+/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+ * Cycript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Cycript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with Cycript. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/* }}} */
+#include "cycript.hpp"
#include "Parser.hpp"
-#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
-_finline CYFlags operator ~(CYFlags rhs) {
- return static_cast<CYFlags>(~static_cast<unsigned>(rhs));
-_finline CYFlags operator &(CYFlags lhs, CYFlags rhs) {
- return static_cast<CYFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs));
-_finline CYFlags operator |(CYFlags lhs, CYFlags rhs) {
- return static_cast<CYFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs));
-_finline CYFlags &operator |=(CYFlags &lhs, CYFlags rhs) {
- return lhs = lhs | rhs;
-_finline CYFlags CYLeft(CYFlags flags) {
- return flags & ~CYNoDangle;
-_finline CYFlags CYRight(CYFlags flags) {
- return flags & ~CYNoBF;
-_finline CYFlags CYCenter(CYFlags flags) {
- return CYLeft(CYRight(flags));
void CYOutput::Terminate() {
out_ << ';';
mode_ = NoMode;
for (unsigned i(0); i != indent_; ++i)
out_ << " ";
else goto done;
- else goto work;
+ else if (rhs == '\r') {
+ if (right_) {
+ out_ << '\n';
+ right_ = false;
+ } goto done;
+ } else goto work;
+ right_ = true;
mode_ = NoMode;
goto done;
- if (mode_ == Terminated && rhs != '}')
+ if (mode_ == Terminated && rhs != '}') {
+ right_ = true;
out_ << ';';
+ }
if (rhs == ';') {
if (pretty_)
} else none:
mode_ = NoMode;
+ right_ = true;
out_ << rhs;
return *this;
mode_ = NoMode;
+ right_ = true;
out_ << rhs;
return *this;
out << ':' << ' ';
if (value_ != NULL)
- value_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
+ value_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
if (next_ != NULL) {
if (next_->name_ == NULL)
out << ',';
void CYArrayComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- // XXX: I don't necc. need the ()s
- out << "(function($cyv";
- for (CYComprehension *comprehension(comprehensions_); comprehension != NULL; comprehension = comprehension->next_)
- if (const char *name = comprehension->Name())
- out << ',' << name;
- out << "){";
- out << "$cyv=[];";
- comprehensions_->Output(out);
- out << "$cyv.push(";
- expression_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
- out << ");";
- for (CYComprehension *comprehension(comprehensions_); comprehension != NULL; comprehension = comprehension->next_)
- comprehension->End_(out);
- out << "return $cyv;";
- out << "}())";
+ out << '[' << *expression_ << ' ' << *comprehensions_ << ']';
void CYAssignment::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << ')';
-void CYCatch::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+namespace cy {
+namespace Syntax {
+void Catch::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
out << ' ' << "catch" << ' ' << '(' << *name_ << ')' << ' ' << code_;
+} }
+void CYComment::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ out << '\r';
+ out.out_ << value_;
+ out.right_ = true;
+ out << '\r';
void CYCompound::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
if (CYExpression *expression = expressions_)
if (CYExpression *next = expression->next_) {
expression->Output(out, flags);
-void CYComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
- Begin_(out);
- out << next_;
void CYCondition::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
test_->Output(out, Precedence() - 1, CYLeft(flags));
out << ' ' << '?' << ' ';
if (true_ != NULL)
- true_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
+ true_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
out << ' ' << ':' << ' ';
- false_->Output(out, CYPA, CYRight(flags));
+ false_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYRight(flags));
void CYContinue::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
const char *CYDeclaration::ForEachIn() const {
- return identifier_->Value();
+ return identifier_->Word();
void CYDeclaration::ForIn(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
Output(out, CYRight(flags));
-void CYDeclaration::ForEachIn(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << *identifier_;
