if which weborf > /dev/null; then
weborf -xb aptarchive/ 2>&1 > /dev/null &
addtrap "kill $!;"
- local APTARCHIVE="file://$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)"
- for LIST in $(find rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name 'apt-test-*.list'); do
- sed -i $LIST -e "s#$APTARCHIVE#http://localhost:8080/#"
- done
- return 0
+ elif which lighttpd > /dev/null; then
+ echo "server.document-root = \"$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)\"
+server.port = 8080
+server.stat-cache-engine = \"disable\"" > lighttpd.conf
+ lighttpd -t -f lighttpd.conf >/dev/null || msgdie 'Can not change to webserver: our lighttpd config is invalid'
+ lighttpd -D -f lighttpd.conf 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &
+ addtrap "kill $!;"
+ else
+ msgdie 'You have to install weborf or lighttpd first'
+ return 1
- return 1
+ local APTARCHIVE="file://$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)"
+ for LIST in $(find rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name 'apt-test-*.list'); do
+ sed -i $LIST -e "s#$APTARCHIVE#http://localhost:8080/#"
+ done
+ return 0
checkdiff() {