]> git.saurik.com Git - bison.git/blob - data/lalr1.java
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[bison.git] / data / lalr1.java
1 # Java skeleton for Bison -*- autoconf -*-
3 # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 # (at your option) any later version.
9 #
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 m4_include(b4_pkgdatadir/[java.m4])
20 b4_defines_if([b4_fatal([%s: %%defines does not make sense in Java],
21 [b4_skeleton])])
23 # We don't depend on %debug in Java, but pacify warnings about non-used flags.
24 b4_parse_trace_if([0], [0])
26 m4_define([b4_symbol_no_destructor_assert],
27 [b4_symbol_if([$1], [has_destructor],
28 [b4_fatal([%s: %s: %%destructor does not make sense in Java],
29 [b4_skeleton],
30 [b4_symbol_action_location([$1], [destructor])])])])
31 b4_symbol_foreach([b4_symbol_no_destructor_assert])
33 m4_divert_push(0)dnl
34 @output(b4_parser_file_name@)@
35 b4_copyright([Skeleton implementation for Bison LALR(1) parsers in Java],
36 [2007-2011])
38 b4_percent_define_ifdef([package], [package b4_percent_define_get([package]);
39 ])[/* First part of user declarations. */
40 ]b4_user_pre_prologue
41 b4_user_post_prologue
42 b4_percent_code_get([[imports]])
43 [/**
44 * A Bison parser, automatically generated from <tt>]m4_bpatsubst(b4_file_name, [^"\(.*\)"$], [\1])[</tt>.
45 *
46 * @@author LALR (1) parser skeleton written by Paolo Bonzini.
47 */
48 ]b4_percent_define_get3([annotations], [], [ ])dnl
49 b4_public_if([public ])dnl
50 b4_abstract_if([abstract ])dnl
51 b4_final_if([final ])dnl
52 b4_strictfp_if([strictfp ])dnl
53 [class ]b4_parser_class_name[]dnl
54 b4_percent_define_get3([extends], [ extends ])dnl
55 b4_percent_define_get3([implements], [ implements ])[
56 {
57 ]b4_identification[
58 ]b4_error_verbose_if([[
59 /** True if verbose error messages are enabled. */
60 private boolean yyErrorVerbose = true;
62 /**
63 * Return whether verbose error messages are enabled.
64 */
65 public final boolean getErrorVerbose() { return yyErrorVerbose; }
67 /**
68 * Set the verbosity of error messages.
69 * @@param verbose True to request verbose error messages.
70 */
71 public final void setErrorVerbose(boolean verbose)
72 { yyErrorVerbose = verbose; }
73 ]])
75 b4_locations_if([[
76 /**
77 * A class defining a pair of positions. Positions, defined by the
78 * <code>]b4_position_type[</code> class, denote a point in the input.
79 * Locations represent a part of the input through the beginning
80 * and ending positions. */
81 public class ]b4_location_type[ {
82 /** The first, inclusive, position in the range. */
83 public ]b4_position_type[ begin;
85 /** The first position beyond the range. */
86 public ]b4_position_type[ end;
88 /**
89 * Create a <code>]b4_location_type[</code> denoting an empty range located at
90 * a given point.
91 * @@param loc The position at which the range is anchored. */
92 public ]b4_location_type[ (]b4_position_type[ loc) {
93 this.begin = this.end = loc;
94 }
96 /**
97 * Create a <code>]b4_location_type[</code> from the endpoints of the range.
98 * @@param begin The first position included in the range.
99 * @@param end The first position beyond the range. */
100 public ]b4_location_type[ (]b4_position_type[ begin, ]b4_position_type[ end) {
101 this.begin = begin;
102 this.end = end;
103 }
105 /**
106 * Print a representation of the location. For this to be correct,
107 * <code>]b4_position_type[</code> should override the <code>equals</code>
108 * method. */
109 public String toString () {
110 if (begin.equals (end))
111 return begin.toString ();
112 else
113 return begin.toString () + "-" + end.toString ();
114 }
115 }
117 ]])
119 b4_locations_if([[
120 private ]b4_location_type[ yylloc (YYStack rhs, int n)
121 {
122 if (n > 0)
123 return new ]b4_location_type[ (rhs.locationAt (n-1).begin, rhs.locationAt (0).end);
124 else
125 return new ]b4_location_type[ (rhs.locationAt (0).end);
126 }]])[
128 /**
129 * Communication interface between the scanner and the Bison-generated
130 * parser <tt>]b4_parser_class_name[</tt>.
