#include "cycript.hpp"
-#include "ObjectiveC/Internal.hpp"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <malloc/malloc.h>
+#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <objc/message.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
-#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <JavaScriptCore/JSStringRefCF.h>
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#include <malloc/malloc.h>
-#include <mach/mach.h>
+#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "Code.hpp"
+#include "Decode.hpp"
#include "Error.hpp"
#include "JavaScript.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Execute.hpp"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include "ObjectiveC/Internal.hpp"
+#include "ObjectiveC/Syntax.hpp"
#define CYObjectiveTry_ { \
#define CYObjectiveCatch \
catch (const CYException &error) { \
- @throw CYCastNSObject(NULL, context, error.CastJSValue(context)); \
+ @throw CYCastNSObject(NULL, context, error.CastJSValue(context, "Error")); \
} \
/* }}} */
/* Objective-C Strings {{{ */
-const char *CYPoolCString(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, NSString *value) {
- size_t size([value maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] + 1);
- char *string(new(pool) char[size]);
+CYUTF8String CYPoolUTF8String(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, NSString *value) {
+ size_t size([value maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+ char *string(new(pool) char[size + 1]);
if (![value getCString:string maxLength:size encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding])
throw CYJSError(context, "[NSString getCString:maxLength:encoding:] == NO");
- return string;
+ return CYUTF8String(string, [value lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+const char *CYPoolCString(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, NSString *value) {
+ CYUTF8String utf8(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, value));
+ _assert(memchr(utf8.data, '\0', utf8.size) == NULL);
+ return utf8.data;
#ifdef __clang__
return CYCopyJSString(context, string);
CYPool pool;
- return CYCopyJSString(CYPoolCString(pool, context, string));
+ return CYCopyJSString(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, string));
/* }}} */
/* Bridge: NSBlock {{{ */
#ifdef __APPLE__
-@interface NSBlock
+@interface NSBlock : NSObject
- (void) invoke;
+static const char *CYBlockEncoding(NSBlock *self);
+static sig::Signature *CYBlockSignature(CYPool &pool, NSBlock *self);
+@implementation NSBlock (Cycript)
+- (NSString *) cy$toCYON:(bool)objective inSet:(std::set<void *> &)objects {
+ CYLocalPool pool;
+ sig::Signature *signature(CYBlockSignature(pool, self));
+ // XXX: I am checking signature->count due to Decode doing it for block_P
+ if (signature == NULL || signature->count == 0)
+ return [super cy$toCYON:objective inSet:objects];
+ _oassert(objects.insert(self).second);
+ sig::Block type;
+ sig::Copy(pool, type.signature, *signature);
+ CYTypedIdentifier *typed((new(pool) CYTypeExpression(CYDecodeType(pool, &type)))->typed_);
+ CYTypeFunctionWith *function(typed->Function());
+ _assert(function != NULL);
+ _assert(function->parameters_ != NULL);
+ CYObjCBlock *block(new(pool) CYObjCBlock(typed, function->parameters_, NULL));
+ std::ostringstream str;
+ CYOptions options;
+ CYOutput out(*str.rdbuf(), options);
+ block->Output(out, CYNoFlags);
+ std::string value(str.str());
+ return CYCastNSString(NULL, CYUTF8String(value.c_str(), value.size()));
/* }}} */
if (!objective)
str << '@';
CYUTF8String string(CYCastUTF8String(self));
- CYStringify(str, string.data, string.size);
+ CYStringify(str, string.data, string.size, true);
std::string value(str.str());
return CYCastNSString(NULL, CYUTF8String(value.c_str(), value.size()));
return array;
-JSValueRef CYCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, NSObject *value) { CYPoolTry {
+JSValueRef CYCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, NSObject *value) {
if (value == nil)
return CYJSNull(context);
- else
- return CYMakeInstance(context, value);
-} CYPoolCatch(NULL) return /*XXX*/ NULL; }
+ return CYMakeInstance(context, value);
@implementation CYJSObject
return JSObjectMake(context, Selector_, internal);
+static JSValueRef CYCastJSValue(JSContextRef context, SEL sel) {
+ if (sel == NULL)
+ return CYJSNull(context);
+ return CYMakeSelector(context, sel);
static SEL CYCastSEL(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value) {
if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(context, value, Selector_)) {
Selector_privateData *internal(reinterpret_cast<Selector_privateData *>(JSObjectGetPrivate((JSObjectRef) value)));
