5 : applicationDidFinishLaunching: v12@0:4@8
8 S CGRect "origin"{CGPoint}"size"{CGSize}
9 S CGSize "width"f"height"f
13 F class_addIvar B#*LC*
14 F class_addMethod B#:^?*
15 F class_addProtocol B#@
16 F class_conformsToProtocol B#@
17 F class_copyIvarList ^^{objc_ivar=}#^I
18 F class_copyMethodList ^^{objc_method=}#^I
19 F class_copyPropertyList ^^{objc_property=}#^I
20 F class_copyProtocolList ^@#^I
21 F class_createInstance @#L
22 F class_getClassMethod ^{objc_method=}#:
23 F class_getClassVariable ^{objc_ivar=}#*
24 F class_getInstanceMethod ^{objc_method=}#:
25 F class_getInstanceSize L#
26 F class_getInstanceVariable ^{objc_ivar=}#*
27 F class_getIvarLayout *#
28 F class_getMethodImplementation ^?#:
29 F class_getMethodImplementation_stret ^?#:
31 F class_getProperty ^{objc_property=}#*
32 F class_getSuperclass ##
34 F class_getWeakIvarLayout *#
35 F class_isMetaClass B#
36 F class_replaceMethod ^?#:^?*
37 F class_respondsToSelector B#:
38 F class_setIvarLayout v#*
39 F class_setSuperclass ###
40 F class_setVersion v#i
41 F class_setWeakIvarLayout v#*
43 F ivar_getName *^{objc_ivar=}
44 F ivar_getOffset i^{objc_ivar=}
45 F ivar_getTypeEncoding *^{objc_ivar=}
47 F method_copyArgumentType ^c^{objc_method=}I
48 F method_copyReturnType ^c^{objc_method=}
49 F method_exchangeImplementations v^{objc_method=}^{objc_method=}
50 F method_getArgumentType v^{objc_method=}I^cL
51 F method_getImplementation ^?^{objc_method=}
52 F method_getName :^{objc_method=}
53 F method_getNumberOfArguments I^{objc_method=}
54 F method_getReturnType v^{objc_method=}^cL
55 F method_getTypeEncoding *^{objc_method=}
56 F method_setImplementation ^?^{objc_method=}^?
58 # this should return # or ^v ?
59 F objc_allocateClassPair ##*L
60 F objc_copyProtocolList ^@^I
61 F objc_duplicateClass ##*L
63 F objc_getClassList i^#i
64 F objc_getFutureClass #*
65 F objc_getMetaClass @*
67 F objc_getRequiredClass @*
69 F objc_registerClassPair v#
70 F objc_setFutureClass v#*
75 F object_getClassName *@
76 F object_getIndexedIvars ^v@
77 F object_getInstanceVariable ^{objc_ivar=}@*^^v
78 F object_getIvar @@^{objc_ivar=}
80 F object_setInstanceVariable ^{objc_ivar=}@*^v
81 F object_setIvar v@^{objc_ivar=}@
83 F property_getAttributes *^{objc_property=}
84 F property_getName *^{objc_property=}
86 F protocol_conformsToProtocol B@@
87 F protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList ^{objc_method_description=:*}@BB^I
88 F protocol_copyPropertyList ^{objc_property=}@^I
89 F protocol_copyProtocolList ^@@^I
90 F protocol_getMethodDescription {objc_method_description=:*}@:BB
92 F protocol_getProperty ^{objc_property=}@*BB
93 F protocol_isEqual B@@
102 C UIBarStyleDefault 0
104 C UIBarStyleBlackOpaque 2
105 C UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent 3
107 C UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber (1<<0)
108 C UIDataDetectorTypeLink (1<<1)
109 C UIDataDetectorTypeNone 0
111 C UIDataDetectorTypeAll -1
115 # UINavigationController
117 V UINavigationControllerHideShowBarDuration f
119 # UINavigationControllerDelegate
121 : navigationController:willShowViewController:animated: v20@0:4@8@12B16
122 : navigationController:didShowViewController:animated: v20@0:4@8@12B16
126 C UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleDefault 0
127 C UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleBlack 1
128 C UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleWhite 2
130 V UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal f
131 V UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast f
133 # UIScrollViewDelegate
135 : scrollViewDidScroll: v12@0:4@8
136 : scrollViewWillBeginDragging: v12@0:4@8
137 : scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: v16@0:4@8B12