131 */
132 public interface Lexer {
133 /** Token returned by the scanner to signal the end of its input. */
134 public static final int EOF = 0;
136 ]b4_token_enums(b4_tokens)[
138 ]b4_locations_if([[/**
139 * Method to retrieve the beginning position of the last scanned token.
140 * @@return the position at which the last scanned token starts. */
141 ]b4_position_type[ getStartPos ();
143 /**
144 * Method to retrieve the ending position of the last scanned token.
145 * @@return the first position beyond the last scanned token. */
146 ]b4_position_type[ getEndPos ();]])[
148 /**
149 * Method to retrieve the semantic value of the last scanned token.
150 * @@return the semantic value of the last scanned token. */
151 ]b4_yystype[ getLVal ();
153 /**
154 * Entry point for the scanner. Returns the token identifier corresponding
155 * to the next token and prepares to return the semantic value
156 * ]b4_locations_if([and beginning/ending positions ])[of the token.
157 * @@return the token identifier corresponding to the next token. */
158 int yylex () ]b4_maybe_throws([b4_lex_throws])[;
160 /**
161 * Entry point for error reporting. Emits an error
162 * ]b4_locations_if([referring to the given location ])[in a user-defined way.
163 *
164 * ]b4_locations_if([[@@param loc The location of the element to which the
165 * error message is related]])[
166 * @@param msg The string for the error message. */
167 void yyerror (]b4_locations_if([b4_location_type[ loc, ]])[String msg);]
168 }
170 b4_lexer_if([[private class YYLexer implements Lexer {
171 ]b4_percent_code_get([[lexer]])[
172 }
174 ]])[/** The object doing lexical analysis for us. */
175 private Lexer yylexer;
176 ]
177 b4_parse_param_vars
179 b4_lexer_if([[
180 /**
181 * Instantiates the Bison-generated parser.
182 */
183 public ]b4_parser_class_name (b4_parse_param_decl([b4_lex_param_decl])[) ]b4_maybe_throws([b4_init_throws])[
184 {
185 ]b4_percent_code_get([[init]])[
186 this.yylexer = new YYLexer(]b4_lex_param_call[);
187 ]b4_parse_param_cons[
188 }
189 ]])
191 /**
192 * Instantiates the Bison-generated parser.
193 * @@param yylexer The scanner that will supply tokens to the parser.
194 */
195 b4_lexer_if([[protected]], [[public]]) b4_parser_class_name[ (]b4_parse_param_decl([[Lexer yylexer]])[) ]b4_maybe_throws([b4_init_throws])[
196 {
197 ]b4_percent_code_get([[init]])[
198 this.yylexer = yylexer;
199 ]b4_parse_param_cons[
200 }
202 private java.io.PrintStream yyDebugStream = System.err;
204 /**
205 * Return the <tt>PrintStream</tt> on which the debugging output is
206 * printed.
207 */
208 public final java.io.PrintStream getDebugStream () { return yyDebugStream; }
210 /**
211 * Set the <tt>PrintStream</tt> on which the debug output is printed.
212 * @@param s The stream that is used for debugging output.
213 */
214 public final void setDebugStream(java.io.PrintStream s) { yyDebugStream = s; }
216 private int yydebug = 0;
218 /**
219 * Answer the verbosity of the debugging output; 0 means that all kinds of
220 * output from the parser are suppressed.
221 */
222 public final int getDebugLevel() { return yydebug; }
224 /**
225 * Set the verbosity of the debugging output; 0 means that all kinds of
226 * output from the parser are suppressed.
227 * @@param level The verbosity level for debugging output.
228 */
229 public final void setDebugLevel(int level) { yydebug = level; }
231 /**
232 * Print an error message via the lexer.
233 *]b4_locations_if([[ Use a <code>null</code> location.]])[
234 * @@param msg The error message.
