/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jay Freeman (saurik)
-/* GNU General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
- * Cycript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
- * or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Cycript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Cycript. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* }}} */
-#include "Parser.hpp"
-#include "Replace.hpp"
#include <iomanip>
+#include <map>
+#include "Replace.hpp"
+#include "Syntax.hpp"
CYFunctionExpression *CYNonLocalize(CYContext &context, CYFunctionExpression *function) {
function->nonlocal_ = context.nextlocal_;
return function;
+CYFunctionExpression *CYSuperize(CYContext &context, CYFunctionExpression *function) {
+ function->super_ = context.super_;
+ return function;
+CYStatement *CYDefineProperty(CYExpression *object, CYExpression *name, bool configurable, bool enumerable, CYProperty *descriptor) {
+ return $E($C3($M($V("Object"), $S("defineProperty")), object, name, $ CYObject(CYList<CYProperty>()
+ ->* (configurable ? $ CYPropertyValue($S("configurable"), $ CYTrue()) : NULL)
+ ->* (enumerable ? $ CYPropertyValue($S("enumerable"), $ CYTrue()) : NULL)
+ ->* descriptor)));
+static void CYImplicitReturn(CYStatement *&code) {
+ if (CYStatement *&last = CYGetLast(code))
+ last = last->Return();
CYExpression *CYAdd::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- CYExpression *lhp(lhs_->Primitive(context));
- CYExpression *rhp(rhs_->Primitive(context));
- CYString *lhs(dynamic_cast<CYString *>(lhp));
- CYString *rhs(dynamic_cast<CYString *>(rhp));
+ CYString *lhs(dynamic_cast<CYString *>(lhs_));
+ CYString *rhs(dynamic_cast<CYString *>(rhs_));
if (lhs != NULL || rhs != NULL) {
if (lhs == NULL) {
- lhs = lhp->String(context);
+ lhs = lhs_->String(context);
if (lhs == NULL)
return this;
} else if (rhs == NULL) {
- rhs = rhp->String(context);
+ rhs = rhs_->String(context);
if (rhs == NULL)
return this;
return lhs->Concat(context, rhs);
- if (CYNumber *lhn = lhp->Number(context))
- if (CYNumber *rhn = rhp->Number(context))
+ if (CYNumber *lhn = lhs_->Number(context))
+ if (CYNumber *rhn = rhs_->Number(context))
return $D(lhn->Value() + rhn->Value());
return this;
return $C0($M(rhs_, $S("$cya")));
+CYTarget *CYApply::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ CYArgument **argument(&arguments_);
+ while (*argument != NULL)
+ argument = &(*argument)->next_;
+ *argument = $ CYArgument(value);
+ return this;
CYArgument *CYArgument::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
next_ = next_->Replace(context);
return this;
-CYExpression *CYArray::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- elements_->Replace(context);
+CYTarget *CYArray::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ if (elements_ != NULL)
+ elements_->Replace(context);
return this;
-CYExpression *CYArrayComprehension::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- CYVariable *cyv($V("$cyv"));
+CYTarget *CYArrayComprehension::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYIdentifier *cyv(context.Unique());
- return $C0($F(NULL, $P1($L("$cyv"), comprehensions_->Parameters(context)), $$->*
- $E($ CYAssign(cyv, $ CYArray()))->*
- comprehensions_->Replace(context, $E($C1($M(cyv, $S("push")), expression_)))->*
- $ CYReturn(cyv)
+ return $C0($F(NULL, $P1($L(cyv), comprehensions_->Parameters(context)), $$
+ ->* $E($ CYAssign($V(cyv), $ CYArray()))
+ ->* comprehensions_->Replace(context, $E($C1($M($V(cyv), $S("push")), expression_)))
+ ->* $ CYReturn($V(cyv))
return this;
-CYStatement *CYBlock::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.ReplaceAll(statements_);
- if (statements_ == NULL)
- return $ CYEmpty();
+CYStatement *CYBlock::Return() {
+ CYImplicitReturn(code_);
return this;
-CYStatement *CYBreak::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYStatement *CYBlock::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYScope scope(true, context);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ scope.Close(context);
+ if (code_ == NULL)
+ return $ CYEmpty();
return this;
-CYExpression *CYCall::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
- CYArgument **argument(&arguments_);
- while (*argument != NULL)
- argument = &(*argument)->next_;
- *argument = $ CYArgument(value);
+CYStatement *CYBreak::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
-CYExpression *CYCall::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYTarget *CYCall::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
namespace Syntax {
void Catch::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
- CYScope scope(true, context, code_.statements_);
+ CYScope scope(true, context);
- context.Replace(name_);
- context.scope_->Declare(context, name_, CYIdentifierCatch);
+ name_ = name_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierCatch);
- code_.Replace(context);
- scope.Close();
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ scope.Close(context);
} }
+CYTarget *CYClassExpression::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYBuilder builder;
+ CYIdentifier *super(context.Unique());
+ CYIdentifier *old(context.super_);
+ context.super_ = super;
+ CYIdentifier *constructor(context.Unique());
+ CYForEach (member, tail_->static_)
+ member->Replace(context, builder, $V(constructor), true);
+ CYIdentifier *prototype(context.Unique());
+ CYForEach (member, tail_->instance_)
+ member->Replace(context, builder, $V(prototype), true);
+ if (tail_->constructor_ == NULL)
+ tail_->constructor_ = $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ tail_->constructor_ = CYSuperize(context, tail_->constructor_);
+ context.super_ = old;
+ return $C1($ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, $P($L(super)), $$
+ ->* $ CYVar($L1($L(constructor, tail_->constructor_)))
+ ->* $ CYVar($L1($L(prototype, $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, NULL, NULL))))
+ ->* $E($ CYAssign($M($V(prototype), $S("prototype")), $M($V(super), $S("prototype"))))
+ ->* $E($ CYAssign($V(prototype), $N($V(prototype))))
+ ->* CYDefineProperty($V(prototype), $S("constructor"), false, false, $ CYPropertyValue($S("value"), $V(constructor)))
+ ->* $ CYVar(builder.declarations_)
+ ->* builder.statements_