138 : scrollViewShouldScrollToTop: B12@0:4@8
139 : scrollViewDidScrollToTop: v12@0:4@8
140 : scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating: v12@0:4@8
141 : scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: v12@0:4@8
143 : viewForZoomingInScrollView: @12@0:4@8
144 : scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale: v20@0:4@8@12f16
146 : scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation: v12@0:4@8
152 : tabBar:willBeginCustomizingItems: v16@0:4@8@12
153 : tabBar:didBeginCustomizingItems: v16@0:4@8@12
154 : tabBar:willBeginCustomizingItems:changed: v20@0:4@8@12B16
155 : tabBar:didBeginCustomizingItems:changed: v20@0:4@8@12B16
156 : tabBar:didSelectItem: v16@0:4@8@12
160 C UITableViewStylePlain 0
161 C UITableViewStyleGrouped 1
163 C UITableViewScrollPositionNone 0
164 C UITableViewScrollPositionTop 1
165 C UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle 2
166 C UITableViewScrollPositionBottom 3
168 C UITableViewRowAnimationFade 0
169 C UITableViewRowAnimationRight 1
170 C UITableViewRowAnimationLeft 2
171 C UITableViewRowAnimationTop 3
172 C UITableViewRowAnimationTop 4
173 C UITableViewRowAnimationNone 5
175 V UITableViewIndexSearch @
179 C UITableViewCellStyleDefault 0
180 C UITableViewCellStyleValue1 1
181 C UITableViewCellStyleValue2 2
182 C UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle 3
184 C UITableViewCellStateDefaultMask 0
185 C UITableViewCellStateEditingMask (1<<0)
186 C UITableViewCellStateShowingDeleteConfirmationMask (1<<1)
188 C UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone 0
189 C UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue 1
190 C UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray 2
192 C UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone 0
193 C UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete 1
194 C UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert 2
196 C UITableViewCellAccessoryNone 0
197 C UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator 1
198 C UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton 2
199 C UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark 3
201 C UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone 0
202 C UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine 1
204 # UITableViewController
206 # UITableViewDataSource
208 : tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: i16@0:4@8i12
209 : numberOfSectionsInTableView: i12@0:4@8
210 : tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: @16@0:4@8@12
211 : sectionIndexTitlesForTableView: @12@0:4@8
212 : tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:atIndex: i20@0:4@8@12i16
213 : tableView:titleForHeaderInSection: @16@0:4@8i12
214 : tableView:titleForFooterInSection: @16@0:4@8i12
216 : tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: v20@0:4@8i12@16
217 : tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath: B16@0:4@8@12
219 : tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath: B16@0:4@8@12
220 : tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: v20@0:4@8@12@16
226 C UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut 0
227 C UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn 1
228 C UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut 2
229 C UIViewAnimationCurveLinear 3
231 C UIViewContentModeScaleToFill 0
232 C UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit 1
233 C UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill 2
234 C UIViewContentModeRedraw 3
235 C UIViewContentModeCenter 4
236 C UIViewContentModeTop 5
237 C UIViewContentModeBottom 6
238 C UIViewContentModeLeft 7
239 C UIViewContentModeRight 8
240 C UIViewContentModeTopLeft 9
241 C UIViewContentModeTopRight 10
242 C UIViewContentModeBottomLeft 11