void CYDeclaration::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << *identifier_;
+ //out.out_ << ':' << identifier_->usage_ << '#' << identifier_->offset_;
if (initialiser_ != NULL) {
out << ' ' << '=' << ' ';
- initialiser_->Output(out, CYPA, CYRight(flags));
+ initialiser_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYRight(flags));
void CYDirectMember::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- object_->Output(out, Precedence(), CYLeft(flags));
+ object_->Output(out, Precedence(), CYLeft(flags) | CYNoInteger);
if (const char *word = property_->Word())
out << '.' << word;
void CYElement::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
if (value_ != NULL)
- value_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
+ value_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
if (next_ != NULL || value_ == NULL) {
out << ',';
if (next_ != NULL && next_->value_ != NULL)
void CYExpression::ClassName(CYOutput &out, bool object) const {
- Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
+ Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
const char *CYExpression::ForEachIn() const {
Output(out, CYNoIn);
-void CYExpression::ForEachIn(CYOutput &out) const {
- Output(out, CYPA, CYNoRightHand);
void CYExpression::ForIn(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
Output(out, flags | CYNoRightHand);
if (initialiser_ != NULL)
+ if (test_ != NULL)
+ out << ' ';
out << test_;
+ if (increment_ != NULL)
+ out << ' ';
out << increment_;
out << ')';
code_->Single(out, CYRight(flags));
void CYForEachIn::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- out << "with({$cys:0,$cyt:0}){";
- out << "$cys=";
- set_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
- out << ';';
- out << "for($cyt in $cys){";
- initialiser_->ForEachIn(out);
- out << "=$cys[$cyt];";
- code_->Multiple(out);
- out << '}';
- out << '}';
-void CYForEachInComprehension::Begin_(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << "(function($cys){";
- out << "$cys=";
- set_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
- out << ';';
- out << "for(" << *name_ << " in $cys){";
- out << *name_ << "=$cys[" << *name_ << "];";
+ out << "for" << ' ' << "each" << ' ' << '(';
+ initialiser_->ForIn(out, CYNoIn);
+ out << "in" << *set_ << ')';
+ code_->Single(out, CYRight(flags));
-void CYForEachInComprehension::End_(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << "}}());";
+void CYForEachInComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << "for" << ' ' << "each" << ' ' << '(' << *name_ << ' ' << "in" << ' ' << *set_ << ')' << next_;
void CYForIn::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "for" << ' ' << '(';
- initialiser_->ForIn(out, CYNoIn);
+ if (initialiser_ != NULL)
+ initialiser_->ForIn(out, CYNoIn);
out << "in" << *set_ << ')';
code_->Single(out, CYRight(flags));
-void CYForInComprehension::Begin_(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << "for" << ' ' << '(' << *name_ << "in" << *set_ << ')';
+void CYForInComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << "for" << ' ' << '(' << *name_ << ' ' << "in" << ' ' << *set_ << ')';
void CYFunction::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << ',' << ' ' << *next_;
+const char *CYIdentifier::Word() const {
+ return replace_ == NULL || replace_ == this ? CYWord::Word() : replace_->Word();
void CYIf::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
bool protect(false);
if (false_ == NULL && (flags & CYNoDangle) != 0) {
true_->Single(out, jacks);
if (false_ != NULL) {
- out << "else";
+ out << '\t' << "else";
false_->Single(out, right);
out << '}';
-void CYIfComprehension::Begin_(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << "if" << '(' << *test_ << ')';
+void CYIfComprehension::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << "if" << ' ' << '(' << *test_ << ')' << next_;
void CYIndirectMember::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "let" << ' ' << '(' << *declarations_ << ')' << ' ' << code_;
-void CYNew::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+namespace cy {
+namespace Syntax {
