+static CYTypedIdentifier *CYDecodeType(CXType type);
+static void CYParseType(CXType type, CYTypedIdentifier *typed);
+static CYTypedIdentifier *CYDecodeType(CXType type, const CYCXString &identifier) {
+ CYTypedIdentifier *typed(CYDecodeType(type));
+ typed->identifier_ = $ CYIdentifier(identifier.Pool($pool));
+ return typed;
+static void CYParseCursor(CXType type, CXCursor cursor, CYTypedIdentifier *typed) {
+ CYCXString spelling(cursor);
+ switch (CXCursorKind kind = clang_getCursorKind(cursor)) {
+ case CXCursor_EnumDecl:
+ if (spelling[0] != '\0')
+ // XXX: should we have a special enum keyword?
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable($I(spelling.Pool($pool)));
+ else
+ // XXX: maybe replace with "enum : int" instead of "int"
+ CYParseType(clang_getEnumDeclIntegerType(cursor), typed);
+ break;
+ case CXCursor_StructDecl: {
+ if (spelling[0] != '\0')
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeReference($I(spelling.Pool($pool)));
+ else {
+ CYList<CYTypeStructField> fields;
+ CYForChild(cursor, fun([&](CXCursor child) {
+ if (clang_getCursorKind(child) == CXCursor_FieldDecl) {
+ CYTypedIdentifier *field(CYDecodeType(clang_getCursorType(child), child));
+ fields->*$ CYTypeStructField(field);
+ }
+ }));
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeStruct(NULL, $ CYStructTail(fields));
+ }
+ } break;
+ case CXCursor_UnionDecl: {
+ _assert(false);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ std::cerr << "C:" << CYCXString(kind) << std::endl;
+ _assert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+static CYTypedParameter *CYParseSignature(CXType type, CYTypedIdentifier *typed) {
+ CYParseType(clang_getResultType(type), typed);
+ CYList<CYTypedParameter> parameters;
+ for (int i(0), e(clang_getNumArgTypes(type)); i != e; ++i)
+ parameters->*$ CYTypedParameter(CYDecodeType(clang_getArgType(type, i)));
+ return parameters;
+static void CYParseFunction(CXType type, CYTypedIdentifier *typed) {
+ typed = typed->Modify($ CYTypeFunctionWith(clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic(type), CYParseSignature(type, typed)));
+static void CYParseType(CXType type, CYTypedIdentifier *typed) {
+ switch (CXTypeKind kind = type.kind) {
+ case CXType_Unexposed: {
+ CXType result(clang_getResultType(type));
+ if (result.kind == CXType_Invalid)
+ CYParseCursor(type, clang_getTypeDeclaration(type), typed);
+ else
+ // clang marks function pointers as Unexposed but still supports them
+ CYParseFunction(type, typed);
+ } break;
+ case CXType_Bool: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable("bool"); break;
+ case CXType_Float: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable("float"); break;
+ case CXType_Double: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable("double"); break;
+ case CXType_Char_U: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeCharacter(CYTypeNeutral); break;
+ case CXType_Char_S: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeCharacter(CYTypeNeutral); break;
+ case CXType_SChar: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeCharacter(CYTypeSigned); break;
+ case CXType_UChar: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeCharacter(CYTypeUnsigned); break;
+ case CXType_Short: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeSigned, 0); break;
+ case CXType_UShort: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeUnsigned, 0); break;
+ case CXType_Int: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeSigned, 1); break;
+ case CXType_UInt: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeUnsigned, 1); break;
+ case CXType_Long: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeSigned, 2); break;
+ case CXType_ULong: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeUnsigned, 2); break;
+ case CXType_LongLong: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeSigned, 3); break;
+ case CXType_ULongLong: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeIntegral(CYTypeUnsigned, 3); break;
+ case CXType_Int128: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeInt128(CYTypeSigned); break;
+ case CXType_UInt128: typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeInt128(CYTypeUnsigned); break;
+ case CXType_BlockPointer: {
+ CXType pointee(clang_getPointeeType(type));
+ _assert(!clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic(pointee));
+ typed = typed->Modify($ CYTypeBlockWith(CYParseSignature(pointee, typed)));
+ } break;
+ case CXType_ConstantArray:
+ CYParseType(clang_getArrayElementType(type), typed);
+ typed = typed->Modify($ CYTypeArrayOf($D(clang_getArraySize(type))));
+ break;
+ case CXType_Enum:
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable($pool.strdup(CYCXString(clang_getTypeSpelling(type))));
+ break;
+ case CXType_FunctionProto:
+ CYParseFunction(type, typed);
+ break;
+ case CXType_IncompleteArray:
+ // XXX: I should support these :/
+ _assert(false);
+ break;
+ case CXType_ObjCId:
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable("id");
+ break;
+ case CXType_ObjCInterface:
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable($pool.strdup(CYCXString(clang_getTypeSpelling(type))));
+ break;
+ case CXType_ObjCObjectPointer: {
+ CXType pointee(clang_getPointeeType(type));
+ if (pointee.kind != CXType_Unexposed) {
+ CYParseType(pointee, typed);
+ typed = typed->Modify($ CYTypePointerTo());
+ } else
+ // Clang seems to have internal typedefs for id and Class that are awkward
+ _assert(false);
+ } break;
+ case CXType_ObjCSel:
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable("SEL");
+ break;
+ case CXType_Pointer:
+ CYParseType(clang_getPointeeType(type), typed);
+ typed = typed->Modify($ CYTypePointerTo());
+ break;
+ case CXType_Record:
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeReference($I($pool.strdup(CYCXString(clang_getTypeSpelling(type)))));
+ break;
+ case CXType_Typedef:
+ // use the declaration in order to isolate the name of the typedef itself
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVariable($pool.strdup(CYCXString(clang_getTypeDeclaration(type))));
+ break;
+ case CXType_Vector:
+ _assert(false);
+ break;
+ case CXType_Void:
+ typed->specifier_ = $ CYTypeVoid();
+ break;
+ default:
+ std::cerr << "T:" << CYCXString(clang_getTypeKindSpelling(kind)) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "_: " << CYCXString(clang_getTypeSpelling(type)) << std::endl;
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+ if (clang_isConstQualifiedType(type))
+ typed = typed->Modify($ CYTypeConstant());
+static CYTypedIdentifier *CYDecodeType(CXType type) {
+ CYTypedIdentifier *typed($ CYTypedIdentifier(NULL));
+ CYParseType(type, typed);
+ return typed;