-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include "minimal/stdlib.h"
-#include <apr-1/apr_strings.h>
-#include <string.h>
+/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* GNU General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+ * Cycript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+ * or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Cycript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Cycript. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/* }}} */
+#include <apr_strings.h>
#include "sig/parse.hpp"
+#include "Error.hpp"
-namespace sig {
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
-void (*sig_aggregate)(apr_pool_t *pool, enum Primitive primitive, const char *name, struct Signature *signature, const char *types) = NULL;
+namespace sig {
-void Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Signature *signature, const char **name, char eos);
-struct Type *Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, const char **name, char eos, bool named);
+void Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Signature *signature, const char **name, char eos, Callback callback);
+struct Type *Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, const char **name, char eos, bool named, Callback callback);
/* XXX: I really screwed up this time */
return ndata;
-void Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Signature *signature, const char **name, char eos) {
+void Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Signature *signature, const char **name, char eos, Callback callback) {
_assert(*name != NULL);
- bool named = **name == '"';
+ // XXX: this is just a stupid check :(
+ bool named(**name == '"');
signature->elements = NULL;
signature->count = 0;
if (**name != '"')
element->name = NULL;
else {
- char *quote = strchr(++*name, '"');
+ const char *quote = strchr(++*name, '"');
element->name = apr_pstrmemdup(pool, *name, quote - *name);
*name = quote + 1;
- element->type = Parse_(pool, name, eos, named);
+ element->type = Parse_(pool, name, eos, named, callback);
if (**name < '0' || **name > '9')
element->offset = _not(size_t);
-struct Type *Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, const char **name, char eos, bool named) {
+struct Type *Parse_(apr_pool_t *pool, const char **name, char eos, bool named, Callback callback) {
char next = *(*name)++;
if (next == '?')
return NULL;
case '#': type->primitive = typename_P; break;
case '(':
- type->primitive = union_P;
+ if (type->data.signature.count < 2)
+ type->primitive = struct_P;
+ else
+ type->primitive = union_P;
next = ')';
goto aggregate;
case '*': type->primitive = string_P; break;
case ':': type->primitive = selector_P; break;
- case '@':
- if (**name == '"') {
- char *quote = strchr(*name + 1, '"');
- if (!named || quote[1] == eos || quote[1] == '"') {
- type->name = apr_pstrmemdup(pool, *name + 1, quote - *name - 1);
- *name = quote + 1;
+ case '@': {
+ char next(**name);
+ if (next == '?') {
+ type->primitive = block_P;
+ ++*name;
+ } else {
+ type->primitive = object_P;
+ if (next == '"') {
+ const char *quote = strchr(*name + 1, '"');
+ if (quote == NULL) {
+ printf("unterminated specific id type {%s}\n", *name - 10);
+ _assert(false);
+ } else if (!named || quote[1] == eos || quote[1] == '"') {
+ type->name = apr_pstrmemdup(pool, *name + 1, quote - *name - 1);
+ *name = quote + 1;
+ }
- type->primitive = object_P;
- break;
+ } break;
case 'B': type->primitive = boolean_P; break;
case 'C': type->primitive = uchar_P; break;
case '[':
type->primitive = array_P;
type->data.data.size = strtoul(*name, (char **) name, 10);
- type->data.data.type = Parse_(pool, name, eos, false);
+ type->data.data.type = Parse_(pool, name, eos, false, callback);
if (**name != ']') {
printf("']' != \"%s\"\n", *name);
case '^':
type->primitive = pointer_P;
- if (**name == 'v') {
- type->data.data.type = NULL;
- ++*name;
- } else if (**name == '"') {
