} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSObjectRef Instance_new(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, size_t count, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {
- if (count > 1)
+ if (count != 1)
throw CYJSError(context, "incorrect number of arguments to Instance constructor");
- id self(count == 0 ? nil : CYCastPointer<id>(context, arguments[0]));
- return CYMakeInstance(context, self);
+ return CYMakeInstance(context, CYCastPointer<id>(context, arguments[0]));
} CYCatch(NULL) }
static JSValueRef CYValue_getProperty_value(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, JSValueRef *exception) { CYTry {