+unicode identifier support (native and \u)
+support unions (right now 0-1 fields parsed as struct)
+\\\n escapes in strings aren't handled in the console
+look into what String is, and whether to bridge it
+think about bridging NSNumber with Number prototype
+some JS callbacks don't use exception pointers at all...
+a newline needs to not be allowed after a unary *
+finish implementing default xml namespace statement
+encode newlines in history for later reply (psql uses ^A)
+consider replacing regex literals with constructors
+ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98409
+numerification needs to use specific precision values
+ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5856
+consider a mode where unicode string content is saved
+ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=274152
+NSDictionaries that have NSNumber keys don't getProperty
+errors in another process aren't displayed; to fix this, parse errors should get converted to exceptions and thrown
+CYPoolTry/Catch now carefully save the exception after it /no longer needs the exception/... uhh... wtf?
+throw CYJSError should probably be replaced with CYThrow() across the board
+figure out what to do about global context refs: I really really want to retain the bastards
+the concept of NULL pooling is entirely incorrect and sad... bad... evil... need to work on this... really
+NSArray's .toString() and .toLocaleString() fail hard, as Array.prototype.to*String are Array-specific
+(4).toString() is legal, but I'm stripping the ()'s somehow in the serializer
+applyOnMainThread, when done at console, loops the cyonifier
+special work needs to be done to correctly handle the "arguments" symbol: Declare("arguments", ...Special)
+at the Program level I seem to be eating away all of the var statements