/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jay Freeman (saurik)
/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
/* }}} */
-#include "Internal.hpp"
+#include "cycript.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cmath>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
-#include "cycript.hpp"
-#include "sig/parse.hpp"
-#include "sig/ffi_type.hpp"
-#include "Pooling.hpp"
-#include "Execute.hpp"
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cmath>
+#include "sig/parse.hpp"
+#include "sig/ffi_type.hpp"
#include "Code.hpp"
#include "Decode.hpp"
#include "Error.hpp"
+#include "Execute.hpp"
+#include "Internal.hpp"
#include "JavaScript.hpp"
+#include "Pooling.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
-std::vector<CYHook *> hooks_;
+static std::vector<CYHook *> &GetHooks() {
+ static std::vector<CYHook *> hooks;
+ return hooks;
CYRegisterHook::CYRegisterHook(CYHook *hook) {
- hooks_.push_back(hook);
+ GetHooks().push_back(hook);
/* JavaScript Properties {{{ */
void CYSetPrototype(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef value) {
JSObjectSetPrototype(context, object, value);
- _assert(JSObjectGetPrototype(context, object) == value);
+ _assert(CYIsStrictEqual(context, JSObjectGetPrototype(context, object), value));
/* }}} */
/* JavaScript Strings {{{ */
JSStringRef toJSON_s;
JSStringRef toPointer_s;
JSStringRef toString_s;
+JSStringRef weak_s;
static JSStringRef Result_;
-typedef std::map<const char *, Type_privateData *, CYCStringLess> TypeMap;
-static TypeMap Types_;
JSObjectRef CYMakeStruct(JSContextRef context, void *data, sig::Type *type, ffi_type *ffi, JSObjectRef owner) {
Struct_privateData *internal(new Struct_privateData(context, owner));
CYPool &pool(*internal->pool_);
static void *CYCastSymbol(const char *name) {
+ for (CYHook *hook : GetHooks())
+ if (hook->CastSymbol != NULL)
+ if (void *value = (*hook->CastSymbol)(name))
+ return value;
return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name);
return value != NULL && JSValueIsObject(context, value) && JSObjectIsFunction(context, (JSObjectRef) value);
+bool CYIsEqual(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef lhs, JSValueRef rhs) {
+ return _jsccall(JSValueIsEqual, context, lhs, rhs);
+bool CYIsStrictEqual(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef lhs, JSValueRef rhs) {
+ return JSValueIsStrictEqual(context, lhs, rhs);
size_t CYArrayLength(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef array) {
return CYCastDouble(context, CYGetProperty(context, array, length_s));
static JSValueRef System_print(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ FILE *file(stdout);
if (count == 0)
- printf("\n");
+ fputc('\n', file);
else {
CYPool pool;
- printf("%s\n", CYPoolCString(pool, context, arguments[0]));
+ CYUTF8String string(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, CYJSString(context, arguments[0])));
+ fwrite(string.data, string.size, 1, file);
+ fflush(file);
return CYJSUndefined(context);
} CYCatch(NULL) }
-static size_t Nonce_(0);
-static JSValueRef $cyq(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
- CYPool pool;
- const char *name(pool.strcat(CYPoolCString(pool, context, arguments[0]), pool.itoa(Nonce_++), NULL));
- return CYCastJSValue(context, name);
-} CYCatch(NULL) }
static void (*JSSynchronousGarbageCollectForDebugging$)(JSContextRef);
-void CYGarbageCollect(JSContextRef context) {
+_visible void CYGarbageCollect(JSContextRef context) {
(JSSynchronousGarbageCollectForDebugging$ ?: &JSGarbageCollect)(context);
+static JSValueRef Cycript_compile_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ CYPool pool;
+ CYUTF8String before(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, CYJSString(context, arguments[0])));
+ std::stringstream value(std::string(before.data, before.size));
+ CYUTF8String after(CYPoolCode(pool, value));
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(after));
+} CYCatch_(NULL, "SyntaxError") }
static JSValueRef Cycript_gc_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
return CYJSUndefined(context);
JSValueRef toCYON(CYGetProperty(context, object, toCYON_s));
if (CYIsCallable(context, toCYON)) {
// XXX: this needs to be abstracted behind some kind of function
- JSValueRef arguments[1] = {CYCastJSValue(context, static_cast<double>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&objects)))};
+ JSValueRef arguments[1] = {CYCastJSValue(context, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&objects))};
JSValueRef value(CYCallAsFunction(context, (JSObjectRef) toCYON, object, 1, arguments));
_assert(value != NULL);
return CYPoolCString(pool, context, value);
return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(CYUTF8String(value.c_str(), value.size())));
} CYCatch(NULL) }
+static JSValueRef Error_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ CYPool pool;
+ std::ostringstream str;
