+++ /dev/null
-// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
-// Description /*{{{*/
-/* ######################################################################
- Simple wrapper around a std::set to provide a similar interface to
- a set of cache structures as to the complete set of all structures
- in the pkgCache. Currently only Package is supported.
- ##################################################################### */
- /*}}}*/
-// Include Files /*{{{*/
-#include <apt-pkg/aptconfiguration.h>
-#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
-#include <apt-pkg/cacheset.h>
-#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
-#include <apt-pkg/versionmatch.h>
-#include <apti18n.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <regex.h>
- /*}}}*/
-namespace APT {
-// FromRegEx - Return all packages in the cache matching a pattern /*{{{*/
-PackageSet PackageSet::FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern, std::ostream &out) {
- PackageSet pkgset;
- std::string arch = "native";
- static const char * const isregex = ".?+*|[^$";
- if (pattern.find_first_of(isregex) == std::string::npos)
- return pkgset;
- size_t archfound = pattern.find_last_of(':');
- if (archfound != std::string::npos) {
- arch = pattern.substr(archfound+1);
- if (arch.find_first_of(isregex) == std::string::npos)
- pattern.erase(archfound);
- else
- arch = "native";
- }
- regex_t Pattern;
- int Res;
- if ((Res = regcomp(&Pattern, pattern.c_str() , REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB)) != 0) {
- char Error[300];
- regerror(Res, &Pattern, Error, sizeof(Error));
- _error->Error(_("Regex compilation error - %s"), Error);
- return pkgset;
- }
- for (pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp = Cache.GetPkgCache()->GrpBegin(); Grp.end() == false; ++Grp)
- {
- if (regexec(&Pattern, Grp.Name(), 0, 0, 0) != 0)
- continue;
- pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Grp.FindPkg(arch);
- if (Pkg.end() == true) {
- if (archfound == std::string::npos) {
- std::vector<std::string> archs = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures();
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator a = archs.begin();
- a != archs.end() && Pkg.end() != true; ++a)
- Pkg = Grp.FindPkg(*a);
- }
- if (Pkg.end() == true)
- continue;
- }
- ioprintf(out, _("Note, selecting %s for regex '%s'\n"),
- Pkg.FullName(true).c_str(), pattern.c_str());
- pkgset.insert(Pkg);
- }
- regfree(&Pattern);
- return pkgset;
- /*}}}*/
-// GroupedFromCommandLine - Return all versions specified on commandline/*{{{*/
-std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> PackageSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(
- pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- std::list<PackageSet::Modifier> const &mods,
- unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
- std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> pkgsets;
- for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
- unsigned short modID = fallback;
- std::string str = *I;
- for (std::list<PackageSet::Modifier>::const_iterator mod = mods.begin();
- mod != mods.end(); ++mod) {
- size_t const alength = strlen(mod->Alias);
- switch(mod->Pos) {
- case PackageSet::Modifier::POSTFIX:
- if (str.compare(str.length() - alength, alength,
- mod->Alias, 0, alength) != 0)
- continue;
- str.erase(str.length() - alength);
- modID = mod->ID;
- break;
- case PackageSet::Modifier::PREFIX:
- continue;
- case PackageSet::Modifier::NONE:
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- PackageSet pset = PackageSet::FromString(Cache, str, out);
- pkgsets[modID].insert(pset.begin(), pset.end());
- }
- return pkgsets;
- /*}}}*/
-// FromCommandLine - Return all packages specified on commandline /*{{{*/
-PackageSet PackageSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline, std::ostream &out) {
- PackageSet pkgset;
- for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
- PackageSet pset = FromString(Cache, *I, out);
- pkgset.insert(pset.begin(), pset.end());
- }
- return pkgset;
- /*}}}*/
-// FromString - Return all packages matching a specific string /*{{{*/
-PackageSet PackageSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &str, std::ostream &out) {
- std::string pkg = str;
- size_t archfound = pkg.find_last_of(':');
- std::string arch;
- if (archfound != std::string::npos) {
- arch = pkg.substr(archfound+1);
- pkg.erase(archfound);
- }
- pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg;
- if (arch.empty() == true) {
- pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp = Cache.GetPkgCache()->FindGrp(pkg);
- if (Grp.end() == false)
- Pkg = Grp.FindPreferredPkg();
- } else
- Pkg = Cache.GetPkgCache()->FindPkg(pkg, arch);
- if (Pkg.end() == false) {
- PackageSet pkgset;
- pkgset.insert(Pkg);
- return pkgset;
- }
- PackageSet regex = FromRegEx(Cache, str, out);
- if (regex.empty() == true)
- _error->Warning(_("Unable to locate package %s"), str.c_str());
- return regex;
- /*}}}*/
-// GroupedFromCommandLine - Return all versions specified on commandline/*{{{*/
-std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(
- pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
- unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
- std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> versets;
- for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
- unsigned short modID = fallback;
- VersionSet::Version select = VersionSet::NEWEST;
- std::string str = *I;
- for (std::list<VersionSet::Modifier>::const_iterator mod = mods.begin();
- mod != mods.end(); ++mod) {
- if (modID == fallback && mod->ID == fallback)
- select = mod->SelectVersion;
- size_t const alength = strlen(mod->Alias);
- switch(mod->Pos) {
- case VersionSet::Modifier::POSTFIX:
- if (str.compare(str.length() - alength, alength,
- mod->Alias, 0, alength) != 0)
- continue;
- str.erase(str.length() - alength);
- modID = mod->ID;