+ ->* CYDefineProperty($V(constructor), $S("prototype"), false, false, $ CYPropertyValue($S("value"), $V(prototype)))
+ ->* $ CYReturn($V(constructor))
+ ), tail_->extends_ ?: $V($I("Object")));
+CYStatement *CYClassStatement::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $ CYVar($L1($L(name_, $ CYClassExpression(name_, tail_))));
void CYClause::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
- context.ReplaceAll(statements_);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
-CYStatement *CYComment::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYExpression *CYCompound::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ context.Replace(expression_);
+ context.Replace(next_);
+ if (CYCompound *compound = dynamic_cast<CYCompound *>(expression_)) {
+ expression_ = compound->expression_;
+ compound->expression_ = compound->next_;
+ compound->next_ = next_;
+ next_ = compound;
+ }
return this;
-CYExpression *CYCompound::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.ReplaceAll(expressions_);
- if (expressions_ == NULL)
+CYFunctionParameter *CYCompound::Parameter() const {
+ CYFunctionParameter *next(next_->Parameter());
+ if (next == NULL)
return NULL;
- return this;
-CYExpression *CYCompound::Primitive(CYContext &context) {
- CYExpression *expression(expressions_);
- if (expression == NULL)
+ CYFunctionParameter *parameter(expression_->Parameter());
+ if (parameter == NULL)
return NULL;
- while (expression->next_ != NULL)
- expression = expression->next_;
- return expression->Primitive(context);
+ parameter->SetNext(next);
+ return parameter;
CYFunctionParameter *CYComprehension::Parameters(CYContext &context) const { $T(NULL)
return next_ == NULL ? statement : next_->Replace(context, statement);
+CYExpression *CYComputed::PropertyName(CYContext &context) {
+ return expression_;
CYExpression *CYCondition::Replace(CYContext &context) {
CYContext &context(*this);
if (nextlocal_ != NULL && nextlocal_->identifier_ != NULL) {
- CYIdentifier *cye($I("$cye")->Replace(context));
- CYIdentifier *unique(nextlocal_->identifier_->Replace(context));
+ CYIdentifier *cye($I("$cye")->Replace(context, CYIdentifierGlobal));
+ CYIdentifier *unique(nextlocal_->identifier_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierGlobal));
CYStatement *declare(
- $ CYVar($L1($ CYDeclaration(unique, $ CYObject()))));
+ $ CYVar($L1($L(unique, $ CYObject()))));
cy::Syntax::Catch *rescue(
- $ cy::Syntax::Catch(cye, $$->*
- $ CYIf($ CYIdentical($M($V(cye), $S("$cyk")), $V(unique)), $$->*
- $ CYReturn($M($V(cye), $S("$cyv"))))->*
- $ cy::Syntax::Throw($V(cye))));
+ $ cy::Syntax::Catch(cye, $$
+ ->* $ CYIf($ CYIdentical($M($V(cye), $S("$cyk")), $V(unique)), $$
+ ->* $ CYReturn($M($V(cye), $S("$cyv"))))
+ ->* $ cy::Syntax::Throw($V(cye))));
- statements = $$->*
- declare->*
- $ cy::Syntax::Try(statements, rescue, NULL);
+ statements = $$
+ ->* declare
+ ->* $ cy::Syntax::Try(statements, rescue, NULL);
return this;
-CYAssignment *CYDeclaration::Assignment(CYContext &context) {
+CYTarget *CYDeclaration::Target(CYContext &context) {
+ return $V(identifier_);
+CYAssignment *CYDeclaration::Replace(CYContext &context, CYIdentifierKind kind) {
+ identifier_ = identifier_->Replace(context, kind);
if (initialiser_ == NULL)
return NULL;
- CYAssignment *value($ CYAssign(Variable(context), initialiser_));
+ CYAssignment *value($ CYAssign(Target(context), initialiser_));
initialiser_ = NULL;
return value;
-CYVariable *CYDeclaration::Variable(CYContext &context) {
- return $V(identifier_);
-CYStatement *CYDeclaration::ForEachIn(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
- return $ CYVar($L1($ CYDeclaration(identifier_, value)));
-CYExpression *CYDeclaration::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(identifier_);
- context.scope_->Declare(context, identifier_, CYIdentifierVariable);
- return Variable(context);
-void CYDeclarations::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
- declaration_->Replace(context);
- next_->Replace(context);
+CYExpression *CYDeclarations::Replace(CYContext &context, CYIdentifierKind kind) { $T(NULL)
+ CYAssignment *assignment(declaration_->Replace(context, kind));
+ CYExpression *compound(next_->Replace(context, kind));
-CYProperty *CYDeclarations::Property(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
- return $ CYProperty(declaration_->identifier_, declaration_->initialiser_, next_->Property(context));
+ if (assignment != NULL)
+ if (compound == NULL)
+ compound = assignment;
+ else
+ compound = $ CYCompound(assignment, compound);
+ return compound;
CYFunctionParameter *CYDeclarations::Parameter(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
return $ CYArgument(declaration_->initialiser_, next_->Argument(context));
-CYCompound *CYDeclarations::Compound(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
- CYCompound *compound(next_->Compound(context) ?: $ CYCompound());
- if (CYAssignment *assignment = declaration_->Assignment(context))
- compound->AddPrev(assignment);
- return compound;
-CYExpression *CYDirectMember::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYTarget *CYDirectMember::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
CYStatement *CYDoWhile::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(code_);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
return this;
-void CYElement::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
+void CYElementSpread::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- next_->Replace(context);
-CYStatement *CYEmpty::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return NULL;
+void CYElementValue::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ context.Replace(value_);
+ if (next_ != NULL)
+ next_->Replace(context);
-CYStatement *CYExpress::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- while (CYExpress *express = dynamic_cast<CYExpress *>(next_)) {
- CYCompound *compound(dynamic_cast<CYCompound *>(express->expression_));
- if (compound == NULL)
- compound = $ CYCompound(express->expression_);
- compound->AddPrev(expression_);
- expression_ = compound;
- SetNext(express->next_);
- }
+CYForInitializer *CYEmpty::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return NULL;
- context.Replace(expression_);
- if (expression_ == NULL)
- return $ CYEmpty();
