-/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* Cycript - The Truly Universal Scripting Language
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jay Freeman (saurik)
/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
#include "Driver.hpp"
#include "Parser.hpp"
#include "Stack.hpp"
+#include "Syntax.hpp"
#define CYNew new(driver.pool_)
@begin ObjectiveC
%union { CYBinding *binding_; }
%union { CYBindings *bindings_; }
%union { CYBoolean *boolean_; }
+%union { CYBraced *braced_; }
%union { CYClause *clause_; }
%union { cy::Syntax::Catch *catch_; }
%union { CYClassTail *classTail_; }
%union { CYComprehension *comprehension_; }
%union { CYElement *element_; }
+%union { CYEnumConstant *constant_; }
%union { CYExpression *expression_; }
%union { CYFalse *false_; }
%union { CYVariable *variable_; }
%union { CYForInInitializer *forin_; }
%union { CYFunctionParameter *functionParameter_; }
%union { CYIdentifier *identifier_; }
+%union { CYImportSpecifier *import_; }
%union { CYInfix *infix_; }
%union { CYLiteral *literal_; }
%union { CYMethod *method_; }
%union { CYParenthetical *parenthetical_; }
%union { CYProperty *property_; }
%union { CYPropertyName *propertyName_; }
-%union { CYRubyProc *rubyProc_; }
+%union { CYTypeSigning signing_; }
%union { CYSpan *span_; }
%union { CYStatement *statement_; }
%union { CYString *string_; }
%union { CYWord *word_; }
@begin C
+%union { CYTypeIntegral *integral_; }
%union { CYTypeStructField *structField_; }
%union { CYTypeModifier *modifier_; }
%union { CYTypeSpecifier *specifier_; }
-%union { CYTypedIdentifier *typedIdentifier_; }
+%union { CYTypedFormal *typedFormal_; }
+%union { CYTypedLocation *typedLocation_; }
+%union { CYTypedName *typedName_; }
%union { CYTypedParameter *typedParameter_; }
+%union { CYType *typedThing_; }
@begin ObjectiveC
+%union { CYObjCKeyValue *keyValue_; }
%union { CYImplementationField *implementationField_; }
%union { CYMessage *message_; }
%union { CYMessageParameter *messageParameter_; }
yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::to); \
} while (false)
+#define CYHLD(location, token) do { \
+ if (driver.hold_ != empty_symbol) \
+ CYERR(location, "unexpected hold"); \
+ driver.hold_ = yyla.type; \
+ yyla.type = yytranslate_(token); \
+} while (false)
#define CYERR(location, message) do { \
error(location, message); \
case CYMarkModule:
driver.hold_ = yytranslate_(token::MarkModule);
+ case CYMarkExpression:
+ driver.hold_ = yytranslate_(token::MarkExpression);
+ break;
%token SlashRight "/>"
%token LeftSlash "</"
-%token ColonColon "::"
%token PeriodPeriod ".."
@begin E4X ObjectiveC
%token At "@"
-%token Pound "#"
%token Ampersand "&"
%token Tilde "~"
%token Colon ":"
+%token ColonColon "::"
%token Comma ","
%token Question "?"
%token SemiColon ";"
+%token Pound "#"
%token NewLine "\n"
%token __ ""
%token _null_ "null"
%token _true_ "true"
+%token _as_ "as"
%token _break_ "break"
%token _case_ "case"
%token _catch_ "catch"
%token _goto_ "goto"
%token _implements_ "implements"
%token _int_ "int"
+%token ___int128_ "__int128"
%token _interface_ "interface"
%token _let_ "let"
%token _let__ "!let"
%token _package_ "package"
%token _private_ "private"
%token _protected_ "protected"
+%token ___proto___ "__proto__"
%token _prototype_ "prototype"
%token _public_ "public"
+%token ___restrict_ "__restrict"
+%token _restrict_ "restrict"
%token _set_ "set"
%token _short_ "short"
%token _static_ "static"
%token _synchronized_ "synchronized"
%token _throws_ "throws"
%token _transient_ "transient"
+%token _typeid_ "typeid"
%token _volatile_ "volatile"
%token _yield_ "yield"
%token _yield__ "!yield"
%type <argument_> ArgumentListOpt
%type <argument_> Arguments
%type <target_> ArrayComprehension
+%type <element_> ArrayElement
%type <literal_> ArrayLiteral
%type <expression_> ArrowFunction
%type <functionParameter_> ArrowParameters
%type <expression_> AssignmentExpression
-%type <expression_> AssignmentExpressionOpt
%type <identifier_> BindingIdentifier
%type <identifier_> BindingIdentifierOpt
%type <bindings_> BindingList_
%type <binding_> BindingElement
%type <expression_> BitwiseORExpression
%type <expression_> BitwiseXORExpression
+%type <target_> BracedExpression_
+%type <target_> BracedExpression
%type <statement_> BreakStatement
%type <statement_> BreakableStatement
%type <expression_> CallExpression_
%type <statement_> Declaration_
%type <statement_> Declaration
%type <clause_> DefaultClause
+%type <element_> ElementList_
%type <element_> ElementList
%type <element_> ElementListOpt
%type <statement_> ElseStatementOpt
%type <expression_> ExpressionOpt
%type <for_> ExpressionStatement_
%type <statement_> ExpressionStatement
+%type <statement_> ExternC
+%type <statement_> ExternCStatement
+%type <statement_> ExternCStatementListOpt
%type <finally_> Finally
%type <binding_> ForBinding
%type <forin_> ForDeclaration
%type <functionParameter_> FormalParameterList_
%type <functionParameter_> FormalParameterList
%type <functionParameter_> FormalParameters
+%type <string_> FromClause
%type <statement_> FunctionBody
%type <statement_> FunctionDeclaration
%type <target_> FunctionExpression
%type <word_> IdentifierName
%type <variable_> IdentifierReference
%type <statement_> IfStatement
+%type <import_> ImportClause
+%type <statement_> ImportDeclaration
+%type <import_> ImportSpecifier
+%type <identifier_> ImportedBinding
+%type <import_> ImportedDefaultBinding
+%type <import_> ImportsList_
+%type <import_> ImportsList