- select = mod->SelectVersion;
- break;
- case VersionSet::Modifier::PREFIX:
- continue;
- case VersionSet::Modifier::NONE:
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- VersionSet vset = VersionSet::FromString(Cache, str, select , out);
- versets[modID].insert(vset.begin(), vset.end());
- }
- return versets;
- /*}}}*/
-// FromCommandLine - Return all versions specified on commandline /*{{{*/
-APT::VersionSet VersionSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
- VersionSet verset;
- for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
- VersionSet vset = VersionSet::FromString(Cache, *I, fallback, out);
- verset.insert(vset.begin(), vset.end());
- }
- return verset;
- /*}}}*/
-// FromString - Returns all versions spedcified by a string /*{{{*/
-APT::VersionSet VersionSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
- APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
- std::string ver;
- bool verIsRel = false;
- size_t const vertag = pkg.find_last_of("/=");
- if (vertag != string::npos) {
- ver = pkg.substr(vertag+1);
- verIsRel = (pkg[vertag] == '/');
- pkg.erase(vertag);
- }
- PackageSet pkgset = PackageSet::FromString(Cache, pkg.c_str(), out);
- VersionSet verset;
- for (PackageSet::const_iterator P = pkgset.begin();
- P != pkgset.end(); ++P) {
- if (vertag == string::npos) {
- AddSelectedVersion(Cache, verset, P, fallback);
- continue;
- }
- pkgCache::VerIterator V;
- if (ver == "installed")
- V = getInstalledVer(Cache, P);
- else if (ver == "candidate")
- V = getCandidateVer(Cache, P);
- else {
- pkgVersionMatch Match(ver, (verIsRel == true ? pkgVersionMatch::Release :
- pkgVersionMatch::Version));
- V = Match.Find(P);
- if (V.end() == true) {
- if (verIsRel == true)
- _error->Error(_("Release '%s' for '%s' was not found"),
- ver.c_str(), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- else
- _error->Error(_("Version '%s' for '%s' was not found"),
- ver.c_str(), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (V.end() == true)
- continue;
- if (ver == V.VerStr())
- ioprintf(out, _("Selected version '%s' (%s) for '%s'\n"),
- V.VerStr(), V.RelStr().c_str(), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- verset.insert(V);
- }
- return verset;
- /*}}}*/
-// AddSelectedVersion - add version from package based on fallback /*{{{*/
-bool VersionSet::AddSelectedVersion(pkgCacheFile &Cache, VersionSet &verset,
- pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P, VersionSet::Version const &fallback,
- bool const &AllowError) {
- pkgCache::VerIterator V;
- switch(fallback) {
- case VersionSet::ALL:
- if (P->VersionList != 0)
- for (V = P.VersionList(); V.end() != true; ++V)
- verset.insert(V);
- else if (AllowError == false)
- return _error->Error(_("Can't select versions from package '%s' as it purely virtual"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- else
- return false;
- break;
- case VersionSet::CANDANDINST:
- verset.insert(getInstalledVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
- verset.insert(getCandidateVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
- break;
- case VersionSet::CANDIDATE:
- verset.insert(getCandidateVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
- break;
- case VersionSet::INSTALLED:
- verset.insert(getInstalledVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
- break;
- case VersionSet::CANDINST:
- V = getCandidateVer(Cache, P, true);
- if (V.end() == true)
- V = getInstalledVer(Cache, P, true);
- if (V.end() == false)
- verset.insert(V);
- else if (AllowError == false)
- return _error->Error(_("Can't select installed nor candidate version from package '%s' as it has neither of them"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- else
- return false;
- break;
- case VersionSet::INSTCAND:
- V = getInstalledVer(Cache, P, true);
- if (V.end() == true)
- V = getCandidateVer(Cache, P, true);
- if (V.end() == false)
- verset.insert(V);
- else if (AllowError == false)
- return _error->Error(_("Can't select installed nor candidate version from package '%s' as it has neither of them"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- else
- return false;
- break;
- case VersionSet::NEWEST:
- if (P->VersionList != 0)
- verset.insert(P.VersionList());
- else if (AllowError == false)
- return _error->Error(_("Can't select newest version from package '%s' as it is purely virtual"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
- else
- return false;
- break;
- }
- return true;
- /*}}}*/
-// getCandidateVer - Returns the candidate version of the given package /*{{{*/
-pkgCache::VerIterator VersionSet::getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
- pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError) {
- pkgCache::VerIterator Cand;
- if (Cache.IsDepCacheBuilt() == true)
- Cand = Cache[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(Cache);
- else {
- if (unlikely(Cache.BuildPolicy() == false))
- return pkgCache::VerIterator(*Cache);
- Cand = Cache.GetPolicy()->GetCandidateVer(Pkg);
- }
- if (AllowError == false && Cand.end() == true)
- _error->Error(_("Can't select candidate version from package %s as it has no candidate"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
- return Cand;
- /*}}}*/
-// getInstalledVer - Returns the installed version of the given package /*{{{*/
-pkgCache::VerIterator VersionSet::getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
- pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError) {
- if (AllowError == false && Pkg->CurrentVer == 0)
- _error->Error(_("Can't select installed version from package %s as it is not installed"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
- return Pkg.CurrentVer();
- /*}}}*/
+++ /dev/null
-// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
-// Description /*{{{*/
-/** \file cacheset.h
- Wrappers around std::set to have set::iterators which behave
- similar to the Iterators of the cache structures.
