-/* Cycript - Remote Execution Server and Disassembler
+/* Cycript - Inlining/Optimizing JavaScript Compiler
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jay Freeman (saurik)
#include <string>
#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "location.hh"
#include "Pooling.hpp"
+#include "Options.hpp"
+class CYContext;
template <typename Type_>
struct CYNext {
struct CYThing {
+ virtual ~CYThing() {
+ }
virtual void Output(struct CYOutput &out) const = 0;
struct CYOutput {
std::ostream &out_;
+ CYOptions &options_;
bool pretty_;
unsigned indent_;
+ bool right_;
enum {
} mode_;
- CYOutput(std::ostream &out) :
+ CYOutput(std::ostream &out, CYOptions &options) :
+ options_(options),
+ right_(false),
struct CYPropertyName {
virtual void PropertyName(CYOutput &out) const = 0;
+ virtual ~CYPropertyName() {
+ }
struct CYExpression;
CYNoCall = (1 << 3),
CYNoRightHand = (1 << 4),
CYNoDangle = (1 << 5),
+ CYNoInteger = (1 << 6),
CYNoBF = (CYNoBrace | CYNoFunction),
-struct CYContext {
- apr_pool_t *pool_;
- CYContext(apr_pool_t *pool) :
- pool_(pool)
- {
- }
- template <typename Type_>
- void Replace(Type_ *&value) {
- if (value != NULL)
- while (Type_ *replace = value->Replace(*this))
- value = replace;
- }
struct CYStatement :
+ virtual ~CYStatement() {
+ }
void Single(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
void Multiple(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags = CYNoFlags) const;
CYStatement *ReplaceAll(CYContext &context);
+ virtual CYStatement *Collapse(CYContext &context);
virtual CYStatement *Replace(CYContext &context) = 0;
struct CYClassName {
+ virtual ~CYClassName() {
+ }
virtual CYExpression *ClassName(CYContext &context, bool object) = 0;
virtual void ClassName(CYOutput &out, bool object) const = 0;
- const char *Value() const {
- return word_;
+ void Set(const char *value) {
+ word_ = value;
+ virtual const char *Word() const;
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
virtual CYExpression *ClassName(CYContext &context, bool object);
_finline std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &lhs, const CYWord &rhs) {
- return lhs << rhs.Value();
+ lhs << &rhs << '=';
+ return lhs << rhs.Word();
struct CYIdentifier :
+ CYNext<CYIdentifier>,
+ CYIdentifier *replace_;
+ size_t offset_;
+ size_t usage_;
CYIdentifier(const char *word) :
- CYWord(word)
+ CYWord(word),
+ replace_(NULL),
+ offset_(0),
+ usage_(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual const char *Word() const;
+ CYIdentifier *Replace(CYContext &context);
+struct CYComment :
+ CYStatement
+ const char *value_;
+ CYComment(const char *value) :
+ value_(value)
+ virtual CYStatement *Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
struct CYLabel :
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+struct CYCStringLess :
+ std::binary_function<const char *, const char *, bool>
+ _finline bool operator ()(const char *lhs, const char *rhs) const {
+ return strcmp(lhs, rhs) < 0;
+ }
+struct CYIdentifierValueLess :
+ std::binary_function<CYIdentifier *, CYIdentifier *, bool>
+ _finline bool operator ()(CYIdentifier *lhs, CYIdentifier *rhs) const {
+ return CYCStringLess()(lhs->Word(), rhs->Word());
+ }
+enum CYIdentifierFlags {
+ CYIdentifierArgument,
+ CYIdentifierVariable,
+ CYIdentifierOther,
+ CYIdentifierMagic,
+ CYIdentifierCatch,
+typedef std::set<const char *, CYCStringLess> CYCStringSet;
+typedef std::set<CYIdentifier *, CYIdentifierValueLess> CYIdentifierValueSet;
+typedef std::map<CYIdentifier *, CYIdentifierFlags> CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap;
+struct CYIdentifierUsage {
+ CYIdentifier *identifier_;
+ size_t usage_;
+typedef std::vector<CYIdentifierUsage> CYIdentifierUsageVector;
+// XXX: strategy pattern, maybe subclass
+enum CYScopeType {
+ CYScopeCatch,
+ CYScopeFunction,
+ CYScopeProgram,
+struct CYScope {
+ CYScopeType type_;
+ CYContext &context_;
+ CYStatement *&statements_;
+ CYScope *parent_;
+ CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap internal_;
+ CYIdentifierValueSet identifiers_;
+ CYScope(CYScopeType type, CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements);
+ void Close();
+ void Declare(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier, CYIdentifierFlags flags);
+ virtual CYIdentifier *Lookup(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier);
+ void Merge(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier);
+ void Scope(CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements);
struct CYProgram :
virtual void Replace(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
+struct CYNonLocal;
+struct CYContext {
+ CYOptions &options_;
+ CYScope *scope_;
+ CYIdentifierUsageVector rename_;