CYCallFunction(pool, context, cif, function, value, values);
} CYSadCatch() }
+static NSBlock *CYCastNSBlock(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value, const sig::Signature *signature) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
-static NSBlock *CYCastNSBlock(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value, sig::Signature *signature) {
if (JSValueIsNull(context, value))
return nil;
JSObjectRef object(CYCastJSObject(context, value));
memcpy(modified.elements + 2, signature->elements + 1, sizeof(sig::Element) * (signature->count - 1));
modified.elements[1].name = NULL;
- modified.elements[1].type = new(pool) sig::Type();
+ modified.elements[1].type = new(pool) sig::Object();
modified.elements[1].offset = _not(size_t);
- memset(modified.elements[1].type, 0, sizeof(sig::Type));
- modified.elements[1].type->primitive = sig::object_P;
return CYMakeBlock(context, object, modified);
+ _assert(false);
-static bool CYObjectiveC_PoolFFI(CYPool *pool, JSContextRef context, sig::Type *type, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, JSValueRef value) { CYSadTry {
- // XXX: assigning to an indirect id * works for return values, but not for properties and fields
+namespace sig {
- switch (type->primitive) {
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- case sig::block_P:
- // XXX: this function might not handle the idea of a null pool
- *reinterpret_cast<id *>(data) = CYCastNSBlock(*pool, context, value, &type->data.signature);
- break;
+void Block::PoolFFI(CYPool *pool, JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, JSValueRef value) const {
+ // XXX: this function might not handle the idea of a null pool
+ *reinterpret_cast<id *>(data) = CYCastNSBlock(*pool, context, value, &signature);
- case sig::object_P:
- case sig::typename_P:
- *reinterpret_cast<id *>(data) = CYCastNSObject(pool, context, value);
- break;
+// XXX: assigning to an indirect id * works for return values, but not for properties and fields
+void Object::PoolFFI(CYPool *pool, JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, JSValueRef value) const {
+ *reinterpret_cast<id *>(data) = CYCastNSObject(pool, context, value);
- case sig::selector_P:
- *reinterpret_cast<SEL *>(data) = CYCastSEL(context, value);
- break;
+void Meta::PoolFFI(CYPool *pool, JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, JSValueRef value) const {
+ *reinterpret_cast<id *>(data) = CYCastNSObject(pool, context, value);
- default:
- return false;
- }
+void Selector::PoolFFI(CYPool *pool, JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, JSValueRef value) const {
+ *reinterpret_cast<SEL *>(data) = CYCastSEL(context, value);
- return true;
-} CYSadCatch(false) }
-static JSValueRef CYObjectiveC_FromFFI(JSContextRef context, sig::Type *type, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, bool initialize, JSObjectRef owner) { CYPoolTry {
- switch (type->primitive) {
- // XXX: do something epic about blocks
- case sig::block_P:
- case sig::object_P:
- if (NSObject *value = *reinterpret_cast<NSObject **>(data)) {
- JSObjectRef object(CYMakeInstance(context, value));
- if (initialize) {
- Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
- if ((internal->flags_ & Instance::Uninitialized) != 0) {
- internal->flags_ = static_cast<Instance::Flags>(internal->flags_ & ~Instance::Uninitialized);
- _assert(internal->value_ == nil);
- internal->value_ = value;
- }
- [value release];
- }
- return object;
- } else goto null;
- case sig::typename_P:
- if (Class value = *reinterpret_cast<Class *>(data))
- return CYMakeInstance(context, value, Instance::Permanent);
- else goto null;
- case sig::selector_P:
- if (SEL value = *reinterpret_cast<SEL *>(data))
- return CYMakeSelector(context, value);
- else goto null;
- null:
- return CYJSNull(context);
- default:
- return NULL;
+JSValueRef Object::FromFFI(JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, bool initialize, JSObjectRef owner) const {
+ NSObject *value(*reinterpret_cast<NSObject **>(data));
+ if (value == NULL)
+ return CYJSNull(context);
+ JSObjectRef object(CYMakeInstance(context, value));
+ if (initialize) {
+ Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
+ if ((internal->flags_ & Instance::Uninitialized) != 0) {
+ internal->flags_ = static_cast<Instance::Flags>(internal->flags_ & ~Instance::Uninitialized);
+ _assert(internal->value_ == nil);
+ internal->value_ = value;
+ }
+ [value release];
-} CYPoolCatch(NULL) return /*XXX*/ NULL; }
+ return object;
+JSValueRef Meta::FromFFI(JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, bool initialize, JSObjectRef owner) const {
