unicode identifier support (native and \u)
support unions (right now 0-1 fields parsed as struct)
look into what String is, and whether to bridge it
-think about bridging NSNumber with Number prototype
some JS callbacks don't use exception pointers at all...
a newline needs to not be allowed after a unary *
finish implementing default xml namespace statement
NSDictionaries that have NSNumber keys don't getProperty
-errors in another process aren't displayed; to fix this, parse errors should get converted to exceptions and thrown
CYPoolTry/Catch now carefully save the exception after it /no longer needs the exception/... uhh... wtf?
throw CYJSError should probably be replaced with CYThrow() across the board
figure out what to do about global context refs: I really really want to retain the bastards
applyOnMainThread, when done at console, loops the cyonifier
special work needs to be done to correctly handle the "arguments" symbol: Declare("arguments", ...Special)
at the Program level I seem to be eating away all of the var statements
-function pointers are ?; note that blocks are currently block_P = '?'
I should probably attempt to use the auto_ flag somehow to not do contexts_ push when compiling
Object_callAsFunction_toCYON should be implemented
replace procmod g+s with gdb's macosx_get_task_for_pid_rights
non-local return prologue is not being Replace()d: multipass compiler!
interpretation of documentation comments should be compiler-only and off by default
-don't ever generate $ CYWith, in particular for CYLet... use CYFunctionExpression
semi-colon insertion warnings should mark after the previous token, not on the current one: makes a /lot/ more sense
-new for pools should take a reference, not a pointer
output errors during Trampoline to some kind of log file
should WebUndefined be @undefined?
if something is a function, it should be output differently
-evaluate usages of CYTry in ObjectiveC/Library for CYObjectiveTry
verify name targets of "incorrect number of arguments to"
maybe support __objc_{yes,no} intrinisic primitives
use JSObjectMakeError to build exception objects
replace cy$getProperty's return value with JSValueRef
-flatten compound expressions made up of compound expressions
cy# {{5,6};6;{7;{8;5}}}
got: {5,6;6;{7;8,5}}
wanted: 5,6,6,7,8,5
cy# for each (var i = 9 in [1, 2]) system.print(i);
-got: {i=9;(function(e,t){for(t in e){i=e[t];system.print(i)}})([1,2])}
+cy= {i=9;(function($cys,$cyt){for($cyt in $cys){i=$cys[$cyt];system.print(i)}})([1,2])}
+cy# {i=9;(function($cys,$cyt){for($cyt in $cys){i=$cys[$cyt];system.print(i)}})([1,2])}
+cy= i=9,function(e,t){var e,t;for(t in e)i=e[t],system.print(i)}([1,2])
wanted: i=9,function(e,t){for(t in e)i=e[t],system.print(i)}([1,2])
with is being translated in a manner that doesn't handle variables
cy# function b() { for each (var t in a) {} }
function b(){var e,t,n;with({t:a,n:undefined})for(n in t)e=t[n]}
-I feel like [[self toJSON] toCYON] might should be one or the other
+[[self description] cy$toCYON:] seems like a poor implementation of toCYON
+implement cy$toJSON:inContext: for NSDictionary and NSArray
+probably should use toll-free bridging and CF to check for boolean-ness
the non-local transform used for let is ludicrous... :( :(
cy# function q(e) { }
function q(e){var e}
-CYCompound needs to be able to replace itself away without causing multiple Replace
fat arrows are currently output with too much verbosity
CYJSString <- wrap JavaScript strings and provide them back to Objective-C
apparently you can have random escape sequences in strings, like \!
cycript -p with processes that have spaces doesn't work
+CYDriver uses std::istream, but it should use std::streambuf
+constant flags on types are encoded using something horribly wrong
+blocks should be allowed to return blocks/functions: ModifiedType needs to go
+ instead, TypedParameterList should be folded into a TypeModifier with the other types
+look up identifiers in the bridge for highlighting (and remove special case tokens)
+when ?bypass, you are unable to send multi-line commands
+the current line-extension detector doesn't handle multi-line tokens
+what the hell did I mean by (*name - 10) in the sig/parse error messages?
+syntax highlight embedded components of strings and regular expressions
+replace the lex-assisted syntax highlighter with a grammar-assisted one
+tell brian that alt-minus-3 and alt-minus-(alt)-3 are somehow different
+the lexer turns "@encodenew" into "@encode""new"... word breaks, anyone?
+.prototype of a Class returns "undefined", which is very confusing
+!! :( if you have a regular expression followed by an alphabetic operator
+ then the output engine needs to put a space character between them
+I should support arbitrary objects as the keys for NSDictionary literals
+add a special syntax highlight color for message selector parts
+there are numerous paths through Console that fail to free(line)
+if the grammar sanity checks fail, they don't delete the grammar output
+cy# a.constructor.class.$cya().valueOf()
+^ this is different EVERY TIME?!?
+MPMusicPlayerController.iPodMusicPlayer.shuffleMode is either id /or/ int
+NSObject instanceof Type //<- should this be true?
+I probably don't need to override SHELL to _BASH anymore
+LT_INIT([pic-only]) doesn't work, because the default is only used if unset, and it has a default setting...
+even when using --pic-only, libtool insists on building every file twice... with the same fucking arguments
+cy# throw
+cy> 5
+cy> ;
+cy> ^C
+if you use "arguments", you have to protect it if you attempt to use it inside of a generated function; example: array comprehension over one fails
+support Nil in addition to nil
+1.7976931348623157e+308 == DBL_MAX
+- } else
+- return CYCastPointer<SEL>(context, value);
++ } else {
++ // XXX: should call .valueOf and, if a number, cast as a pointer
++ CYPool pool;
++ return sel_registerName(CYPoolCString(pool, context, value));
++ }
+cy# @[].concat([3,4])
+cy# [].concat([3,4])
+@synchronized, maybe @autorelease
+support leaving off the block return type if the block has no return value; statements
+cy# var a = 4; {let a = 3; }; a
+cy= a=4;a=3;a
+abstract method_copyMethodList to something more reasonable
+cy# "\x00"
+cy= "\x00"
+wanted: "\0"
+(does JS really support \0? node seems to think so)
+cy# ({$a:5,$b:3}).$<TAB> <- fails to tab complete to a list
+auto-complete partial string keys
+cy# @encode(const char *)(@encode(void *(*)(const char *))(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "strdup")))
+"[object Pointer]"
+the error regime when using MS.hookMessage destroys Objective-C exceptions that are thrown
+the restrict keyword should be supported in type specifiers
+support (void) argument lists
+typedef int;
+typedef should be creating local variables