if (RealFileExists(DestFile))
std::string SandboxUser = _config->Find("APT::Sandbox::User");
- ChangeOwnerAndPermissionOfFile("GetPartialFileName", DestFile.c_str(),
+ ChangeOwnerAndPermissionOfFile("Item::QueueURI", DestFile.c_str(),
SandboxUser.c_str(), "root", 0600);
Rename(PartialFile, PartialFile + ".FAILED");
+ // fix permissions for existing files which were part of a reverify
+ // like InRelease files or files in partial we might work with next time
+ else if (FileExists((*I)->DestFile))
+ ChangeOwnerAndPermissionOfFile("AbortTransaction", (*I)->DestFile.c_str(), "root", "root", 0644);
CCMD="\033[1;35m" # pink
-msgdie() { printf "${CERROR}E: $1${CNORMAL}\n" >&2; exit 1; }
-msgwarn() { printf "${CWARNING}W: $1${CNORMAL}\n" >&2; }
-msgmsg() { printf "${CMSG}$1${CNORMAL}\n"; }
-msginfo() { printf "${CINFO}I: $1${CNORMAL}\n"; }
-msgdebug() { printf "${CDEBUG}D: $1${CNORMAL}\n"; }
-msgdone() { printf "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}\n"; }
-msgnwarn() { printf "${CWARNING}W: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
-msgnmsg() { printf "${CMSG}$1${CNORMAL}"; }
-msgninfo() { printf "${CINFO}I: $1${CNORMAL}"; }
-msgndebug() { printf "${CDEBUG}D: $1${CNORMAL}"; }
-msgtest() {
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- printf "${CINFO}$1${CCMD} "
- printf -- "$(echo "$2" | sed -e 's#^apt\([cgfs]\)#apt-\1#')${CINFO} "
+msgprintf() {
+ local START="$1"
+ local MIDDLE="$2"
+ local END="$3"
+ shift 3
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ printf "$START " "$1"
- if [ -n "$1" ]; then shift; else break; fi
- done
- printf "…${CNORMAL} "
+ while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ printf "$MIDDLE " "$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's#^apt\([cgfs]\)#apt-\1#')"
+ shift
+ done
+ fi
+ printf "${END}"
+msgdie() { msgprintf "${CERROR}E: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}\n" "$@" >&2; exit 1; }
+msgwarn() { msgprintf "${CWARNING}W: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}\n" "$@" >&2; }
+msgmsg() { msgprintf "${CMSG}%s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}\n" "$@"; }
+msginfo() { msgprintf "${CINFO}I: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}\n" "$@"; }
+msgdebug() { msgprintf "${CDEBUG}D: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}\n" "$@"; }
+msgdone() { msgprintf "${CDONE}DONE" '%s' "${CNORMAL}\n" "$@"; }
+msgnwarn() { msgprintf "${CWARNING}W: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}" "$@" >&2; }
+msgnmsg() { msgprintf "${CMSG}%s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}" "$@"; }
+msgninfo() { msgprintf "${CINFO}I: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}" "$@"; }
+msgndebug() { msgprintf "${CDEBUG}D: %s" '%s' "${CNORMAL}" "$@"; }
+msgtest() { msgprintf "${CINFO}%s" "${CCMD}%s${CINFO}" "…${CNORMAL} " "$@"; }
msgpass() { printf "${CPASS}PASS${CNORMAL}\n"; }
msgskip() {
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then printf "${CWARNING}SKIP: $*${CNORMAL}\n" >&2;
-testaccessrights() {
- msgtest "Test that file $1 has access rights set to" "$2"
- if [ "$2" = "$(stat --format '%a' "$1")" ]; then
+testfilestats() {
+ msgtest "Test that file $1 has $2 $3" "$4"
+ if [ "$4" "$3" "$(stat --format "$2" "$1")" ]; then
echo >&2
ls -l >&2 "$1"
- echo -n >&2 "stat(1) reports access rights: "
- stat --format '%a' "$1"
+ echo -n >&2 "stat(1) reports for $2: "
+ stat --format "$2" "$1"
+testaccessrights() {
+ testfilestats "$1" '%a' '=' "$2"
testwebserverlaststatuscode() {
local DOWNLOG='rootdir/tmp/webserverstatus-testfile.log'
set -e
+# ensure that an update will only succeed entirely or not at all
TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
. $TESTDIR/framework
-configarchitecture "i386"
+configarchitecture 'i386'
insertpackage 'unstable' 'foo' 'all' '1.0'
+insertsource 'unstable' 'foo' 'all' '1.0'
setupaptarchive --no-update
-# break package file
-cat > aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages <<EOF
+breakfile() {
+ mv "$1" "${1}.bak"
+ cat > "$1" <<EOF
Package: bar
-compressfile aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages '+1hour'
+ compressfile "$1"
+restorefile() {
+ mv "${1}.bak" "$1"
+listscheck() {
+ testequal "$(cat $1)" ls rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists
+ # all copied files are properly chmodded
+ find rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists -maxdepth 1 -type f | while read file; do
+ testaccessrights "$file" '644'
+ testfilestats "$file" '%U' '!=' '_apt'
+ done
+testrun() {
+ # produce an unsigned repository
+ find aptarchive \( -name 'Release.gpg' -o -name 'InRelease' \) -delete
+ testfailure aptget update --no-allow-insecure-repositories
+ listscheck "$1"
+ # signed but broken
+ signreleasefiles
-# ensure that a update will only succeed entirely or not at all
-testfailure aptget update
-testequal "partial" ls rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists
+ breakfile aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages
+ testfailure aptget update
+ listscheck "$1"
+ restorefile aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages
+ breakfile aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources
+ testfailure aptget update
+ listscheck "$1"
+ restorefile aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources
+testsetup() {
+ msgmsg 'Test with no initial data over' "$1"
+ rm -rf rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists
+ mkdir -p rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists/partial
+ ls rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists > listsdir.lst
+ testrun 'listsdir.lst'
+ msgmsg 'Test with initial data over' "$1"
+ testsuccess aptget update
+ ls rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists > listsdir.lst
+ testrun 'listsdir.lst'
+testsetup 'file'
+testsetup 'http'