+CYTarget *CYEncodedType::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return typed_->Replace(context);
- return this;
+CYTarget *CYEval::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ context.scope_->Damage();
+ if (arguments_ != NULL)
+ arguments_->value_ = $C1($M($V("Cycript"), $S("compile")), arguments_->value_);
+ return $C($V("eval"), arguments_);
-CYExpression *CYExpression::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
- return $C1(this, value);
+CYStatement *CYExpress::Return() {
+ return $ CYReturn(expression_);
-CYExpression *CYExpression::ClassName(CYContext &context, bool object) {
+CYForInitializer *CYExpress::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ context.Replace(expression_);
return this;
-CYStatement *CYExpression::ForEachIn(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
- return $E($ CYAssign(this, value));
+CYTarget *CYExpression::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ return $C1(this, value);
-CYAssignment *CYExpression::Assignment(CYContext &context) {
+CYFunctionParameter *CYExpression::Parameter() const {
return NULL;
+CYStatement *CYExternal::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $E($ CYAssign($V(typed_->identifier_), $C1(typed_->Replace(context), $C2($V("dlsym"), $V("RTLD_DEFAULT"), $S(typed_->identifier_->Word())))));
CYNumber *CYFalse::Number(CYContext &context) {
return $D(0);
void CYFinally::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
- code_.Replace(context);
+ CYScope scope(true, context);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ scope.Close(context);
CYStatement *CYFor::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYScope outer(true, context);
+ {
+ CYScope inner(true, context);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ inner.Close(context);
+ }
- context.Replace(code_);
+ outer.Close(context);
return this;
-CYCompound *CYForDeclarations::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- declarations_->Replace(context);
- return declarations_->Compound(context);
+CYStatement *CYForLexical::Initialize(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ if (declaration_->initialiser_ == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ value = declaration_->initialiser_;
+ }
+ return $ CYLet(constant_, $L1($ CYDeclaration(declaration_->identifier_, value)));
-// XXX: this still feels highly suboptimal
-CYStatement *CYForIn::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- if (CYAssignment *assignment = initialiser_->Assignment(context))
- return $ CYBlock($$->*
- $E(assignment)->*
- this
- );
+CYTarget *CYForLexical::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ _assert(declaration_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierLexical) == NULL);
+ return declaration_->Target(context);
+CYStatement *CYForIn::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYScope scope(true, context);
- context.Replace(code_);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ scope.Close(context);
return this;
+CYStatement *CYForInitialized::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYAssignment *assignment(declaration_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierVariable));
+ return $ CYBlock($$
+ ->* (assignment == NULL ? NULL : $ CYExpress(assignment))
+ ->* $ CYForIn(declaration_->Target(context), set_, code_));
CYFunctionParameter *CYForInComprehension::Parameter(CYContext &context) const {
- return $ CYFunctionParameter($ CYDeclaration(name_));
+ return $ CYFunctionParameter(declaration_);
CYStatement *CYForInComprehension::Replace(CYContext &context, CYStatement *statement) const {
- return $ CYForIn($V(name_), set_, CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement));
+ return $ CYForIn(declaration_->Target(context), set_, CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement));
CYStatement *CYForOf::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- if (CYAssignment *assignment = initialiser_->Assignment(context))
- return $ CYBlock($$->*
- $E(assignment)->*
- this
- );
- CYIdentifier *cys($I("$cys")), *cyt($I("$cyt"));
- return $ CYLetStatement($L2($ CYDeclaration(cys, set_), $ CYDeclaration(cyt)), $$->*
- $ CYForIn($V(cyt), $V(cys), $ CYBlock($$->*
- initialiser_->ForEachIn(context, $M($V(cys), $V(cyt)))->*
- code_
- ))
- );
+ CYIdentifier *item(context.Unique()), *list(context.Unique());
+ return $ CYBlock($$
+ ->* initialiser_->Initialize(context, NULL)
+ ->* $ CYLet(false, $L2($L(list, set_), $L(item)))
+ ->* $ CYForIn($V(item), $V(list), $ CYBlock($$
+ ->* initialiser_->Initialize(context, $M($V(list), $V(item)))
+ ->* code_
+ )));
CYFunctionParameter *CYForOfComprehension::Parameter(CYContext &context) const {
- return $ CYFunctionParameter($ CYDeclaration(name_));
+ return $ CYFunctionParameter(declaration_);
CYStatement *CYForOfComprehension::Replace(CYContext &context, CYStatement *statement) const {
- CYIdentifier *cys($I("cys"));
- return $E($C0($F(NULL, $P1($L("$cys")), $$->*
- $E($ CYAssign($V(cys), set_))->*
- $ CYForIn($V(name_), $V(cys), $ CYBlock($$->*
- $E($ CYAssign($V(name_), $M($V(cys), $V(name_))))->*
- CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement)
- ))
+ CYIdentifier *cys(context.Unique());
+ return $ CYBlock($$
+ ->* $ CYLet(false, $L1($L(cys, set_)))
+ ->* $ CYForIn(declaration_->Target(context), $V(cys), $ CYBlock($$
+ ->* $E($ CYAssign(declaration_->Target(context), $M($V(cys), declaration_->Target(context))))
+ ->* CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement)
-void CYFunction::Inject(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(name_);
- context.scope_->Declare(context, name_, CYIdentifierOther);
+CYStatement *CYForVariable::Initialize(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ if (declaration_->initialiser_ == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ value = declaration_->initialiser_;
+ }
+ return $ CYVar($L1($ CYDeclaration(declaration_->identifier_, value)));
+CYTarget *CYForVariable::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ _assert(declaration_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierVariable) == NULL);
+ return declaration_->Target(context);
-void CYFunction::Replace_(CYContext &context, bool outer) {
- if (outer)
- Inject(context);
+// XXX: this is evil evil black magic. don't ask, don't tell... don't believe!