+ str << "new " << CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, CYJSString(context, CYGetProperty(context, _this, name_s))) << "(";
+ CYUTF8String string(CYPoolUTF8String(pool, context, CYJSString(context, CYGetProperty(context, _this, message_s))));
+ CYStringify(str, string.data, string.size);
+ str << ")";
+ std::string value(str.str());
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(CYUTF8String(value.c_str(), value.size())));
+} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSValueRef String_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
CYPool pool;
std::ostringstream str;
void *CYCastPointer_(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value) {
- switch (JSValueGetType(context, value)) {
+ if (value == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ else switch (JSValueGetType(context, value)) {
case kJSTypeNull:
return NULL;
case kJSTypeObject: {
- for (CYHook *hook : hooks_)
+ for (CYHook *hook : GetHooks())
if (hook->PoolFFI != NULL)
if ((*hook->PoolFFI)(pool, context, type, ffi, data, value))
return CYJSNull(context);
- for (CYHook *hook : hooks_)
+ for (CYHook *hook : GetHooks())
if (hook->FromFFI != NULL)
if (JSValueRef value = (*hook->FromFFI)(context, type, ffi, data, initialize, owner))
return value;
-void CYExecuteClosure(ffi_cif *cif, void *result, void **arguments, void *arg, JSValueRef (*adapter)(JSContextRef, size_t, JSValueRef[], JSObjectRef)) {
+void CYExecuteClosure(ffi_cif *cif, void *result, void **arguments, void *arg) {
Closure_privateData *internal(reinterpret_cast<Closure_privateData *>(arg));
JSContextRef context(internal->context_);
for (size_t index(0); index != count; ++index)
values[index] = CYFromFFI(context, internal->signature_.elements[1 + index].type, internal->cif_.arg_types[index], arguments[index]);
- JSValueRef value(adapter(context, count, values, internal->function_));
+ JSValueRef value(internal->adapter_(context, count, values, internal->function_));
CYPoolFFI(NULL, context, internal->signature_.elements[0].type, internal->cif_.rtype, result, value);
return CYCallAsFunction(context, function, NULL, count, values);
-static void FunctionClosure_(ffi_cif *cif, void *result, void **arguments, void *arg) {
- CYExecuteClosure(cif, result, arguments, arg, &FunctionAdapter_);
-Closure_privateData *CYMakeFunctor_(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, const sig::Signature &signature, void (*callback)(ffi_cif *, void *, void **, void *)) {
+Closure_privateData *CYMakeFunctor_(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, const sig::Signature &signature, JSValueRef (*adapter)(JSContextRef, size_t, JSValueRef[], JSObjectRef)) {
// XXX: in case of exceptions this will leak
// XXX: in point of fact, this may /need/ to leak :(
- Closure_privateData *internal(new Closure_privateData(context, function, signature));
+ Closure_privateData *internal(new Closure_privateData(context, function, adapter, signature));
#if defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))
void *executable;
ffi_closure *writable(reinterpret_cast<ffi_closure *>(ffi_closure_alloc(sizeof(ffi_closure), &executable)));
- ffi_status status(ffi_prep_closure_loc(writable, &internal->cif_, callback, internal, executable));
+ ffi_status status(ffi_prep_closure_loc(writable, &internal->cif_, &CYExecuteClosure, internal, executable));
_assert(status == FFI_OK);
internal->value_ = executable;
-1, 0
- ffi_status status(ffi_prep_closure(closure, &internal->cif_, callback, internal));
+ ffi_status status(ffi_prep_closure(closure, &internal->cif_, &CYExecuteClosure, internal));
_assert(status == FFI_OK);
_syscall(mprotect(closure, sizeof(*closure), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC));
static JSObjectRef CYMakeFunctor(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, const sig::Signature &signature) {
- Closure_privateData *internal(CYMakeFunctor_(context, function, signature, &FunctionClosure_));
+ Closure_privateData *internal(CYMakeFunctor_(context, function, signature, &FunctionAdapter_));
JSObjectRef object(JSObjectMake(context, Functor_, internal));
// XXX: see above notes about needing to leak
JSValueProtect(CYGetJSContext(context), object);
return object;
+JSValueRef CYGetCachedValue(JSContextRef context, JSStringRef name) {
+ return CYGetProperty(context, CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, CYGetGlobalObject(context), cy_s)), name);
JSObjectRef CYGetCachedObject(JSContextRef context, JSStringRef name) {
- return CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, CYGetGlobalObject(context), cy_s)), name));
+ return CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetCachedValue(context, name));
static JSObjectRef CYMakeFunctor(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef value, const sig::Signature &signature) {
+void CYCallFunction(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, ffi_cif *cif, void (*function)(), void *value, void **values) {
+ ffi_call(cif, function, value, values);
