-/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* Cycript - The Truly Universal Scripting Language
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jay Freeman (saurik)
/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+template <typename Type_>
+static Type_ *CYmemrchr(Type_ *data, Type_ value, size_t size) {
+ while (size != 0)
+ if (data[--size] == value)
+ return data + size;
+ return NULL;
+static void _lblcall(int (*command)(int, int), int count, int key) {
+ int last(_rl_last_c_pos);
+ // rl_rubout crashes in _rl_erase_at_end_of_line if _rl_last_c_pos != 0
+ if (command == &rl_rubout)
+ _rl_last_c_pos = 0;
+ for (int i(0); i != count; ++i)
+ if (command(1, key) != 0)
+ _assert(false);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = last;
static int CYConsoleKeyReturn(int count, int key) {
- rl_insert(count, '\n');
+ if (rl_point != rl_end) {
+ if (memchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_end) == NULL) {
+ _lblcall(&rl_newline, count, key);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ insert:
+ char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
+ if (before == NULL)
+ before = rl_line_buffer;
+ int space(before + 1 - rl_line_buffer);
+ while (space != rl_point && rl_line_buffer[space] == ' ')
+ ++space;
+ int adjust(rl_line_buffer + space - 1 - before);
+ if (space == rl_point && adjust != 0)
+ _lblcall(&rl_rubout, adjust, '\b');
+ _lblcall(&rl_insert, count, '\n');
+ if (adjust != 0)
+ _lblcall(&rl_insert, adjust, ' ');
+ return 0;
+ }
bool done(false);
- if (rl_end != 0 && rl_point == rl_end && rl_line_buffer[0] == '?')
+ if (rl_line_buffer[0] == '?')
done = true;
- else if (rl_point == rl_end) {
+ else {
std::string command(rl_line_buffer, rl_end);
- std::istringstream stream(command);
+ command += '\n';
+ std::stringbuf stream(command);
size_t last(std::string::npos);
for (size_t i(0); i != std::string::npos; i = command.find('\n', i + 1))
done = true;
- if (done)
- return rl_newline(count, key);
- return 0;
+ if (done) {
+ _lblcall(&rl_newline, count, key);
+ return 0;
+ }
-template <typename Type_>
-static Type_ *CYmemrchr(Type_ *data, Type_ value, size_t size) {
- while (size != 0)
- if (data[--size] == value)
- return data + size;
- return NULL;
+ // XXX: this was the most obvious fix, but is seriously dumb
+ goto insert;
static int CYConsoleKeyUp(int count, int key) {
- char *after(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
- if (after == NULL) {
- if (int value = rl_get_previous_history(count, key))
- return value;
- return 0;
- }
+ for (; count != 0; --count) {
+ char *after(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
+ if (after == NULL) {
+ if (int value = rl_get_previous_history(1, key))
+ return value;
+ continue;
+ }
- char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', after - rl_line_buffer));
- if (before == NULL)
- before = rl_line_buffer - 1;
+ char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', after - rl_line_buffer));
+ if (before == NULL)
+ before = rl_line_buffer - 1;
- ptrdiff_t offset(rl_line_buffer + rl_point - after);
- if (offset > after - before)
- rl_point = after - 1 - rl_line_buffer;
- else
- rl_point = before + offset - rl_line_buffer;
+ ptrdiff_t offset(rl_line_buffer + rl_point - after);
+ if (offset > after - before)
+ rl_point = after - rl_line_buffer;
+ else
+ rl_point = before + offset - rl_line_buffer;
+ }
return 0;
static int CYConsoleKeyDown(int count, int key) {
- char *after(static_cast<char *>(memchr(rl_line_buffer + rl_point, '\n', rl_end - rl_point)));
- if (after == NULL) {
- if (int value = rl_get_next_history(count, key))
- return value;
- rl_point = 0;
- return 0;
+ for (; count != 0; --count) {
+ char *after(static_cast<char *>(memchr(rl_line_buffer + rl_point, '\n', rl_end - rl_point)));
+ if (after == NULL) {
+ int where(where_history());
+ if (int value = rl_get_next_history(1, key))
+ return value;
+ if (where != where_history()) {
+ char *first(static_cast<char *>(memchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_end)));
+ if (first != NULL)
+ rl_point = first - 1 - rl_line_buffer;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
+ if (before == NULL)
+ before = rl_line_buffer - 1;
+ char *next(static_cast<char *>(memchr(after + 1, '\n', rl_line_buffer + rl_end - after - 1)));
+ if (next == NULL)
+ next = rl_line_buffer + rl_end;
+ ptrdiff_t offset(rl_line_buffer + rl_point - before);
+ if (offset > next - after)
+ rl_point = next - rl_line_buffer;
+ else
+ rl_point = after + offset - rl_line_buffer;
- char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
- if (before == NULL)
- before = rl_line_buffer - 1;
+ return 0;
- ptrdiff_t offset(rl_line_buffer + rl_point - before);
- if (offset > rl_line_buffer + rl_end - after)
- rl_point = rl_end;
- else
- rl_point = after + offset - rl_line_buffer;
+static int CYConsoleLineBegin(int count, int key) {
+ while (rl_point != 0 && rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1] != '\n')
+ --rl_point;
+ return 0;
+static int CYConsoleLineEnd(int count, int key) {
+ while (rl_point != rl_end && rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != '\n')
+ ++rl_point;