- Provides also a few helper methods which work with these sets */
- /*}}}*/
-// Include Files /*{{{*/
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <apt-pkg/cachefile.h>
-#include <apt-pkg/pkgcache.h>
- /*}}}*/
-namespace APT {
-class PackageSet : public std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator> { /*{{{*/
-/** \class APT::PackageSet
- Simple wrapper around a std::set to provide a similar interface to
- a set of packages as to the complete set of all packages in the
- pkgCache. */
-public: /*{{{*/
- /** \brief smell like a pkgCache::PkgIterator */
- class const_iterator : public std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::const_iterator {
- public:
- const_iterator(std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::const_iterator x) :
- std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::const_iterator(x) {}
- operator pkgCache::PkgIterator(void) { return **this; }
- inline const char *Name() const {return (**this).Name(); }
- inline std::string FullName(bool const &Pretty) const { return (**this).FullName(Pretty); }
- inline std::string FullName() const { return (**this).FullName(); }
- inline const char *Section() const {return (**this).Section(); }
- inline bool Purge() const {return (**this).Purge(); }
- inline const char *Arch() const {return (**this).Arch(); }
- inline pkgCache::GrpIterator Group() const { return (**this).Group(); }
- inline pkgCache::VerIterator VersionList() const { return (**this).VersionList(); }
- inline pkgCache::VerIterator CurrentVer() const { return (**this).CurrentVer(); }
- inline pkgCache::DepIterator RevDependsList() const { return (**this).RevDependsList(); }
- inline pkgCache::PrvIterator ProvidesList() const { return (**this).ProvidesList(); }
- inline pkgCache::PkgIterator::OkState State() const { return (**this).State(); }
- inline const char *CandVersion() const { return (**this).CandVersion(); }
- inline const char *CurVersion() const { return (**this).CurVersion(); }
- inline pkgCache *Cache() const { return (**this).Cache(); };
- inline unsigned long Index() const {return (**this).Index();};
- // we have only valid iterators here
- inline bool end() const { return false; };
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const_iterator i) { return operator<<(out, (*i)); }
- inline pkgCache::Package const * operator->() const {
- return &***this;
- };
- };
- // 103. set::iterator is required to be modifiable, but this allows modification of keys
- typedef APT::PackageSet::const_iterator iterator;
- using std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::insert;
- inline void insert(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P) { if (P.end() == false) std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::insert(P); };
- /** \brief returns all packages in the cache whose name matchs a given pattern
- A simple helper responsible for executing a regular expression on all
- package names in the cache. Optional it prints a a notice about the
- packages chosen cause of the given package.
- \param Cache the packages are in
- \param pattern regular expression for package names
- \param out stream to print the notice to */
- static APT::PackageSet FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern, std::ostream &out);
- static APT::PackageSet FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pattern) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::PackageSet::FromRegEx(Cache, pattern, out);
- }
- /** \brief returns all packages specified by a string
- \param Cache the packages are in
- \param string String the package name(s) should be extracted from
- \param out stream to print various notices to */
- static APT::PackageSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &string, std::ostream &out);
- static APT::PackageSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &string) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::PackageSet::FromString(Cache, string, out);
- }
- /** \brief returns all packages specified on the commandline
- Get all package names from the commandline and executes regex's if needed.
- No special package command is supported, just plain names.
