If a package file is formatted in a way that that no space
follows a deprecated "<", we would reformat it to "<=" and
increase the length of the output by 1, which can break.
Under normal circumstances with "<=" this should not be an
Closes: #828812
*J++ = tolower_ascii(*Start);
- if ((*Start == '<' || *Start == '>') && Start[1] != *Start && Start[1] != '=')
- *J++ = '=';
+ /* Normalize <= to < and >= to >. This is the wrong way around, but
+ * more efficient that the right way. And since we're only hashing
+ * it does not matter which way we normalize. */
+ if ((*Start == '<' || *Start == '>') && Start[1] == '=') {
+ Start++;
+ }
Result = AddCRC16(Result,S,J - S);