]> git.saurik.com Git - cycript.git/blame - Parser.dat
Move to an unknown/different version of autotools.
[cycript.git] / Parser.dat
1& AddressOf R BitwiseAnd 5
2&& - R LogicalAnd 8
3&= - A BitwiseAnd
4^ - R BitwiseXor 6
5^= - A BitwiseXor
6= - A
7== - R Equal 4
8=== - R Identical 4
9! LogicalNot
10!= - R NotEqual 4
11!== - R NotIdentical 4
12- Negate R Subtract 1
13-= - A Subtract
14-- PreDecrement R PostDecrement
15-> - U Indirect
16< - R LessThan 3
17<= - R LessThanOrEqual 3
18<< - R LeftShift 2
19<<= - A LeftShift
20% - R Modulus 0
21%= - A Modulus
22. - U Direct
23| - R BitwiseOr 7
24|= - A BitwiseOr
25|| - R LogicalOr 9
26+ Affirm R Add 1
27+= - A Add
28++ PreIncrement R PostIncrement
29> - R GreaterThan 3
30>= - R GreaterThanOrEqual 3
31>> - R SignedRightShift 2
32>>= - A SignedRightShift
33>>> - R UnsignedRightShift 2
34>>>= - A UnsignedRightShift
35/ - R Divide 0
36/= - A Divide
37* Indirect R Multiply 0
38*= - A Multiply
39~ BitwiseNot
40Break -
41Case -
42Catch -
43Continue -
44Default -
45Delete Delete
46Do -
47Else -
48False - L
49Finally -
50For -
51Function -
52If -
53In - R In 3
54InstanceOf - R InstanceOf 3
55New -
56Null - L
57Return -
58Switch -
59This - V
60Throw -
61True - L
62Try -
63TypeOf TypeOf
64Var -
65Void Void
66While -
67With -