235 */
236 public final void yyerror (String msg)
237 {
238 yylexer.yyerror (]b4_locations_if([[(]b4_location_type[)null, ]])[msg);
239 }
240 ]b4_locations_if([[
241 /**
242 * Print an error message via the lexer.
243 * @@param loc The location associated with the message.
244 * @@param msg The error message.
245 */
246 public final void yyerror (]b4_location_type[ loc, String msg)
247 {
248 yylexer.yyerror (loc, msg);
249 }
251 /**
252 * Print an error message via the lexer.
253 * @@param pos The position associated with the message.
254 * @@param msg The error message.
255 */
256 public final void yyerror (]b4_position_type[ pos, String msg)
257 {
258 yylexer.yyerror (new ]b4_location_type[ (pos), msg);
259 }]])
261 [protected final void yycdebug (String s) {
262 if (yydebug > 0)
263 yyDebugStream.println (s);
264 }
266 private final class YYStack {
267 private int[] stateStack = new int[16];
268 ]b4_locations_if([[private ]b4_location_type[[] locStack = new ]b4_location_type[[16];]])[
269 private ]b4_yystype[[] valueStack = new ]b4_yystype[[16];
271 public int size = 16;
272 public int height = -1;
274 public final void push (int state, ]b4_yystype[ value]dnl
275 b4_locations_if([, ]b4_location_type[ loc])[) {
276 height++;
277 if (size == height)
278 {
279 int[] newStateStack = new int[size * 2];
280 System.arraycopy (stateStack, 0, newStateStack, 0, height);
281 stateStack = newStateStack;
282 ]b4_locations_if([[
283 ]b4_location_type[[] newLocStack = new ]b4_location_type[[size * 2];
284 System.arraycopy (locStack, 0, newLocStack, 0, height);
285 locStack = newLocStack;]])
287 b4_yystype[[] newValueStack = new ]b4_yystype[[size * 2];
288 System.arraycopy (valueStack, 0, newValueStack, 0, height);
289 valueStack = newValueStack;
291 size *= 2;
292 }
294 stateStack[height] = state;
295 ]b4_locations_if([[locStack[height] = loc;]])[
296 valueStack[height] = value;
297 }
299 public final void pop () {
300 pop (1);
301 }
303 public final void pop (int num) {
304 // Avoid memory leaks... garbage collection is a white lie!
305 if (num > 0) {
306 java.util.Arrays.fill (valueStack, height - num + 1, height + 1, null);
307 ]b4_locations_if([[java.util.Arrays.fill (locStack, height - num + 1, height + 1, null);]])[
308 }
309 height -= num;
310 }
312 public final int stateAt (int i) {
313 return stateStack[height - i];
314 }
316 ]b4_locations_if([[public final ]b4_location_type[ locationAt (int i) {
317 return locStack[height - i];
318 }
320 ]])[public final ]b4_yystype[ valueAt (int i) {
321 return valueStack[height - i];
322 }
324 // Print the state stack on the debug stream.
325 public void print (java.io.PrintStream out)
326 {
327 out.print ("Stack now");
329 for (int i = 0; i <= height; i++)
330 {
331 out.print (' ');
332 out.print (stateStack[i]);
333 }
334 out.println ();
335 }
336 }
338 /**
339 * Returned by a Bison action in order to stop the parsing process and
340 * return success (<tt>true</tt>). */
341 public static final int YYACCEPT = 0;
343 /**
344 * Returned by a Bison action in order to stop the parsing process and
345 * return failure (<tt>false</tt>). */
346 public static final int YYABORT = 1;
348 /**
349 * Returned by a Bison action in order to start error recovery without
350 * printing an error message. */
351 public static final int YYERROR = 2;
353 // Internal return codes that are not supported for user semantic
354 // actions.
355 private static final int YYERRLAB = 3;
356 private static final int YYNEWSTATE = 4;
357 private static final int YYDEFAULT = 5;
358 private static final int YYREDUCE = 6;
359 private static final int YYERRLAB1 = 7;
360 private static final int YYRETURN = 8;
362 private int yyerrstatus_ = 0;
364 /**
365 * Return whether error recovery is being done. In this state, the parser
366 * reads token until it reaches a known state, and then restarts normal
367 * operation. */
368 public final boolean recovering ()
369 {
370 return yyerrstatus_ == 0;
371 }
373 private int yyaction (int yyn, YYStack yystack, int yylen) ]b4_maybe_throws([b4_throws])[
374 {
375 ]b4_yystype[ yyval;
376 ]b4_locations_if([b4_location_type[ yyloc = yylloc (yystack, yylen);]])[
378 /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
379 `$$ = $1'. Otherwise, use the top of the stack.