+%type <import_> ImportsListOpt
%type <target_> IndirectExpression
%type <expression_> Initializer
%type <expression_> InitializerOpt
%type <access_> MemberAccess
%type <target_> MemberExpression
%type <method_> MethodDefinition
+%type <statement_> ModuleBody
+%type <statement_> ModuleBodyOpt
+%type <statement_> ModuleItem
+%type <statement_> ModuleItemList
+%type <statement_> ModuleItemListOpt
%type <module_> ModulePath
+%type <string_> ModuleSpecifier
%type <expression_> MultiplicativeExpression
+%type <import_> NameSpaceImport
+%type <import_> NamedImports
%type <target_> NewExpression
%type <null_> NullLiteral
%type <literal_> ObjectLiteral
%type <bool_> RegularExpressionSlash
%type <expression_> RelationalExpression
%type <statement_> ReturnStatement
-%type <rubyProc_> RubyProcExpression
+%type <braced_> BracedParameter
%type <functionParameter_> RubyProcParameterList_
%type <functionParameter_> RubyProcParameterList
%type <functionParameter_> RubyProcParameters
%type <span_> TemplateSpans
%type <statement_> ThrowStatement
%type <statement_> TryStatement
+%type <statement_> TypeDefinition
%type <expression_> UnaryExpression_
%type <expression_> UnaryExpression
%type <binding_> VariableDeclaration
%type <statement_> VariableStatement
%type <statement_> WithStatement
%type <word_> Word
+%type <word_> WordNoUnary
@begin ObjectiveC
%type <word_> WordOpt
%type <expression_> YieldExpression
@begin C
-%type <specifier_> IntegerType
-%type <specifier_> IntegerTypeOpt
-%type <typedIdentifier_> PrefixedType
+%type <constant_> EnumConstantListOpt_
+%type <constant_> EnumConstantListOpt
+%type <number_> IntegerNumber
+%type <integral_> IntegerType
+%type <integral_> IntegerTypeOpt
+%type <typedName_> PrefixedType
+%type <specifier_> PrimitiveReference
%type <specifier_> PrimitiveType
%type <structField_> StructFieldListOpt
-%type <typedIdentifier_> SuffixedType
-%type <typedIdentifier_> TypeSignifier
+%type <typedName_> SuffixedType
+%type <typedName_> SuffixedTypeOpt
+%type <typedName_> TypeSignifier
+%type <typedName_> TypeSignifierNone
+%type <typedName_> TypeSignifierOpt
+%type <signing_> TypeSigning
+%type <modifier_> ParameterTail
%type <modifier_> TypeQualifierLeft
-%type <typedIdentifier_> TypeQualifierRight
-%type <typedIdentifier_> TypedIdentifierMaybe
-%type <typedIdentifier_> TypedIdentifierNo
-%type <typedIdentifier_> TypedIdentifierYes
-%type <typedParameter_> TypedParameterList_
-%type <typedParameter_> TypedParameterList
-%type <typedParameter_> TypedParameterListOpt
+%type <modifier_> TypeQualifierLeftOpt
+%type <typedName_> TypeQualifierRight
+%type <typedName_> TypeQualifierRightOpt
+%type <typedName_> TypedIdentifierDefinition
+%type <typedThing_> TypedIdentifierEncoding
+%type <typedName_> TypedIdentifierField
+%type <typedName_> TypedIdentifierMaybe
+%type <typedLocation_> TypedIdentifierNo
+%type <typedName_> TypedIdentifierTagged
+%type <typedName_> TypedIdentifierYes
+%type <typedFormal_> TypedParameterList_
+%type <typedFormal_> TypedParameterList
+%type <typedFormal_> TypedParameterListOpt
+%type <typedParameter_> TypedParameters
@begin ObjectiveC
%type <protocol_> ClassProtocolsOpt
%type <implementationField_> ImplementationFieldListOpt
%type <statement_> ImplementationStatement
+%type <keyValue_> KeyValuePairList_
+%type <keyValue_> KeyValuePairList
+%type <keyValue_> KeyValuePairListOpt
%type <target_> MessageExpression
%type <messageParameter_> MessageParameter
%type <messageParameter_> MessageParameters
%type <selector_> SelectorExpressionOpt
%type <argument_> SelectorList
%type <word_> SelectorWordOpt
-%type <typedIdentifier_> TypeOpt
+%type <typedThing_> TypeOpt
%type <argument_> VariadicCall
/* Token Priorities {{{ */
%nonassoc "if"
%nonassoc "else"
+%nonassoc ":"
+%nonassoc "!yield"
/* }}} */
%start Program
%token MarkModule
%token MarkScript
+%token MarkExpression
: MarkScript Script
| MarkModule Module
+ | MarkExpression Expression[expression] { driver.context_ = $expression; }
/* Lexer State {{{ */
LexPushReturnOn: { driver.return_.push(true); };
LexPopReturn: { driver.return_.pop(); };
+Return: "return"[return] { if (!driver.return_.top()) CYERR(@return, "invalid return"); };
LexPushSuperOn: { driver.super_.push(true); };
LexPushSuperOff: { driver.super_.push(false); };
LexPopSuper: { driver.super_.pop(); };
+Super: "super"[super] { if (!driver.super_.top()) CYERR(@super, "invalid super"); };
LexPushYieldOn: { driver.yield_.push(true); };
LexPushYieldOff: { driver.yield_.push(false); };
LexPopYield: { driver.yield_.pop(); };
- : { CYLEX(); if (driver.hold_ != empty_symbol) CYERR(@$, "unexpected hold"); if (driver.newline_) { driver.hold_ = yyla.type; yyla.type = yytranslate_(cy::parser::token::NewLine); } }
+ : { CYLEX(); if (driver.newline_) { CYHLD(@$, tk::NewLine); } }
- : { CYLEX(); if (driver.hold_ != empty_symbol) CYERR(@$, "unexpected hold"); driver.hold_ = yyla.type; yyla.type = yytranslate_(driver.newline_ ? cy::parser::token::NewLine : cy::parser::token::__); }
+ : { CYLEX(); CYHLD(@$, driver.newline_ ? tk::NewLine : tk::__); }
| "instanceof" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("instanceof"); }
: IdentifierNoOf[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| "break" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("break"); }
| "case" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("case"); }
| "continue" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("continue"); }