+ CYNonLocal *nonlocal_;
+ CYNonLocal *nextlocal_;
+ unsigned unique_;
+ CYContext(CYOptions &options) :
+ options_(options),
+ scope_(NULL),
+ nonlocal_(NULL),
+ nextlocal_(NULL),
+ unique_(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~CYContext() {
+ }
+ template <typename Type_>
+ void Replace(Type_ *&value) {
+ for (;;) if (value == NULL)
+ break;
+ else {
+ Type_ *replace(value->Replace(*this));
+ if (replace != value)
+ value = replace;
+ else break;
+ }
+ }
+ void NonLocal(CYStatement *&statements);
+ CYIdentifier *Unique();
+struct CYNonLocal {
+ CYIdentifier *identifier_;
+ CYNonLocal() :
+ identifier_(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ CYIdentifier *Target(CYContext &context) {
+ if (identifier_ == NULL)
+ identifier_ = context.Unique();
+ return identifier_;
+ }
struct CYBlock :
return statements_;
+ void AddPrev(CYStatement *statement) {
+ CYStatement *last(statement);
+ while (last->next_ != NULL)
+ last = last->next_;
+ last->SetNext(statements_);
+ statements_ = statement;
+ }
virtual CYStatement *Replace(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
class CYDriver {
- CYPool pool_;
CYState state_;
void *scanner_;
CYProgram *program_;
Errors errors_;
+ bool auto_;
+ struct Context {
+ CYExpression *context_;
+ Context(CYExpression *context) :
+ context_(context)
+ {
+ }
+ typedef std::vector<CYWord *> Words;
+ Words words_;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Context> Contexts;
+ Contexts contexts_;
+ CYExpression *context_;
+ enum Mode {
+ AutoNone,
+ AutoPrimary,
+ AutoDirect,
+ AutoIndirect,
+ AutoMessage
+ } mode_;
void ScannerInit();
void ScannerDestroy();
- CYDriver(const std::string &filename);
+ CYDriver(const std::string &filename = "");
Condition GetCondition();
struct CYForInitialiser {
+ virtual ~CYForInitialiser() {
+ }
virtual void For(CYOutput &out) const = 0;
+ virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context) = 0;
struct CYForInInitialiser {
+ virtual ~CYForInInitialiser() {
+ }
virtual void ForIn(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const = 0;
virtual const char *ForEachIn() const = 0;
virtual CYExpression *ForEachIn(CYContext &out) = 0;
+ virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context) = 0;
struct CYNumber;
virtual const char *ForEachIn() const;
virtual CYExpression *ForEachIn(CYContext &out);
+ virtual CYExpression *AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const = 0;
void Output(CYOutput &out, unsigned precedence, CYFlags flags) const;
CYExpression *expressions_;
- CYCompound(CYExpression *expressions) :
+ CYCompound(CYExpression *expressions = NULL) :
+ virtual CYFunctionParameter *Replace(CYContext &context, CYBlock &code);
+ virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
+struct CYOptionalFunctionParameter :
+ CYFunctionParameter
+ CYExpression *initializer_;
+ CYOptionalFunctionParameter(CYIdentifier *name, CYExpression *initializer, CYFunctionParameter *next = NULL) :
+ CYFunctionParameter(name, next),
+ initializer_(initializer)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual CYFunctionParameter *Replace(CYContext &context, CYBlock &code);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
virtual const char *Name() const {
- return name_->Value();
+ return name_->Word();
virtual CYFunctionParameter *Parameter(CYContext &context) const;
virtual const char *Name() const {
- return name_->Value();
+ return name_->Word();
virtual CYFunctionParameter *Parameter(CYContext &context) const;
CYString(const CYWord *word) :
- value_(word->Value()),
+ value_(word->Word()),
virtual CYNumber *Number(CYContext &context);
virtual CYString *String(CYContext &context);
- virtual CYString *Concat(CYContext &out, CYString *rhs) const;
+ CYString *Concat(CYContext &out, CYString *rhs) const;
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
virtual void PropertyName(CYOutput &out) const;
+ CYVariable(const char *name) :
+ name_(new($pool) CYIdentifier(name))
+ {
+ }
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+struct CYProperty :
+ CYNext<CYProperty>,
+ CYThing
+ CYPropertyName *name_;
+ CYExpression *value_;
+ CYProperty(CYPropertyName *name, CYExpression *value, CYProperty *next = NULL) :
+ CYNext<CYProperty>(next),
+ name_(name),
+ value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ void Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
struct CYDeclaration :
CYIdentifier *identifier_;
CYExpression *initialiser_;
- CYDeclaration(CYIdentifier *identifier, CYExpression *initialiser) :
+ CYDeclaration(CYIdentifier *identifier, CYExpression *initialiser = NULL) :
virtual const char *ForEachIn() const;
virtual CYExpression *ForEachIn(CYContext &out);