+#define MappingSet "0etnirsoalfucdphmgyvbxTwSNECAFjDLkMOIBPqzRH$_WXUVGYKQJZ"
+//#define MappingSet "0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_"
+void CYFunction::Replace(CYContext &context) {
CYThisScope *_this(context.this_);
- context.this_ = CYGetLast(&this_);
+ context.this_ = &this_;
+ context.this_ = CYGetLast(context.this_);
+ CYIdentifier *super(context.super_);
+ context.super_ = super_;
CYNonLocal *nonlocal(context.nonlocal_);
CYNonLocal *nextlocal(context.nextlocal_);
context.nextlocal_ = nonlocal_;
- CYScope scope(!localize, context, code_.statements_);
+ CYScope scope(!localize, context);
- if (!outer && name_ != NULL)
- Inject(context);
+ $I("arguments")->Replace(context, CYIdentifierMagic);
parameters_->Replace(context, code_);
- code_.Replace(context);
- if (CYIdentifier *identifier = this_.identifier_)
- code_.statements_ = $$->*
- $ CYVar($L1($ CYDeclaration(identifier, $ CYThis())))->*
- code_.statements_;
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ if (implicit_)
+ CYImplicitReturn(code_);
+ if (CYIdentifier *identifier = this_.identifier_) {
+ context.scope_->Declare(context, identifier, CYIdentifierVariable);
+ code_ = $$
+ ->* $E($ CYAssign($V(identifier), $ CYThis()))
+ ->* code_;
+ }
if (localize)
- context.NonLocal(code_.statements_);
+ context.NonLocal(code_);
context.nextlocal_ = nextlocal;
context.nonlocal_ = nonlocal;
+ context.super_ = super;
context.this_ = _this;
- scope.Close();
+ scope.Close(context, code_);
-CYExpression *CYFunctionExpression::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- Replace_(context, false);
+CYTarget *CYFunctionExpression::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYScope scope(false, context);
+ if (name_ != NULL)
+ name_ = name_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierOther);
+ CYFunction::Replace(context);
+ scope.Close(context);
return this;
-void CYFunctionParameter::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBlock &code) { $T()
- CYAssignment *assignment(initialiser_->Assignment(context));
- context.Replace(initialiser_);
+void CYFunctionParameter::Replace(CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements) { $T()
+ CYAssignment *assignment(initialiser_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierArgument));
- next_->Replace(context, code);
+ next_->Replace(context, statements);
if (assignment != NULL)
- // XXX: this cast is quite incorrect
- code.AddPrev($ CYIf($ CYIdentical($ CYTypeOf(dynamic_cast<CYExpression *>(initialiser_)), $S("undefined")), $$->*
- $E(assignment)
- ));
+ statements = $$
+ ->* $ CYIf($ CYIdentical($ CYTypeOf(initialiser_->Target(context)), $S("undefined")), $$
+ ->* $E(assignment))
+ ->* statements;
CYStatement *CYFunctionStatement::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- Replace_(context, true);
+ name_ = name_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierOther);
+ CYFunction::Replace(context);
return this;
-CYIdentifier *CYIdentifier::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- if (replace_ != NULL && replace_ != this)
- return replace_->Replace(context);
- replace_ = context.scope_->Lookup(context, this);
- return replace_;
+CYIdentifier *CYIdentifier::Replace(CYContext &context, CYIdentifierKind kind) {
+ if (next_ == this)
+ return this;
+ if (next_ != NULL)
+ return next_->Replace(context, kind);
+ next_ = context.scope_->Declare(context, this, kind)->identifier_;
+ return next_;
+CYStatement *CYIf::Return() {
+ CYImplicitReturn(true_);
+ CYImplicitReturn(false_);
+ return this;
CYStatement *CYIf::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(true_);
- context.Replace(false_);
+ context.ReplaceAll(true_);
+ context.ReplaceAll(false_);
return this;
return $ CYIf(test_, CYComprehension::Replace(context, statement));
-CYExpression *CYIndirect::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYStatement *CYImport::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $ CYVar($L1($L($I(module_->part_->Word()), $C1($V("require"), module_->Replace(context, "/")))));
+CYTarget *CYIndirect::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return $M(rhs_, $S("$cyi"));
-CYExpression *CYIndirectMember::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYTarget *CYIndirectMember::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return $M($ CYIndirect(object_), property_);
return this;
-CYExpression *CYLambda::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return $N2($V("Functor"), $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_->Parameters(context), statements_), parameters_->TypeSignature(context, type_->Replace(context)));
+CYTarget *CYLambda::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $N2($V("Functor"), $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_->Parameters(context), code_), parameters_->TypeSignature(context, typed_->Replace(context)));
-CYStatement *CYLetStatement::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return $E($ CYCall(CYNonLocalize(context, $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, declarations_->Parameter(context), code_)), declarations_->Argument(context)));
+CYForInitializer *CYLet::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ if (CYExpression *expression = declarations_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierLexical))
+ return $E(expression);
+ return $ CYEmpty();
+CYFunctionExpression *CYMethod::Constructor() {
+ return NULL;
+void CYMethod::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYFunction::Replace(context);
+CYString *CYModule::Replace(CYContext &context, const char *separator) const {
+ if (next_ == NULL)
+ return $ CYString(part_);
+ return $ CYString($pool.strcat(next_->Replace(context, separator)->Value(), separator, part_->Word(), NULL));
+CYExpression *CYMultiply::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYInfix::Replace(context);
+ if (CYNumber *lhn = lhs_->Number(context))
+ if (CYNumber *rhn = rhs_->Number(context))
+ return $D(lhn->Value() * rhn->Value());
+ return this;
namespace cy {
namespace Syntax {
-CYExpression *New::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+CYTarget *New::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
CYSetLast(arguments_) = $ CYArgument(value);
return this;
-CYExpression *New::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYTarget *New::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
return $S($pool.sprintf(24, "%.17g", Value()));
-CYExpression *CYObject::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- properties_->Replace(context);
+CYExpression *CYNumber::PropertyName(CYContext &context) {
+ return String(context);
+CYTarget *CYObject::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYBuilder builder;
+ if (properties_ != NULL)
+ properties_ = properties_->ReplaceAll(context, builder, $ CYThis(), false);
+ if (builder) {
+ return $C1($M($ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, builder.declarations_->Parameter(context),
+ builder.statements_
+ ->* $ CYReturn($ CYThis())
+ ), $S("call")), this, builder.declarations_->Argument(context));
+ }
+ CYForEach (property, properties_)
+ property->Replace(context);
+ return this;
+CYTarget *CYParenthetical::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ // XXX: return expression_;
+ context.Replace(expression_);
return this;
return this;
-// XXX: this is evil evil black magic. don't ask, don't tell... don't believe!