+ if (Class value = *reinterpret_cast<Class *>(data))
+ return CYMakeInstance(context, value, Instance::Permanent);
+ return CYJSNull(context);
+JSValueRef Selector::FromFFI(JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, bool initialize, JSObjectRef owner) const {
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, *reinterpret_cast<SEL *>(data));
+JSValueRef Block::FromFFI(JSContextRef context, ffi_type *ffi, void *data, bool initialize, JSObjectRef owner) const {
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, *reinterpret_cast<NSObject **>(data));
static bool CYImplements(id object, Class _class, SEL selector, bool devoid = false) {
if (objc_method *method = class_getInstanceMethod(_class, selector)) {
return descriptor3->signature;
+static sig::Signature *CYBlockSignature(CYPool &pool, NSBlock *self) {
+ const char *encoding(CYBlockEncoding(self));
+ if (encoding == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // XXX: this should be stored on a FunctionInstance private value subclass
+ sig::Signature *signature(new(pool) sig::Signature());
+ sig::Parse(pool, signature, encoding, &Structor_);
+ return signature;
static JSValueRef FunctionInstance_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
id self(internal->GetValue());
sig::Parse(pool, &signature, encoding, &Structor_);
ffi_cif cif;
- sig::sig_ffi_cif(pool, &sig::ObjectiveC, &signature, &cif);
+ sig::sig_ffi_cif(pool, &signature, &cif);
BlockLiteral *literal(reinterpret_cast<BlockLiteral *>(self));
void (*function)() = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(literal->invoke);
id self(internal->GetValue());
const char *name(CYPoolCString(pool, context, property));
-#ifdef __arm64__
- if (strcmp(name, "isa") == 0)
- return CYCastJSValue(context, object_getClass(self));
if (objc_ivar *ivar = object_getInstanceVariable(self, name, NULL)) {
ptrdiff_t offset(ivar_getOffset(ivar));
void *data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(self) + offset);
uintptr_t mask((1 << length) - 1);
return CYCastJSValue(context, (field >> shift) & mask);
} else {
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__LP64__)
+ // XXX: maybe do even more verifications here
+ if (strcmp(name, "isa") == 0)
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, object_getClass(self));
auto type(new(pool) Type_privateData(encoding));
- return CYFromFFI(context, type->type_, type->GetFFI(), data);
+ return type->type_->FromFFI(context, type->GetFFI(), data);
field = field & ~(mask << shift) | (uintptr_t(CYCastDouble(context, value)) & mask) << shift;
} else {
auto type(new(pool) Type_privateData(ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar)));
- CYPoolFFI(&pool, context, type->type_, type->GetFFI(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(self) + ivar_getOffset(ivar), value);
+ type->type_->PoolFFI(&pool, context, type->GetFFI(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(self) + ivar_getOffset(ivar), value);
return true;
static JSValueRef ObjectiveC_Images_getProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
CYPool pool;
- const char *name(CYPoolCString(pool, context, property));
+ CYUTF8String name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
unsigned int size;
const char **data(objc_copyImageNames(&size));
+ pool.atexit(free, data);
for (size_t i(0); i != size; ++i)
- if (strcmp(name, data[i]) == 0) {
- name = data[i];
- goto free;
+ if (name == data[i]) {
+ JSObjectRef value(JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL));
+ CYSetProperty(context, value, CYJSString("classes"), JSObjectMake(context, ObjectiveC_Image_Classes_, const_cast<char *>(data[i])));
+ return value;
- name = NULL;
- free:
- free(data);
- if (name == NULL)
- return NULL;
- JSObjectRef value(JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL));
- CYSetProperty(context, value, CYJSString("classes"), JSObjectMake(context, ObjectiveC_Image_Classes_, const_cast<char *>(name)));
- return value;
+ return NULL;
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static void ObjectiveC_Images_getPropertyNames(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef names) {
uintptr_t *pointers(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t *>(data));
-#ifdef __arm64__
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__LP64__)
Class isa(reinterpret_cast<Class>(pointers[0] & 0x1fffffff8));
Class isa(reinterpret_cast<Class>(pointers[0]));
sig::Element *element(&elements[index]);
element->name = NULL;
element->offset = _not(size_t);
- sig::Type *type(new (pool) sig::Type);
- memset(type, 0, sizeof(*type));