243 C UIViewContentModeBottomRight 12
245 C UIViewAutoresizingNone 0
246 C UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin (1<<0)
247 C UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth (1<<1)
248 C UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin (1<<2)
249 C UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin (1<<3)
250 C UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight (1<<4)
251 C UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin (1<<5)
253 C UIViewAnimationTransitionNone 0
254 C UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft 1
255 C UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight 2
256 C UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp 3
257 C UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown 4
261 C UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical 0
262 C UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal 1
263 C UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve 2
267 C UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked 0
268 C UIWebViewNavigationTypeFormSubmitted 1
269 C UIWebViewNavigationTypeBackForward 2
270 C UIWebViewNavigationTypeReload 3
271 C UIWebViewNavigationTypeFormResubmitted 4
272 C UIWebViewNavigationTypeOther 5
276 : webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: B20@0:4@8@12I16
277 : webViewDidStartLoad: v12@0:4@8
278 : webViewDidFinishLoad: v12@0:4@8
279 : webView:didFailLoadWithError: v16@0:4@8@12
283 V UIWindowLevelNormal f
284 V UIWindowLevelAlert f
285 V UIWindowLevelStatusBar f
287 V UIKeyboardCenterBeginUserInfoKey @
288 V UIKeyboardCenterEndUserInfoKey @
289 V UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey @
290 V UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey @
291 V UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey @
295 F UIApplicationMain ii^^c@@
297 F UIImageJPEGRepresentation @@
298 F UIImagePNGRepresentation @@
299 F UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum v@@:^v
301 F UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum v@@:^v
302 F UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum B@
304 F UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext @
305 F UIGraphicsPushContext v@
306 F UIGraphicsPopContext v
307 F UIGraphicsBeginImageContext v{CGSize=ff}
308 F UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext @
309 F UIGraphicsEndImageContext v
310 F UIRectClip v{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}
311 F UIRectFill v{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}
312 F UIRectFillUsingBlendMode v{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}i
313 F UIRectFrame v{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}
314 F UIRectFrameUsingBlendMode v{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}i
316 F CGPointFromString {CGPoint=ff}@
317 F CGRectFromString {CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}@
318 F CGSizeFromString {CGSize=ff}@
319 F CGAffineTransformFromString {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}@
320 F UIEdgeInsetsFromString {UIEdgeInsets=ffff}@
321 F NSStringFromCGPoint @{CGPoint=ff}
322 F NSStringFromCGRect @{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}
323 F NSStringFromCGSize @{CGSize=ff}
324 F NSStringFromCGAffineTransform @{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
325 F NSStringFromUIEdgeInsets @{UIEdgeInsets=ffff}
327 F UIEdgeInsetsMake {UIEdgeInsets=ffff}ffff
328 F UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets B{UIEdgeInsets=ffff}{UIEdgeInsets=ffff}
329 F UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect {CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}{UIEdgeInsets=ffff}
331 # XXX: UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait
332 # XXX: UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape
334 # XXX: UIDeviceOrientationIsValidInterfaceOrientation
335 # XXX: UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait
336 # XXX: UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape
338 F UIAccessibilityPostNotification vI@
342 F UIApplicationUseLegacyEvents vB
344 F UIKeyboardDisableAutomaticAppearance v
345 F UIKeyboardEnableAutomaticAppearance v
346 F UIKeyboardInputModeUsesKBStar B@
348 F _UIImageWithName @@
350 F UIFormattedPhoneNumberFromString @@
351 F UIUnformattedPhoneNumberFromString @@
355 V kUIButtonBarButtonAction @
356 V kUIButtonBarButtonInfo @
357 V kUIButtonBarButtonInfoOffset @
358 V kUIButtonBarButtonSelectedInfo @
359 V kUIButtonBarButtonSizeToFit @
360 V kUIButtonBarButtonStyle @
361 V kUIButtonBarButtonTag @
362 V kUIButtonBarButtonTarget @
363 V kUIButtonBarButtonTitle @
364 V kUIButtonBarButtonTitleVerticalHeight @
365 V kUIButtonBarButtonTitleWidth @
366 V kUIButtonBarButtonType @
368 V UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey @
369 V UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey @
370 V UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey @
371 V UIKeyboardCenterBeginUserInfoKey @
372 V UIKeyboardCenterEndUserInfoKey @
373 V UIKeyboardRequiresInternationalKey @
375 V UIKeyboardCandidateCorrectionDidChangeNotification @
376 V UIKeyboardCurrentInputModeDidChangeNotification @
377 V UIKeyboardDefaultsDidChangeNotification @
378 V UIKeyboardDidHideNotification @
379 V UIKeyboardDidShowNotification @
380 V UIKeyboardEmptyDelegateNotification @
381 V UIKeyboardWillHideNotification @
382 V UIKeyboardWillShowNotification @
384 V UIWebViewDidReceiveMessageNotification @
385 V UIWebViewDidClearMessagesNotification @
386 V UIWebViewGrowsAndShrinksToFitHeight f
387 V UIWebViewGrowsAndShrinksToFitWidth f
388 V UIWebViewScalesToFitScale f
392 F ABAddressBookAddRecord B@@^@
393 F ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllGroups @@
394 F ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople @@
395 F ABAddressBookCopyLocalizedLabel @@
396 F ABAddressBookCreate @
397 F ABAddressBookGetGroupCount l@
398 F ABAddressBookGetPersonCount l@
399 F ABAddressBookHasUnsavedChanges B@
400 F ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback v@^?^v
401 F ABAddressBookRemoveRecord B@@^@
402 F ABAddressBookRevert v@
403 F ABAddressBookSave B@^@
404 F ABAddressBookUnregisterExternalChangeCallback v@^?^v
406 V ABAddressBookErrorDomain @
407 C kABOperationNotPermittedByStoreError 0
409 F ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues @@
410 F ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex @@l
411 F ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex @@l
412 F ABMultiValueGetCount l@
413 F ABMultiValueGetFirstIndexOfValue l@@
414 F ABMultiValueGetIdentifierAtIndex i@l
415 F ABMultiValueGetIndexForIdentifier l@i
416 F ABMultiValueGetPropertyType S@
418 C kABMultiValueInvalidIdentifier -1
420 F ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel @@@^i
421 F ABMultiValueCreateMutable @S
422 F ABMultiValueCreateMutableCopy @@
423 F ABMultiValueInsertValueAndLabelAtIndex B@@@l^i
424 F ABMultiValueRemoveValueAndLabelAtIndex B@l
425 F ABMultiValueReplaceLabelAtIndex B@@l
426 F ABMultiValueReplaceValueAtIndex B@@l
428 F ABRecordCopyCompositeName @@
429 F ABRecordCopyValue @@i
430 F ABRecordGetRecordID i@
431 F ABRecordGetRecordType I@
432 F ABRecordRemoveValue B@i^@
433 F ABRecordSetValue B@i@^@
439 C kABMultiValueMask 0x100
441 C kABInvalidPropertyType 0x0
442 C kABStringPropertyType 0x1
443 C kABIntegerPropertyType 0x2
444 C kABRealPropertyType 0x3
445 C kABDateTimePropertyType 0x4
446 C kABDictionaryPropertyType 0x5
447 C kABMultiStringPropertyType 0x101
