/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Jay Freeman (saurik)
/* GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
return cyon;
+ if (JSObjectIsFunction(context, object)) {
+ JSValueRef toString(CYGetProperty(context, object, toString_s));
+ if (CYIsCallable(context, toString)) {
+ JSValueRef arguments[1] = {CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(""))};
+ JSValueRef value(CYCallAsFunction(context, (JSObjectRef) toString, object, 1, arguments));
+ _assert(value != NULL);
+ return CYPoolCString(pool, context, value);
+ }
+ }
std::ostringstream str;
str << '{';
return CYCallFunction(pool, context, 0, NULL, count, arguments, false, exception, &internal->signature_, &internal->cif_, internal->GetValue());
-static JSObjectRef CYMakeType(JSContextRef context, const char *type) {
+JSObjectRef CYMakeType(JSContextRef context, const char *type) {
Type_privateData *internal(new Type_privateData(type));
return JSObjectMake(context, Type_privateData::Class_, internal);
-static JSObjectRef CYMakeType(JSContextRef context, sig::Type *type) {
+JSObjectRef CYMakeType(JSContextRef context, sig::Type *type) {
Type_privateData *internal(new Type_privateData(type));
return JSObjectMake(context, Type_privateData::Class_, internal);
static JSValueRef All_getProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
JSObjectRef global(CYGetGlobalObject(context));
JSObjectRef cycript(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("Cycript"))));
- if (JSValueRef value = CYGetProperty(context, cycript, property))
- if (!JSValueIsUndefined(context, value))
- return value;
+ JSObjectRef alls(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("alls"))));
+ for (size_t i(0), count(CYArrayLength(context, alls)); i != count; ++i)
+ if (JSObjectRef space = CYCastJSObject(context, CYArrayGet(context, alls, count - i - 1)))
+ if (JSValueRef value = CYGetProperty(context, space, property))
+ if (!JSValueIsUndefined(context, value))
+ return value;
CYPool pool;
CYUTF8String name(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, property));
- if (hooks_ != NULL && hooks_->RuntimeProperty != NULL)
- if (JSValueRef value = (*hooks_->RuntimeProperty)(context, name))
- return value;
size_t length(name.size);
char keyed[length + 2];
memcpy(keyed + 1, name.data, length + 1);
return NULL;
} CYCatch }
+static void All_getPropertyNames(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef names) {
+ JSObjectRef global(CYGetGlobalObject(context));
+ JSObjectRef cycript(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("Cycript"))));
+ JSObjectRef alls(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("alls"))));
+ for (size_t i(0), count(CYArrayLength(context, alls)); i != count; ++i)
+ if (JSObjectRef space = CYCastJSObject(context, CYArrayGet(context, alls, count - i - 1))) {
+ JSPropertyNameArrayRef subset(JSObjectCopyPropertyNames(context, space));
+ for (size_t index(0), count(JSPropertyNameArrayGetCount(subset)); index != count; ++index)
+ JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName(names, JSPropertyNameArrayGetNameAtIndex(subset, index));
+ JSPropertyNameArrayRelease(subset);
+ }
static JSObjectRef Pointer_new(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
if (count != 2)
- throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to Functor constructor");
+ throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to Pointer constructor");
CYPool pool;
} CYCatch }
+static JSValueRef Type_getProperty_alignment(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) {
+ Type_privateData *internal(reinterpret_cast<Type_privateData *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, internal->GetFFI()->alignment);
+static JSValueRef Type_getProperty_size(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) {
+ Type_privateData *internal(reinterpret_cast<Type_privateData *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, internal->GetFFI()->size);
static JSValueRef Type_callAsFunction_toString(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
Type_privateData *internal(reinterpret_cast<Type_privateData *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(_this)));
CYPool pool;
JSStaticFunction const * const Functor::StaticFunctions = Functor_staticFunctions;
+static JSStaticValue Type_staticValues[3] = {
+ {"alignment", &Type_getProperty_alignment, NULL, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
+ {"size", &Type_getProperty_size, NULL, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
static JSStaticFunction Type_staticFunctions[4] = {
{"toCYON", &Type_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
{"toJSON", &Type_callAsFunction_toJSON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete},
return error;
- if (exception != NULL) { error:
- result = exception;
- exception = NULL;
- }
+ if (exception != NULL) error:
+ return CYPoolCString(pool, context, CYJSString(context, exception));
if (JSValueIsUndefined(context, result))
return NULL;
definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
definition.className = "All";
definition.getProperty = &All_getProperty;
+ definition.getPropertyNames = &All_getPropertyNames;
All_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
definition.className = "Type";
+ definition.staticValues = Type_staticValues;
definition.staticFunctions = Type_staticFunctions;
definition.getProperty = &Type_getProperty;
definition.callAsFunction = &Type_callAsFunction;
extern "C" void CYSetupContext(JSGlobalContextRef context) {
+ JSValueRef exception(NULL);
JSObjectRef global(CYGetGlobalObject(context));
JSObjectRef all(JSObjectMake(context, All_, NULL));
CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("all"), all);
+ JSObjectRef alls(JSObjectCallAsConstructor(context, Array, 0, NULL, &exception));
+ CYThrow(context, exception);
+ CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("alls"), alls);
if (true) {
JSObjectRef last(NULL), curr(global);
if (hooks_ != NULL && hooks_->SetupContext != NULL)
+ CYArrayPush(context, alls, cycript);
JSGlobalContextRef CYGetJSContext() {