| "debugger" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("debugger"); }
| "default" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("default"); }
- | "delete" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("delete"); }
| "do" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("do"); }
| "else" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("else"); }
| "enum" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("enum"); }
| "import" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("import"); }
| "!in" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("in"); }
| "!of" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("of"); }
- | "new" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("new"); }
| "null" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("null"); }
| "return" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("return"); }
| "super" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("super"); }
| "throw" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("throw"); }
| "true" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("true"); }
| "try" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("try"); }
- | "typeof" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("typeof"); }
| "var" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("var"); }
- | "void" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("void"); }
| "while" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("while"); }
| "with" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("with"); }
+ ;
+ : WordNoUnary[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | "delete" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("delete"); }
+ | "typeof" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("typeof"); }
+ | "void" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("void"); }
| "yield" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("yield"); }
| NewLineNot LexOf Terminator
+ : ";"
+ | error { if (yyla.type_get() != yyeof_) CYERR(@error, "required semi-colon"); else CYEOK(); } StrictSemi
+ ;
: ";"
| error { if (yyla.type_get() != yyeof_ && yyla.type != yytranslate_(token::CloseBrace) && !driver.newline_) CYERR(@error, "required semi-colon"); else CYEOK(); } StrictSemi
: Identifier_[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| "abstract" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("abstract"); }
+ | "as" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("as"); }
| "await" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("await"); }
| "boolean" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("boolean"); }
| "byte" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("byte"); }
| "package" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("package"); }
| "private" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("private"); }
| "protected" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("protected"); }
+ | "__proto__" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("__proto__"); }
| "prototype" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("prototype"); }
| "public" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("public"); }
| "set" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("set"); }
| "target" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("target"); }
| "throws" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("throws"); }
| "transient" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("transient"); }
+ | "typeid" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("typeid"); }
| "undefined" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("undefined"); }
@begin ObjectiveC
| "bool" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("bool"); }
: IdentifierTypeNoOf
| "char" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("char"); }
| "int" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("int"); }
+ | "__int128" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("__int128"); }
| "long" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("long"); }
+ | "__restrict" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("__restrict"); }
+ | "restrict" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("restrict"); }
| "short" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("short"); }
| "static" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("static"); }
| "volatile" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("volatile"); }
@begin C
| "signed" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("signed"); }
- | "struct" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("struct"); }
| "unsigned" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("unsigned"); }
@begin ObjectiveC
: "[" ElementListOpt[elements] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYArray($elements); }
- : AssignmentExpressionOpt[value] "," ElementListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYElementValue($value, $next); }
+ : AssignmentExpression[value] { $$ = CYNew CYElementValue($value); }
| LexOf "..." AssignmentExpression[values] { $$ = CYNew CYElementSpread($values); }
- | AssignmentExpression[value] { $$ = CYNew CYElementValue($value, NULL); }
+ ;
+ : "," ElementListOpt[elements] { $$ = $elements; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
+ : ArrayElement[element] ElementList_[next] { $$ = $element; $$->SetNext($next); }
+ | LexOf "," ElementListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYElementValue(NULL, $next); }