381 Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage.
382 This behavior is undocumented and Bison
383 users should not rely upon it. */
384 if (yylen > 0)
385 yyval = yystack.valueAt (yylen - 1);
386 else
387 yyval = yystack.valueAt (0);
389 yy_reduce_print (yyn, yystack);
391 switch (yyn)
392 {
393 ]b4_user_actions[
394 default: break;
395 }
397 yy_symbol_print ("-> $$ =", yyr1_[yyn], yyval]b4_locations_if([, yyloc])[);
399 yystack.pop (yylen);
400 yylen = 0;
402 /* Shift the result of the reduction. */
403 yyn = yyr1_[yyn];
404 int yystate = yypgoto_[yyn - yyntokens_] + yystack.stateAt (0);
405 if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= yylast_
406 && yycheck_[yystate] == yystack.stateAt (0))
407 yystate = yytable_[yystate];
408 else
409 yystate = yydefgoto_[yyn - yyntokens_];
411 yystack.push (yystate, yyval]b4_locations_if([, yyloc])[);
412 return YYNEWSTATE;
413 }
415 ]b4_error_verbose_if([[
416 /* Return YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary quotes and
417 backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The heuristic is
418 that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string contains an
419 apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than backslash-backslash).
420 YYSTR is taken from yytname. */
421 private final String yytnamerr_ (String yystr)
422 {
423 if (yystr.charAt (0) == '"')
424 {
425 StringBuffer yyr = new StringBuffer ();
426 strip_quotes: for (int i = 1; i < yystr.length (); i++)
427 switch (yystr.charAt (i))
428 {
429 case '\'':
430 case ',':
431 break strip_quotes;
433 case '\\':
434 if (yystr.charAt(++i) != '\\')
435 break strip_quotes;
436 /* Fall through. */
437 default:
438 yyr.append (yystr.charAt (i));
439 break;
441 case '"':
442 return yyr.toString ();
443 }
444 }
445 else if (yystr.equals ("$end"))
446 return "end of input";
448 return yystr;
449 }
450 ]])[
452 /*--------------------------------.
453 | Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. |
454 `--------------------------------*/
456 private void yy_symbol_print (String s, int yytype,
457 ]b4_yystype[ yyvaluep]dnl
458 b4_locations_if([, Object yylocationp])[)
459 {
460 if (yydebug > 0)
461 yycdebug (s + (yytype < yyntokens_ ? " token " : " nterm ")
462 + yytname_[yytype] + " ("]b4_locations_if([
463 + yylocationp + ": "])[
464 + (yyvaluep == null ? "(null)" : yyvaluep.toString ()) + ")");
465 }
467 /**
468 * Parse input from the scanner that was specified at object construction
469 * time. Return whether the end of the input was reached successfully.
470 *
471 * @@return <tt>true</tt> if the parsing succeeds. Note that this does not
472 * imply that there were no syntax errors.
473 */
474 public boolean parse () ]b4_maybe_throws([b4_list2([b4_lex_throws], [b4_throws])])[
475 {
476 /// Lookahead and lookahead in internal form.
477 int yychar = yyempty_;
478 int yytoken = 0;
480 /* State. */
481 int yyn = 0;
482 int yylen = 0;
483 int yystate = 0;
485 YYStack yystack = new YYStack ();
487 /* Error handling. */
488 int yynerrs_ = 0;
489 ]b4_locations_if([/// The location where the error started.
490 ]b4_location_type[ yyerrloc = null;
492 /// ]b4_location_type[ of the lookahead.
493 ]b4_location_type[ yylloc = new ]b4_location_type[ (null, null);
495 /// @@$.
496 ]b4_location_type[ yyloc;])
498 /// Semantic value of the lookahead.