448 C kABMultiIntegerPropertyType 0x102
449 C kABMultiRealPropertyType 0x103
450 C kABMultiDateTimePropertyType 0x104
451 C kABMultiDictionaryPropertyType 0x105
453 C kABRecordInvalidID -1
454 C kABPropertyInvalidID -1
456 F ABAddressBookGetGroupWithRecordID @@i
457 F ABGroupAddMember B@@^@
458 F ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllMembers @@
459 F ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllMembersWithSortOrdering @@I
461 F ABGroupRemoveMember B@@^@
463 V kABGroupNameProperty i
465 F ABAddressBookCopyPeopleWithName @@@
466 F ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID @@i
467 F ABPersonComparePeopleByName i@@I
468 F ABPersonCopyImageData @@
469 F ABPersonCopyLocalizedPropertyName @i
471 F ABPersonGetCompositeNameFormat I
472 F ABPersonGetSortOrdering I
473 F ABPersonGetTypeOfProperty SI
474 F ABPersonHasImageData B@
475 F ABPersonRemoveImageData B@^@
476 F ABPersonSetImageData B@@^@
478 C kABPersonSortByFirstName 0
479 C kABPersonSortByLastName 1
481 C kABPersonCompositeNameFormatFirstNameFirst 0
482 C kABPersonCompositeNameFormatLastNameFirst 1
484 V kABPersonFirstNameProperty i
485 V kABPersonLastNameProperty i
486 V kABPersonMiddleNameProperty i
487 V kABPersonPrefixProperty i
488 V kABPersonSuffixProperty i
489 V kABPersonNicknameProperty i
490 V kABPersonFirstNamePhoneticProperty i
491 V kABPersonLastNamePhoneticProperty i
492 V kABPersonMiddleNamePhoneticProperty i
493 V kABPersonOrganizationProperty i
494 V kABPersonJobTitleProperty i
495 V kABPersonDepartmentProperty i
496 V kABPersonEmailProperty i
497 V kABPersonBirthdayProperty i
498 V kABPersonNoteProperty i
499 V kABPersonCreationDateProperty i
500 V kABPersonModificationDateProperty i
502 V kABPersonAddressProperty i
503 V kABPersonAddressStreetKey @
504 V kABPersonAddressCityKey @
505 V kABPersonAddressStateKey @
506 V kABPersonAddressZIPKey @
507 V kABPersonAddressCountryKey @
508 V kABPersonAddressCountryCodeKey @
510 V kABPersonDateProperty i
511 V kABPersonAnniversaryLabel @
513 V kABPersonKindProperty i
514 V kABPersonKindPerson @
515 V kABPersonKindOrganization @
517 V kABPersonPhoneProperty i
518 V kABPersonPhoneMobileLabel @
519 V kABPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel @
520 V kABPersonPhoneMainLabel @
521 V kABPersonPhoneHomeFAXLabel @
522 V kABPersonPhoneWorkFAXLabel @
523 V kABPersonPhonePagerLabel @
525 V kABPersonInstantMessageProperty i
526 V kABPersonInstantMessageServiceKey @
527 V kABPersonInstantMessageServiceYahoo @
528 V kABPersonInstantMessageServiceJabber @
529 V kABPersonInstantMessageServiceMSN @
530 V kABPersonInstantMessageServiceICQ @
531 V kABPersonInstantMessageServiceAIM @
532 V kABPersonInstantMessageUsernameKey @
534 V kABPersonURLProperty i
535 V kABPersonHomePageLabel @
537 V kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty i
538 V kABPersonMotherLabel @
539 V kABPersonFatherLabel @
540 V kABPersonParentLabel @
541 V kABPersonSisterLabel @
542 V kABPersonBrotherLabel @
543 V kABPersonChildLabel @
544 V kABPersonFriendLabel @
545 V kABPersonSpouseLabel @
546 V kABPersonPartnerLabel @
547 V kABPersonManagerLabel @
548 V kABPersonAssistantLabel @
556 C NSUndefinedAttributeType 0
557 C NSInteger16AttributeType 100
558 C NSInteger32AttributeType 200
559 C NSInteger64AttributeType 300
560 C NSDecimalAttributeType 400
561 C NSDoubleAttributeType 500
562 C NSFloatAttributeType 600
563 C NSStringAttributeType 700
564 C NSBooleanAttributeType 800
565 C NSDateAttributeType 900
566 C NSBinaryDataAttributeType 1000
567 C NSTransformableAttributeType 1800
568 C NSObjectIDAttributeType 2000
570 C NSUndefinedEntityMappingType 0x00
571 C NSCustomEntityMappingType 0x01
572 C NSAddEntityMappingType 0x02
573 C NSRemoveEntityMappingType 0x03