- : "super"[super] { if (!driver.super_.top()) CYERR(@super, "invalid super"); } "[" Expression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYSuperAccess($property); }
- | "super"[super] { if (!driver.super_.top()) CYERR(@super, "invalid super"); } "." IdentifierName[property] { $$ = CYNew CYSuperAccess(CYNew CYString($property)); }
+ : Super "[" Expression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYSuperAccess($property); }
+ | Super "." IdentifierName[property] { $$ = CYNew CYSuperAccess(CYNew CYString($property)); }
- : "super"[super] { if (!driver.super_.top()) CYERR(@super, "invalid super"); } Arguments[arguments] { $$ = CYNew CYSuperCall($arguments); }
+ : Super Arguments[arguments] { $$ = CYNew CYSuperCall($arguments); }
- : AccessExpression[pass] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = $pass; }
+ : BracedExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| IndirectExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
/* }}} */
/* 12.4 Postfix Expressions {{{ */
- : AccessExpression[lhs] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = $lhs; }
+ : BracedExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| AccessExpression[lhs] LexNewLineOrOpt "++" { $$ = CYNew CYPostIncrement($lhs); }
| AccessExpression[lhs] LexNewLineOrOpt "--" { $$ = CYNew CYPostDecrement($lhs); }
: PostfixExpression[expression] { $$ = $expression; }
- | PostfixExpression[expression] "\n" { $$ = $expression; }
| UnaryExpression_[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
/* }}} */
| ArrowFunction[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| LexOf LeftHandSideAssignment[assignment] AssignmentExpression[rhs] { $assignment->SetRight($rhs); $$ = $assignment; }
- : AssignmentExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | LexOf { $$ = NULL; }
- ;
/* }}} */
/* 12.15 Comma Operator ( , ) {{{ */
- : StatementListItem[statement] StatementListOpt[next] { $statement->SetNext($next); $$ = $statement; }
+ : StatementListItem[statement] StatementListOpt[next] { $$ = $statement; CYSetLast($$) = $next; }
- : LexLet LexOf AccessExpression[pass] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = $pass; }
+ : LexLet LexOf BracedExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| LexLet LexOf IndirectExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| LexLet LexOf Var_ LexBind ForBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYForVariable($binding); }
| ForDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
/* }}} */
/* 13.10 The return Statement {{{ */
- : "return"[return] { if (!driver.return_.top()) CYERR(@return, "invalid return"); }
- ;
: Return TerminatorSoft { $$ = CYNew CYReturn(NULL); }
| Return NewLineNot Expression[value] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYReturn($value); }
: "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "\n" LexOf { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue(NULL); */ }
- | "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar LexOf { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue(NULL); */ }
+ | "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar LexOf { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue(NULL); */ } %prec "!yield"
| "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar AssignmentExpression[value] { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue($value); */ }
| "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar LexOf "yield *" AssignmentExpression[generator] { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldGenerator($generator); */ }
/* }}} */
/* 15.2 Modules {{{ */
- : ModuleBodyOpt
+ : ModuleBodyOpt[code] { driver.script_ = CYNew CYScript($code); }
- : ModuleItemList
+ : ModuleItemList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- : ModuleBody
- |
+ : ModuleBody[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf { $$ = NULL; }
- : ModuleItemListOpt ModuleItem
+ : ModuleItem[statement] ModuleItemListOpt[next] { $$ = $statement; CYSetLast($$) = $next; }
- : ModuleItemList
- |
+ : ModuleItemList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf { $$ = NULL; }
- : LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ImportDeclaration
- | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ExportDeclaration
- | StatementListItem
+ : LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ImportDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ExportDeclaration { CYNOT(@$); }
+ | StatementListItem[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
/* }}} */
/* 15.2.2 Imports {{{ */
- : "import" ImportClause FromClause Terminator
- | "import" LexOf ModuleSpecifier Terminator
+ : "import" ImportClause[specifiers] FromClause[module] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYImportDeclaration($specifiers, $module); }
+ | "import" LexOf ModuleSpecifier[module] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYImportDeclaration(NULL, $module); }
- : ImportedDefaultBinding
- | LexOf NameSpaceImport
- | LexOf NamedImports
- | ImportedDefaultBinding "," NameSpaceImport
- | ImportedDefaultBinding "," NamedImports
+ : ImportedDefaultBinding[default] { $$ = $default; }
+ | LexOf NameSpaceImport[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | LexOf NamedImports[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | ImportedDefaultBinding[default] "," NameSpaceImport[next] { $$ = $default; CYSetLast($$) = $next; }
+ | ImportedDefaultBinding[default] "," NamedImports[next] { $$ = $default; CYSetLast($$) = $next; }