499 b4_yystype[ yylval = null;
501 int yyresult;
503 yycdebug ("Starting parse\n");
504 yyerrstatus_ = 0;
506 ]m4_ifdef([b4_initial_action], [
507 m4_pushdef([b4_at_dollar], [yylloc])dnl
508 m4_pushdef([b4_dollar_dollar], [yylval])dnl
509 /* User initialization code. */
510 b4_user_initial_action
511 m4_popdef([b4_dollar_dollar])dnl
512 m4_popdef([b4_at_dollar])])dnl
514 [ /* Initialize the stack. */
515 yystack.push (yystate, yylval]b4_locations_if([, yylloc])[);
517 int label = YYNEWSTATE;
518 for (;;)
519 switch (label)
520 {
521 /* New state. Unlike in the C/C++ skeletons, the state is already
522 pushed when we come here. */
523 case YYNEWSTATE:
524 yycdebug ("Entering state " + yystate + "\n");
525 if (yydebug > 0)
526 yystack.print (yyDebugStream);
528 /* Accept? */
529 if (yystate == yyfinal_)
530 return true;
532 /* Take a decision. First try without lookahead. */
533 yyn = yypact_[yystate];
534 if (yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn))
535 {
536 label = YYDEFAULT;
537 break;
538 }
540 /* Read a lookahead token. */
541 if (yychar == yyempty_)
542 {
543 yycdebug ("Reading a token: ");
544 yychar = yylexer.yylex ();]
545 b4_locations_if([[
546 yylloc = new ]b4_location_type[(yylexer.getStartPos (),
547 yylexer.getEndPos ());]])
548 yylval = yylexer.getLVal ();[
549 }
551 /* Convert token to internal form. */
552 if (yychar <= Lexer.EOF)
553 {
554 yychar = yytoken = Lexer.EOF;
555 yycdebug ("Now at end of input.\n");
556 }
557 else
558 {
559 yytoken = yytranslate_ (yychar);
560 yy_symbol_print ("Next token is", yytoken,
561 yylval]b4_locations_if([, yylloc])[);
562 }
564 /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to
565 detect an error, take that action. */
566 yyn += yytoken;
567 if (yyn < 0 || yylast_ < yyn || yycheck_[yyn] != yytoken)
568 label = YYDEFAULT;
570 /* <= 0 means reduce or error. */
571 else if ((yyn = yytable_[yyn]) <= 0)
572 {
573 if (yy_table_value_is_error_ (yyn))
574 label = YYERRLAB;
575 else
576 {
577 yyn = -yyn;
578 label = YYREDUCE;
579 }
580 }
582 else
583 {
584 /* Shift the lookahead token. */
585 yy_symbol_print ("Shifting", yytoken,
586 yylval]b4_locations_if([, yylloc])[);
588 /* Discard the token being shifted. */
589 yychar = yyempty_;
591 /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error
592 status. */
593 if (yyerrstatus_ > 0)
594 --yyerrstatus_;
596 yystate = yyn;
597 yystack.push (yystate, yylval]b4_locations_if([, yylloc])[);
598 label = YYNEWSTATE;
599 }
600 break;
602 /*-----------------------------------------------------------.
603 | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. |
604 `-----------------------------------------------------------*/
605 case YYDEFAULT:
606 yyn = yydefact_[yystate];
607 if (yyn == 0)
608 label = YYERRLAB;
609 else
610 label = YYREDUCE;
611 break;
613 /*-----------------------------.
614 | yyreduce -- Do a reduction. |
615 `-----------------------------*/
616 case YYREDUCE:
617 yylen = yyr2_[yyn];
618 label = yyaction (yyn, yystack, yylen);
619 yystate = yystack.stateAt (0);
620 break;
622 /*------------------------------------.
623 | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error |
624 `------------------------------------*/
625 case YYERRLAB:
626 /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
627 if (yyerrstatus_ == 0)
628 {
629 ++yynerrs_;
630 if (yychar == yyempty_)
631 yytoken = yyempty_;
632 yyerror (]b4_locations_if([yylloc, ])[yysyntax_error (yystate, yytoken));
633 }
635 ]b4_locations_if([yyerrloc = yylloc;])[
636 if (yyerrstatus_ == 3)
637 {
638 /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
639 error, discard it. */
641 if (yychar <= Lexer.EOF)
642 {
643 /* Return failure if at end of input. */
644 if (yychar == Lexer.EOF)
645 return false;
646 }
647 else
648 yychar = yyempty_;
649 }
651 /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error
652 token. */
653 label = YYERRLAB1;
654 break;
656 /*---------------------------------------------------.