- \param Cache the packages are in
- \param cmdline Command line the package names should be extracted from
- \param out stream to print various notices to */
- static APT::PackageSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline, std::ostream &out);
- static APT::PackageSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, out);
- }
- struct Modifier {
- enum Position { NONE, PREFIX, POSTFIX };
- unsigned short ID;
- const char * const Alias;
- Position Pos;
- Modifier (unsigned short const &id, const char * const alias, Position const &pos) : ID(id), Alias(alias), Pos(pos) {};
- };
- static std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
- pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- std::list<PackageSet::Modifier> const &mods,
- unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
- static std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
- pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- std::list<PackageSet::Modifier> const &mods,
- unsigned short const &fallback) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::PackageSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline,
- mods, fallback, out);
- }
- /*}}}*/
-}; /*}}}*/
-class VersionSet : public std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> { /*{{{*/
-/** \class APT::VersionSet
- Simple wrapper around a std::set to provide a similar interface to
- a set of versions as to the complete set of all versions in the
- pkgCache. */
-public: /*{{{*/
- /** \brief smell like a pkgCache::VerIterator */
- class const_iterator : public std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::const_iterator {
- public:
- const_iterator(std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::const_iterator x) :
- std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::const_iterator(x) {}
- operator pkgCache::VerIterator(void) { return **this; }
- inline pkgCache *Cache() const { return (**this).Cache(); };
- inline unsigned long Index() const {return (**this).Index();};
- // we have only valid iterators here
- inline bool end() const { return false; };
- inline pkgCache::Version const * operator->() const {
- return &***this;
- };
- inline int CompareVer(const pkgCache::VerIterator &B) const { return (**this).CompareVer(B); };
- inline const char *VerStr() const { return (**this).VerStr(); };
- inline const char *Section() const { return (**this).Section(); };
- inline const char *Arch() const { return (**this).Arch(); };
- inline const char *Arch(bool const pseudo) const { return (**this).Arch(pseudo); };
- inline pkgCache::PkgIterator ParentPkg() const { return (**this).ParentPkg(); };
- inline pkgCache::DescIterator DescriptionList() const { return (**this).DescriptionList(); };
- inline pkgCache::DescIterator TranslatedDescription() const { return (**this).TranslatedDescription(); };
- inline pkgCache::DepIterator DependsList() const { return (**this).DependsList(); };
- inline pkgCache::PrvIterator ProvidesList() const { return (**this).ProvidesList(); };
- inline pkgCache::VerFileIterator FileList() const { return (**this).FileList(); };
- inline bool Downloadable() const { return (**this).Downloadable(); };
- inline const char *PriorityType() const { return (**this).PriorityType(); };
- inline string RelStr() const { return (**this).RelStr(); };
- inline bool Automatic() const { return (**this).Automatic(); };
- inline bool Pseudo() const { return (**this).Pseudo(); };
- inline pkgCache::VerFileIterator NewestFile() const { return (**this).NewestFile(); };
- };
- // 103. set::iterator is required to be modifiable, but this allows modification of keys
- typedef APT::VersionSet::const_iterator iterator;
- using std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::insert;
- inline void insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) { if (V.end() == false) std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::insert(V); };
- /** \brief specifies which version(s) will be returned if non is given */
- enum Version {
- /** All versions */
- ALL,
- /** Candidate and installed version */
- /** Candidate version */
- /** Installed version */
- /** Candidate or if non installed version */
- /** Installed or if non candidate version */
- /** Newest version */
- };
- /** \brief returns all versions specified on the commandline
- Get all versions from the commandline, uses given default version if
- non specifically requested and executes regex's if needed on names.
- \param Cache the packages and versions are in
- \param cmdline Command line the versions should be extracted from
- \param out stream to print various notices to */
- static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
- static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, fallback, out);
- }
- static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline) {
- return APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, CANDINST);
- }
- static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
- APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
- static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
- APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::VersionSet::FromString(Cache, pkg, fallback, out);
- }
- static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg) {
- return APT::VersionSet::FromString(Cache, pkg, CANDINST);
- }
- struct Modifier {
- enum Position { NONE, PREFIX, POSTFIX };
- unsigned short ID;
- const char * const Alias;
- Position Pos;
- VersionSet::Version SelectVersion;
- Modifier (unsigned short const &id, const char * const alias, Position const &pos,
- VersionSet::Version const &select) : ID(id), Alias(alias), Pos(pos),
- SelectVersion(select) {};
- };
- static std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
- pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
- unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
- static std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
- pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
- std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
- unsigned short const &fallback) {
- std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
- return APT::VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline,
- mods, fallback, out);
- }
- /*}}}*/
-protected: /*{{{*/
- /** \brief returns the candidate version of the package
- \param Cache to be used to query for information
- \param Pkg we want the candidate version from this package
- \param AllowError add an error to the stack if not */
- static pkgCache::VerIterator getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
- pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError = false);
- /** \brief returns the installed version of the package
- \param Cache to be used to query for information
- \param Pkg we want the installed version from this package
- \param AllowError add an error to the stack if not */
- static pkgCache::VerIterator getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
- pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError = false);
- static bool AddSelectedVersion(pkgCacheFile &Cache, VersionSet &verset,
- pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P, VersionSet::Version const &fallback,
- bool const &AllowError = false);
- /*}}}*/
-}; /*}}}*/
srcrecords.cc cachefile.cc versionmatch.cc policy.cc \
pkgsystem.cc indexfile.cc pkgcachegen.cc acquire-item.cc \
indexrecords.cc vendor.cc vendorlist.cc cdrom.cc indexcopy.cc \
- aptconfiguration.cc cacheset.cc
+ aptconfiguration.cc
HEADERS+= algorithms.h depcache.h pkgcachegen.h cacheiterators.h \
orderlist.h sourcelist.h packagemanager.h tagfile.h \
init.h pkgcache.h version.h progress.h pkgrecords.h \
acquire.h acquire-worker.h acquire-item.h acquire-method.h \
clean.h srcrecords.h cachefile.h versionmatch.h policy.h \
pkgsystem.h indexfile.h metaindex.h indexrecords.h vendor.h \
- vendorlist.h cdrom.h indexcopy.h aptconfiguration.h \
- cacheset.h
+ vendorlist.h cdrom.h indexcopy.h aptconfiguration.h
# Source code for the debian specific components
# In theory the deb headers do not need to be exported..
--- /dev/null
+// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
+// Description /*{{{*/
+/* ######################################################################
+ Simple wrapper around a std::set to provide a similar interface to
+ a set of cache structures as to the complete set of all structures
+ in the pkgCache. Currently only Package is supported.
