1 Bison was originally written by Robert Corbett. It would not be what
2 it is today without the invaluable help of these people:
4 Airy Andre Airy.Andre@edf.fr
5 Akim Demaille akim@freefriends.org
6 Albert Chin-A-Young china@thewrittenword.com
7 Alexander Belopolsky alexb@rentec.com
8 Alexandre Duret-Lutz adl@lrde.epita.fr
9 Andreas Schwab schwab@suse.de
10 Andrew Suffield asuffield@users.sourceforge.net
11 Angelo Borsotti angelo.borsotti@gmail.com
12 Anthony Heading ajrh@ajrh.net
13 Arnold Robbins arnold@skeeve.com
14 Art Haas ahaas@neosoft.com
15 Baron Schwartz baron@sequent.org
16 Ben Pfaff blp@cs.stanford.edu
17 Benoit Perrot benoit.perrot@epita.fr
18 Bernd Kiefer kiefer@dfki.de
19 Bert Deknuydt Bert.Deknuydt@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
20 Bill Allombert Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux1.fr
21 Bob Rossi bob@brasko.net
22 Brandon Lucia blucia@gmail.com
23 Bruce Lilly blilly@erols.com
24 Bruno Haible bruno@clisp.org
25 Charles-Henri de Boysson de-boy_c@epita.fr
26 Christian Burger cburger@sunysb.edu
27 Cris Bailiff c.bailiff+bison@awayweb.com
28 Cris van Pelt cris@amf03054.office.wxs.nl
29 Csaba Raduly csaba_22@yahoo.co.uk
30 Dagobert Michelsen dam@baltic-online.de
31 Daniel Hagerty hag@gnu.org
32 David J. MacKenzie djm@gnu.org
33 David Kastrup dak@gnu.org
34 Derek M. Jones derek@knosof.co.uk
35 Di-an Jan dianj@freeshell.org
36 Dick Streefland dick.streefland@altium.nl
37 Didier Godefroy dg@ulysium.net
38 Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
39 Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
40 Evgeny Stambulchik fnevgeny@plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il
41 Fabrice Bauzac noon@cote-dazur.com
42 Florian Krohm florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com
43 Frank Heckenbach frank@g-n-u.de
44 Frans Englich frans.englich@telia.com
45 Georg Sauthoff gsauthof@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
46 George Neuner gneuner2@comcast.net
47 Gilles Espinasse g.esp@free.fr
48 Goran Uddeborg goeran@uddeborg.se
49 Guido Trentalancia trentalg@aston.ac.uk
50 H. Merijn Brand h.m.brand@hccnet.nl
51 Hans Aberg haberg@matematik.su.se
52 Jan Nieuwenhuizen janneke@gnu.org
53 Jerry Quinn jlquinn@optonline.net
54 Jesse Thilo jthilo@gnu.org
55 Jim Kent jkent@arch.sel.sony.com
56 Jim Meyering jim@meyering.net
57 Joel E. Denny joeldenny@joeldenny.org
58 Johan van Selst johans@stack.nl
59 Jonathan Nieder jrnieder@gmail.com
60 Juan Manuel Guerrero juan.guerrero@gmx.de
61 Kees Zeelenberg kzlg@users.sourceforge.net
62 Keith Browne kbrowne@legato.com
63 Laurent Mascherpa laurent.mascherpa@epita.fr
64 Lie Yan lie.yan@kaust.edu.sa
65 Magnus Fromreide magfr@lysator.liu.se
66 Marc Autret autret_m@epita.fr
67 Martin Jacobs martin.jacobs@arcor.de
68 Martin Mokrejs mmokrejs@natur.cuni.cz
69 Martin Nylin martin.nylin@linuxmail.org
70 Matt Kraai kraai@alumni.cmu.edu
71 Matt Rosing rosing@peakfive.com
72 Michael Hayes m.hayes@elec.canterbury.ac.nz
73 Michael Raskin 7c6f434c@mail.ru
74 Mickael Labau labau_m@epita.fr
75 Mike Castle dalgoda@ix.netcom.com
76 Neil Booth NeilB@earthling.net
77 Nelson H. F. Beebe beebe@math.utah.edu
78 Nicolas Burrus nicolas.burrus@epita.fr
79 Nicolas Tisserand nicolas.tisserand@epita.fr
80 Noah Friedman friedman@gnu.org
81 Odd Arild Olsen oao@fibula.no
82 Oleg Smolsky oleg.smolsky@pacific-simulators.co.nz
83 Paolo Bonzini bonzini@gnu.org
84 Pascal Bart pascal.bart@epita.fr
85 Paul Eggert eggert@cs.ucla.edu
86 Paul Hilfinger Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU
87 Per Allansson per@appgate.com
88 Peter Fales psfales@lucent.com
89 Peter Hamorsky hamo@upjs.sk
90 Piotr Gackiewicz gacek@intertel.com.pl
91 Quoc Peyrot chojin@lrde.epita.fr
92 R Blake blakers@mac.com
93 Raja R Harinath harinath@cs.umn.edu
94 Ralf Wildenhues Ralf.Wildenhues@gmx.de
95 Richard Stallman rms@gnu.org
96 Robert Anisko anisko_r@epita.fr
97 Satya Kiran Popuri satyakiran@gmail.com
98 Sebastian Setzer sebastian.setzer.ext@siemens.com
99 Sebastien Fricker sebastien.fricker@gmail.com
100 Sergei Steshenko sergstesh@yahoo.com
101 Shura debil_urod@ngs.ru
102 Stefano Lattarini stefano.lattarini@gmail.com
103 Steve Murphy murf@parsetree.com
104 Sum Wu sum@geekhouse.org
105 Thiru Ramakrishnan thiru.ramakrishnan@gmail.com
106 Tim Josling tej@melbpc.org.au
107 Tim Landscheidt tim@tim-landscheidt.de
108 Tim Van Holder tim.van.holder@pandora.be
109 Tom Lane tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us
110 Tom Tromey tromey@cygnus.com
111 Tommy Nordgren tommy.nordgren@chello.se
112 Troy A. Johnson troyj@ecn.purdue.edu
113 Tys Lefering gccbison@gmail.com
114 Vin Shelton acs@alumni.princeton.edu
115 W.C.A. Wijngaards wouter@NLnetLabs.nl
116 Wayne Green wayne@infosavvy.com
117 Wei Song wsong83@gmail.com
118 Wolfgang S. Kechel wolfgang.kechel@prs.de
119 Wolfram Wagner ww@mpi-sb.mpg.de
120 Wwp subscript@free.fr
121 Zack Weinberg zack@codesourcery.com
123 Many people are not named here because we lost track of them. We
124 thank them! Please, help us keeping this list up to date.
132 Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
134 This file is part of Bison, the GNU Parser Generator.
136 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
137 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
138 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
139 (at your option) any later version.
141 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
142 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
144 GNU General Public License for more details.
146 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
147 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.