+ if (rl_point != rl_end && rl_editing_mode == 0)
+ --rl_point;
return 0;
+static int CYConsoleKeyBack(int count, int key) {
+ for (; count != 0; --count) {
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ return 1;
+ char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
+ if (before == NULL) {
+ int adjust(std::min(count, rl_point));
+ _lblcall(&rl_rubout, adjust, key);
+ count -= adjust - 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int start(before + 1 - rl_line_buffer);
+ if (start == rl_point) rubout: {
+ _lblcall(&rl_rubout, 1, key);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int i(start); i != rl_point; ++i)
+ if (rl_line_buffer[i] != ' ')
+ goto rubout;
+ _lblcall(&rl_rubout, (rl_point - start) % 4 ?: 4, key);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int CYConsoleKeyTab(int count, int key) {
+ char *before(CYmemrchr(rl_line_buffer, '\n', rl_point));
+ if (before == NULL) complete:
+ return rl_complete_internal(rl_completion_mode(&CYConsoleKeyTab));
+ int start(before + 1 - rl_line_buffer);
+ for (int i(start); i != rl_point; ++i)
+ if (rl_line_buffer[i] != ' ')
+ goto complete;
+ _lblcall(&rl_insert, 4 - (rl_point - start) % 4, ' ');
+ return 0;
+static void CYConsoleRemapBind(Keymap map, rl_command_func_t *from, rl_command_func_t *to) {
+ char **keyseqs(rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map(from, map));
+ if (keyseqs == NULL)
+ return;
+ for (char **keyseq(keyseqs); *keyseq != NULL; ++keyseq) {
+ rl_bind_keyseq_in_map(*keyseq, to, map);
+ free(*keyseq);
+ }
+ free(keyseqs);
+static void CYConsoleRemapKeys(Keymap map) {
+ CYConsoleRemapBind(map, &rl_beg_of_line, &CYConsoleLineBegin);
+ CYConsoleRemapBind(map, &rl_end_of_line, &CYConsoleLineEnd);
+ CYConsoleRemapBind(map, &rl_get_previous_history, &CYConsoleKeyUp);
+ CYConsoleRemapBind(map, &rl_get_next_history, &CYConsoleKeyDown);
+ CYConsoleRemapBind(map, &rl_rubout, &CYConsoleKeyBack);
+ CYConsoleRemapBind(map, &rl_complete, &CYConsoleKeyTab);
+static void CYConsolePrepTerm(int meta) {
+ rl_prep_terminal(meta);
+ CYConsoleRemapKeys(emacs_standard_keymap);
+ CYConsoleRemapKeys(emacs_meta_keymap);
+ CYConsoleRemapKeys(emacs_ctlx_keymap);
+ CYConsoleRemapKeys(vi_insertion_keymap);
+ CYConsoleRemapKeys(vi_movement_keymap);
static void Console(CYOptions &options) {
std::string basedir;
if (const char *home = getenv("HOME"))
rl_completer_word_break_characters = break_;
rl_attempted_completion_function = &Complete;
- rl_bind_key('\t', rl_complete);
rl_redisplay_function = CYDisplayUpdate;
-#if defined (__MSDOS__)
- rl_bind_keyseq("\033[0A", &CYConsoleKeyUp);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\033[0D", &CYConsoleKeyDown);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\033[A", &CYConsoleKeyUp);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\033[B", &CYConsoleKeyDown);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\033OA", &CYConsoleKeyUp);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\033OB", &CYConsoleKeyDown);
-#if defined (__MINGW32__)
- rl_bind_keyseq("\340H", &CYConsoleKeyUp);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\340P", &CYConsoleKeyDown);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\\000H", &CYConsoleKeyUp);
- rl_bind_keyseq("\\000P", &CYConsoleKeyDown);
+ rl_prep_term_function = CYConsolePrepTerm;
struct sigaction action;
- if (bypass)
+ if (bypass) {
rl_bind_key('\r', &rl_newline);
- else
+ rl_bind_key('\n', &rl_newline);
+ } else {
rl_bind_key('\r', &CYConsoleKeyReturn);
+ rl_bind_key('\n', &CYConsoleKeyReturn);
+ }
mode_ = Parsing;
char *line(readline("cy# "));
std::string command(line);
- _assert(!command.empty());
- _assert(command[command.size() - 1] == '\n');
- command.resize(command.size() - 1);
if (command.empty())
+ history += command;
if (command[0] == '?') {
std::string data(command.substr(1));
*out_ << "lower == " << (lower ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
- history += command;
std::string code;
if (bypass)
code = command;
- else {
- std::istringstream stream(command);
+ else try {
+ std::stringbuf stream(command);
CYPool pool;
CYDriver driver(pool, stream);
std::cerr << " | ";
std::cerr << error->message_ << std::endl;
- history += command;
Setup(out, driver, options, lower);
out << *driver.script_;
code = str.str();
+ } catch (const CYException &error) {
+ CYPool pool;
+ std::cout << error.PoolCString(pool) << std::endl;
+ continue;
- history += command;
if (debug) {
std::cout << "cy= ";
CYLexerHighlight(code.c_str(), code.size(), std::cout);
stream = new std::istringstream(buffer.str());
CYPool pool;
- CYDriver driver(pool, *stream, script);
+ CYDriver driver(pool, *stream->rdbuf(), script);
uint64_t begin(CYGetTime());
CYPool pool;
- CYDriver driver(pool, *stream, script);
+ CYDriver driver(pool, *stream->rdbuf(), script);
bool failed(driver.Parse());
if (failed || !driver.errors_.empty()) {
for (CYDriver::Errors::const_iterator i(driver.errors_.begin()); i != driver.errors_.end(); ++i)
std::cerr << i->location_.begin << ": " << i->message_ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
} else if (driver.script_ != NULL) {
std::stringbuf str;
CYOutput out(str, options);