+ if (**name == '"') {
type->data.data.type = NULL;
} else {
- type->data.data.type = Parse_(pool, name, eos, named);
+ type->data.data.type = Parse_(pool, name, eos, named, callback);
+ sig::Type *&target(type->data.data.type);
+ if (target != NULL && target->primitive == void_P)
+ target = NULL;
type->name = NULL;
- char *types;
- if (next != '=')
- types = NULL;
- else {
- const char *temp = *name;
- Parse_(pool, &type->data.signature, name, end);
- types = (char *) apr_pstrmemdup(pool, temp, *name - temp - 1);
- }
+ // XXX: this types thing is a throwback to JocStrap
- if (type->name != NULL && sig_aggregate != NULL) {
- char *angle = strchr(type->name, '<');
- if (angle == NULL)
- (*sig_aggregate)(pool, type->primitive, type->name, &type->data.signature, types);
- else {
- angle = (char *) apr_pstrmemdup(pool, type->name, angle - type->name);
- (*sig_aggregate)(pool, type->primitive, angle, &type->data.signature, types);
- }
- }
+ if (next == '=')
+ Parse_(pool, &type->data.signature, name, end, callback);
} break;
case 'N': type->flags |= JOC_TYPE_INOUT; goto next;
+ if (callback != NULL)
+ (*callback)(pool, type);
return type;
-void Parse(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Signature *signature, const char *name) {
+void Parse(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Signature *signature, const char *name, Callback callback) {
const char *temp = name;
- Parse_(pool, signature, &temp, '\0');
+ Parse_(pool, signature, &temp, '\0', callback);
_assert(temp[-1] == '\0');
return value;
-const char *Unparse(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Type *type) {
- if (type == NULL)
- return "?";
- else switch (type->primitive) {
+const char *Unparse_(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Type *type) {
+ switch (type->primitive) {
case typename_P: return "#";
case union_P: return apr_psprintf(pool, "(%s)", Unparse(pool, &type->data.signature));
case string_P: return "*";
case selector_P: return ":";
+ case block_P: return "@?";
case object_P: return type->name == NULL ? "@" : apr_psprintf(pool, "@\"%s\"", type->name);
case boolean_P: return "B";
case uchar_P: return "C";
case array_P: {
const char *value = Unparse(pool, type->data.data.type);
- return apr_psprintf(pool, "[%lu%s]", type->data.data.size, value);
+ return apr_psprintf(pool, "[%"APR_SIZE_T_FMT"%s]", type->data.data.size, value);
} break;
- case pointer_P: return apr_psprintf(pool, "^%s", type->data.data.type == NULL ? "" : Unparse(pool, type->data.data.type));
- case bit_P: return apr_psprintf(pool, "b%zu", type->data.data.size);
+ case pointer_P: return apr_psprintf(pool, "^%s", type->data.data.type == NULL ? "v" : Unparse(pool, type->data.data.type));
+ case bit_P: return apr_psprintf(pool, "b%"APR_SIZE_T_FMT"", type->data.data.size);
case char_P: return "c";
case double_P: return "d";
case float_P: return "f";
return NULL;
+const char *Unparse(apr_pool_t *pool, struct Type *type) {
+ if (type == NULL)
+ return "?";
+ const char *base(Unparse_(pool, type));
+ if (type->flags == 0)
+ return base;
+ #define iovec_(base, size) \
+ (struct iovec) {const_cast<char *>(base), size}
+ struct iovec parts[8];
+ memset(parts, 0, sizeof(parts));
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_INOUT) != 0)
+ parts[0] = iovec_("N", 1);
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_IN) != 0)
+ parts[1] = iovec_("n", 1);
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_BYCOPY) != 0)
+ parts[2] = iovec_("O", 1);
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_OUT) != 0)
+ parts[3] = iovec_("o", 1);
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_BYREF) != 0)
+ parts[4] = iovec_("R", 1);
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_CONST) != 0)
+ parts[5] = iovec_("r", 1);
+ if ((type->flags & JOC_TYPE_ONEWAY) != 0)
+ parts[6] = iovec_("V", 1);
+ parts[7] = iovec_(base, strlen(base));
+ return apr_pstrcatv(pool, parts, 8, NULL);