+cy# throw
+cy> 5
+cy> ;
+cy> ^C
+if you use "arguments", you have to protect it if you attempt to use it inside of a generated function; example: array comprehension over one fails
+support Nil in addition to nil
+1.7976931348623157e+308 == DBL_MAX
+- } else
+- return CYCastPointer<SEL>(context, value);
++ } else {
++ // XXX: should call .valueOf and, if a number, cast as a pointer
++ CYPool pool;
++ return sel_registerName(CYPoolCString(pool, context, value));
++ }
+cy# @[].concat([3,4])
+cy# [].concat([3,4])
+@synchronized, maybe @autorelease
+support leaving off the block return type if the block has no return value; statements
+cy# var a = 4; {let a = 3; }; a
+cy= a=4;a=3;a
+abstract method_copyMethodList to something more reasonable
+cy# "\x00"
+cy= "\x00"
+wanted: "\0"
+(does JS really support \0? node seems to think so)
+cy# ({$a:5,$b:3}).$<TAB> <- fails to tab complete to a list
+auto-complete partial string keys
+cy# @encode(const char *)(@encode(void *(*)(const char *))(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "strdup")))
+"[object Pointer]"
+the error regime when using MS.hookMessage destroys Objective-C exceptions that are thrown
+the restrict keyword should be supported in type specifiers
+support (void) argument lists
+typedef int;
+typedef should be creating local variables