1 # Torturing Bison. -*- Autotest -*-
2 # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
19 AT_BANNER([[Torture Tests.]])
22 ## ------------------------------------- ##
23 ## Creating a large artificial grammar. ##
24 ## ------------------------------------- ##
27 # -------------------------------------------
28 # Create FILE-NAME, containing a self checking parser for a huge
31 [AT_DATA([[gengram.pl]],
35 my $max = $ARGV[0] || 10;
43 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
46 static int yylex (void);
47 static void yyerror (const char *msg);
58 for my $size (1 .. $max)
60 print "%token \"$size\" ", $size, "\n";
66 exp { assert (\@S|@1 == 0); \$\$ = \@S|@1; }
67 | input exp { assert (\@S|@2 == \@S|@1 + 1); \$\$ = \@S|@2; }
75 for my $size (1 .. $max)
78 print wrap ("| ", " ",
79 (map { "\"$_\"" } (1 .. $size)),
81 " { \$\$ = $size; }\n";
94 else if (inner > outer)
104 yyerror (const char *msg)
106 fprintf (stderr, "%s\\n", msg);
112 yydebug = !!getenv ("YYDEBUG");
118 AT_CHECK([perl -w ./gengram.pl $2 || exit 77], 0, [stdout])
127 AT_SETUP([Big triangle])
129 # I have been able to go up to 2000 on my machine.
130 # I tried 3000, a 29Mb grammar file, but then my system killed bison.
131 AT_DATA_TRIANGULAR_GRAMMAR([input.y], [500])
132 AT_CHECK([bison input.y -v -o input.c])
133 AT_CHECK([$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS input.c -o input], 0, [], [ignore])
141 # -------------------------------------------
142 # Create FILE-NAME, containing a self checking parser for a huge
143 # horizontal grammar.
145 [AT_DATA([[gengram.pl]],
146 [[#! /usr/bin/perl -w
149 my $max = $ARGV[0] || 10;
157 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
160 static int yylex (void);
161 static void yyerror (const char *msg);
165 for my $size (1 .. $max)
167 print "%token \"$size\" ", $size, "\n";
177 (map { "\"$_\"" } (1 .. $max)), ";"),
185 static int counter = 1;
193 yyerror (const char *msg)
195 fprintf (stderr, "%s\\n", msg);
201 yydebug = !!getenv ("YYDEBUG");
207 AT_CHECK([perl -w ./gengram.pl $2 || exit 77], 0, [stdout])
212 ## ---------------- ##
213 ## Big horizontal. ##
214 ## ---------------- ##
216 AT_SETUP([Big horizontal])
218 # I have been able to go up to 10000 on my machine, but I had to
219 # increase the maximum stack size (* 100). It gave:
225 # gengram.pl 10000 0.70s user 0.01s sys 99% cpu 0.711 total
226 # bison input.y 730.56s user 0.53s sys 99% cpu 12:12.34 total
227 # gcc -Wall input.tab.c -o input 5.81s user 0.20s sys 100% cpu 6.01 total
228 # ./input 0.00s user 0.01s sys 108% cpu 0.01 total
230 AT_DATA_HORIZONTAL_GRAMMAR([input.y], [1000])
231 AT_CHECK([bison input.y -v -o input.c])
232 AT_CHECK([$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS input.c -o input], 0, [], [ignore])
240 # -------------------------------------------
241 # Create FILE-NAME, containing a self checking parser for a grammar
242 # requiring SIZE lookaheads.
244 [AT_DATA([[gengram.pl]],
245 [[#! /usr/bin/perl -w
249 my $max = $ARGV[0] || 10;
257 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
260 static int yylex (void);
261 static void yyerror (const char *msg);
268 %type <val> input exp
273 wrap ("%type <val> ",
275 map { "token$_" } (1 .. $max)),
278 for my $count (1 .. $max)
280 print "%token \"$count\" $count\n";
286 exp { assert (\@S|@1 == 1); \$\$ = \@S|@1; }
287 | input exp { assert (\@S|@2 == \@S|@1 + 1); \$\$ = \@S|@2; }
291 token1 "1" { assert (\@S|@1 == 1); }
294 for my $count (2 .. $max)
296 print "| token$count \"$count\" { assert (\@S|@1 == $count); }\n";
300 for my $count (1 .. $max)
302 print "token$count: token { \$\$ = $count; };\n";
310 static int return_token = 1;
311 static int counter = 1;
324 yyerror (const char *msg)
326 fprintf (stderr, "%s\\n", msg);
332 yydebug = !!getenv ("YYDEBUG");
338 AT_CHECK([perl -w ./gengram.pl $2 || exit 77], 0, [stdout])
343 ## ----------------- ##
344 ## Many lookaheads. ##
345 ## ----------------- ##
347 AT_SETUP([Many lookaheads])
349 AT_DATA_LOOKAHEADS_GRAMMAR([input.y], [1000])
350 AT_CHECK([bison input.y -v -o input.c])
351 AT_CHECK([$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS input.c -o input], 0, [], [ignore])
359 # ---------------------------------
360 # A parser specialized in torturing the stack size.
361 m4_define([AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE],
362 [# A grammar of parens growing the stack thanks to right recursion.
370 static int yylex (void);
371 static void yyerror (const char *msg);
372 #define YYPRINT(File, Type, Value) \
373 fprintf (File, " (%d, stack size = %d, max = %d)", \
374 Value, yyssp - yyss + 1, yystacksize);
380 exp: WAIT_FOR_EOF exp | ;
383 yyerror (const char *msg)
385 fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg);
389 /* There are YYLVAL_MAX of WAIT_FOR_EOFs. */
390 unsigned int yylval_max;
402 main (int argc, const char **argv)
405 yylval = atoi (argv[1]);
410 AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c])
411 AT_CHECK([$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS input.c -o input], 0, [], [ignore])
415 ## -------------------------------------- ##
416 ## Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca. ##
417 ## -------------------------------------- ##
419 AT_SETUP([Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca])
423 # Below the limit of 200.
424 AT_CHECK([./input 20], 0, [], [ignore])
425 # Two enlargements: 2 * 2 * 200.
426 AT_CHECK([./input 900], 0, [], [ignore])
427 # Fails: beyond the limit of 10,000 (which we don't reach anyway since we
428 # multiply by two starting at 200 => 5120 is the last possible).
429 AT_CHECK([./input 10000], 1, [], [ignore])
436 ## -------------------------------------- ##
437 ## Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc. ##
438 ## -------------------------------------- ##
440 AT_SETUP([Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc])
444 # Below the limit of 200.
445 AT_CHECK([./input 20], 0, [], [ignore])
446 # Two enlargements: 2 * 2 * 200.
447 AT_CHECK([./input 900], 0, [], [ignore])
448 # Fails: beyond the limit of 10,000 (which we don't reach anyway since we
449 # multiply by two starting at 200 => 5120 is the possible).
450 AT_CHECK([./input 10000], 1, [], [ignore])