JSValueRef CYCallFunction(CYPool &pool, JSContextRef context, size_t setups, void *setup[], size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], bool initialize, sig::Signature *signature, ffi_cif *cif, void (*function)()) {
if (setups + count != signature->count - 1)
throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to ffi function");
uint8_t value[cif->rtype->size];
- for (CYHook *hook : hooks_)
- if (hook->CallFunction != NULL) {
- // XXX: this only supports one hook, but it is a bad idea anyway
- (*hook->CallFunction)(context, cif, function, value, values);
- goto from;
- }
- ffi_call(cif, function, value, values);
+ void (*call)(CYPool &, JSContextRef, ffi_cif *, void (*)(), void *, void **) = &CYCallFunction;
+ // XXX: this only supports one hook, but it is a bad idea anyway
+ for (CYHook *hook : GetHooks())
+ if (hook->CallFunction != NULL)
+ call = hook->CallFunction;
- from:
+ call(pool, context, cif, function, value, values);
return CYFromFFI(context, signature->elements[0].type, cif->rtype, value, initialize);
static JSValueRef Type_callAsFunction_toCYON(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
Type_privateData *internal(reinterpret_cast<Type_privateData *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(_this)));
CYLocalPool pool;
- std::ostringstream out;
+ std::stringbuf out;
CYOptions options;
CYOutput output(out, options);
- (new(pool) CYEncodedType(Decode(pool, internal->type_)))->Output(output, CYNoFlags);
+ (new(pool) CYTypeExpression(Decode(pool, internal->type_)))->Output(output, CYNoFlags);
return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(out.str().c_str()));
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSObjectRef (*JSObjectMakeArray$)(JSContextRef, size_t, const JSValueRef[], JSValueRef *);
-void CYSetArgs(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+_visible void CYSetArgs(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
JSContextRef context(CYGetJSContext());
JSValueRef args[argc];
for (int i(0); i != argc; ++i)
ExecutionHandle(JSContextRef context) :
- handles_.resize(hooks_.size());
- for (size_t i(0); i != hooks_.size(); ++i) {
- CYHook *hook(hooks_[i]);
+ handles_.resize(GetHooks().size());
+ for (size_t i(0); i != GetHooks().size(); ++i) {
+ CYHook *hook(GetHooks()[i]);
if (hook->ExecuteStart != NULL)
handles_[i] = (*hook->ExecuteStart)(context_);
~ExecutionHandle() {
- for (size_t i(hooks_.size()); i != 0; --i) {
- CYHook *hook(hooks_[i-1]);
+ for (size_t i(GetHooks().size()); i != 0; --i) {
+ CYHook *hook(GetHooks()[i-1]);
if (hook->ExecuteEnd != NULL)
(*hook->ExecuteEnd)(context_, handles_[i-1]);
-const char *CYExecute(JSContextRef context, CYPool &pool, CYUTF8String code) {
- JSValueRef exception(NULL);
+static volatile bool cancel_;
- ExecutionHandle handle(context);
+static bool CYShouldTerminate(JSContextRef context, void *arg) {
+ return cancel_;
- JSValueRef result; try {
- result = JSEvaluateScript(context, CYJSString(code), NULL, NULL, 0, &exception);
- } catch (const char *error) {
- return error;
- }
+_visible const char *CYExecute(JSContextRef context, CYPool &pool, CYUTF8String code) {
+ ExecutionHandle handle(context);
- if (exception != NULL) error:
- return CYPoolCString(pool, context, CYJSString(context, exception));
+ cancel_ = false;
+ if (&JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit != NULL)
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(JSContextGetGroup(context), 0.5, &CYShouldTerminate, NULL);
- if (JSValueIsUndefined(context, result))
- return NULL;
+ try {
+ JSValueRef result(_jsccall(JSEvaluateScript, context, CYJSString(code), NULL, NULL, 0));
+ if (JSValueIsUndefined(context, result))
+ return NULL;
- const char *json; try {
std::set<void *> objects;
- json = CYPoolCCYON(pool, context, result, objects, &exception);
- } catch (const char *error) {
- return error;
- }
- if (exception != NULL)
- goto error;
+ const char *json(_jsccall(CYPoolCCYON, pool, context, result, objects));
+ CYSetProperty(context, CYGetGlobalObject(context), Result_, result);
- CYSetProperty(context, CYGetGlobalObject(context), Result_, result);
+ return json;
+ } catch (const CYException &error) {
+ return pool.strcat("throw ", error.PoolCString(pool), NULL);
+ }
- return json;
+_visible void CYCancel() {
+ cancel_ = true;
static bool initialized_ = false;
toJSON_s = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("toJSON");
toPointer_s = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("toPointer");
toString_s = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("toString");
+ weak_s = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("weak");
Result_ = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("_");
- for (CYHook *hook : hooks_)
+ for (CYHook *hook : GetHooks())
if (hook->Initialize != NULL)
return CYPoolCCYON(pool, context_, value_, objects);
-JSValueRef CYJSError::CastJSValue(JSContextRef context) const {
- // XXX: what if the context is different?