-#define MappingSet "0etnirsoalfucdphmgyvbxTwSNECAFjDLkMOIBPqzRH$_WXUVGYKQJZ"
-//#define MappingSet "0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_"
+CYProperty *CYProperty::ReplaceAll(CYContext &context, CYBuilder &builder, CYExpression *self, bool update) {
+ update |= Update();
+ if (update)
+ Replace(context, builder, self, false);
+ if (next_ != NULL)
+ next_ = next_->ReplaceAll(context, builder, self, update);
+ return update ? next_ : this;
-namespace {
- struct IdentifierUsageLess :
- std::binary_function<CYIdentifier *, CYIdentifier *, bool>
- {
- _finline bool operator ()(CYIdentifier *lhs, CYIdentifier *rhs) const {
- if (lhs->usage_ != rhs->usage_)
- return lhs->usage_ > rhs->usage_;
- return lhs < rhs;
- }
- };
+void CYProperty::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBuilder &builder, CYExpression *self, bool protect) {
+ CYExpression *name(name_->PropertyName(context));
+ if (name_->Computed()) {
+ CYIdentifier *unique(context.Unique());
+ builder.declarations_
+ ->* $L1($L(unique, name));
+ name = $V(unique);
+ }
- typedef std::set<CYIdentifier *, IdentifierUsageLess> IdentifierUsages;
+ Replace(context, builder, self, name, protect);
-void CYProgram::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- CYScope scope(true, context, statements_);
+bool CYProperty::Update() const {
+ return name_->Computed();
- context.nextlocal_ = $ CYNonLocal();
- context.ReplaceAll(statements_);
- context.NonLocal(statements_);
+void CYPropertyGetter::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBuilder &builder, CYExpression *self, CYExpression *name, bool protect) {
+ CYIdentifier *unique(context.Unique());
+ builder.declarations_
+ ->* $L1($L(unique, CYSuperize(context, $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_))));
+ builder.statements_
+ ->* CYDefineProperty(self, name, true, !protect, $ CYPropertyValue($S("get"), $V(unique)));
+CYFunctionExpression *CYPropertyMethod::Constructor() {
+ return name_->Constructor() ? $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_) : NULL;
+void CYPropertyMethod::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBuilder &builder, CYExpression *self, CYExpression *name, bool protect) {
+ CYIdentifier *unique(context.Unique());
+ builder.declarations_
+ ->* $L1($L(unique, CYSuperize(context, $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_))));
+ builder.statements_
+ ->* (!protect ? $E($ CYAssign($M(self, name), $V(unique))) :
+ CYDefineProperty(self, name, true, !protect, $ CYPropertyValue($S("value"), $V(unique), $ CYPropertyValue($S("writable"), $ CYTrue()))));
- scope.Close();
+bool CYPropertyMethod::Update() const {
+ return true;
- size_t offset(0);
+void CYPropertySetter::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBuilder &builder, CYExpression *self, CYExpression *name, bool protect) {
+ CYIdentifier *unique(context.Unique());
+ builder.declarations_
+ ->* $L1($L(unique, CYSuperize(context, $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_))));
+ builder.statements_
+ ->* CYDefineProperty(self, name, true, !protect, $ CYPropertyValue($S("set"), $V(unique)));
- CYCStringSet external;
- for (CYIdentifierValueSet::const_iterator i(scope.identifiers_.begin()); i != scope.identifiers_.end(); ++i)
- external.insert((*i)->Word());
+void CYPropertyValue::Replace(CYContext &context, CYBuilder &builder, CYExpression *self, CYExpression *name, bool protect) {
+ _assert(!protect);
+ CYIdentifier *unique(context.Unique());
+ builder.declarations_
+ ->* $L1($L(unique, value_));
+ builder.statements_
+ ->* $E($ CYAssign($M(self, name), $V(unique)));
- IdentifierUsages usages;
+void CYPropertyValue::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ context.Replace(value_);
- if (offset < context.rename_.size())
- CYForEach (i, context.rename_[offset].identifier_)
- usages.insert(i);
+void CYScript::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYScope scope(false, context);
+ context.scope_->Damage();
- // XXX: totalling the probable occurrences and sorting by them would improve the result
- for (CYIdentifierUsageVector::const_iterator i(context.rename_.begin()); i != context.rename_.end(); ++i, ++offset) {
- //std::cout << *i << ":" << (*i)->offset_ << std::endl;
+ context.nextlocal_ = $ CYNonLocal();
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ context.NonLocal(code_);
- const char *name;
+ scope.Close(context, code_);
+ unsigned offset(0);
+ for (std::vector<CYIdentifier *>::const_iterator i(context.replace_.begin()); i != context.replace_.end(); ++i) {
+ const char *name;
if (context.options_.verbose_)
- name = $pool.strcat("$", $pool.itoa(offset), NULL);
+ name = $pool.strcat("$", $pool.itoa(offset++), NULL);
else {
char id[8];
id[7] = '\0';
- unsigned position(7), local(offset + 1);
+ unsigned position(7), local(offset++ + 1);
do {
unsigned index(local % (sizeof(MappingSet) - 1));
id[--position] = MappingSet[index];
} while (local != 0);
- if (external.find(id + position) != external.end()) {
- ++offset;
+ if (scope.Lookup(context, id + position) != NULL)
goto id;
- }
+ // XXX: at some point, this could become a keyword
name = $pool.strmemdup(id + position, 7 - position);
- // XXX: at some point, this could become a keyword
- CYForEach (identifier, i->identifier_)
- identifier->Set(name);
+ CYIdentifier *identifier(*i);
+ _assert(identifier->next_ == identifier);
+ identifier->next_ = $I(name);
