+SHELL := $(shell which bash 2>/dev/null)
ifndef PKG_TARG
target :=
target := $(PKG_TARG)-
-#flags := -g3 -O0 -DYYDEBUG=1
-flags := -g0 -O3
-flags += -Wall -Werror -Wno-parentheses
-flags += -fPIC -fno-common
-flags += -I. -I$(shell apr-1-config --includedir)
+gcc := g++
+flags ?= -g3 -O0 -DYYDEBUG=1
+paths := $(foreach path,$(paths),$(wildcard $(path)))
+flags += $(foreach path,$(paths),-I$(path) -L$(path))
+objc :=
svn := $(shell svnversion)
-all := libcycript.plist cycript
+all := cycript
dpkg_architecture := $(shell which dpkg-architecture 2>/dev/null)
ifneq ($(dpkg_architecture),)
arch := $(shell $(dpkg_architecture) -qDEB_HOST_ARCH 2>/dev/null)
-header := Cycript.tab.hh Parser.hpp Pooling.hpp cycript.hpp
-code := ffi_type.o parse.o
+header := Cycript.tab.hh Parser.hpp Pooling.hpp cycript.hpp Internal.hpp Error.hpp String.hpp Exception.hpp Standard.hpp
+code :=
code += Replace.o Output.o
code += Cycript.tab.o lex.cy.o
code += Network.o Parser.o
+code += JavaScriptCore.o Library.o
+inject :=
-filters := C
-ldid := echo
+filters := #E4X
+ldid := true
+entitle := $(ldid)
+lib := lib
dll := so
-apr := $(shell apr-1-config --link-ld)
-library := $(apr) -lffi
-console := $(apr) -lreadline
+apr_config := apr-1-config
+library :=
+console := -lreadline
+depends :=
+restart ?= $(MAKE)
+uname_s ?= $(shell uname -s)
+uname_p ?= $(shell uname -p)
-uname_s := $(shell uname -s)
-uname_p := $(shell uname -p)
-include $(uname_s).mk
-include $(uname_s)-$(uname_p).mk
-all += libcycript.$(dll)
+ifneq ($(shell pkg-config libffi --modversion 2>/dev/null),)
+flags += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libffi)
+ifeq ($(filter ObjectiveC,$(filters)),)
+ifneq ($(shell which gnustep-config 2>/dev/null),)
+include GNUstep.mk
+apr := $(shell $(apr_config) --link-ld)
+library += $(apr)
+console += $(apr)
+flags += -Wall -Werror -Wno-parentheses #-Wno-unused
+flags += -fno-common
+flags += -I. -Iinclude -I$(shell $(apr_config) --includedir)
+all += $(lib)cycript.$(dll)
+filters += $(shell bison <(echo '%code{}%%_:') -o/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo Bison24 || echo Bison23)
ifdef arch
-deb := $(shell grep ^Package: control | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)_$(shell grep ^Version: control | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's/\#/$(svn)/')_$(arch).deb
+deb := $(shell grep ^Package: control.in | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)_$(shell grep ^Version: control.in | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's/\#/$(svn)/')_$(arch).deb
-all: $(deb)
+ifeq ($(depends)$(dll),dylib)
+control.tmp: control.in cycript $(lib)cycript.dylib
+ sed -e 's/&/'"$$(dpkg-query -S $$(otool -lah cycript *.dylib | grep dylib | grep -v ':$$' | sed -e 's/^ *name //;s/ (offset [0-9]*)$$//' | sort -u) 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/:.*//; /^cycript$$/ d; s/$$/,/' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')"'/;s/, $$//;s/#/$(svn)/;s/%/$(arch)/' $< >$@
+ifeq ($(depends)$(dll),so)
+control.tmp: control.in cycript $(lib)cycript.so
+ sed -e 's/&/'"$$(dpkg-query -S $$(ldd cycript $(lib)cycript.so | sed -e '/:$$/ d; s/^[ \t]*\([^ ]* => \)\?\([^ ]*\) .*/\2/' | sort -u) 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/:.*//; /^cycript$$/ d; s/$$/,/' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')"'/;s/, $$//;s/#/$(svn)/;s/%/$(arch)/' $< >$@
+control.tmp: control.in
+ sed -e 's/&/$(foreach depend,$(depends),$(depend),)/;s/,$$//;s/#/$(svn)/;s/%/$(arch)/' $< >$@
-$(deb): $(all)
+control: control.tmp
+ [[ -e control ]] && diff control control.tmp &>/dev/null || cp -pRf control.tmp control
+$(deb): $(all) control
rm -rf package
mkdir -p package/DEBIAN
- sed -e 's/#/$(svn)/' control >package/DEBIAN/control
- mkdir -p package/System/Library/LaunchDaemons
- #cp -a com.saurik.Cyrver.plist package/System/Library/LaunchDaemons
- mkdir -p package/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries
- if [[ -e Settings.plist ]]; then \
- mkdir -p package/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences; \
- cp -a Settings.png package/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences/CycriptIcon.png; \
- cp -a Settings.plist package/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences/Cycript.plist; \
- fi