+JSValueRef CYJSError::CastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const char *name) const {
+ // XXX: what if the context is different? or the name? I dunno. ("epic" :/)
return value_;
-JSValueRef CYCastJSError(JSContextRef context, const char *message) {
- JSObjectRef Error(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Error")));
+JSValueRef CYCastJSError(JSContextRef context, const char *name, const char *message) {
+ JSObjectRef Error(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString(name)));
JSValueRef arguments[1] = {CYCastJSValue(context, message)};
return _jsccall(JSObjectCallAsConstructor, context, Error, 1, arguments);
-JSValueRef CYPoolError::CastJSValue(JSContextRef context) const {
- return CYCastJSError(context, message_);
+JSValueRef CYPoolError::CastJSValue(JSContextRef context, const char *name) const {
+ return CYCastJSError(context, name, message_);
CYJSError::CYJSError(JSContextRef context, const char *format, ...) {
const char *message(pool.vsprintf(64, format, args));
- value_ = CYCastJSError(context, message);
+ value_ = CYCastJSError(context, "Error", message);
JSGlobalContextRef CYGetJSContext(JSContextRef context) {
return reinterpret_cast<Context *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, CYGetGlobalObject(context), cy_s))))->context_;
-extern "C" bool CydgetMemoryParse(const uint16_t **data, size_t *size);
void *CYMapFile(const char *path, size_t *psize) {
- int fd(_syscall_(open(path, O_RDONLY), 1, {ENOENT}));
+ int fd(_syscall_(open(path, O_RDONLY), 1, ENOENT));
if (fd == -1)
return NULL;
return CYGetProperty(context, module, property);
} CYCatch(NULL) }
+extern "C" void CYDestroyWeak(JSWeakObjectMapRef weak, void *data) {
extern "C" void CYSetupContext(JSGlobalContextRef context) {
JSObjectRef Error(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("Error"))));
CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("Error"), Error);
+ JSObjectRef Error_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, Error, prototype_s)));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("Error_prototype"), Error_prototype);
JSObjectRef Function(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("Function"))));
CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("Function"), Function);
JSObjectRef String_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, String, prototype_s)));
CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("String_prototype"), String_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef SyntaxError(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("SyntaxError"))));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("SyntaxError"), SyntaxError);
/* }}} */
CYSetProperty(context, Array_prototype, toCYON_s, &Array_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
+ CYSetProperty(context, Error_prototype, toCYON_s, &Error_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
CYSetProperty(context, String_prototype, toCYON_s, &String_callAsFunction_toCYON, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
JSObjectRef cycript(JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL));
CYSetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("Cycript"), cycript);
+ CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("compile"), &Cycript_compile_callAsFunction);
CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("gc"), &Cycript_gc_callAsFunction);
JSObjectRef Functor(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, Functor_, &Functor_new));
CYSetPrototype(context, last, all);
- CYSetProperty(context, global, CYJSString("$cyq"), &$cyq, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
JSObjectRef System(JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL));
CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("System"), System);
//CYSetProperty(context, System, CYJSString("global"), global);
CYSetProperty(context, System, CYJSString("print"), &System_print);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ if (&JSWeakObjectMapCreate != NULL) {
+ JSWeakObjectMapRef weak(JSWeakObjectMapCreate(context, NULL, &CYDestroyWeak));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, weak_s, CYCastJSValue(context, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(weak)));
+ }
if (CYBridgeEntry *entry = CYBridgeHash("1dlerror", 8))
entry->cache_ = new cy::Functor(entry->value_, reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(&dlerror));
- for (CYHook *hook : hooks_)
+ for (CYHook *hook : GetHooks())
if (hook->SetupContext != NULL)
static JSGlobalContextRef context_;
-JSGlobalContextRef CYGetJSContext() {
+_visible JSGlobalContextRef CYGetJSContext() {
if (context_ == NULL) {
return context_;
-void CYDestroyContext() {
+_visible void CYDestroyContext() {
if (context_ == NULL)