-void CYProperty::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T()
- context.Replace(value_);
- next_->Replace(context);
- if (value_ == NULL)
- value_ = $U;
CYStatement *CYReturn::Replace(CYContext &context) {
if (context.nonlocal_ != NULL) {
- CYProperty *value(value_ == NULL ? NULL : $ CYProperty($S("$cyv"), value_));
+ CYProperty *value(value_ == NULL ? NULL : $ CYPropertyValue($S("$cyv"), value_));
return $ cy::Syntax::Throw($ CYObject(
- $ CYProperty($S("$cyk"), $V(context.nonlocal_->Target(context)), value)
+ $ CYPropertyValue($S("$cyk"), $V(context.nonlocal_->Target(context)), value)
return this;
-CYExpression *CYRubyBlock::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- // XXX: this needs to do something much more epic to handle return
+CYTarget *CYRubyBlock::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return call_->AddArgument(context, proc_->Replace(context));
-CYExpression *CYRubyProc::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return CYNonLocalize(context, $ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_));
+CYTarget *CYRubyBlock::AddArgument(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ return Replace(context)->AddArgument(context, value);
+CYTarget *CYRubyProc::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ CYFunctionExpression *function($ CYFunctionExpression(NULL, parameters_, code_));
+ function = CYNonLocalize(context, function);
+ function->implicit_ = true;
+ return function;
-CYScope::CYScope(bool transparent, CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements) :
+CYScope::CYScope(bool transparent, CYContext &context) :
- context_(context),
- statements_(statements),
- parent_(context.scope_)
+ parent_(context.scope_),
+ damaged_(false),
+ shadow_(NULL),
+ internal_(NULL)
- context_.scope_ = this;
+ _assert(!transparent_ || parent_ != NULL);
+ context.scope_ = this;
-CYScope::~CYScope() {
+void CYScope::Damage() {
+ damaged_ = true;
+ if (parent_ != NULL)
+ parent_->Damage();
-void CYScope::Close() {
- context_.scope_ = parent_;
- Scope(context_, statements_);
+CYIdentifierFlags *CYScope::Lookup(CYContext &context, const char *word) {
+ CYForEach (i, internal_)
+ if (strcmp(i->identifier_->Word(), word) == 0)
+ return i;
+ return NULL;
-void CYScope::Declare(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier, CYIdentifierFlags flags) {
- if (!transparent_ || flags == CYIdentifierArgument || flags == CYIdentifierCatch)
- internal_.insert(CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap::value_type(identifier, flags));
- else if (parent_ != NULL)
- parent_->Declare(context, identifier, flags);
+CYIdentifierFlags *CYScope::Lookup(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier) {
+ return Lookup(context, identifier->Word());
-CYIdentifier *CYScope::Lookup(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier) {
- std::pair<CYIdentifierValueSet::iterator, bool> insert(identifiers_.insert(identifier));
- return *insert.first;
+CYIdentifierFlags *CYScope::Declare(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier, CYIdentifierKind kind) {
+ _assert(identifier->next_ == NULL || identifier->next_ == identifier);
+ CYIdentifierFlags *existing(Lookup(context, identifier));
+ if (existing == NULL)
+ internal_ = $ CYIdentifierFlags(identifier, kind, internal_);
+ ++internal_->count_;
+ if (existing == NULL)
+ return internal_;
+ if (kind == CYIdentifierGlobal);
+ else if (existing->kind_ == CYIdentifierGlobal || existing->kind_ == CYIdentifierMagic)
+ existing->kind_ = kind;
+ else if (existing->kind_ == CYIdentifierLexical || kind == CYIdentifierLexical)
+ _assert(false); // XXX: throw new SyntaxError()
+ return existing;
-void CYScope::Merge(CYContext &context, CYIdentifier *identifier) {
- std::pair<CYIdentifierValueSet::iterator, bool> insert(identifiers_.insert(identifier));
- if (!insert.second) {
- if ((*insert.first)->offset_ < identifier->offset_)
- (*insert.first)->offset_ = identifier->offset_;
- identifier->replace_ = *insert.first;
- (*insert.first)->usage_ += identifier->usage_ + 1;
- }
+void CYScope::Merge(CYContext &context, const CYIdentifierFlags *flags) {
+ _assert(flags->identifier_->next_ == flags->identifier_);
+ CYIdentifierFlags *existing(Declare(context, flags->identifier_, flags->kind_));
+ flags->identifier_->next_ = existing->identifier_;
+ existing->count_ += flags->count_;
+ if (existing->offset_ < flags->offset_)
+ existing->offset_ = flags->offset_;
-namespace {
- struct IdentifierOffset {
- size_t offset_;
- CYIdentifierFlags flags_;
- size_t usage_;
- CYIdentifier *identifier_;
+void CYScope::Close(CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements) {
+ Close(context);
- IdentifierOffset(CYIdentifier *identifier, CYIdentifierFlags flags) :
- offset_(identifier->offset_),
- flags_(flags),
- usage_(identifier->usage_),
- identifier_(identifier)
- {
- }
- };
+ CYList<CYDeclarations> declarations;
- struct IdentifierOffsetLess :
- std::binary_function<const IdentifierOffset &, const IdentifierOffset &, bool>
- {
- _finline bool operator ()(const IdentifierOffset &lhs, const IdentifierOffset &rhs) const {
- if (lhs.offset_ != rhs.offset_)
- return lhs.offset_ < rhs.offset_;
- if (lhs.flags_ != rhs.flags_)
- return lhs.flags_ < rhs.flags_;
- /*if (lhs.usage_ != rhs.usage_)
- return lhs.usage_ < rhs.usage_;*/
- return lhs.identifier_ < rhs.identifier_;
- }
- };
+ CYForEach (i, internal_)