- type->primitive = sig::object_P;
- element->type = type;
+ element->type = new(pool) sig::Object();
signature.elements = elements;
ffi_cif cif;
- sig::sig_ffi_cif(pool, &sig::ObjectiveC, &signature, &cif);
+ sig::sig_ffi_cif(pool, &signature, &cif);
if (imp == NULL) {
#ifndef CY_NO_STRET
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSObjectRef Instance_new(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
- if (count > 1)
+ if (count != 1)
throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to Instance constructor");
- id self(count == 0 ? nil : CYCastPointer<id>(context, arguments[0]));
- return CYMakeInstance(context, self);
+ return CYMakeInstance(context, CYCastPointer<id>(context, arguments[0]));
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSValueRef CYValue_getProperty_value(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
CYValue *internal(reinterpret_cast<CYValue *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(_this)));
Type_privateData *typical(internal->GetType());
+ sig::Void XXX;
sig::Type *type;
ffi_type *ffi;
if (typical == NULL) {
- type = NULL;
+ type = &XXX;
ffi = NULL;
} else {
type = typical->type_;
ffi = typical->ffi_;
- return CYMakePointer(context, &internal->value_, _not(size_t), type, ffi, object);
+ return CYMakePointer(context, &internal->value_, *type, ffi, object);
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSValueRef FunctionInstance_getProperty_type(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
- const char *encoding(CYBlockEncoding(internal->GetValue()));
- if (encoding == NULL)
- return CYJSNull(context);
- // XXX: this should be stored on a FunctionInstance private value subclass
CYPool pool;
- sig::Signature signature;
- sig::Parse(pool, &signature, encoding, &Structor_);
- return CYMakeType(context, &signature);
+ sig::Signature *signature(CYBlockSignature(pool, internal->GetValue()));
+ if (signature == NULL)
+ return CYJSNull(context);
+ return CYMakeType(context, signature);
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSValueRef Instance_getProperty_constructor(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
if (!CYIsClass(value))
CYThrow("non-Class object cannot be used as Type");
- sig::Type type;
- memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
- type.primitive = sig::object_P;
- type.name = class_getName(value);
- return CYMakeType(context, &type);
+ sig::Object type(class_getName(value));
+ return CYMakeType(context, type);
} CYCatch(NULL) return /*XXX*/ NULL; }
static JSValueRef Selector_callAsFunction_toString(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
void CYObjectiveC_Initialize() { /*XXX*/ JSContextRef context(NULL); CYPoolTry {
CYPool &pool(CYGetGlobalPool());
- Object_type = new(pool) Type_privateData(sig::object_P);
- Selector_type = new(pool) Type_privateData(sig::selector_P);
+ Object_type = new(pool) Type_privateData(sig::Object());
+ Selector_type = new(pool) Type_privateData(sig::Selector());
NSArray_ = objc_getClass("NSArray");
NSBlock_ = objc_getClass("NSBlock");
CYSetPrototype(context, CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, Message, prototype_s)), Function_prototype);
CYSetPrototype(context, CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, Selector, prototype_s)), Function_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef cache(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("cache")));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cache, CYJSString("YES"), JSValueMakeBoolean(context, true), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
+ CYSetProperty(context, cache, CYJSString("NO"), JSValueMakeBoolean(context, false), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
+ CYSetProperty(context, cache, CYJSString("id"), CYMakeType(context, sig::Object()), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
+ CYSetProperty(context, cache, CYJSString("Class"), CYMakeType(context, sig::Meta()), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
+ CYSetProperty(context, cache, CYJSString("SEL"), CYMakeType(context, sig::Selector()), kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
} CYPoolCatch() }
static void *CYObjectiveC_CastSymbol(const char *name) {
- &CYObjectiveC_PoolFFI,
- &CYObjectiveC_FromFFI,
CYPool pool;
CYUTF8String utf8(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, CYUTF16String(*data, *size)));
- CYStream stream(utf8.data, utf8.data + utf8.size);
- utf8 = CYPoolCode(pool, stream);
+ utf8 = CYPoolCode(pool, utf8);
CYUTF16String utf16(CYPoolUTF16String(pool, CYUTF8String(utf8.data, utf8.size)));
size_t bytes(utf16.size * sizeof(uint16_t));