<res>{RegularExpressionStart_} E("/")
<rer>{RegularExpressionRest_} E("/=")
-\/\/[^\n]* ;
-\/\*(\n|[^\*]|\*[^/])\*\/ if (memchr(yytext, '\n', yyleng) != NULL) N // XXX: supposedly I will be screwed on very very long multi-line comments and need to replace this with a manual lexer. http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/courses/COP5621/Pr2.pdf ; XXX: this rule doesn't work anyway, fucking A :(
+\/\/[^\n]* L
+\/\*(\n|[^\*]|\*[^/])*\*\/ {
+ // XXX: supposedly I will be screwed on very very long multi-line comments and need to replace this with a manual lexer. http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/courses/COP5621/Pr2.pdf
+ if (const char *nl = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(memchr(yytext, '\n', yyleng))) {
+ unsigned lines(0);
+ size_t left;
+ do {
+ ++lines;
+ left = yyleng - (nl - yytext) - 1;
+ nl = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(memchr(nl + 1, '\n', left));
+ } while (nl != NULL);
+ yylloc->end.lines(lines);
+ yylloc->end.columns(left);
+ yylloc->step();
+ } else L
"&" L C return tk::Ampersand;
"&&" L C return tk::AmpersandAmpersand;
return tk::StringLiteral;
-\n yylloc->end.lines(); yylloc->step(); N
+\r?\n yylloc->end.lines(); yylloc->step(); N
[ \t] L
<<EOF>> L yyterminate();