- : ImportedBinding
+ : ImportedBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYImportSpecifier(CYNew CYIdentifier("default"), $binding); }
- : "*" "as" ImportedBinding
+ : "*" "as" ImportedBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYImportSpecifier(NULL, $binding); }
- : "{" ImportsListOpt "}"
+ : "{" ImportsListOpt[pass] "}" { $$ = $pass; }
- : "from" ModuleSpecifier
+ : "from" ModuleSpecifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- : "," ImportsListOpt
- |
+ : "," ImportsListOpt[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
- : ImportSpecifier ImportsList_
+ : ImportSpecifier[import] ImportsList_[next] { $$ = $import; CYSetLast($$) = $next; }
- : ImportsList
- | LexOf
+ : ImportsList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | LexOf { $$ = NULL; }
- : ImportedBinding
- | LexOf IdentifierName "as" ImportedBinding
+ : ImportedBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYImportSpecifier($binding, $binding); }
+ | LexOf IdentifierName[name] "as" ImportedBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYImportSpecifier($name, $binding); }
- : StringLiteral
+ : StringLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- : BindingIdentifier
+ : BindingIdentifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
/* }}} */
/* 15.2.3 Exports {{{ */
@begin C
/* Cycript (C): Type Encoding {{{ */
- : IdentifierType[identifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(@identifier, $identifier); }
- | "(" "*" TypeQualifierRight[typed] ")" { $$ = $typed; }
+ : IdentifierType[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedName(@name, $name); }
+ | StringLiteral[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedName(@name, $name); }
+ | NumericLiteral[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedName(@name, $name); }
+ | "(" "*" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypePointerTo($$->modifier_); }
+ ;
+ : { $$ = CYNew CYTypedName(@$); }
+ ;
+ : TypeSignifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | TypeSignifierNone[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ ;
+ : "__restrict"
+ | "restrict"
+ ;
+ : Restrict
+ |
+ ;
+ : "throw" "(" ")"
+ ;
+ : ParameterModifier
+ |
+ ;
+ : TypedParameterListOpt[formal] ")" ParameterModifierOpt { $$ = CYNew CYTypeFunctionWith($formal->variadic_, $formal->parameters_); }
- : SuffixedType[typed] "[" NumericLiteral[size] "]" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeArrayOf($size, $$->modifier_); }
- | "(" "^" TypeQualifierRight[typed] ")" "(" TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeBlockWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); }
- | TypeSignifier[typed] "(" TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeFunctionWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); }
- | "("[parenthesis] TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(@parenthesis); $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeFunctionWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); }
- | TypeSignifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(@$); }
+ : SuffixedTypeOpt[typed] "[" RestrictOpt NumericLiteral[size] "]" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeArrayOf($size, $$->modifier_); }
+ | "(" "^" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] ")" "(" TypedParameters[parameters] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeBlockWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); }
+ | TypeSignifier[typed] "(" ParameterTail[modifier] { $$ = $typed; CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ | "("[parenthesis] ParameterTail[modifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedName(@parenthesis); CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ ;
+ : SuffixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | TypeSignifierOpt[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- : "*" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypePointerTo($$->modifier_); }
+ : "*" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypePointerTo($$->modifier_); }
- : { $$ = NULL; }
- | "const" TypeQualifierLeft[modifier] { $$ = $modifier; CYSetLast($$) = CYNew CYTypeConstant(); }
- | "volatile" TypeQualifierLeft[modifier] { $$ = $modifier; CYSetLast($$) = CYNew CYTypeVolatile(); }
+ : "const" TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] { $$ = $modifier; CYSetLast($$) = CYNew CYTypeConstant(); }
+ | "volatile" TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] { $$ = $modifier; CYSetLast($$) = CYNew CYTypeVolatile(); }
+ ;
+ : TypeQualifierLeft[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
- : PrefixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | SuffixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | "const" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeConstant($$->modifier_); }
- | "volatile" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVolatile($$->modifier_); }
+ : SuffixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | PrefixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | "const" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeConstant($$->modifier_); }
+ | "volatile" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVolatile($$->modifier_); }
+ | Restrict TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; }
+ ;
+ : TypeQualifierRight[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | TypeSignifierOpt[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- : "int" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable("int"); }