+ ##################################################################### */
+ /*}}}*/
+// Include Files /*{{{*/
+#include <apt-pkg/aptconfiguration.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cacheset.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/versionmatch.h>
+#include <apti18n.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <regex.h>
+ /*}}}*/
+namespace APT {
+// FromRegEx - Return all packages in the cache matching a pattern /*{{{*/
+PackageSet PackageSet::FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern, std::ostream &out) {
+ PackageSet pkgset;
+ std::string arch = "native";
+ static const char * const isregex = ".?+*|[^$";
+ if (pattern.find_first_of(isregex) == std::string::npos)
+ return pkgset;
+ size_t archfound = pattern.find_last_of(':');
+ if (archfound != std::string::npos) {
+ arch = pattern.substr(archfound+1);
+ if (arch.find_first_of(isregex) == std::string::npos)
+ pattern.erase(archfound);
+ else
+ arch = "native";
+ }
+ regex_t Pattern;
+ int Res;
+ if ((Res = regcomp(&Pattern, pattern.c_str() , REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB)) != 0) {
+ char Error[300];
+ regerror(Res, &Pattern, Error, sizeof(Error));
+ _error->Error(_("Regex compilation error - %s"), Error);
+ return pkgset;
+ }
+ for (pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp = Cache.GetPkgCache()->GrpBegin(); Grp.end() == false; ++Grp)
+ {
+ if (regexec(&Pattern, Grp.Name(), 0, 0, 0) != 0)
+ continue;
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Grp.FindPkg(arch);
+ if (Pkg.end() == true) {
+ if (archfound == std::string::npos) {
+ std::vector<std::string> archs = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures();
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator a = archs.begin();
+ a != archs.end() && Pkg.end() != true; ++a)
+ Pkg = Grp.FindPkg(*a);
+ }
+ if (Pkg.end() == true)
+ continue;
+ }
+ ioprintf(out, _("Note, selecting %s for regex '%s'\n"),
+ Pkg.FullName(true).c_str(), pattern.c_str());
+ pkgset.insert(Pkg);
+ }
+ regfree(&Pattern);
+ return pkgset;
+ /*}}}*/
+// GroupedFromCommandLine - Return all versions specified on commandline/*{{{*/
+std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> PackageSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<PackageSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
+ std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> pkgsets;
+ for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
+ unsigned short modID = fallback;
+ std::string str = *I;
+ for (std::list<PackageSet::Modifier>::const_iterator mod = mods.begin();
+ mod != mods.end(); ++mod) {
+ size_t const alength = strlen(mod->Alias);
+ switch(mod->Pos) {
+ case PackageSet::Modifier::POSTFIX:
+ if (str.compare(str.length() - alength, alength,
+ mod->Alias, 0, alength) != 0)
+ continue;
+ str.erase(str.length() - alength);
+ modID = mod->ID;
+ break;
+ case PackageSet::Modifier::PREFIX:
+ continue;
+ case PackageSet::Modifier::NONE:
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ PackageSet pset = PackageSet::FromString(Cache, str, out);
+ pkgsets[modID].insert(pset.begin(), pset.end());
+ }
+ return pkgsets;
+ /*}}}*/
+// FromCommandLine - Return all packages specified on commandline /*{{{*/
+PackageSet PackageSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline, std::ostream &out) {
+ PackageSet pkgset;
+ for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
+ PackageSet pset = FromString(Cache, *I, out);
+ pkgset.insert(pset.begin(), pset.end());
+ }
+ return pkgset;
+ /*}}}*/
+// FromString - Return all packages matching a specific string /*{{{*/
+PackageSet PackageSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &str, std::ostream &out) {
+ std::string pkg = str;
+ size_t archfound = pkg.find_last_of(':');
+ std::string arch;
+ if (archfound != std::string::npos) {
+ arch = pkg.substr(archfound+1);
+ pkg.erase(archfound);
+ }
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg;
+ if (arch.empty() == true) {
+ pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp = Cache.GetPkgCache()->FindGrp(pkg);
+ if (Grp.end() == false)
+ Pkg = Grp.FindPreferredPkg();
+ } else
+ Pkg = Cache.GetPkgCache()->FindPkg(pkg, arch);
+ if (Pkg.end() == false) {
+ PackageSet pkgset;
+ pkgset.insert(Pkg);
+ return pkgset;
+ }
+ PackageSet regex = FromRegEx(Cache, str, out);
+ if (regex.empty() == true)
+ _error->Warning(_("Unable to locate package %s"), str.c_str());
+ return regex;
+ /*}}}*/
+// GroupedFromCommandLine - Return all versions specified on commandline/*{{{*/
+std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
+ std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> versets;
+ for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
+ unsigned short modID = fallback;
+ VersionSet::Version select = VersionSet::NEWEST;
+ std::string str = *I;
+ for (std::list<VersionSet::Modifier>::const_iterator mod = mods.begin();
+ mod != mods.end(); ++mod) {
+ if (modID == fallback && mod->ID == fallback)
+ select = mod->SelectVersion;
+ size_t const alength = strlen(mod->Alias);
+ switch(mod->Pos) {
+ case VersionSet::Modifier::POSTFIX:
+ if (str.compare(str.length() - alength, alength,
+ mod->Alias, 0, alength) != 0)
+ continue;
+ str.erase(str.length() - alength);
+ modID = mod->ID;
+ select = mod->SelectVersion;
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::Modifier::PREFIX:
+ continue;
+ case VersionSet::Modifier::NONE:
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ VersionSet vset = VersionSet::FromString(Cache, str, select , out);
+ versets[modID].insert(vset.begin(), vset.end());
+ }
+ return versets;
+ /*}}}*/
+// FromCommandLine - Return all versions specified on commandline /*{{{*/
+APT::VersionSet VersionSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
+ VersionSet verset;
+ for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
+ VersionSet vset = VersionSet::FromString(Cache, *I, fallback, out);
+ verset.insert(vset.begin(), vset.end());
+ }
+ return verset;
+ /*}}}*/
+// FromString - Returns all versions spedcified by a string /*{{{*/
+APT::VersionSet VersionSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out) {
+ std::string ver;
+ bool verIsRel = false;
+ size_t const vertag = pkg.find_last_of("/=");
+ if (vertag != string::npos) {
+ ver = pkg.substr(vertag+1);
+ verIsRel = (pkg[vertag] == '/');
+ pkg.erase(vertag);
+ }
+ PackageSet pkgset = PackageSet::FromString(Cache, pkg.c_str(), out);
+ VersionSet verset;
+ for (PackageSet::const_iterator P = pkgset.begin();
+ P != pkgset.end(); ++P) {
+ if (vertag == string::npos) {
+ AddSelectedVersion(Cache, verset, P, fallback);
+ continue;
+ }
+ pkgCache::VerIterator V;
+ if (ver == "installed")
+ V = getInstalledVer(Cache, P);
+ else if (ver == "candidate")
+ V = getCandidateVer(Cache, P);
+ else {
+ pkgVersionMatch Match(ver, (verIsRel == true ? pkgVersionMatch::Release :
+ pkgVersionMatch::Version));
+ V = Match.Find(P);
+ if (V.end() == true) {
+ if (verIsRel == true)
+ _error->Error(_("Release '%s' for '%s' was not found"),
+ ver.c_str(), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ _error->Error(_("Version '%s' for '%s' was not found"),
+ ver.c_str(), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ continue;
+ if (ver == V.VerStr())
+ ioprintf(out, _("Selected version '%s' (%s) for '%s'\n"),
+ V.VerStr(), V.RelStr().c_str(), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ verset.insert(V);
+ }
+ return verset;
+ /*}}}*/
+// AddSelectedVersion - add version from package based on fallback /*{{{*/
+bool VersionSet::AddSelectedVersion(pkgCacheFile &Cache, VersionSet &verset,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P, VersionSet::Version const &fallback,
+ bool const &AllowError) {
+ pkgCache::VerIterator V;
+ switch(fallback) {
+ case VersionSet::ALL:
+ if (P->VersionList != 0)
+ for (V = P.VersionList(); V.end() != true; ++V)
+ verset.insert(V);
+ else if (AllowError == false)
+ return _error->Error(_("Can't select versions from package '%s' as it purely virtual"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::CANDANDINST:
+ verset.insert(getInstalledVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
+ verset.insert(getCandidateVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::CANDIDATE:
+ verset.insert(getCandidateVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::INSTALLED:
+ verset.insert(getInstalledVer(Cache, P, AllowError));
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::CANDINST:
+ V = getCandidateVer(Cache, P, true);
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ V = getInstalledVer(Cache, P, true);
+ if (V.end() == false)
+ verset.insert(V);
+ else if (AllowError == false)
+ return _error->Error(_("Can't select installed nor candidate version from package '%s' as it has neither of them"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::INSTCAND:
+ V = getInstalledVer(Cache, P, true);
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ V = getCandidateVer(Cache, P, true);
+ if (V.end() == false)
+ verset.insert(V);
+ else if (AllowError == false)
+ return _error->Error(_("Can't select installed nor candidate version from package '%s' as it has neither of them"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case VersionSet::NEWEST:
+ if (P->VersionList != 0)
+ verset.insert(P.VersionList());
+ else if (AllowError == false)
+ return _error->Error(_("Can't select newest version from package '%s' as it is purely virtual"), P.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// getCandidateVer - Returns the candidate version of the given package /*{{{*/
+pkgCache::VerIterator VersionSet::getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError) {
+ pkgCache::VerIterator Cand;
+ if (Cache.IsDepCacheBuilt() == true)
+ Cand = Cache[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(Cache);
+ else {
+ if (unlikely(Cache.BuildPolicy() == false))
+ return pkgCache::VerIterator(*Cache);
+ Cand = Cache.GetPolicy()->GetCandidateVer(Pkg);
+ }
+ if (AllowError == false && Cand.end() == true)
+ _error->Error(_("Can't select candidate version from package %s as it has no candidate"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ return Cand;
+ /*}}}*/
+// getInstalledVer - Returns the installed version of the given package /*{{{*/
+pkgCache::VerIterator VersionSet::getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError) {
+ if (AllowError == false && Pkg->CurrentVer == 0)
+ _error->Error(_("Can't select installed version from package %s as it is not installed"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ return Pkg.CurrentVer();
+ /*}}}*/
--- /dev/null
+// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
+// Description /*{{{*/
+/** \file cacheset.h
+ Wrappers around std::set to have set::iterators which behave
+ similar to the Iterators of the cache structures.