- void Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual CYAssignment *Assignment(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
struct CYDeclarations :
- CYForInitialiser,
- CYThing
+ CYThing,
+ CYForInitialiser
CYDeclaration *declaration_;
virtual void For(CYOutput &out) const;
- void Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual CYCompound *Replace(CYContext &context);
+ CYProperty *Property(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
-struct CYProperty :
- CYNext<CYProperty>,
- CYThing
- CYPropertyName *name_;
- CYExpression *value_;
- CYProperty(CYPropertyName *name, CYExpression *value, CYProperty *next = NULL) :
- CYNext<CYProperty>(next),
- name_(name),
- value_(value)
- {
- }
- void Replace(CYContext &context);
- virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
struct CYObject :
CYProperty *properties_;
- CYObject(CYProperty *properties) :
+ CYObject(CYProperty *properties = NULL) :
void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
-struct CYCatch :
- CYThing
- CYIdentifier *name_;
- CYBlock code_;
- CYCatch(CYIdentifier *name, CYStatement *statements) :
- name_(name),
- code_(statements)
- {
- }
- void Replace(CYContext &context);
- virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
struct CYMember :
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
-struct CYNew :
+namespace cy {
+namespace Syntax {
+struct New :
CYExpression *constructor_;
CYArgument *arguments_;
- CYNew(CYExpression *constructor, CYArgument *arguments) :
+ New(CYExpression *constructor, CYArgument *arguments) :
virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+ virtual CYExpression *AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value);
+} }
struct CYCall :
virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+ virtual CYExpression *AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value);
+struct CYRubyProc;
+struct CYRubyBlock :
+ CYExpression
+ CYExpression *call_;
+ CYRubyProc *proc_;
+ CYRubyBlock(CYExpression *call, CYRubyProc *proc) :
+ call_(call),
+ proc_(proc)
+ {
+ }
+ CYPrecedence(1)
+ CYRightHand(false)
+ virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
struct CYIf :
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+// XXX: this should be split up into CYAnonymousFunction and CYNamedFunction (subclass)
struct CYFunction {
CYIdentifier *name_;
CYFunctionParameter *parameters_;
CYBlock code_;
+ CYNonLocal *nonlocal_;
CYFunction(CYIdentifier *name, CYFunctionParameter *parameters, CYStatement *statements) :
- code_(statements)
+ code_(statements),
+ nonlocal_(NULL)
- virtual void Replace_(CYContext &context);
+ virtual ~CYFunction() {
+ }
+ void Inject(CYContext &context);
+ virtual void Replace_(CYContext &context, bool outer);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+// XXX: this should be split up into CYAnonymousFunctionExpression and CYNamedFunctionExpression
struct CYFunctionExpression :
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+// XXX: this should derive from CYAnonymousFunctionExpression
+struct CYRubyProc :
+ CYFunctionExpression
+ CYRubyProc(CYFunctionParameter *parameters, CYStatement *statements) :
+ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters, statements)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual CYExpression *Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+// XXX: this should derive from CYNamedFunction
struct CYFunctionStatement :
CYExpress(CYExpression *expression) :
+ if (expression == NULL)
+ throw;
+ virtual CYStatement *Collapse(CYContext &context);
virtual CYStatement *Replace(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
struct CYEmpty :
+ virtual CYStatement *Collapse(CYContext &context);
virtual CYStatement *Replace(CYContext &context);
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
-struct CYTry :
+namespace cy {
+namespace Syntax {
+struct Catch :
+ CYThing
+ CYIdentifier *name_;
+ CYBlock code_;
+ Catch(CYIdentifier *name, CYStatement *statements) :
+ name_(name),
+ code_(statements)
+ {
+ }
+ void Replace(CYContext &context);
+ virtual void Output(CYOutput &out) const;
+struct Try :
CYBlock code_;
- CYCatch *catch_;
+ Catch *catch_;
CYFinally *finally_;
- CYTry(CYStatement *statements, CYCatch *_catch, CYFinally *finally) :
+ Try(CYStatement *statements, Catch *_catch, CYFinally *finally) :
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
-struct CYThrow :
+struct Throw :
CYExpression *value_;
- CYThrow(CYExpression *value) :
+ Throw(CYExpression *value = NULL) :
virtual void Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const;
+} }
struct CYWith :
virtual const char *Operator() const {
- return "^";
+ return "*";