- | "unsigned" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeUnsigned($specifier); }
- | "signed" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeSigned($specifier); }
- | "long" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeLong($specifier); }
- | "short" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeShort($specifier); }
+ : "int" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeNeutral); }
+ | "unsigned" IntegerTypeOpt[integral] { $$ = $integral->Unsigned(); if ($$ == NULL) CYERR(@1, "incompatible unsigned"); }
+ | "signed" IntegerTypeOpt[integral] { $$ = $integral->Signed(); if ($$ == NULL) CYERR(@1, "incompatible signed"); }
+ | "long" IntegerTypeOpt[integral] { $$ = $integral->Long(); if ($$ == NULL) CYERR(@1, "incompatible long"); }
+ | "short" IntegerTypeOpt[integral] { $$ = $integral->Short(); if ($$ == NULL) CYERR(@1, "incompatible short"); }
: IntegerType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable("int"); }
+ | { $$ = CYNew CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeNeutral); }
- : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] ";" StructFieldListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeStructField($typed, $next); }
+ : TypedIdentifierField[typed] ";" StructFieldListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeStructField($typed, $typed->name_, $next); }
| { $$ = NULL; }
+ : NumericLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | "-" NumericLiteral[positive] { $$ = $positive; $$->value_ = -$$->value_; }
+ ;
+ : "," EnumConstantListOpt[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
+ : IdentifierType[name] "=" IntegerNumber[value] EnumConstantListOpt_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYEnumConstant($name, $value, $next); }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
+ : { $$ = CYTypeNeutral; }
+ | "signed" { $$ = CYTypeSigned; }
+ | "unsigned" { $$ = CYTypeUnsigned; }
+ ;
: IdentifierType[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable($name); }
| IntegerType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | "void" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); }
- | "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable("char"); }
- | "signed" "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeSigned(CYNew CYTypeVariable("char")); }
- | "unsigned" "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeUnsigned(CYNew CYTypeVariable("char")); }
- | "struct" IdentifierTypeOpt[name] "{" StructFieldListOpt[fields] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeStruct($name, $fields); }
+ | TypeSigning[signing] "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeCharacter($signing); }
+ | TypeSigning[signing] "__int128" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeInt128($signing); }
+ ;
+ : PrimitiveType[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | "struct" IdentifierType[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeReference(CYTypeReferenceStruct, $name); }
+ | "enum" IdentifierType[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeReference(CYTypeReferenceEnum, $name); }
+ | "struct" AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoStruct; YYACCEPT; }
+ | "enum" AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoEnum; YYACCEPT; }
- : TypeQualifierLeft[modifier] PrimitiveType[specifier] TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = $specifier; CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ : TypeQualifierLeft[modifier] "void" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ | "void" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); }
+ | TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] PrimitiveReference[specifier] TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = $specifier; CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
- : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] { if ($typed->identifier_ == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "expected identifier"); $$ = $typed; }
+ : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] { if ($typed->name_ == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "expected identifier"); $$ = $typed; }
- : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] { if ($typed->identifier_ != NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "unexpected identifier"); $$ = $typed; }
+ : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] { if ($typed->name_ != NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "unexpected identifier"); $$ = $typed; }
+ ;
+ : TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] "struct" "{" StructFieldListOpt[fields] "}" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeStruct(NULL, CYNew CYStructTail($fields)); CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ | TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] "enum" ":" PrimitiveType[specifier] "{" EnumConstantListOpt[constants] "}" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeEnum(NULL, $specifier, $constants); CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ ;
+ : TypedIdentifierYes[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | TypedIdentifierTagged[typed] { if ($typed->name_ == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "expected identifier"); $$ = $typed; }
+ ;