657 | errorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR. |
658 `---------------------------------------------------*/
659 case YYERROR:
661 ]b4_locations_if([yyerrloc = yystack.locationAt (yylen - 1);])[
662 /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
663 this YYERROR. */
664 yystack.pop (yylen);
665 yylen = 0;
666 yystate = yystack.stateAt (0);
667 label = YYERRLAB1;
668 break;
670 /*-------------------------------------------------------------.
671 | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. |
672 `-------------------------------------------------------------*/
673 case YYERRLAB1:
674 yyerrstatus_ = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */
676 for (;;)
677 {
678 yyn = yypact_[yystate];
679 if (!yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn))
680 {
681 yyn += yyterror_;
682 if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= yylast_ && yycheck_[yyn] == yyterror_)
683 {
684 yyn = yytable_[yyn];
685 if (0 < yyn)
686 break;
687 }
688 }
690 /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. */
691 if (yystack.height == 1)
692 return false;
694 ]b4_locations_if([yyerrloc = yystack.locationAt (0);])[
695 yystack.pop ();
696 yystate = yystack.stateAt (0);
697 if (yydebug > 0)
698 yystack.print (yyDebugStream);
699 }
701 ]b4_locations_if([
702 /* Muck with the stack to setup for yylloc. */
703 yystack.push (0, null, yylloc);
704 yystack.push (0, null, yyerrloc);
705 yyloc = yylloc (yystack, 2);
706 yystack.pop (2);])[
708 /* Shift the error token. */
709 yy_symbol_print ("Shifting", yystos_[yyn],
710 yylval]b4_locations_if([, yyloc])[);
712 yystate = yyn;
713 yystack.push (yyn, yylval]b4_locations_if([, yyloc])[);
714 label = YYNEWSTATE;
715 break;
717 /* Accept. */
718 case YYACCEPT:
719 return true;
721 /* Abort. */
722 case YYABORT:
723 return false;
724 }
725 }
727 // Generate an error message.
728 private String yysyntax_error (int yystate, int tok)
729 {]b4_error_verbose_if([[
730 if (yyErrorVerbose)
731 {
732 /* There are many possibilities here to consider:
733 - Assume YYFAIL is not used. It's too flawed to consider.
734 See
735 <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2009-12/msg00024.html>
736 for details. YYERROR is fine as it does not invoke this
737 function.
738 - If this state is a consistent state with a default action,
739 then the only way this function was invoked is if the
740 default action is an error action. In that case, don't
741 check for expected tokens because there are none.
742 - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in tok) is
743 if this state is a consistent state with a default action.
744 Thus, detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to
745 determine that there is no unexpected or expected token to
746 report. In that case, just report a simple "syntax error".
747 - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this
748 state is a consistent state with a default action. There
749 might have been a previous inconsistent state, consistent
750 state with a non-default action, or user semantic action
751 that manipulated yychar. (However, yychar is currently out
752 of scope during semantic actions.)
753 - Of course, the expected token list depends on states to
754 have correct lookahead information, and it depends on the
755 parser not to perform extra reductions after fetching a
756 lookahead from the scanner and before detecting a syntax
757 error. Thus, state merging (from LALR or IELR) and default
758 reductions corrupt the expected token list. However, the
759 list is correct for canonical LR with one exception: it
760 will still contain any token that will not be accepted due
761 to an error action in a later state.
762 */
763 if (tok != yyempty_)
764 {
765 // FIXME: This method of building the message is not compatible
766 // with internationalization.
