gnupg is case-insensitive about keyids, so back then apt-key called it
directly any keyid was accepted, but now that we work more with the
keyid ourself we regressed to require uppercase keyids by accident.
This is also inconsistent with other apt-key commands which still use
gnupg directly. A single case-insensitive grep and we are fine again.
Closes: 781696
remove_key_from_keyring() {
local GPG="$GPG_CMD --keyring $1"
# check if the key is in this keyring: the key id is in the 5 column at the end
- if ! $GPG --with-colons --list-keys 2>&1 | grep -q "^pub:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[0-9A-F]*$2:"; then
+ if ! $GPG --with-colons --list-keys 2>&1 | grep -iq "^pub:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[0-9A-F]*$2:"; then
if [ ! -w "$1" ]; then
cp -a keys/ rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del 5A90D141DBAC8DAE
testempty aptkey list
+msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'lowercase key ID' #keylength somewher between 8byte and short
+cp -a keys/ rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del d141dbac8dae
+testempty aptkey list