FMT"", offset);
+ name = apr_psprintf($pool, "$%"APR_SIZE_T_FMT"", offset);
else {
char id[8];
id[7] = '\0';
goto id;
- name = apr_pstrmemdup(context.pool_, id + position, 7 - position);
+ name = apr_pstrmemdup($pool, id + position, 7 - position);
// XXX: at some point, this could become a keyword
- for (CYIdentifier *identifier(*i); identifier != NULL; identifier = identifier->next_)
+ for (CYIdentifier *identifier(i->identifier_); identifier != NULL; identifier = identifier->next_)
CYStatement *CYReturn::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ if (context.nonlocal_ != NULL) {
+ CYProperty *value(value_ == NULL ? NULL : $ CYProperty($S("$cyv"), value_));
+ return $ cy::Syntax::Throw($ CYObject(
+ $ CYProperty($S("$cyk"), $V(context.nonlocal_->Target(context)), value)
+ ));
+ }
return this;
+CYExpression *CYRubyBlock::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ // XXX: this needs to do something much more epic to handle return
+ return call_->AddArgument(context, proc_->Replace(context));
+CYExpression *CYRubyProc::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYFunctionExpression *function($ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_));
+ function->nonlocal_ = context.nextlocal_;
+ return function;
+CYScope::CYScope(CYScopeType type, CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements) :
+ type_(type),
+ context_(context),
+ statements_(statements),
+ parent_(context.scope_)
+ context_.scope_ = this;
+void CYScope::Close() {
+ context_.scope_ = parent_;
+ Scope(context_, statements_);
void CYScope::Declare(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier, CYIdentifierFlags flags) {
- internal_.insert(CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap::value_type(identifier, flags));
+ if (type_ == CYScopeCatch && flags != CYIdentifierCatch)
+ parent_->Declare(context, identifier, flags);
+ else
+ internal_.insert(CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap::value_type(identifier, flags));
CYIdentifier *CYScope::Lookup(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier) {
if ((*insert.first)->offset_ < identifier->offset_)
(*insert.first)->offset_ = identifier->offset_;
identifier->replace_ = *insert.first;
+ (*insert.first)->usage_ += identifier->usage_ + 1;
struct IdentifierOffset {
size_t offset_;
CYIdentifierFlags flags_;
+ size_t usage_;
CYIdentifier *identifier_;
- IdentifierOffset(size_t offset, CYIdentifierFlags flags, CYIdentifier *identifier) :
- offset_(offset),
+ IdentifierOffset(CYIdentifier *identifier, CYIdentifierFlags flags) :
+ offset_(identifier->offset_),
+ usage_(identifier->usage_),
return lhs.offset_ < rhs.offset_;
if (lhs.flags_ != rhs.flags_)
return lhs.flags_ < rhs.flags_;
+ /*if (lhs.usage_ != rhs.usage_)
+ return lhs.usage_ < rhs.usage_;*/
return lhs.identifier_ < rhs.identifier_;
void CYScope::Scope(CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements) {
+ if (parent_ == NULL)
+ return;
CYDeclarations *last(NULL), *curr(NULL);
- CYProgram *program(context.program_);
IdentifierOffsets offsets;
- // XXX: we don't want to do this in order, we want to sort it by probable occurrence
for (CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap::const_iterator i(internal_.begin()); i != internal_.end(); ++i)
- if (program != NULL && i->second != CYIdentifierMagic)
- offsets.insert(IdentifierOffset(i->first->offset_, i->second, i->first));
+ if (i->second != CYIdentifierMagic)
+ offsets.insert(IdentifierOffset(i->first, i->second));
size_t offset(0);
if (offset < i->offset_)
offset = i->offset_;
- if (program->rename_.size() <= offset)
- program->rename_.resize(offset + 1);
+ if (context.rename_.size() <= offset)
+ context.rename_.resize(offset + 1);
- CYIdentifier *&identifier(program->rename_[offset++]);
- i->identifier_->SetNext(identifier);
- identifier = i->identifier_;
+ CYIdentifierUsage &rename(context.rename_[offset++]);
+ i->identifier_->SetNext(rename.identifier_);
+ rename.identifier_ = i->identifier_;
+ rename.usage_ += i->identifier_->usage_ + 1;
if (last != NULL) {
CYString *CYString::Concat(CYContext &context, CYString *rhs) const {
size_t size(size_ + rhs->size_);
- char *value(new(context.pool_) char[size + 1]);
+ char *value($ char[size + 1]);
memcpy(value, value_, size_);
memcpy(value + size_, rhs->value_, rhs->size_);
value[size] = '\0';