574 C NSCopyEntityMappingType 0x04
575 C NSTransformEntityMappingType 0x05
577 V NSMigrationManagerKey @
578 V NSMigrationSourceObjectKey @
579 V NSMigrationDestinationObjectKey @
580 V NSMigrationEntityMappingKey @
581 V NSMigrationPropertyMappingKey @
582 V NSMigrationPropertyMappingKey @
584 C NSManagedObjectResultType 0x00
585 C NSManagedObjectIDResultType 0x01
586 C NSDictionaryResultType 0x02
588 C NSFetchRequestExpressionType 50
590 C NSSnapshotEventUndoInsertion 1<<1
591 C NSSnapshotEventUndoDeletion 1<<2
592 C NSSnapshotEventUndoUpdate 1<<3
593 C NSSnapshotEventRollback 1<<4
594 C NSSnapshotEventRefresh 1<<5
595 C NSSnapshotEventMergePolicy 1<<6
597 V NSInsertedObjectsKey @
598 V NSUpdatedObjectsKey @
599 V NSDeletedObjectsKey @
600 V NSRefreshedObjectsKey @
601 V NSInvalidatedObjectsKey @
602 V NSInvalidatedAllObjectsKey @
604 V NSErrorMergePolicy @
605 V NSMergeByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy @
606 V NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy @
607 V NSOverwriteMergePolicy @
608 V NSRollbackMergePolicy @
610 V NSSQLiteStoreType @
611 V NSBinaryStoreType @
612 V NSInMemoryStoreType @
617 V NSAddedPersistentStoresKey @
618 V NSRemovedPersistentStoresKey @
619 V NSUUIDChangedPersistentStoresKey @
621 V NSReadOnlyPersistentStoreOption @
622 V NSPersistentStoreTimeoutOption @
623 V NSSQLitePragmasOption @
624 V NSSQLiteAnalyzeOption @
625 V NSSQLiteManualVacuumOption @
627 V NSIgnorePersistentStoreVersioningOption @
628 V NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption @
629 V NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption @
631 V NSStoreModelVersionHashesKey @
632 V NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiersKey @
633 V NSPersistentStoreOSCompatibility @
635 C NSNoActionDeleteRule 0
636 C NSNullifyDeleteRule 1
637 C NSCascadeDeleteRule 2
640 C NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert 1
641 C NSFetchedResultsChangeDelete 2
642 C NSFetchedResultsChangeMove 3
643 C NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate 4
645 V NSDetailedErrorsKey @
646 V NSValidationObjectErrorKey @
647 V NSValidationKeyErrorKey @
648 V NSValidationPredicateErrorKey @
649 V NSValidationValueErrorKey @
650 V NSAffectedStoresErrorKey @
651 V NSAffectedObjectsErrorKey @
653 V NSSQLiteErrorDomain @
655 C NSManagedObjectValidationError 1550
656 C NSValidationMultipleErrorsError 1560
657 C NSValidationMissingMandatoryPropertyError 1570
658 C NSValidationRelationshipLacksMinimumCountError 1580
659 C NSValidationRelationshipExceedsMaximumCountError 1590
660 C NSValidationRelationshipDeniedDeleteError 1600
661 C NSValidationNumberTooLargeError 1610
662 C NSValidationNumberTooSmallError 1620
663 C NSValidationDateTooLateError 1630
664 C NSValidationDateTooSoonError 1640
665 C NSValidationInvalidDateError 1650
666 C NSValidationStringTooLongError 1660
667 C NSValidationStringTooShortError 1670
668 C NSValidationStringPatternMatchingError 1680
670 C NSManagedObjectContextLockingError 132000
671 C NSPersistentStoreCoordinatorLockingError 132010
672 C NSManagedObjectReferentialIntegrityError 133000
673 C NSManagedObjectExternalRelationshipError 133010
674 C NSManagedObjectMergeError 133020
676 C NSPersistentStoreInvalidTypeError 134000
677 C NSPersistentStoreTypeMismatchError 134010
678 C NSPersistentStoreIncompatibleSchemaError 134020
679 C NSPersistentStoreSaveError 134030
680 C NSPersistentStoreIncompleteSaveError 134040
681 C NSPersistentStoreOperationError 134070
682 C NSPersistentStoreOpenError 134080
683 C NSPersistentStoreTimeoutError 134090
684 C NSPersistentStoreIncompatibleVersionHashError 134100
686 C NSMigrationError 134110
687 C NSMigrationCancelledError 134120
688 C NSMigrationMissingSourceModelError 134130
