+ # We are building a ${domain}.pot with a header for launchpad, but we also
+ # build a ${domain.pot}-tmp as a byproduct. The msgfmt command than depend
+ # on the byproduct while their target depends on the output, so that msgfmt
+ # does not have to be rerun if nothing in the template changed.
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot
+ BYPRODUCTS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp
COMMAND msgcomm --more-than=0 --sort-by-file
+ COMMAND msgcomm --more-than=0 --omit-header --sort-by-file
+ ${sh_pot}
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.c.pot
+ --output=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp0
+ COMMAND cmake -E copy_if_different
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp0
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp
DEPENDS ${sh_pot}
+ # We need a target to depend on otherwise, the msgmerge might not get called
+ # with the make generator
+ add_custom_target(nls-${domain}-template DEPENDS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot)
# Build .mo files
file(GLOB translations "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/po/*.po")
list(SORT translations)
get_filename_component(langcode ${file} NAME_WE)
set(outdir ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/locale/${langcode}/LC_MESSAGES)
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${outdir})
- # Command to merge and compile the messages
+ # Command to merge and compile the messages. As explained in the custom
+ # command for msgcomm, this depends on byproduct to avoid reruns
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${outdir}/${domain}.po
- COMMAND msgmerge -qo ${outdir}/${domain}.po ${file} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot
- DEPENDS ${file} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot
+ COMMAND msgmerge -qo ${outdir}/${domain}.po ${file} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp
+ DEPENDS ${file} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${outdir}/${domain}.mo
COMMAND msgfmt --statistics -o ${outdir}/${domain}.mo ${outdir}/${domain}.po
endforeach(file ${translations})
- add_custom_target(nls-${domain} ALL DEPENDS ${mofiles})
+ add_custom_target(nls-${domain} ALL DEPENDS ${mofiles} nls-${domain}-template)
# Usage: apt_add_update_po(output domain [domain ...])