- if [[ -e Tweak.plist ]]; then cp -a Tweak.plist package/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Cycript.plist; fi
- cp -a Cycript.$(dll) package/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries
+ cp -pR control package/DEBIAN
mkdir -p package/usr/{bin,lib,sbin}
- cp -a libcycript.$(dll) package/usr/lib
- cp -a cycript package/usr/bin
- #cp -a cyrver package/usr/sbin
- cp -a libcycript.plist package/usr/lib
+ $(restart) extra
+ cp -pR $(lib)cycript.$(dll) package/usr/lib
+ cp -pR cycript package/usr/bin
+ #cp -pR cyrver package/usr/sbin
dpkg-deb -b package $(deb)
all: $(all)
- rm -f *.o libcycript.$(dll) cycript libcycript.plist Struct.hpp lex.cy.c Cycript.tab.cc Cycript.tab.hh location.hh position.hh stack.hh cyrver Cycript.y
-libcycript.plist: Bridge.def
- { \
- echo '({'; \
- grep '^[CFV]' Bridge.def | sed -e 's/^C/0/;s/^F/1/;s/^V/2/' | sed -e 's/"/\\"/g;s/^\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)$$/\2 = (\1, \"\3\");/'; \
- echo '},{'; \
- grep '^:' Bridge.def | sed -e 's/^: \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/"\1" = "\2";/'; \
- echo '},{'; \
- grep '^[EST]' Bridge.def | sed -e 's/^S/0/;s/^T/1/;s/^E/2/' | sed -e 's/^2\(.*\)$$/1\1 i/' | sed -e 's/"/\\"/g;s/^\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)$$/\2 = (\1, \"\3\");/'; \
- echo '})'; \
- } >$@
-Cycript.y: Cycript.y.in
+ rm -f *.o $(lib)cycript.$(dll) $(all) Struct.hpp lex.cy.c Cycript.tab.cc Cycript.tab.hh location.hh position.hh stack.hh cyrver Cycript.yy Cycript.l control Bridge.hpp Cycript.output
+%.yy: %.yy.in
+ ./Filter.sh <$< >$@ $(filters)
+%.l: %.l.in
./Filter.sh <$< >$@ $(filters)
-Cycript.tab.cc Cycript.tab.hh location.hh position.hh: Cycript.y
+Cycript.tab.cc Cycript.tab.hh location.hh position.hh: Cycript.yy
bison -v --report=state $<
lex.cy.c: Cycript.l
- flex $<
+ flex -t $< | sed -e 's/int yyl;/yy_size_t yyl;/;s/int yyleng_r;/yy_size_t yyleng_r;/' >$@
#Parser.hpp: Parser.py Parser.dat
# ./Parser.py <Parser.dat >$@
-%.o: sig/%.cpp
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
-Cycript.tab.o: Cycript.tab.cc Cycript.tab.hh Parser.hpp Pooling.hpp
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
+Cycript.tab.o: Cycript.tab.cc $(header)
+ $(target)$(gcc) $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
-lex.cy.o: lex.cy.c Cycript.tab.hh Parser.hpp Pooling.hpp
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
+lex.cy.o: lex.cy.c $(header)
+ $(target)$(gcc) $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
%.o: %.cpp $(header)
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(target)$(gcc) $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
+#objc := -x c++
%.o: %.mm $(header)
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(target)$(gcc) $(objc) $(flags) -c -o $@ $<
-libcycript.$(dll): $(code)
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -shared -dynamiclib -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^) $(library) $(link)
- $(ldid) -S $@
+$(lib)cycript.$(dll): $(code)
+ $(target)$(gcc) $(flags) -shared -dynamiclib -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^) $(library) $(link)
+ $(ldid) $@
-cycript: Console.o libcycript.$(dll)
- $(target)g++ $(flags) -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^) -L. -lcycript $(console) $(link)
- $(ldid) -S cycript
+cycript: Console.o $(lib)cycript.$(dll) $(inject)
+ $(target)$(gcc) $(flags) -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^) -L. -lcycript $(console) $(link)
+ $(entitle) cycript
package: $(deb)
test: $(deb)
dpkg -i $(deb)
- cycript test.cy
-.PHONY: all clean extra package
+ if [[ -e target.cy ]]; then cycript -c target.cy && echo; fi
+ if [[ -e jquery.js ]]; then /usr/bin/time cycript -c jquery.js >jquery.cyc.js; gzip -9c jquery.cyc.js >jquery.cyc.js.gz; wc -c jquery.{mam,gcc,cyc,bak,yui}.js; wc -c jquery.{cyc,gcc,bak,mam,yui}.js.gz; fi
+ if [[ -e test.cy ]]; then cycript test.cy; fi
+install: cycript $(lib)cycript.$(dll)
+ sudo cp -p cycript /usr/bin
+ sudo cp -p $(lib)cycript.$(dll) /usr/lib
+ # DOUG: this needs to be ported to GNUmakefile
+ sudo chgrp procmod /usr/bin/cycript
+ sudo chmod g+s /usr/bin/cycript
+# DOUG: this needs to be ported to GNUmakefile
+ sudo rm -f /usr/bin/cycript /usr/lib/libcycript.dylib
+.PHONY: all clean extra package control.tmp