+ : TypedIdentifierNo[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | TypedIdentifierTagged[typed] { if ($typed->name_ != NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "unexpected identifier"); $$ = $typed; }
+ | "void" TypeSignifierNone[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); }
+ ;
+ : TypedIdentifierYes[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] "struct" IdentifierTypeOpt[name] "{" StructFieldListOpt[fields] "}" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { if ($typed->name_ == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "expected identifier"); $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeStruct($name, CYNew CYStructTail($fields)); CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; }
+ | "void" TypeSignifier[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); }
- : "@encode" "(" TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYEncodedType($typed); }
+ : "@encode" "(" TypedIdentifierEncoding[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYEncodedType($typed); }
/* }}} */
- : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] ";" ImplementationFieldListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYImplementationField($typed, $next); }
+ : TypedIdentifierField[typed] ";" ImplementationFieldListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYImplementationField($typed, $typed->name_, $next); }
| { $$ = NULL; }
: "(" TypedIdentifierNo[type] ")" { $$ = $type; }
- | { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(CYNew CYTypeVariable("id")); }
+ | { $$ = CYNew CYType(CYNew CYTypeVariable("id")); }
- : Word[tag] ":" TypeOpt[type] BindingIdentifier[identifier] { $type->identifier_ = $identifier; $$ = CYNew CYMessageParameter($tag, $type); }
+ : Word[tag] ":" TypeOpt[type] BindingIdentifier[identifier] { $$ = CYNew CYMessageParameter($tag, $type, $identifier); }
: MessageParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | { $$ = NULL; }
+ | TypedParameterList_[formal] { if ($formal->variadic_) CYERR(@$, "unsupported variadic"); /*XXX*/ if ($formal->parameters_ != NULL) CYERR(@$, "temporarily unsupported"); $$ = NULL; }
: MessageParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | Word[tag] { $$ = CYNew CYMessageParameter($tag, NULL); }
+ | Word[tag] { $$ = CYNew CYMessageParameter($tag); }
| BooleanLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| NumericLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| StringLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | ArrayLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | ObjectLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
| "YES" { $$ = CYNew CYTrue(); }
| "NO" { $$ = CYNew CYFalse(); }
+ : "," KeyValuePairListOpt[next] { $$ = $next; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
+ : AssignmentExpression[key] ":" AssignmentExpression[value] KeyValuePairList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYObjCKeyValue($key, $value, $next); }
+ ;
+ : KeyValuePairList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ | LexOf { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
: "@" BoxableExpression[expression] { $$ = CYNew CYBox($expression); }
+ | "@" "[" ElementListOpt[elements] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYObjCArray($elements); }
+ | "@" "{" KeyValuePairListOpt[pairs] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYObjCDictionary($pairs); }
| "@YES" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYTrue()); }
| "@NO" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYFalse()); }
| "@true" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYTrue()); }
/* Cycript (C): Lambda Expressions {{{ */
: "," TypedParameterList[parameters] { $$ = $parameters; }
- | { $$ = NULL; }
+ | { $$ = CYNew CYTypedFormal(false); }
- : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] TypedParameterList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedParameter($typed, $next); }
+ : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] TypedParameterList_[formal] { CYIdentifier *identifier; if ($typed->name_ == NULL) identifier = NULL; else { identifier = $typed->name_->Identifier(); if (identifier == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "invalid identifier"); } $$ = $formal; $$->parameters_ = CYNew CYTypedParameter($typed, identifier, $$->parameters_); }
+ | "..." { $$ = CYNew CYTypedFormal(true); }
: TypedParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- | { $$ = NULL; }
+ | "void" { $$ = CYNew CYTypedFormal(false); }
+ | { $$ = CYNew CYTypedFormal(false); }
+ ;
+ : TypedParameterListOpt[formal] { if ($formal->variadic_) CYERR(@$, "unsupported variadic"); $$ = $formal->parameters_; }
- : "[" LexOf "&" "]" "(" TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" "->" TypedIdentifierMaybe[type] "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYLambda($type, $parameters, $code); }
+ : "[" LexOf "&" "]" "(" TypedParameters[parameters] ")" "->" TypedIdentifierNo[type] "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYLambda($type, $parameters, $code); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* Cycript (C): Structure Definitions {{{ */
+ : "struct" NewLineOpt { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("struct"); }
+ ;
+ : "struct" NewLineNot IdentifierType[name] "{" StructFieldListOpt[fields] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYStructDefinition($name, CYNew CYStructTail($fields)); }
+ ;