+void New::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "new" << ' ';
CYFlags jacks(CYNoCall | CYCenter(flags));
constructor_->Output(out, Precedence(), jacks);
out << '(' << *arguments_ << ')';
+} }
void CYNull::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
void CYNumber::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- char value[32];
- sprintf(value, "%.17g", Value());
- out << value;
+ std::ostringstream str;
+ CYNumerify(str, Value());
+ std::string value(str.str());
+ out << value.c_str();
+ // XXX: this should probably also handle hex conversions and exponents
+ if ((flags & CYNoInteger) != 0 && value.find('.') == std::string::npos)
+ out << '.';
void CYNumber::PropertyName(CYOutput &out) const {
out << ')';
+void CYOptionalFunctionParameter::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
+ out << *name_ << '=';
+ initializer_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
+ if (next_ != NULL)
+ out << ',' << ' ' << *next_;
void CYPostfix::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
lhs_->Output(out, Precedence(), CYLeft(flags));
out << Operator();
out << '\t';
out << ':' << ' ';
- value_->Output(out, CYPA, CYNoFlags);
+ value_->Output(out, CYAssign::Precedence_, CYNoFlags);
if (next_ != NULL)
out << ',' << '\n' << *next_;
out << ';';
+void CYRubyBlock::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ call_->Output(out, CYLeft(flags));
+ out << ' ';
+ proc_->Output(out, CYRight(flags));
+void CYRubyProc::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+ // XXX: this is not outputting the parameters
+ out << code_;
void CYStatement::Multiple(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
bool first(true);
- for (const CYStatement *next(this); next != NULL; next = next->next_) {
+ CYForEach (next, this) {
bool last(next->next_ == NULL);
- CYFlags jacks(first ? last ? flags : CYLeft(flags) : last ? CYCenter(flags) : CYRight(flags));
+ CYFlags jacks(first ? last ? flags : CYLeft(flags) : last ? CYRight(flags) : CYCenter(flags));
first = false;
out << '\t';
next->Output(out, jacks);
void CYString::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
- unsigned quot(0), apos(0);
- for (const char *value(value_), *end(value_ + size_); value != end; ++value)
- if (*value == '"')
- ++quot;
- else if (*value == '\'')
- ++apos;
- bool single(quot > apos);
std::ostringstream str;
- str << (single ? '\'' : '"');
- for (const char *value(value_), *end(value_ + size_); value != end; ++value)
- switch (*value) {
- case '\\': str << "\\\\"; break;
- case '\b': str << "\\b"; break;
- case '\f': str << "\\f"; break;
- case '\n': str << "\\n"; break;
- case '\r': str << "\\r"; break;
- case '\t': str << "\\t"; break;
- case '\v': str << "\\v"; break;
- case '"':
- if (!single)
- str << "\\\"";
- else goto simple;
- break;
- case '\'':
- if (single)
- str << "\\'";
- else goto simple;
- break;
- default:
- if (*value < 0x20 || *value >= 0x7f)
- str << "\\x" << std::setbase(16) << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << unsigned(*value);
- else simple:
- str << *value;
- }
- str << (single ? '\'' : '"');
+ CYStringify(str, value_, size_);
out << str.str().c_str();
"let", "yield",
- "each",
-void CYThrow::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+namespace cy {
+namespace Syntax {
+void Throw::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "throw";
if (value_ != NULL)
out << ' ' << *value_;
out << ';';
-void CYTry::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
+void Try::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "try" << ' ' << code_ << catch_ << finally_;
+} }
void CYVar::Output(CYOutput &out, CYFlags flags) const {
out << "var";
declarations_->Output(out, flags);
void CYWord::ClassName(CYOutput &out, bool object) const {
if (object)
out << "objc_getClass(";
- out << '"' << Value() << '"';
+ out << '"' << Word() << '"';
if (object)
out << ')';
void CYWord::Output(CYOutput &out) const {
- out << Value();
+ out << Word();
+ if (out.options_.verbose_)
+ out.out_ << '@' << this;
void CYWord::PropertyName(CYOutput &out) const {
+const char *CYWord::Word() const {
+ return word_;