+ if (i->kind_ == CYIdentifierVariable)
+ declarations
+ ->* $ CYDeclarations($ CYDeclaration(i->identifier_));
- typedef std::set<IdentifierOffset, IdentifierOffsetLess> IdentifierOffsets;
+ if (declarations) {
+ CYVar *var($ CYVar(declarations));
+ var->SetNext(statements);
+ statements = var;
+ }
-void CYScope::Scope(CYContext &context, CYStatement *&statements) {
- if (parent_ == NULL)
+void CYScope::Close(CYContext &context) {
+ context.scope_ = parent_;
+ CYForEach (i, internal_) {
+ _assert(i->identifier_->next_ == i->identifier_);
+ switch (i->kind_) {
+ case CYIdentifierArgument: {
+ _assert(!transparent_);
+ } break;
+ case CYIdentifierLexical: {
+ if (!damaged_) {
+ CYIdentifier *replace(context.Unique());
+ replace->next_ = replace;
+ i->identifier_->next_ = replace;
+ i->identifier_ = replace;
+ }
+ if (!transparent_)
+ i->kind_ = CYIdentifierVariable;
+ else
+ parent_->Declare(context, i->identifier_, CYIdentifierVariable);
+ } break;
+ case CYIdentifierVariable: {
+ if (transparent_) {
+ parent_->Declare(context, i->identifier_, i->kind_);
+ i->kind_ = CYIdentifierGlobal;
+ }
+ } break;
+ default:; } }
+ if (damaged_)
- CYDeclarations *last(NULL), *curr(NULL);
+ typedef std::multimap<unsigned, CYIdentifier *> CYIdentifierOffsetMap;
+ CYIdentifierOffsetMap offsets;
+ CYForEach (i, internal_) {
+ _assert(i->identifier_->next_ == i->identifier_);
+ switch (i->kind_) {
+ case CYIdentifierArgument:
+ case CYIdentifierVariable:
+ offsets.insert(CYIdentifierOffsetMap::value_type(i->offset_, i->identifier_));
+ break;
+ default:; } }
- IdentifierOffsets offsets;
+ unsigned offset(0);
- for (CYIdentifierAddressFlagsMap::const_iterator i(internal_.begin()); i != internal_.end(); ++i)
- if (i->second != CYIdentifierMagic)
- offsets.insert(IdentifierOffset(i->first, i->second));
+ for (CYIdentifierOffsetMap::const_iterator i(offsets.begin()); i != offsets.end(); ++i) {
+ if (offset < i->first)
+ offset = i->first;
+ CYIdentifier *identifier(i->second);
- size_t offset(0);
+ if (offset >= context.replace_.size())
+ context.replace_.resize(offset + 1, NULL);
+ CYIdentifier *&replace(context.replace_[offset++]);
- for (IdentifierOffsets::const_iterator i(offsets.begin()); i != offsets.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->flags_ == CYIdentifierVariable) {
- CYDeclarations *next($ CYDeclarations($ CYDeclaration(i->identifier_)));
- if (last == NULL)
- last = next;
- if (curr != NULL)
- curr->SetNext(next);
- curr = next;
+ if (replace == NULL)
+ replace = identifier;
+ else {
+ _assert(replace->next_ == replace);
+ identifier->next_ = replace;
+ }
- if (offset < i->offset_)
- offset = i->offset_;
- if (context.rename_.size() <= offset)
- context.rename_.resize(offset + 1);
+ if (parent_ == NULL)
+ return;
- CYIdentifierUsage &rename(context.rename_[offset++]);
- i->identifier_->SetNext(rename.identifier_);
- rename.identifier_ = i->identifier_;
- rename.usage_ += i->identifier_->usage_ + 1;
- }
+ CYForEach (i, internal_) {
+ switch (i->kind_) {
+ case CYIdentifierGlobal: {
+ if (i->offset_ < offset)
+ i->offset_ = offset;
+ parent_->Merge(context, i);
+ } break;
+ default:; } }
- if (last != NULL) {
- CYVar *var($ CYVar(last));
- var->SetNext(statements);
- statements = var;
- }
+CYElementValue *CYSpan::Replace(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
+ return $ CYElementValue(expression_, $ CYElementValue(string_, next_->Replace(context)));
- for (CYIdentifierValueSet::const_iterator i(identifiers_.begin()); i != identifiers_.end(); ++i)
- if (internal_.find(*i) == internal_.end()) {
- //std::cout << *i << '=' << offset << std::endl;
- if ((*i)->offset_ < offset)
- (*i)->offset_ = offset;
- parent_->Merge(context, *i);
- }
+CYStatement *CYStatement::Return() {
+ return this;
CYString *CYString::Concat(CYContext &context, CYString *rhs) const {
return NULL;
+CYExpression *CYString::PropertyName(CYContext &context) {
+ return this;
CYString *CYString::String(CYContext &context) {
return this;
+CYTarget *CYSuperAccess::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $C1($M($M($M($V(context.super_), $S("prototype")), property_), $S("bind")), $ CYThis());
+CYTarget *CYSuperCall::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $C($C1($M($V(context.super_), $S("bind")), $ CYThis()), arguments_);
CYStatement *CYSwitch::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
-CYExpression *CYThis::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYStatement *CYTarget::Initialize(CYContext &context, CYExpression *value) {
+ if (value == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return $E($ CYAssign(this, value));
+CYTarget *CYTemplate::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $C2($M($M($M($V("String"), $S("prototype")), $S("concat")), $S("apply")), $S(""), $ CYArray($ CYElementValue(string_, spans_->Replace(context))));
+CYTarget *CYThis::Replace(CYContext &context) {
if (context.this_ != NULL)
return $V(context.this_->Identifier(context));
return this;
} }
-CYExpression *CYTrivial::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+CYTarget *CYTrivial::Replace(CYContext &context) {
return this;
namespace Syntax {
CYStatement *Try::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- code_.Replace(context);
+ CYScope scope(true, context);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ scope.Close(context);
return this;
} }