689 C NSMigrationMissingMappingModelError 134140
690 C NSMigrationManagerSourceStoreError 134150
691 C NSMigrationManagerDestinationStoreError 134160
692 C NSEntityMigrationPolicyError 134170
693 C NSInferredMappingModelError 134190
694 C NSExternalRecordImportError 134200
696 C NSCoreDataError 134060
697 C NSSQLiteError 134180
699 V NSCoreDataVersionNumber d
701 C NSCoreDataVersionNumber10_4 46.0
702 C NSCoreDataVersionNumber10_4_3 77.0
703 C NSCoreDataVersionNumber10_5 185.0
704 C NSCoreDataVersionNumber10_5_3 186.0
708 # XXX: incomplete by any stretch of the imagination
717 F CGAffineTransformMake {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}ffffff
718 F CGAffineTransformMakeRotation {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}f
719 F CGAffineTransformMakeScale {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}ff
720 F CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}ff
722 F CGAffineTransformTranslate {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}ff
723 F CGAffineTransformScale {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}ff
724 F CGAffineTransformRotate {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}f
725 F CGAffineTransformInvert {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
726 F CGAffineTransformConcat {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
728 F CGPointApplyAffineTransform {CGPoint=ff}{CGPoint=ff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
729 F CGSizeApplyAffineTransform {CGSize=ff}{CGSize=ff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
730 F CGRectApplyAffineTransform {CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
732 F CGAffineTransformIsIdentity B{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
733 F CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform B{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}{CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
735 S CGAffineTransform "a"f"b"f"c"f"d"f"tx"f"ty"f
737 V CGAffineTransformIdentity {CGAffineTransform=ffffff}
741 V kCLLocationAccuracyBest d
742 V kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters d
743 V kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters d
744 V kCLLocationAccuracyKilometer d
745 V kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers d
747 V kCLDistanceFilterNone d
748 V kCLHeadingFilterNone d
750 C kCLErrorLocationUnknown 0
753 C kCLErrorHeadingFailure 3
759 S _NSRange "location"I"length"I
766 C NSApplicationDirectory 1
767 C NSDemoApplicationDirectory 2
768 C NSDeveloperApplicationDirectory 3
769 C NSAdminApplicationDirectory 4
770 C NSLibraryDirectory 5
771 C NSDeveloperDirectory 6
773 C NSDocumentationDirectory 8
774 C NSDocumentDirectory 9
775 C NSCoreServiceDirectory 10
776 C NSAutosavedInformationDirectory 11
777 C NSDesktopDirectory 12
778 C NSCachesDirectory 13
779 C NSApplicationSupportDirectory 14
780 C NSDownloadsDirectory 15
781 C NSInputMethodsDirectory 16
782 C NSMoviesDirectory 17
783 C NSMusicDirectory 18
784 C NSPicturesDirectory 19
785 C NSPrinterDescriptionDirectory 20
786 C NSSharedPublicDirectory 21
787 C NSPreferencePanesDirectory 22
788 C NSItemReplacementDirectory 99
789 C NSAllApplicationsDirectory 100
790 C NSAllLibrariesDirectory 101
793 C NSLocalDomainMask 2
794 C NSNetworkDomainMask 4
795 C NSSystemDomainMask 8
796 C NSAllDomainsMask 0x0ffff
800 C MKMapTypeStandard 0
801 C MKMapTypeSatellite 1
807 C MKErrorServerFailure 2
808 C MKErrorLoadingThrottled 3
809 C MKErrorPlacemarkNotFound 4
811 C MKPinAnnotationColorRed 0
812 C MKPinAnnotationColorGreen 1
813 C MKPinAnnotationColorPurple 2
815 # MKCoordinateRegionMake
816 # MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance
817 # MKCoordinateSpanMake
837 F dlopen_preflight B*