echo "DPKG::options:: \"--log=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/log/dpkg.log\";" >> aptconfig.conf
echo 'quiet::NoUpdate "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
echo "Acquire::https::CaInfo \"${TESTDIR}/apt.pem\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99https
- export LC_ALL=C
+ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
configcompression '.' 'gz' #'bz2' 'lzma' 'xz'
msgdone "info"
local VERSION="$3"
local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
local VERSION="$3"
local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
local VERSION="$4"
local PRIORITY="${6:-optional}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
local PRIORITY="${5:-optional}"
local STATUS="${6:-install ok installed}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/installed
+ local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/installed
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"