-CYExpression *CYTypeArrayOf::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(next_->Replace(context), $ CYString("arrayOf")), $ CYArgument(size_));
+CYTarget *CYTypeArrayOf::Replace_(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) {
+ return next_->Replace(context, $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(type, $ CYString("arrayOf")), $ CYArgument(size_)));
-CYExpression *CYTypeConstant::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(next_->Replace(context), $ CYString("constant")));
+CYTarget *CYTypeBlockWith::Replace_(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) {
+ return next_->Replace(context, $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(type, $ CYString("blockWith")), parameters_->Argument(context)));
+CYTarget *CYTypeConstant::Replace_(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) {
+ return next_->Replace(context, $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(type, $ CYString("constant"))));
CYStatement *CYTypeDefinition::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return $E($ CYAssign($V(typed_->identifier_), typed_->type_->Replace(context)));
+ return $E($ CYAssign($V(typed_->identifier_), typed_->Replace(context)));
-CYExpression *CYTypePointerTo::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(next_->Replace(context), $ CYString("pointerTo")));
+CYTarget *CYTypeError::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ _assert(false);
+ return NULL;
-CYExpression *CYTypeVariable::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- return expression_;
+CYTarget *CYTypeModifier::Replace(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) { $T(type)
+ return Replace_(context, type);
+CYTarget *CYTypeFunctionWith::Replace_(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) {
+ return next_->Replace(context, $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(type, $ CYString("functionWith")), parameters_->Argument(context)));
+CYTarget *CYTypeLong::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(specifier_->Replace(context), $ CYString("long")));
+CYTarget *CYTypePointerTo::Replace_(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) {
+ return next_->Replace(context, $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(type, $ CYString("pointerTo"))));
+CYTarget *CYTypeShort::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(specifier_->Replace(context), $ CYString("short")));
+CYTarget *CYTypeSigned::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(specifier_->Replace(context), $ CYString("signed")));
+CYTarget *CYTypeUnsigned::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(specifier_->Replace(context), $ CYString("unsigned")));
+CYTarget *CYTypeVariable::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $V(name_);
+CYTarget *CYTypeVoid::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return $N1($V("Type"), $ CYString("v"));
+CYTarget *CYTypeVolatile::Replace_(CYContext &context, CYTarget *type) {
+ return next_->Replace(context, $ CYCall($ CYDirectMember(type, $ CYString("volatile"))));
+CYTarget *CYTypedIdentifier::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ return modifier_->Replace(context, specifier_->Replace(context));
+CYTypeFunctionWith *CYTypedIdentifier::Function() {
+ CYTypeModifier **modifier(&modifier_);
+ if (*modifier == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ while ((*modifier)->next_ != NULL)
+ modifier = &(*modifier)->next_;
+ CYTypeFunctionWith *function((*modifier)->Function());
+ if (function == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ *modifier = NULL;
+ return function;
+CYArgument *CYTypedParameter::Argument(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
+ return $ CYArgument(typed_->Replace(context), next_->Argument(context));
CYFunctionParameter *CYTypedParameter::Parameters(CYContext &context) { $T(NULL)
CYExpression *CYTypedParameter::TypeSignature(CYContext &context, CYExpression *prefix) { $T(prefix)
- return next_->TypeSignature(context, $ CYAdd(prefix, typed_->type_->Replace(context)));
+ return next_->TypeSignature(context, $ CYAdd(prefix, typed_->Replace(context)));
-CYStatement *CYVar::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- declarations_->Replace(context);
- return $E(declarations_->Compound(context));
+CYForInitializer *CYVar::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ if (CYExpression *expression = declarations_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierVariable))
+ return $E(expression);
+ return $ CYEmpty();
-CYExpression *CYVariable::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(name_);
+CYTarget *CYVariable::Replace(CYContext &context) {
+ name_ = name_->Replace(context, CYIdentifierGlobal);
return this;
+CYFunctionParameter *CYVariable::Parameter() const {
+ return $ CYFunctionParameter($ CYDeclaration(name_));
CYStatement *CYWhile::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(code_);
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
return this;
CYStatement *CYWith::Replace(CYContext &context) {
- context.Replace(code_);
+ CYScope scope(true, context);
+ scope.Damage();
+ context.ReplaceAll(code_);
+ scope.Close(context);
return this;
-CYExpression *CYWord::ClassName(CYContext &context, bool object) {
- CYString *name($S(this));
- if (object)
- return $C1($V("objc_getClass"), name);
- else
- return name;
+CYExpression *CYWord::PropertyName(CYContext &context) {
+ return $S(this);