+ Provides also a few helper methods which work with these sets */
+ /*}}}*/
+// Include Files /*{{{*/
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefile.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/pkgcache.h>
+ /*}}}*/
+namespace APT {
+class PackageSet : public std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator> { /*{{{*/
+/** \class APT::PackageSet
+ Simple wrapper around a std::set to provide a similar interface to
+ a set of packages as to the complete set of all packages in the
+ pkgCache. */
+public: /*{{{*/
+ /** \brief smell like a pkgCache::PkgIterator */
+ class const_iterator : public std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::const_iterator {
+ public:
+ const_iterator(std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::const_iterator x) :
+ std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::const_iterator(x) {}
+ operator pkgCache::PkgIterator(void) { return **this; }
+ inline const char *Name() const {return (**this).Name(); }
+ inline std::string FullName(bool const &Pretty) const { return (**this).FullName(Pretty); }
+ inline std::string FullName() const { return (**this).FullName(); }
+ inline const char *Section() const {return (**this).Section(); }
+ inline bool Purge() const {return (**this).Purge(); }
+ inline const char *Arch() const {return (**this).Arch(); }
+ inline pkgCache::GrpIterator Group() const { return (**this).Group(); }
+ inline pkgCache::VerIterator VersionList() const { return (**this).VersionList(); }
+ inline pkgCache::VerIterator CurrentVer() const { return (**this).CurrentVer(); }
+ inline pkgCache::DepIterator RevDependsList() const { return (**this).RevDependsList(); }
+ inline pkgCache::PrvIterator ProvidesList() const { return (**this).ProvidesList(); }
+ inline pkgCache::PkgIterator::OkState State() const { return (**this).State(); }
+ inline const char *CandVersion() const { return (**this).CandVersion(); }
+ inline const char *CurVersion() const { return (**this).CurVersion(); }
+ inline pkgCache *Cache() const { return (**this).Cache(); };
+ inline unsigned long Index() const {return (**this).Index();};
+ // we have only valid iterators here
+ inline bool end() const { return false; };
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const_iterator i) { return operator<<(out, (*i)); }
+ inline pkgCache::Package const * operator->() const {
+ return &***this;
+ };
+ };
+ // 103. set::iterator is required to be modifiable, but this allows modification of keys
+ typedef APT::PackageSet::const_iterator iterator;
+ using std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::insert;
+ inline void insert(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P) { if (P.end() == false) std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::insert(P); };
+ /** \brief returns all packages in the cache whose name matchs a given pattern
+ A simple helper responsible for executing a regular expression on all
+ package names in the cache. Optional it prints a a notice about the
+ packages chosen cause of the given package.
+ \param Cache the packages are in
+ \param pattern regular expression for package names
+ \param out stream to print the notice to */
+ static APT::PackageSet FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern, std::ostream &out);
+ static APT::PackageSet FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pattern) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::PackageSet::FromRegEx(Cache, pattern, out);
+ }
+ /** \brief returns all packages specified by a string
+ \param Cache the packages are in
+ \param string String the package name(s) should be extracted from
+ \param out stream to print various notices to */
+ static APT::PackageSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &string, std::ostream &out);
+ static APT::PackageSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &string) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::PackageSet::FromString(Cache, string, out);
+ }
+ /** \brief returns all packages specified on the commandline
+ Get all package names from the commandline and executes regex's if needed.
+ No special package command is supported, just plain names.
