/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Jay Freeman (saurik)
/* GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
#define CYObjectiveTry_(context) { \
JSContextRef context_(context); \
#define protocol_getName(protocol) [(protocol) name]
+static void (*$objc_setAssociatedObject)(id object, void *key, id value, objc_AssociationPolicy policy);
+static id (*$objc_getAssociatedObject)(id object, void *key);
+static void (*$objc_removeAssociatedObjects)(id object);
JSValueRef CYSendMessage(apr_pool_t *pool, JSContextRef context, id self, Class super, SEL _cmd, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], bool initialize, JSValueRef *exception);
/* Objective-C Pool Release {{{ */
static JSClassRef Instance_;
+static JSClassRef ArrayInstance_;
+static JSClassRef FunctionInstance_;
+static JSClassRef ObjectInstance_;
+static JSClassRef StringInstance_;
static JSClassRef Internal_;
static JSClassRef Message_;
static JSClassRef Messages_;
static Class NSArray_;
+static Class NSBlock_;
static Class NSDictionary_;
static Class NSString_;
static Class Object_;
JSValueRef prototype;
if (self == NSArray_)
- prototype = CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Array_prototype"));
+ prototype = CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("ArrayInstance_prototype"));
+ else if (self == NSBlock_)
+ prototype = CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("FunctionInstance_prototype"));
else if (self == NSDictionary_)
- prototype = CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Object_prototype"));
+ prototype = CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("ObjectInstance_prototype"));
else if (self == NSString_)
prototype = CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("StringInstance_prototype"));
@interface NSObject (Cycript)
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context;
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context;
- (JSType) cy$JSType;
- (NSObject *) cy$toJSON:(NSString *)key;
- (NSString *) cy$toCYON;
-- (NSString *) cy$toKey;
- (bool) cy$hasProperty:(NSString *)name;
- (NSObject *) cy$getProperty:(NSString *)name;
@protocol Cycript
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context;
+- (id) cy$box;
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context;
NSString *CYCastNSCYON(id value) {
/* Bridge: NSArray {{{ */
@implementation NSArray (Cycript)
+- (id) cy$box {
+ return [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];
- (NSString *) cy$toCYON {
NSMutableString *json([[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease]);
[json appendString:@"@["];
/* }}} */
+/* Bridge: NSBlock {{{ */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+@interface NSBlock
+- (void) invoke;
+/* }}} */
/* Bridge: NSBoolNumber {{{ */
#ifndef __APPLE__
@implementation NSBoolNumber (Cycript)
return [self boolValue] ? @"@true" : @"@false";
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
return CYCastJSValue(context, (bool) [self boolValue]);
} CYObjectiveCatch }
/* Bridge: NSDictionary {{{ */
@implementation NSDictionary (Cycript)
+- (id) cy$box {
+ return [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];
- (NSString *) cy$toCYON {
NSMutableString *json([[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease]);
[json appendString:@"@{"];
[json appendString:@","];
comma = true;
- [json appendString:[key cy$toKey]];
+ [json appendString:CYCastNSCYON(key)];
[json appendString:@":"];
NSObject *object([self objectForKey:key]);
[json appendString:CYCastNSCYON(object)];
return [self cy$JSType] != kJSTypeBoolean ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"@%@", self] : [self boolValue] ? @"@true" : @"@false";
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
return [self cy$JSType] != kJSTypeBoolean ? CYCastJSValue(context, [self doubleValue]) : CYCastJSValue(context, [self boolValue]);
} CYObjectiveCatch }
/* Bridge: NSObject {{{ */
@implementation NSObject (Cycript)
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
+- (id) cy$box {
+ return self;
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
return NULL;
} CYObjectiveCatch }
return [[self cy$toJSON:@""] cy$toCYON];
-- (NSString *) cy$toKey {
- return [self cy$toCYON];
- (bool) cy$hasProperty:(NSString *)name {
return false;
/* Bridge: NSString {{{ */
@implementation NSString (Cycript)
+- (id) cy$box {
+ return [[self copy] autorelease];
- (JSType) cy$JSType {
return kJSTypeString;
return CYCastNSString(NULL, CYUTF8String(value.c_str(), value.size()));
-- (NSString *) cy$toKey {
- if (CYIsKey(CYCastUTF8String(self)))
- return self;
- return [self cy$toCYON];
- (bool) cy$hasProperty:(NSString *)name {
if ([name isEqualToString:@"length"])
return true;
return false;
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(context, self));
} CYObjectiveCatch }
return @"undefined";
-- (JSValueRef) cy$JSValueInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
+- (JSValueRef) cy$valueOfInContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry_(context) {
return CYJSUndefined(context);
} CYObjectiveCatch }
@implementation CYJSArray
+- (NSString *) cy$toCYON {
+ CYPool pool;
+ return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:CYPoolCCYON(pool, context_, object_)];
- (id) initWithJSObject:(JSObjectRef)object inContext:(JSContextRef)context { CYObjectiveTry {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
object_ = object;
-// XXX: use objc_getAssociatedObject and objc_setAssociatedObject on 10.6
-struct CYInternal :
- CYData
+// XXX: inherit from or replace with CYJSObject
+@interface CYInternal : NSObject {
+ JSContextRef context_;
JSObjectRef object_;
- CYInternal() :
- object_(NULL)
- {
- }
- ~CYInternal() {
- // XXX: delete object_? ;(
- }
+@implementation CYInternal
- static CYInternal *Get(id self) {
- CYInternal *internal(NULL);
- if (object_getInstanceVariable(self, "cy$internal_", reinterpret_cast<void **>(&internal)) == NULL) {
- // XXX: do something epic? ;P
- }
+- (void) dealloc {
+ JSValueUnprotect(context_, object_);
+ //XXX:JSGlobalContextRelease(context_);
+ [super dealloc];
- return internal;
- }
+- (id) initInContext:(JSContextRef)context {
+ if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
+ context_ = CYGetJSContext(context);
+ //XXX:JSGlobalContextRetain(context_);
+ } return self;
- static CYInternal *Set(id self) {
- CYInternal *internal(NULL);
- if (objc_ivar *ivar = object_getInstanceVariable(self, "cy$internal_", reinterpret_cast<void **>(&internal))) {
- if (internal == NULL) {
- internal = new CYInternal();
- object_setIvar(self, ivar, reinterpret_cast<id>(internal));
- }
- } else {
- // XXX: do something epic? ;P
- }
+- (bool) hasProperty:(JSStringRef)name inContext:(JSContextRef)context {
+ if (object_ == NULL)
+ return false;
- return internal;
- }
+ return JSObjectHasProperty(context, object_, name);
- bool HasProperty(JSContextRef context, JSStringRef name) {
- if (object_ == NULL)
- return false;
- return JSObjectHasProperty(context, object_, name);
+- (JSValueRef) getProperty:(JSStringRef)name inContext:(JSContextRef)context {
+ if (object_ == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return CYGetProperty(context, object_, name);
+- (void) setProperty:(JSStringRef)name toValue:(JSValueRef)value inContext:(JSContextRef)context {
+ @synchronized (self) {
+ if (object_ == NULL) {
+ object_ = JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL);
+ JSValueProtect(context, object_);
+ }
- JSValueRef GetProperty(JSContextRef context, JSStringRef name) {
- if (object_ == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return CYGetProperty(context, object_, name);
+ CYSetProperty(context, object_, name, value);
++ (CYInternal *) get:(id)object {
+ if ($objc_getAssociatedObject == NULL)
+ return nil;
+ @synchronized (object) {
+ if (CYInternal *internal = $objc_getAssociatedObject(object, @selector(cy$internal)))
+ return internal;
- void SetProperty(JSContextRef context, JSStringRef name, JSValueRef value) {
- if (object_ == NULL)
- object_ = JSObjectMake(context, NULL, NULL);
- CYSetProperty(context, object_, name, value);
+ return nil;
++ (CYInternal *) set:(id)object inContext:(JSContextRef)context {
+ if ($objc_getAssociatedObject == NULL)
+ return nil;
+ @synchronized (object) {
+ if (CYInternal *internal = $objc_getAssociatedObject(object, @selector(cy$internal)))
+ return internal;
+ if ($objc_setAssociatedObject == NULL)
+ return nil;
+ CYInternal *internal([[[CYInternal alloc] initInContext:context] autorelease]);
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(object, @selector(cy$internal), internal, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+ return internal;
+ return nil;
static JSObjectRef CYMakeSelector(JSContextRef context, SEL sel) {
Selector_privateData *internal(new Selector_privateData(sel));
CYPool pool;
NSString *name(CYCastNSString(pool, context, property));
- if (CYInternal *internal = CYInternal::Get(self))
- if (internal->HasProperty(context, property))
+ if (CYInternal *internal = [CYInternal get:self])
+ if ([internal hasProperty:property inContext:context])
return true;
Class _class(object_getClass(self));
CYPool pool;
NSString *name(CYCastNSString(pool, context, property));
- if (CYInternal *internal = CYInternal::Get(self))
- if (JSValueRef value = internal->GetProperty(context, property))
+ if (CYInternal *internal = [CYInternal get:self])
+ if (JSValueRef value = [internal getProperty:property inContext:context])
return value;
CYPoolTry {
CYSendMessage(pool, context, self, NULL, sel, 1, arguments, false, exception);
- if (CYInternal *internal = CYInternal::Set(self)) {
- internal->SetProperty(context, property, value);
+ if (CYInternal *internal = [CYInternal set:self inContext:context]) {
+ [internal setProperty:property toValue:value inContext:context];
return true;
return value;
} CYCatch }
+static JSValueRef Instance_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
+ id self(internal->GetValue());
+ if (![self isKindOfClass:NSBlock_])
+ CYThrow("non-NSBlock object is not a function");
+ struct BlockDescriptor1 {
+ unsigned long int reserved;
+ unsigned long int size;
+ };
+ struct BlockDescriptor2 {
+ void (*copy_helper)(void *dst, void *src);
+ void (*dispose_helper)(void *src);
+ };
+ struct BlockDescriptor3 {
+ const char *signature;
+ const char *layout;
+ };
+ struct BlockLiteral {
+ Class isa;
+ int flags;
+ int reserved;
+ void (*invoke)(void *, ...);
+ void *descriptor;
+ } *literal = reinterpret_cast<BlockLiteral *>(self);
+ enum {
+ BLOCK_NEEDS_FREE = 1 << 24,
+ BLOCK_HAS_CTOR = 1 << 26,
+ BLOCK_IS_GC = 1 << 27,
+ BLOCK_IS_GLOBAL = 1 << 28,
+ BLOCK_HAS_STRET = 1 << 29,
+ };
+ if ((literal->flags & BLOCK_HAS_SIGNATURE) != 0) {
+ uint8_t *descriptor(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(literal->descriptor));
+ descriptor += sizeof(BlockDescriptor1);
+ if ((literal->flags & BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) != 0)
+ descriptor += sizeof(BlockDescriptor2);
+ BlockDescriptor3 *descriptor3(reinterpret_cast<BlockDescriptor3 *>(descriptor));
+ if (const char *type = descriptor3->signature) {
+ CYPool pool;
+ void *setup[1];
+ setup[0] = &self;
+ sig::Signature signature;
+ sig::Parse(pool, &signature, type, &Structor_);
+ ffi_cif cif;
+ sig::sig_ffi_cif(pool, &sig::ObjectiveC, &signature, &cif);
+ void (*function)() = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(literal->invoke);
+ return CYCallFunction(pool, context, 1, setup, count, arguments, false, exception, &signature, &cif, function);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count != 0)
+ CYThrow("NSBlock without signature field passed arguments");
+ CYPoolTry {
+ [self invoke];
+ } CYPoolCatch(NULL);
+ return NULL;
+} CYCatch }
static bool Instance_hasInstance(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef constructor, JSValueRef instance, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate((JSObjectRef) constructor)));
Class _class(internal->GetValue());
return false;
} CYCatch }
+static JSValueRef Instance_box_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
+ if (count == 0)
+ throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to Instance");
+ CYPool pool;
+ id value(CYCastNSObject(pool, context, arguments[0]));
+ if (value == nil)
+ value = [NSNull null];
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, [value cy$box]);
+} CYCatch }
static bool Internal_hasProperty(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property) {
Internal *internal(reinterpret_cast<Internal *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object)));
CYPool pool;
sig::Signature signature;
sig::Parse(pool, &signature, type, &Structor_);
+ size_t used(count + 3);
+ if (used > signature.count) {
+ sig::Element *elements(new (pool) sig::Element[used]);
+ memcpy(elements, signature.elements, used * sizeof(sig::Element));
+ for (size_t index(signature.count); index != used; ++index) {
+ sig::Element *element(&elements[index]);
+ element->name = NULL;
+ element->offset = _not(size_t);
+ sig::Type *type(new (pool) sig::Type);
+ memset(type, 0, sizeof(*type));
+ type->primitive = sig::object_P;
+ element->type = type;
+ }
+ signature.elements = elements;
+ signature.count = used;
+ }
ffi_cif cif;
sig::sig_ffi_cif(pool, &sig::ObjectiveC, &signature, &cif);
return CYSendMessage(pool, context, self, _class, _cmd, count - 2, arguments + 2, uninitialized, exception);
} CYCatch }
-/* Hook: objc_registerClassPair {{{ */
-#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__arm__) && 0
-// XXX: replace this with associated objects
-MSHook(void, CYDealloc, id self, SEL sel) {
- CYInternal *internal;
- object_getInstanceVariable(self, "cy$internal_", reinterpret_cast<void **>(&internal));
- if (internal != NULL)
- delete internal;
- _CYDealloc(self, sel);
-MSHook(void, objc_registerClassPair, Class _class) {
- Class super(class_getSuperclass(_class));
- if (super == NULL || class_getInstanceVariable(super, "cy$internal_") == NULL) {
- class_addIvar(_class, "cy$internal_", sizeof(CYInternal *), log2(sizeof(CYInternal *)), "^{CYInternal}");
- MSHookMessage(_class, @selector(dealloc), MSHake(CYDealloc));
- }
- _objc_registerClassPair(_class);
-static JSValueRef objc_registerClassPair_(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
- if (count != 1)
- throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to objc_registerClassPair");
- CYPool pool;
- NSObject *value(CYCastNSObject(pool, context, arguments[0]));
- if (value == NULL || !CYIsClass(value))
- throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to objc_registerClassPair");
- Class _class((Class) value);
- $objc_registerClassPair(_class);
- return CYJSUndefined(context);
-} CYCatch }
-/* }}} */
static JSValueRef Selector_callAsFunction(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef _this, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) {
JSValueRef setup[count + 2];
setup[0] = _this;
Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(_this)));
id value(internal->GetValue());
- if (![value respondsToSelector:@selector(cy$JSValueInContext:)])
+ if (![value respondsToSelector:@selector(cy$valueOfInContext:)])
return _this;
- if (JSValueRef result = [value cy$JSValueInContext:context])
+ if (JSValueRef result = [value cy$valueOfInContext:context])
return result;
return _this;
return NULL;
Instance *internal(reinterpret_cast<Instance *>(JSObjectGetPrivate(_this)));
id value(internal->GetValue());
if (value == nil)
return CYCastJSValue(context, "nil");
CYPoolTry {
// XXX: this seems like a stupid implementation; what if it crashes? why not use the CYONifier backend?
- return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(context, [internal->GetValue() description]));
+ return CYCastJSValue(context, CYJSString(context, [value description]));
} CYPoolCatch(NULL)
} CYCatch return /*XXX*/ NULL; }
void CYObjectiveC_Initialize() { /*XXX*/ JSContextRef context(NULL); CYPoolTry {
+ $objc_setAssociatedObject = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(id, void *, id value, objc_AssociationPolicy)>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "objc_setAssociatedObject"));
+ $objc_getAssociatedObject = reinterpret_cast<id (*)(id, void *)>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "objc_getAssociatedObject"));
+ $objc_removeAssociatedObjects = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(id)>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "objc_removeAssociatedObjects"));
apr_pool_t *pool(CYGetGlobalPool());
Object_type = new(pool) Type_privateData("@");
#ifdef __APPLE__
NSCFBoolean_ = objc_getClass("NSCFBoolean");
+ if (NSCFBoolean_ == nil)
+ NSCFBoolean_ = objc_getClass("__NSCFBoolean");
NSCFType_ = objc_getClass("NSCFType");
NSGenericDeallocHandler_ = objc_getClass("__NSGenericDeallocHandler");
NSMessageBuilder_ = objc_getClass("NSMessageBuilder");
NSArray_ = objc_getClass("NSArray");
+ NSBlock_ = objc_getClass("NSBlock");
NSDictionary_ = objc_getClass("NSDictionary");
NSString_ = objc_getClass("NSString");
Object_ = objc_getClass("Object");
definition.deleteProperty = &Instance_deleteProperty;
definition.getPropertyNames = &Instance_getPropertyNames;
definition.callAsConstructor = &Instance_callAsConstructor;
+ definition.callAsFunction = &Instance_callAsFunction;
definition.hasInstance = &Instance_hasInstance;
definition.finalize = &CYFinalize;
Instance_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition.className = "ArrayInstance";
+ ArrayInstance_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition.className = "FunctionInstance";
+ FunctionInstance_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition.className = "ObjectInstance";
+ ObjectInstance_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
+ definition.className = "StringInstance";
+ StringInstance_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
definition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
definition.className = "Internal";
definition.staticFunctions = Internal_staticFunctions;
definition.getPropertyNames = &ObjectiveC_Protocols_getPropertyNames;
ObjectiveC_Protocols_ = JSClassCreate(&definition);
-#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__arm__) && 0
- MSHookFunction(&objc_registerClassPair, MSHake(objc_registerClassPair));
#ifdef __APPLE__
class_addMethod(NSCFType_, @selector(cy$toJSON:), reinterpret_cast<IMP>(&NSCFType$cy$toJSON), "@12@0:4@8");
JSObjectRef Instance(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, Instance_, &Instance_new));
JSObjectRef Message(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, Message_, NULL));
JSObjectRef Selector(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, Selector_, &Selector_new));
- JSObjectRef StringInstance(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, Instance_, NULL));
JSObjectRef Super(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, Super_, &Super_new));
JSObjectRef Instance_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, Instance, prototype_s)));
CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("Instance_prototype"), Instance_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef ArrayInstance(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, ArrayInstance_, NULL));
+ JSObjectRef ArrayInstance_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, ArrayInstance, prototype_s)));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("ArrayInstance_prototype"), ArrayInstance_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef Array_prototype(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Array_prototype")));
+ JSObjectSetPrototype(context, ArrayInstance_prototype, Array_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef FunctionInstance(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, FunctionInstance_, NULL));
+ JSObjectRef FunctionInstance_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, FunctionInstance, prototype_s)));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("FunctionInstance_prototype"), FunctionInstance_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef Function_prototype(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Function_prototype")));
+ JSObjectSetPrototype(context, FunctionInstance_prototype, Function_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef ObjectInstance(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, ObjectInstance_, NULL));
+ JSObjectRef ObjectInstance_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, ObjectInstance, prototype_s)));
+ CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("ObjectInstance_prototype"), ObjectInstance_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef Object_prototype(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Object_prototype")));
+ JSObjectSetPrototype(context, ObjectInstance_prototype, Object_prototype);
+ JSObjectRef StringInstance(JSObjectMakeConstructor(context, StringInstance_, NULL));
JSObjectRef StringInstance_prototype(CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, StringInstance, prototype_s)));
CYSetProperty(context, cy, CYJSString("StringInstance_prototype"), StringInstance_prototype);
JSObjectRef String_prototype(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("String_prototype")));
JSObjectSetPrototype(context, StringInstance_prototype, String_prototype);
CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("Selector"), Selector);
CYSetProperty(context, cycript, CYJSString("Super"), Super);
+ JSObjectRef box(JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(context, CYJSString("box"), &Instance_box_callAsFunction));
+ CYSetProperty(context, Instance, CYJSString("box"), box);
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__arm__) && 0
CYSetProperty(context, all, CYJSString("objc_registerClassPair"), &objc_registerClassPair_, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
CYSetProperty(context, all, CYJSString("objc_msgSend"), &$objc_msgSend, kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum);
- JSObjectRef Function_prototype(CYGetCachedObject(context, CYJSString("Function_prototype")));
JSObjectSetPrototype(context, CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, Message, prototype_s)), Function_prototype);
JSObjectSetPrototype(context, CYCastJSObject(context, CYGetProperty(context, Selector, prototype_s)), Function_prototype);
} CYPoolCatch() }