767 StringBuffer res =
768 new StringBuffer ("syntax error, unexpected ");
769 res.append (yytnamerr_ (yytname_[tok]));
770 int yyn = yypact_[yystate];
771 if (!yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn))
772 {
773 /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative
774 indexes in YYCHECK. In other words, skip the first
775 -YYN actions for this state because they are default
776 actions. */
777 int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
778 /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */
779 int yychecklim = yylast_ - yyn + 1;
780 int yyxend = yychecklim < yyntokens_ ? yychecklim : yyntokens_;
781 int count = 0;
782 for (int x = yyxbegin; x < yyxend; ++x)
783 if (yycheck_[x + yyn] == x && x != yyterror_
784 && !yy_table_value_is_error_ (yytable_[x + yyn]))
785 ++count;
786 if (count < 5)
787 {
788 count = 0;
789 for (int x = yyxbegin; x < yyxend; ++x)
790 if (yycheck_[x + yyn] == x && x != yyterror_
791 && !yy_table_value_is_error_ (yytable_[x + yyn]))
792 {
793 res.append (count++ == 0 ? ", expecting " : " or ");
794 res.append (yytnamerr_ (yytname_[x]));
795 }
796 }
797 }
798 return res.toString ();
799 }
800 }
801 ]])[
802 return "syntax error";
803 }
805 /**
806 * Whether the given <code>yypact_</code> value indicates a defaulted state.
807 * @@param yyvalue the value to check
808 */
809 private static boolean yy_pact_value_is_default_ (int yyvalue)
810 {
811 return yyvalue == yypact_ninf_;
812 }
814 /**
815 * Whether the given <code>yytable_</code> value indicates a syntax error.
816 * @@param yyvalue the value to check
817 */
818 private static boolean yy_table_value_is_error_ (int yyvalue)
819 {
820 return yyvalue == yytable_ninf_;
821 }
823 private static final ]b4_int_type_for([b4_pact])[ yypact_ninf_ = ]b4_pact_ninf[;
824 private static final ]b4_int_type_for([b4_table])[ yytable_ninf_ = ]b4_table_ninf[;
826 ]b4_parser_tables_define[
827 ]b4_integral_parser_table_define([token_number], [b4_toknum],
828 [TOKEN_NUMBER_[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal symbol number corresponding
829 to YYLEX-NUM.])[
831 /* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
832 First, the terminals, then, starting at \a yyntokens_, nonterminals. */
833 ]b4_typed_parser_table_define([String], [tname], [b4_tname])[
835 ]b4_integral_parser_table_define([rline], [b4_rline],
836 [YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined.])[
838 // Report on the debug stream that the rule yyrule is going to be reduced.
839 private void yy_reduce_print (int yyrule, YYStack yystack)
840 {
841 if (yydebug == 0)
842 return;
844 int yylno = yyrline_[yyrule];
845 int yynrhs = yyr2_[yyrule];
846 /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
847 yycdebug ("Reducing stack by rule " + (yyrule - 1)
848 + " (line " + yylno + "), ");
850 /* The symbols being reduced. */
851 for (int yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
852 yy_symbol_print (" $" + (yyi + 1) + " =",
853 yystos_[yystack.stateAt(yyi + 1 - yynrhs)],
854 ]b4_rhs_value(yynrhs, yyi + 1)b4_locations_if([,
855 b4_rhs_location(yynrhs, yyi + 1)])[);
856 }
858 /* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX. */
859 ]b4_integral_parser_table_define([translate_table], [b4_translate])[
861 private static final ]b4_int_type_for([b4_translate])[ yytranslate_ (int t)
862 {
863 if (t >= 0 && t <= yyuser_token_number_max_)
864 return yytranslate_table_[t];
865 else
866 return yyundef_token_;
867 }
869 private static final int yylast_ = ]b4_last[;
870 private static final int yynnts_ = ]b4_nterms_number[;
871 private static final int yyempty_ = -2;
872 private static final int yyfinal_ = ]b4_final_state_number[;
873 private static final int yyterror_ = 1;
874 private static final int yyerrcode_ = 256;
875 private static final int yyntokens_ = ]b4_tokens_number[;
877 private static final int yyuser_token_number_max_ = ]b4_user_token_number_max[;
878 private static final int yyundef_token_ = ]b4_undef_token_number[;
880 ]/* User implementation code. */
881 b4_percent_code_get[]dnl
883 }
885 b4_epilogue[]dnl
886 m4_divert_pop(0)dnl