+ : "(" LexOf "struct" NewLineOpt IdentifierType[name] TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] ")" { $typed->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeReference(CYTypeReferenceStruct, $name); $$ = CYNew CYTypeExpression($typed); }
+ | "(" LexOf "struct" NewLineOpt AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoStruct; YYACCEPT; }
/* }}} */
/* Cycript (C): Type Definitions {{{ */
: "typedef" NewLineOpt { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("typedef"); }
+ : "typedef" NewLineNot TypedIdentifierDefinition[typed] TerminatorHard { CYIdentifier *identifier; if ($typed->name_ == NULL) identifier = NULL; else { identifier = $typed->name_->Identifier(); if (identifier == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "invalid identifier"); } $$ = CYNew CYTypeDefinition($typed, identifier); }
+ ;
- : "typedef" NewLineNot TypedIdentifierYes[typed] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYTypeDefinition($typed); }
+ : TypeDefinition[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
- : "(" LexOf "typedef" NewLineOpt TypedIdentifierNo[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeExpression($typed); }
+ : "(" LexOf "typedef" NewLineOpt TypedIdentifierEncoding[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeExpression($typed); }
/* }}} */
/* Cycript (C): extern "C" {{{ */
: "extern" NewLineOpt { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("extern"); }
+ : TypedIdentifierField[typed] TerminatorHard { CYIdentifier *identifier; if ($typed->name_ == NULL) identifier = NULL; else { identifier = $typed->name_->Identifier(); if (identifier == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "invalid identifier"); } $$ = CYNew CYExternalDefinition(CYNew CYString("C"), $typed, identifier); }
+ | TypeDefinition[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ ;
+ : ExternCStatement[statement] ExternCStatementListOpt[next] { $$ = $statement; CYSetLast($$) = $next; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
+ : "{" ExternCStatementListOpt[pass] "}" { $$ = $pass; }
+ | ExternCStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ ;
+ : StringLiteral[abi] { if (strcmp($abi->Value(), "C") != 0) CYERR(@abi, "unknown extern binding"); }
+ ;
- : "extern" NewLineNot StringLiteral[abi] { if (strcmp($abi->Value(), "C") != 0) CYERR(@abi, "unknown extern binding"); } TypedIdentifierYes[typed] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYExternal($abi, $typed); }
+ : "extern" NewLineNot ABI[abi] ExternC[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
-/* }}} */
+ : "(" LexOf "extern" NewLineOpt ABI[abi] TypedIdentifierField[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYExternalExpression(CYNew CYString("C"), $typed, $typed->name_); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
@begin E4X
: "if" "(" AssignmentExpression[test] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYIfComprehension($test); }
/* }}} */
-/* JavaScript FTW: Coalesce Operator {{{ */
- : LogicalORExpression[test] "?" LexPushInOff LexOf ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression[false] { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($test, $test, $false); }
- ;
-/* }}} */
/* JavaScript FTW: Named Arguments {{{ */
- : LexOf Word[tag] ":" AssignmentExpression[value] ArgumentList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument($tag, $value, $next); }
+ : LexOf WordNoUnary[tag] ":" AssignmentExpression[value] ArgumentList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument($tag, $value, $next); }
/* }}} */
+/* JavaScript FTW: Subscript Access {{{ */
+ : "." "[" AssignmentExpression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYSubscriptMember(NULL, $property); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* JavaScript FTW: Java "Anonymous Inner Classes" {{{ */
+ : "{" PropertyDefinitionListOpt[properties] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYExtend(NULL, $properties); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
/* JavaScript FTW: Ruby Blocks {{{ */
: "," RubyProcParameterList[parameters] { $$ = $parameters; }
| { $$ = NULL; }
- : "{" RubyProcParametersOpt[parameters] StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYRubyProc($parameters, $code); }
+ : ";{" RubyProcParametersOpt[parameters] StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYRubyBlock(NULL, CYNew CYRubyProc($parameters, $code)); }
: "{" RubyProcParameters[parameters] StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYRubyProc($parameters, $code); }
- : PostfixExpression[lhs] RubyProcExpression[rhs] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = CYNew CYRubyBlock($lhs, $rhs); }
+ : AccessExpression[pass] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = $pass; }
+ | BracedExpression_[lhs] { if (!$lhs->IsNew()) CYMAP(OpenBrace_, OpenBrace); } BracedParameter[rhs] LexNewLineOrOpt { $rhs->SetLeft($lhs); $$ = $rhs; }
+ ;
+ : BracedExpression_[pass] "\n" { $$ = $pass; }
+ | BracedExpression_[pass] { $$ = $pass; }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* JavaScript FTW: Ruby Scopes {{{ */
+ : "::" "[" Expression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYResolveMember(NULL, $property); }
+ | "::" IdentifierName[property] { $$ = CYNew CYResolveMember(NULL, CYNew CYString($property)); }
+ | "::" AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoResolve; YYACCEPT; }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* JavaScript FTW: Ruby Symbols {{{ */
+ : ":" Word[name] { $$ = CYNew CYSymbol($name->Word()); }
/* }}} */