+ \param Cache the packages are in
+ \param cmdline Command line the package names should be extracted from
+ \param out stream to print various notices to */
+ static APT::PackageSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline, std::ostream &out);
+ static APT::PackageSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, out);
+ }
+ struct Modifier {
+ enum Position { NONE, PREFIX, POSTFIX };
+ unsigned short ID;
+ const char * const Alias;
+ Position Pos;
+ Modifier (unsigned short const &id, const char * const alias, Position const &pos) : ID(id), Alias(alias), Pos(pos) {};
+ };
+ static std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<PackageSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
+ static std::map<unsigned short, PackageSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<PackageSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::PackageSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline,
+ mods, fallback, out);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+}; /*}}}*/
+class VersionSet : public std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> { /*{{{*/
+/** \class APT::VersionSet
+ Simple wrapper around a std::set to provide a similar interface to
+ a set of versions as to the complete set of all versions in the
+ pkgCache. */
+public: /*{{{*/
+ /** \brief smell like a pkgCache::VerIterator */
+ class const_iterator : public std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::const_iterator {
+ public:
+ const_iterator(std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::const_iterator x) :
+ std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::const_iterator(x) {}
+ operator pkgCache::VerIterator(void) { return **this; }
+ inline pkgCache *Cache() const { return (**this).Cache(); };
+ inline unsigned long Index() const {return (**this).Index();};
+ // we have only valid iterators here
+ inline bool end() const { return false; };
+ inline pkgCache::Version const * operator->() const {
+ return &***this;
+ };
+ inline int CompareVer(const pkgCache::VerIterator &B) const { return (**this).CompareVer(B); };
+ inline const char *VerStr() const { return (**this).VerStr(); };
+ inline const char *Section() const { return (**this).Section(); };
+ inline const char *Arch() const { return (**this).Arch(); };
+ inline const char *Arch(bool const pseudo) const { return (**this).Arch(pseudo); };
+ inline pkgCache::PkgIterator ParentPkg() const { return (**this).ParentPkg(); };
+ inline pkgCache::DescIterator DescriptionList() const { return (**this).DescriptionList(); };
+ inline pkgCache::DescIterator TranslatedDescription() const { return (**this).TranslatedDescription(); };
+ inline pkgCache::DepIterator DependsList() const { return (**this).DependsList(); };
+ inline pkgCache::PrvIterator ProvidesList() const { return (**this).ProvidesList(); };
+ inline pkgCache::VerFileIterator FileList() const { return (**this).FileList(); };
+ inline bool Downloadable() const { return (**this).Downloadable(); };
+ inline const char *PriorityType() const { return (**this).PriorityType(); };
+ inline string RelStr() const { return (**this).RelStr(); };
+ inline bool Automatic() const { return (**this).Automatic(); };
+ inline bool Pseudo() const { return (**this).Pseudo(); };
+ inline pkgCache::VerFileIterator NewestFile() const { return (**this).NewestFile(); };
+ };
+ // 103. set::iterator is required to be modifiable, but this allows modification of keys
+ typedef APT::VersionSet::const_iterator iterator;
+ using std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::insert;
+ inline void insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) { if (V.end() == false) std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::insert(V); };
+ /** \brief specifies which version(s) will be returned if non is given */
+ enum Version {
+ /** All versions */
+ ALL,
+ /** Candidate and installed version */
+ /** Candidate version */
+ /** Installed version */
+ /** Candidate or if non installed version */
+ /** Installed or if non candidate version */
+ /** Newest version */
+ };
+ /** \brief returns all versions specified on the commandline
+ Get all versions from the commandline, uses given default version if
+ non specifically requested and executes regex's if needed on names.
+ \param Cache the packages and versions are in
+ \param cmdline Command line the versions should be extracted from
+ \param out stream to print various notices to */
+ static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
+ static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, fallback, out);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline) {
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, CANDINST);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
+ static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromString(Cache, pkg, fallback, out);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg) {
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromString(Cache, pkg, CANDINST);
+ }
+ struct Modifier {
+ enum Position { NONE, PREFIX, POSTFIX };
+ unsigned short ID;
+ const char * const Alias;
+ Position Pos;
+ VersionSet::Version SelectVersion;
+ Modifier (unsigned short const &id, const char * const alias, Position const &pos,
+ VersionSet::Version const &select) : ID(id), Alias(alias), Pos(pos),
+ SelectVersion(select) {};
+ };
+ static std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback, std::ostream &out);
+ static std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback) {
+ std::ostream out (std::ofstream("/dev/null").rdbuf());
+ return APT::VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline,
+ mods, fallback, out);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+protected: /*{{{*/
+ /** \brief returns the candidate version of the package
+ \param Cache to be used to query for information
+ \param Pkg we want the candidate version from this package
+ \param AllowError add an error to the stack if not */
+ static pkgCache::VerIterator getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError = false);
+ /** \brief returns the installed version of the package
+ \param Cache to be used to query for information
+ \param Pkg we want the installed version from this package
+ \param AllowError add an error to the stack if not */
+ static pkgCache::VerIterator getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, bool const &AllowError = false);
+ static bool AddSelectedVersion(pkgCacheFile &Cache, VersionSet &verset,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P, VersionSet::Version const &fallback,
+ bool const &AllowError = false);
+ /*}}}*/
+}; /*}}}*/
SLIBS = -lapt-pkg $(INTLLIBS)
LIB_MAKES = apt-pkg/makefile
-SOURCE = apt-cache.cc
+SOURCE = apt-cache.cc cacheset.cc
include $(PROGRAM_H)
# The apt-get program
SLIBS = -lapt-pkg -lutil $(INTLLIBS)
LIB_MAKES = apt-pkg/makefile
-SOURCE = apt-get.cc acqprogress.cc
+SOURCE = apt-get.cc acqprogress.cc cacheset.cc
include $(PROGRAM_H)
# The apt-config program
apt (0.7.26~exp8) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
- * apt-pkg/cacheset.cc:
+ * cmdline/cacheset.cc:
+ - doesn't include it in the library for now as it is too volatile
- get the candidate either from an already built depcache
or use the policy which is a bit faster than depcache generation
* apt-pkg/orderlist.cc: